Tag Archives: colbert-report

Stephen Colbert to Testify to Congress About Illegal Immigration

Comedy Central star Stephen Colbert will be testifying before Congress this Friday about, of all things, illegal immigration. No, this apparently isn’t a joke. According to the Daily Caller, the comedian “is slated to testify at a congressional hearing Friday on immigration titled ‘Protecting America’s Harvest.'” Jonathan Strong reported moments ago: In July, Colbert interviewed United Farm Workers (UFW) President Arturo Rodriguez on his show. UFW works to legalize the millions of illegal immigrants working in the agriculture sector, and Rodriguez promoted one of their projects, “Take Our Jobs” which offers Americans the chance to try working in the fields if they really think good jobs are being lost to illegals. Since then Colbert reportedly participated in Take Our Jobs, and Rep. Zoe Lofgren, chairman of the immigration subcommittee, was there for that day. Sources said the plan for Colbert to testify arose out of Colbert and Lofgren sharing that day together. For the record, CBS News has confirmed Strong’s report. So actor Kevin Costner testified to Congress in July about the BP oil spill, and now Colbert gets to give his views on illegal immigration. As comedian Yakov Smirnoff said years ago, “America – what a country!” For those interested, this was the “Colbert Report” in question: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Arturo Rodriguez www.colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News

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Stephen Colbert to Testify to Congress About Illegal Immigration

Wishful Thinking by Newsweek: Jon Stewart’s Mock Rally on 10/30 Will ‘Absolutely’ ‘Gain Traction’

Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have announced dueling D.C. rallies on October 30 aimed at satirizing the August 28 “Restoring Honor” rally held by rival network Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck. Newsweek’s Daniel Stone is apparently stoked about it, predicting that the gimmick will “absolutely” be a success (emphasis mine): You’ve got to hand it to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert , social critics that they are, for keeping us attuned to the absurdity in our political discourse these days…. [N]either man has gone after anyone quite so ferociously as Glenn Beck , the weepy Fox pundit who’s demonstrated he can amass quite a following. Last month, Beck hosted a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, urging America to “Restore Honor”—an amorphous plea to support the troops, find God, and honor thy neighbor. About 100,000 people showed up and agreed. But do those people speak for the rest of the country? Stewart and Colbert say no (or should it be Colbert and Stewart? More on that in a moment). Neither thinks that the loudest voices should be the only ones who are heard. And, in a move that is part social critique and part hilarious satire, both men are hosting rallies next month to counter, or maybe simply mock, the Beck rally. That’s right, they’re hosting rallies. Plural. Stewart and Colbert (who, of course, was birthed by Stewart) have an antagonistic relationship made for TV. Neither wants to play second fiddle to the other, so each is having his own rally on the same day in the same location. Stewart’s rally is to “Restore Sanity .” Colbert’s is to “Keep Fear Alive .” Will it gain traction? Odds are, absolutely. The district has a bustling community of 20- and 30-somethings, who are Stewart and Colbert’s most loyal demographic. Plus any folks around the country who would come to D.C. to support the Comedy Central duo. Or maybe just to oppose Glenn Beck. One of the two. He cannot be serious, can he? Does Stone think that the age demographic most apathetic, historically speaking, about voting is going to travel on Halloween weekend to stand on the Mall to hear Jon Stewart crack a few jokes about Glenn Beck?  What’s more, isn’t the whole ethos of the Daily Show and Colbert Report that American politics is fundamentally absurd, thoroughly lame, and ultimately not worth caring too much about. While Tea Parties and the Glenn Beck rally have drawn hundreds of thousands who are fired up to vote and passionate about their views on the country’s direction, this rally purports to appeal to people who don’t really give a damn one way or the other and hence aren’t really the sort of folks to show up en masse for any cause. Does Stone really think Stewart and Colbert’s audiences have nothing better to do than drop a thousand dollars or so on airfare and lodging to come to D.C. for a non-rally rally just to spite a conservative cable news host?! If he really thinks that, whatever Stone’s smoking may be of more interest to Stewart’s target audience than the so-called Rally to Restore Sanity.

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Wishful Thinking by Newsweek: Jon Stewart’s Mock Rally on 10/30 Will ‘Absolutely’ ‘Gain Traction’

Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert Celebrates the Troops, Chelsea Handler Disses Jay Leno

On last night’s very special Colbert Report , Vice President Joe Biden and Stephen Colbert served hot dogs, beer and green grass to the returning troops. Elsewhere, Chelsea Handler ripped on her old friend Jay Leno, Julianna Margulies shared her commencement secrets and James Lipton earned $4 from Craig Ferguson the hard way.

