Tag Archives: diagnosis

Chuck Pagano, Indianapolis Colts Head Coach, Diagnosed with Leukemia

Chuck Pagano is taking a temporary break from the sidelines. The Indianapolis Colts Head Coach, new to the gig this year, has been diagnosed with promyelocytic leukemia and will likely miss the rest of the season to undergo chemotherapy. “I feel with every fiber in my body, and I know Chuck feels the same way, that he can beat this thing,” Colts owner Jim Irsay said of the diagnosis. “He’s upbeat and he’s ready for the fight. He’s tough as nails. He’s in great spirits.” According to Indiana University Health, most adults with this form of cancer do achieve remission. In the interm, Offensive Coordinator Bruce Arians will take over as coach of the Colts. We wish Pagano a full and speedy recovery.

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Chuck Pagano, Indianapolis Colts Head Coach, Diagnosed with Leukemia

HELP!: 2-Girls Taken From Mother After Being Raped And Grandma Fighting Diligently To Get Them Back! [Video]

We feel obligated to tell this story, but also feel the kids do need to be in a safe environment: We want to get this exposed and while doing so perhaps it may help others that face similar issues or may not know that these issues exist. We Hope That legislation will restructure some of the laws when it comes to Teens and Adoption so this type of thing doesn’t happen to other families, although it happens quite frequently. I am the parent of a 17 year old daughter who happens to be the mother of two children. She has suffered from mental health issues since she was about 12 which has a lot to do with her being a mother at such a young age.We have been seeking help for her, my family and I are there for her and the children. Well on Jan 28th 2012 my daughter was raped at gunpoint by 4 men, Of course this devastated us. After the rape We immediately sought counseling as she began acting out and not like herself. It got so bad that we came to the conclusion that she may need In-patient care AGAIN. So I called our local mental health hospital for adolescents and was told I had to wait a couple of days until they were able to get a bed for her. On feb 9th 2012 my daughter disappeared with the children I called her constantly on her cell phone to see where they were finally she called me back and stated that she was at a good friend of hers house and asked could I come and get her, I did. We discussed her taking the kids and leaving without my consent due to her mental state and she was told not to do it again. Fast forward to feb 14th 2012 I wake up in the morning and go to my daughters room and realize that she and the children are not there, again I try calling her but get no answer. As I stated earlier due to her mental state I became worried and filed a police report…later that evening my daughter was found at the bus station getting ready to board a bus without her children. I came to pick her up while the police held her there. She tells me that she has signed adoption papers on her children and that they are gone. I was shocked but I know in the state I reside that there is a 5 day period to withdraw an adoption consent I mention it to her and she tells me that she signed the papers back on feb 9th. She told me that she had texted the adoption agency and told the coordinator that she lied about everything she told them and that she wanted her kids back of course she was told it was too late. My daughter was admitted into the hospital and upon explaining to the nurse what my daughter did she stated that after being raped my daughter was not in her right mind and that this happens to people that experience a traumatic event. I have a letter from the doctor that states she is suffering from PTSD and Major depression from being raped. She called Family Adoption Services (the adoption agency) to explain but to no avail. I called also to explain and again to no avail. They are not budging. Even though the law allows them to sign these papers and they have a child does not make them capable of making such a serious decision. These agencies give the girls money and gifts,(my daughter was given these things, which is AGAINST THE LAW, (A Class C Felony) and can be considered as “BUYING CHILDREN”. They Use very persuasive Tactics including telling them this is what they need to do to make a better life for their kids and making them feel as though since they are Teens this is the only choice. A lot of times the Teen’s parents are supporting the teen and the baby, at least in this case that’s how it is. Parents of the teens are not notified and they don’t have to be. At 16 and 17 you can’t legally sign a contract for anything EXCEPT to sign over rights to your children!!! Some laws need to be changed. They should have to check to make sure the girls are mentally competent at least. Of course these girls aren’t going to say “oh yes I have mental issues” A lot of them don’t really understand what they are doing, they don’t know how hard it is to fight the system to get your babies back. So I want to expose these agencies and maybe help someone else not have to endure what we have had to endure. Please understand that in NO WAY are we against Adoption when it is needed for children that are in NEED of a Family but, this is not the case with OUR girls. We just want them home, our family is suffering horribly due to this Shocking event. We are now forced to pay thousands of dollars in legal fee’s in an effort to bring OUR girls home. Mr. Rick L .Wyatt (the agency owner) can stop this whole thing at anytime if he had a heart and wanted to, perhaps the financial gain is much bigger than his heart. Some of these agencies receive upwards of 30,000 or more for each child they are able to gain custody of….You Do The Math. Sure my daughter may have told some untruths due to her mental condition, (which she later admitted to) but a Reputable company that cared about the well being of children as well a their clients, would have gone through great lengths to verify any information that was given to avoid trouble during the process……THEY DID NOT. The worst part is knowing that these two children age 2 and 3 were “Ripped” from their family and there is no telling what is running through their innocent minds. To whomever is reading this, when you lie down at night and say your prayers please add a small one for our family as we certainly do need and are thankful for each and every one of them! Also to Rick and Nancy Reagan (the family attempting to adopt the girls) If you are reading this petition remember that God is watching all that you do, and if you all are aware of what is going on, that these girls have a biological family that they were taken away from, PLEASE do not let your wishes of wanting a child interfere with what you know is right……………………………………………………… You can donate to “Bring 2 little girls home legal fee fund” @Wells Fargo Bank….We appreciate all help. For those who do not have a Wells Fargo in their town You can send checks and Money orders to P.o. Box 9 Fairfield Al 35064….Thank you!!!! Please sign to help bring these two little girls Affectionately called “Piggy” & “Boobie” Home to their FAMILY!!!!! Turn the page for the video and access to the petition.

