Tag Archives: dictionary

Denier Rick Perry Takes $11 Million from Big Oil, Then Claims Climate Scientists ‘Manipulated Data’ For Money


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If you look up chutzpah in the dictionary, there is a picture of Rick Perry. Perry has received millions of dollars from Big Oil to push its pro-pollution, anti-science agenda: So what does Perry do when a questioner points out that the National Academy of Sciences and observed data utterly disagree with his disinformation on Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Climate Progress Discovery Date : 17/08/2011 20:23 Number of articles : 2

Denier Rick Perry Takes $11 Million from Big Oil, Then Claims Climate Scientists ‘Manipulated Data’ For Money

AP, Crutsinger Publish Three Clear Falsehoods in August Report on Deficit

I tried to find a nicer way to put it in the headline. But I can’t. At the Associated Press, Economics Writer Martin Crutsinger’s apparent plug-and-play report less than an hour after the issuance of Uncle Sam’s August Monthly Treasury Statement on Monday (his item is time-stamped at 2:56 p.m., which follows the Treasury Department’s 2:00 p.m. release by less than an hour) contains three obviously false statements that a news organization which really subscribes to its own ” Statement of News Values and Principles ” would retract and/or correct. The specific AP standard in question is whether it has violated its promise not to “knowingly introduce false information into material intended for publication or broadcast.” The only conceivable excuse at this point is that Crutsinger and his employer don’t realize what they have done. The three falsehoods involved are not arcane or open to interpretation. Rather, they are significant obvious, irrefutable, and in need of correction. What follows are the three statements, the first of which contradicts itself in the report’s own subsequent sentence: 1. ” Deficits of $1 trillion in a single year had never happened until two years ago. The $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009 was more than three times the size of the previous record-holder, a $454.8 billion deficit recorded in 2008.” The fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2008 was “two years ago.” The reported deficit that year was $454.8 billion, as reported. $454.8 billion is less than $1 trillion. There was not a $1 trillion deficit “two years ago.” 2009 was one year ago. That’s the year the deficit first topped $1 trillion for the first time. There is no way to twist the meaning of the bolded statement above to make it true, because it’s false. Is this breathtaking carelessness, or an indicator that AP is bent on assigning any and all economic blame to the previous administration? 2. “Through August, government revenues totaled $1.92 trillion, 1.6 percent higher than a year ago, reflecting small increases in government tax collections compared to 2009. ” Tax collections have not increased, as shown in the following graphics: The first graphic comes from Page 2 of the Monthly Treasury Statement, and identifies the major sources of federal receipts. The second contains the August 2010 detail of “Miscellaneous Receipts” obtained from “Page 5(2)” of this year’s Statement, and compares it to the related year-to-date detail found in the August 2009 Monthly Treasury Statement (there is a $235 million difference between the two reported “Miscellaneous Receipts” amounts that is not relevant to this post). The third boils things down, and proves that tax collections have declined. Even if one dubiously considers every line except “Deposits of Earning by Federal Reserve” to be “taxes,” those Federal Reserve Deposits are not. Don’t take my word for it. Here is how the Congressional Budget Office described these deposits in its Monthly Budget Review last week: In case the AP and Martin Crutsinger need to be reminded: “Profits” are not “taxes.” Thus, as seen in the final graphic above, deposits from the Fed must be excluded when comparing year-over-year tax collections. When one does that, the result is that tax collections are down from a year ago by over $9.5 billion, or about 0.5%. Crutsinger’s statement that the overall increase in federal receipts “reflect(s) small increases in government tax collections compared to 2009″ is false. 3. ” Spending has totaled $3.18 trillion, down 2.5 percent from the same period a year ago.” Yes, reported “outlays” — a contrived term the government uses as a proxy for “spending” (but is not the same thing) — are down. But Crutsinger wrote that “spending” is down. The definition of “spending,” taken from the word ” spend ,” involves “pay(ing) out, disburs(ing), or expend(ing) funds.” As described back in April (at NewsBusters ; at BizzyBlog ) after it occurred in March, Uncle Sam’s reported “outlays” were reduced by means of a $115 billion non-cash entry to reflect the government’s revised estimate that it will ultimately lose less on its Troubled Asset Relief Program “investments” than originally thought. This entry did not involve “spending,” nor did the extra identical amount incorrectly added to “outlays” last year. As I wrote in April: In essence what happened is that the administration pushed as much “bad news” (asset writedowns) as it could into last year’s (i.e., fiscal 2009’s) financial reporting, since last year was going to be a disaster no matter what. But since they overdid it with the writedowns last year (”Gosh, how did that happen?”), they can make this year (fiscal 2010) look better than it really has been. Good old Martin played along by calling it “dramatic.” As noted, Crutsinger and AP should know about this $115 billion item. After all, the AP reporter discussed it in his April report on the March Monthly Treasury Statement. After appropriately adjusting for the non-cash item, “spending” (the word Crutsinger chose to use) has not totaled $3.18 trillion; it has really been $3.29 trillion. Last year’s “spending” wasn’t the $3.26 trillion shown in Table 3 of August 2010’s Monthly Treasury Statement; it was $3.15 trillion. “Spending” is not “down 2.5 percent from the same period a year ago,” as the AP reporter claimed. “Spending” is up by $.14 trillion ($3.29 tril – $3.15 tril). That’s a 4.4% increase ($.14 tril divided by $3.15 tril). Since “spending” means what the dictionary says it means, Crutsinger’s statement about federal “spending” is false. As seen in the graphic at this link , which shows Monthly Treasury Statement data comparing 2010 and 2009 spending in all major functional areas, spending is up in the large majority of them. The following is supposed to represent what the Associated Press does when it commits errors of fact in its reporting: CORRECTIONS/CORRECTIVES: Staffers must notify supervisory editors as soon as possible of errors or potential errors, whether in their work or that of a colleague. Every effort should be made to contact the staffer and his or her supervisor before a correction is moved. When we’re wrong, we must say so as soon as possible. When we make a correction in the current cycle, we point out the error and its fix in the editor’s note. A correction must always be labeled a correction in the editor’s note. We do not use euphemisms such as “recasts,” “fixes,” “clarifies” or “changes” when correcting a factual error. A corrective corrects a mistake from a previous cycle. The AP asks papers or broadcasters that used the erroneous information to use the corrective, too. For corrections on live, online stories, we overwrite the previous version. We send separate corrective stories online as warranted. The three demonstrably false statements described here have misled and will continue to mislead readers and other news consumers into erroneously believing that trillion-dollar deficits go back to 2008; that fiscal year-to-date tax collections are greater than last year; and that federal “spending” in 2010 is down from 2009. AP has “introduced false information into material intended for publication or broadcast” — something it says it won’t “knowingly” do. Your move, guys and gals. You know what you should do. Will you do it? If you choose to do nothing, could you guys at least spare us the sanctimony and remove your “Statement of News Values and Principles” web page? Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com .