Originally posted here:
Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert Celebrates the Troops, Chelsea Handler Disses Jay Leno

Internet Petitions Stephen Colbert To Hold ‘Restoring Truthiness’ Rally At Lincoln Memorial

A grassroots campaign has begun to get Stephen Colbert to hold a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to counter Glenn Beck's recent “Restoring Honor” event. The would-be rally has been dubbed “Restoring Truthiness” and was inspired by a recent post on Reddit, where a young woman wondered if the only way to point out the absurdity of the Tea Party's rally would be if Colbert mirrored it with his own “Colbert Nation.” Now with its own website and Facebook group with over 8,000 members, the call for Colbert to hold a rally is spreading through the Internet like wildfire. Aside from being a satire of Beck's rally, the petition claims the rally is necessary because, “Recently our nation has suffered a truthiness drain.” The website gives a history of the newly founded movement, with links to news stories and a poster for the rally, which proposes the date “10/10/10.” The website also states: “Restoring Truthiness is a true grassroots movement propelled by YOU, the citizens of the internetz. Our goal is simple: Petition Stephen Colbert to hold a Restoring Truthiness Rally for the American people.” Given Colbert's love for his “Nation” and ability to satirize the Right so effectively, this almost seems like something Colbert would have thought of himself. While he is on vacation at the moment, it will be interesting to see if he addresses the petition when he returns to host “The Colbert Report” next week. Those interested in furthering the movement have been asked to join the Facebook group, spread the word, or email support@colbertrally.com for more information. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/03/restoring-truthiness-colbert-rally-beck… added by: pjacobs51

Stephen Colbert and Joe Biden to Honor Returning Troops

The Colbert Report host was not kidding when he mentioned a two-episode tribute to the troops last night . Comedy Central just sent out a press release announcing that the specials, entitled Been There: Won That: The Returnification of the American-Do Troopscape , will air on Sept. 8 and 9. Vice President Joe Biden, Gen. Ray Odierno And Sen. Jim Webb will be on hand to thank the troops, many of whom will be sitting in the studio audience and appearing from Iraq and Afghanistan. How are you going to honor the troops, real newscasters? [ The Colbert Report ]

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Stephen Colbert and Joe Biden to Honor Returning Troops

Late Night Highlights: Jason Schwartzman(‘s Wife) is Pregnant and Pee-Wee Shills For Leno

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Week continued last night with stars Jason Schwartzman and Michael Cera out in force. The former outlined his plan to embarrass the child he and his wife are expecting while the latter played charades with Jimmy Fallon. Elsewhere, Laura Linney dignified Jon Stewart’s career and Pee-Wee Herman accosted scary bikers for Jay Leno.

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Late Night Highlights: Jason Schwartzman(‘s Wife) is Pregnant and Pee-Wee Shills For Leno

Colbert Claims Laura Ingraham’s Baby-Back Ribs Jokes Are ‘The Most Hideous, Hackneyed Racial Stereotypes’

Conservative talk-show host and The Obama Diaries author Laura Ingraham appeared to promote her book Wednesday night on The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. Fake-conservative Stephen Colbert suggested the Republicans didn’t have a visible agenda. But he really went after Ingraham in claiming it was somehow one of “the most hideous, hackneyed racial stereotypes” to joke that Michelle Obama ate baby back ribs. What? All those Chili’s “I want my baby back, baby back, baby back” ads were only designed for black customers? Obviously, there are more hackneyed culinary stereotypes than that. Ingraham was clearly trying to mock how Eat Right Michelle (if you’re not lost in one of those “food deserts”) probably pigs out on less healthy food in private. Colbert ripped the author’s “diaries” as horribly written (Video below the cut): COLBERT: What are the odds that Barack Obama’s private musings would completely and perfectly match up with the narrative the right is trying to push about him?

Israel Loyalist Harvey Weinstein Picks Up Julian Schnabel’s Palestinean Drama Miral

Were it not for their previous, successful collaborations on the 1996 biopic Basquiat and 2008’s Lou Reed’s Berlin , I would pay top freaking dollar for a ringside seat to watch Julian Schnabel and Harvey Weinstein battle over Miral , the Schnabel drama acquired Monday by the Weinstein Company. Never mind the likely editing-suite drama or the marketing meltdowns sure to follow Harvey’s modest entreaty, “Frieda Pinto. Wild Wild Girls . Think about it.” This time it’s allll about the Holy Land.

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Israel Loyalist Harvey Weinstein Picks Up Julian Schnabel’s Palestinean Drama Miral

Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert Takes Care of BP for Obama and Jay Leno Knocks NBC

President Obama may not be able to elicit the appropriate amount of rage towards BP, but Stephen Colbert has got a tutorial for that. Just last night, the Colbert Report host threw BP CEO Tony Hayward down a flight of stairs before unleashing an angry team of snapping turtles and sea birds at the exec. Meanwhile over at Tonight Show , Jay Leno took another swipe at NBC and flirted with his new band leader’s wife. Click through for those segments, as well as the other highlights you missed while cracking wise about Katherine Heigl .

Continued here:
Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert Takes Care of BP for Obama and Jay Leno Knocks NBC

Stephen Colbert Grills Wikileaks Founder on Helicopter Video [Colbert Report]

Tonight on the Colbert Report , Stephen Colbert interviewed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange . We were wondering how Colbert would handle a subject as serious as a video showing 12 people being killed. Well, he handled it pretty seriously. More