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HELP!: 2-Girls Taken From Mother After Being Raped And Grandma Fighting Diligently To Get Them Back! [Video]

What The Hell??? Father Of Six Being Treated For Kidney Stones Discovers He’s Actually A Woman… And Decides To Start Dressing Like One

This ish is crazy! Five years ago, this guy Steve went into the hospital with a kidney stone and it was discovered that he also had the internal sex organs of a woman . After being married for 25 years with six kids he kept his family intact, but started living as a woman named Stevie instead! “I had a kidney stone and we’re in the emergency room,” Stevie told Fox affiliate KDVR. “The nurse is reading the ultrasound and says, ‘Huh, this says you’re a female.’” Stevie was shocked, but not incredibly surprised. “It validated everything I had always felt inside,” she said. In retrospect, the diagnosis makes sense, she explains. “I remember wearing my mom’s clothes and makeup, very secretly, not telling anybody,” Stevie told the station. “When I was 17, I was working my first part-time job at a TV station as a floor cameraman and the person in charge said to me, ‘You know, you walk like a queer,’” she added. “And I thought I was hiding who I was, and I wasn’t.” So Steve decided to begin living as Stevie — as a woman. Part of the process was explaining the decision to her children. “How do you tell your kids that, well, it’s no longer dad, it’s dadette?” she said. But all of them, and Stevie’s wife, were supportive. “Within a few minutes, all of them said, ‘I don’t care dad; I love you for who you are.” Five years later, Stevie lives happily as a woman. She takes hormones but has no plans to undergo gender reassignment surgery. And she’s still married. “I didn’t sign on for this, but who signs on for anything?” Debbie Crecelius, Stevie’s wife, told KDVR. “She’s the same person she was as a he on the inside.” The couple still live together and share a bed. “She relates to my heart and soul, and I still relate to hers,” Stevie said. “And I think that that’s the essence of true love.” That ish cray!

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What The Hell??? Father Of Six Being Treated For Kidney Stones Discovers He’s Actually A Woman… And Decides To Start Dressing Like One

Warren Buffett Reveals Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the richest men in the world, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The 81-year old made the announcement yesterday in a statement that reads: “I received my diagnosis last Wednesday. I then had a CAT scan and a bone scan on Thursday, followed by an MRI today.” “These tests showed no incidence of cancer elsewhere in my body. My doctors and I have decided on a two-month treatment of daily radiation to begin in mid-July. This regimen will restrict my travel during that period, but will not otherwise change my daily routine.” Buffett says his energy level is “”100%,” but he understands the fear of investors and has attempted to quell them by saying he’s named a successor to his post. He will alert them to this individual’s identity if his health declines dramatically, but believes “that day is a long way off.” We wish the financial guru a full recovery and, in the meantime, the public can expect to hear his name brought up often throughout the 2012 President election, as Barack Obama is on the campaign trail right now, advocating for Congress to pass The Buffett Rule, which would increase tax rates on investments/millionaires. We doubt Ted Nugent is in favor of it.

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Warren Buffett Reveals Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Paula Deen Reportedly "Baffled" By Response to Diabetes Reveal

The good news, we guess is that Paula Deen is reportedly well aware that people aren’t too happy about her decision to unveil her diabetes diagnosis only after she was paid to. Whether or not Pula admits to greed in concealing the condition while shilling for her high-fat, high-sugar recipes and now Novo Nordisk diabetes drugs is another story. In any case, Deen is reportedly baffled by the lack of public support for her illness. But besides the public backlash , what really surprises her is the reaction of her peers. Besides Anthony Bourdain . One top food publicist said this: “The amount of chefs that would have come forward with public statements of support and sympathy would have been overwhelming if it wasn’t for the fact that Paula hid her diagnosis for three years.” “To only tell the truth when you have locked in a paid spokesperson deal for a non-insulin medication is just too toxic for anyone to want to be involved with.” Truly, it’s hard to believe Paula would expect others to get behind a decision to hide her diabetes while continuing to encourage Food Network viewers to eat her cooking. The cooking that likely led to her health woes in the first place … call us crazy. Paula Deen’s diabetes has been rumored for some time, but she only came out and admitted she has it a week ago, which didn’t sit well with people. The fact that her admission was accompanied by a drug shill? Oye. While most PR agencies representing some of the biggest culinary stars today are remaining silent on the matter, one has said, anonymously: “So here’s the deal, obviously none of our chefs want to go on the record saying anything about her. However, I heard someone say it would be news if she didn’t get diabetes.” “So I guess friend, butter is bad for you. Who knew?” LOL. Sad, but LOL.

See original here:
Paula Deen Reportedly "Baffled" By Response to Diabetes Reveal

Source: Whitney Houston to Die a Horrible Death

Whitney Houston has faced a number of personal issues over the last few years, most of them drug-related . But a source is now telling The National Enquirer that the singer is dealing with the most troubling foe of all: emphy

Myasthenia gravis Diagnosis

Myasthenia can be a difficult diagnosis, as the symptoms can be subtle and hard to distinguish from both normal variants and other neurological disorders.A thorough physical examination can reveal easy fatiguability, with the weakness improving after rest and worsening again on repeat of the exertion testing. Applying ice to weak muscle groups characteristically leads to improvement in strength of those muscles. Additional tests are often performed, as mentioned below. Furthermore, a good resp

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Myasthenia gravis Diagnosis

Michael Douglas wife Catherine Zeta-Jones photo

The actor Michael Douglas and his wife of nearly 10 years, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, 40, also discuss how their children Dylan, 10, and Carys, 7, have reacted to the news. His latest film, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps will open as scheduled on Sept. 24. Michael Douglas is speaking for the first time about his battle with throat cancer. In an exclusive new interview, the Oscar winner, 65, tells us he is resolutely determined to overcome his diagnosis: “I#39;ll beat this.”

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Michael Douglas wife Catherine Zeta-Jones photo

Watch Royal Pains Season 2 Episode 12 – Open Up Your Yenta Mouth And Say Ah

Watch Royal Pains S2E12: Open Up Your Yenta Mouth And Say Ah The latest installment of Royal Pains which is entitled “Open Up Your Yenta Mouth And Say Ah” is the drama TV series’ 12th episode of the 2nd season that aired last

Are We Facing a Genderless Future?

A small but growing number of people are rejecting being labeled male or female. This spring, an Australian named Norrie May-Welby made headlines around the world as the world’s first legally genderless person when the New South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages sent the Sydney resident a certificate containing neither M for male or F for female. For a few days, it appeared that the 48-year-old activist and performer had won a long legal battle to be declared “sex not specified”—the only category that felt right to this immigrant from Scotland. May-Welby’s journey of gender identity can only be characterized as a long and winding road. Registered male at birth, May-Welby began taking female hormones at 23 and had sex-change surgery to become a woman, but now doesn’t take any hormones and identifies as genderless. The prized piece of paper May-Welby sought is called a Recognised Details Certificate, and it’s given to immigrants to Australia who want to record a sex change. But the victory was short-lived. After so much publicity, it was perhaps inevitable that the New South Wales government would backtrack—which it did a few days later, saying the registry didn’t have the legal authority to issue a certificate with anything but male or female. May-Welby (who now goes by the single name Norrie) has filed an appeal with the Australian Human Rights Commission. It’s easy to dismiss this case as just one more bizarre news story from Down Under, but May-Welby’s case could also represent the future of gender identity. Although no one is keeping statistics, researchers who study gender say a small but growing number of people (including some who have had sex-change operations) consider themselves “gender neutral” or “gender variant.” Their stories vary widely. Some find that even after surgery, they simply can’t ignore previous years of experience living as another gender. Others may feel that their gender identity is fluid. Still others are experimenting with where they feel most comfortable on what they see as a continuum of gender. “For some, it’s a form of protest because gender is such a strong organizing principle in our society,” says Walter Bockting, an associate professor and clinical psychologist at the University of Minnesota Medical School who has been studying transgender health since 1986. “Their identities expand our thinking about gender.” In fact, some researchers compare the evolution in thinking about gender to the struggle that began a generation ago for gay and lesbian rights. Dr. Jack Drescher is a member of an American Psychiatric Association (APA) committee that is currently reviewing changes to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which is used around the world by clinicians, researchers, regulatory agencies, and insurance companies to classify mental disorders. DSM-5, as it’s called, won’t be published until 2013, but Drescher’s committee is reconsidering the diagnosis of gender-identity disorder, which encompasses people who do not identify with the gender assigned to them by biology. The current debate echoes the controversy over the APA’s 1973 decision to modify the second edition of the DSM by declaring that homosexuality could be considered a mental disorder only if it was disturbing to the patient. Drescher’s committee thought about dropping the diagnosis of gender-identity disorder altogether, but realized that if it did, people who wanted treatment (sex-change surgery, hormones, or talk therapy) wouldn’t be able to get the diagnosis they need for insurance coverage. Instead, Drescher says, the committee is proposing changing the name to “gender incongruence” and making the diagnosis contingent on the person feeling significant distress over their gender confusion. “We didn’t want to pathologize all expressions of gender variance just because they were not common or made someone uncomfortable,” Drescher says. But that seemingly simple change of language could help usher in a new era, in which a person’s gender could be expressed or experienced as male, female, “in between,” or “otherwise.” “People who work in this area have very flexible notions of gender,” Drescher says. “We don’t want to force people to fit into a doctor’s categories,” even though, he concedes, most cultures “tend to think in binaries.” Bockting predicts that such binary thinking will eventually disappear. Many scientists, he says, see gender as a continuum and acknowledge that some people naturally fall in the middle. Gender, Bockting says, “develops between the biological and the environmental. You can’t always detect gender by physical evidence. You have to ask the person how they identify themselves; in that sense, it’s psychological.” And gender isn’t synonymous with sex, he says, although the distinction may elude the layman. Sex, Bockting says, is assigned at birth based on the appearance of external genitalia. But, he says, “to determine a person’s gender identity, you have to wait until they grow up and can describe how they identify their gender.” And being genderless or gender-neutral isn’t the same thing as being asexual. “If you are asexual,” he says, “you are not interested in having sex with other people,” while gender-neutral people may be attracted to men, women, both sexes, or other people who are gender-neutral. And while May-Welby’s story may seem out there, Bockting says it’s not uncommon for people undergoing sex changes to find that surgery doesn’t resolve all their gender-identity issues. “With time,” he says, “they accept a certain amount of ambiguity … We have this idea that people take hormones and undergo surgery and become the other gender. But in reality it’s more complicated.” Even before the advent of sex-change surgery, there were always people who felt they didn’t fit into either gender. In India, a group of people called hijra have existed for centuries. They are typically biological males who dress as women but consider themselves to have neither gender, Bockting says. There is also a long tradition of eunuch culture. Even today, other countries are more comfortable with the idea of gender variance. Drescher says that France has removed transsexuality from its list of psychiatric disorders and put it in the category of rare diseases. The British government has also declared that transsexuality is “not a mental illness,” but people who want a sex-change can get treatment under the National Health Service. How all the debate will play out in this country is still unclear, but college students may be among those leading the charge for change. Many campuses—including Harvard, Penn and Michigan—now offer gender neutral housing and more unisex bathrooms to accommodate students who don’t fall neatly into male or female categories. The Common Application, which is used by most college applicants, just announced that it is considering adding voluntary questions that would give students a broader array of choices to describe their gender identity and allow them to state their sexual orientation, after gay advocates urged the change. How long before such changes begin to show up in other parts of society is unclear. But Drescher says he is certain of one thing after a lifetime of working with gender: “There is no way that six billion people can be categorized into two groups.” Now if we could only figure out the pronoun problem. added by: animalia_libero