AP, Crutsinger Publish Three Clear Falsehoods in August Report on Deficit

Canadian ‘peter meter’ youth program halted; tester charged with sexual assault – Boing Boing

I've covered Canadian psychology hijinks before, and how a handful of them are leading the push to expand which sexual interests are mental illnesses( http://boingboing.net/2010/01/08/you-will-become-ment.html ). Now comes another scandal that's like something out of Clockwork Orange. Late last month, Youth Forensic Psychiatric Services in Burnaby, British Columbia was forced to shut down a decades-old program where troubled youths had a device placed on their penises while they were subjected to media depicting stuff like rape and child pornography. The final straw was when one of the test administrators was arrested for a sexual assault allegedly committed during leisure time. The whole sordid story follows. Canada has had a long, hard fixation with catching people getting aroused over things Canadian “experts” consider mental illnesses. One program in the mid-20th century, nicknamed the “fruit machine( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_machine_ (homosexuality_test)),” led to over 9,000 Canadian citizens being investigated as suspected homosexuals, with some even being tested and drummed out of government jobs. In the wake of the fruit machine program, the fine folks at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health( http://boingboing.net/2010/01/07/toronto-global-epice.html ) developed and still promote penile plethysmography (PPG). The device, nicknamed a peter meter, is supposedly a lie detector for male genitalia. It's not admissible in court cases as evidence( http://www.smith-lawfirm.com/Scientific_Evidence_Brief.html ) for the same reason as a polygraph: the data can be manipulated by both subject and tester, and there's little standardization in equipment or stimuli. Because the whole concept is based on the premise that the subject is a “non-admitter” who needs to be caught, sometimes they jam another sensor up the subject's butt to ensure he is not clenching his sphincter to alter the blood flow into his penis. Males in general and teenage boys in particular can get spontaneous erections for any number of reasons that may or may not be related to the stimulus presented. They might even chub up just because of the test itself (the stress, touching, humiliation, etc.). According to those who learned how to game the device, it's also pretty easy for other subjects to suppress tumescence by thinking of something decidedly unsexy. In case you are wondering, they've also created one for young ladies that gets inserted in the vagina, but the testers are much, much, much more interested in teen peen. PPG evangelists have fanned across North America, using their device in all kinds of questionable ways for decades. Then a 2009 article, ironically published in the journal Sexual Abuse, reported on the long-running practice of hooking up penile plethysmographs to minors charged with sex offenses in British Columbia. That got the attention of civil rights groups. The sexual assault arrest of one of the testers was the last straw for local lawmakers, who finally pulled the plug on the abusive plethysmograph for kids program. The current guy in charge of Sexual Abuse( http://www.camh.net/research/scientific_Staff_profiles/bio_detail.php?cuserID=51 ) is, unsurprisingly, a CAMH employee, so he is a huge proponent of penile plethysmography. In fact, you can often find him on Wikipedia altering articles on sexuality( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/James_Cantor ) to promote theories and devices his coworkers developed via the CAMH Phallometry Lab( http://www.camh.net/About_CAMH/Guide_to_CAMH/Mental_Health_Programs/The_Law_and_… ) (an actual tax-funded Toronto lab). Anyone interested in measuring penises should consider an internship or even a career as a Canadian psychologist. Perhaps you can even be part of history by developing the next-gen fruit machine or peter meter… To learn more about how high-tech penile plethysmography is, you can visit this major manufacturer's cutting-edge website( http://www.dmdavis.com/rs3104.html ) (complete with 1995-style Under Construction sign and email gif). The Skeptic's Dictionary has a good overview of PPG( http://www.skepdic.com/penilep.html ), too. B.C. permanently halts sexual arousal testing( http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100729/bc_penis_sex_tests_hal… ) [ctv.ca] Sex charge prompts expanded probe of youth-offender penile test( http://www.theprovince.com/technology/charge+prompts+expanded+probe+youth+offend… ) [theprovince.com] B.C. used penile teen sex test for decades( http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/08/08/bc-teen-sex-testing.h… ) [cbc.ca] added by: toyotabedzrock

Media Mocks Palin Over ‘Refudiate,’ But Obama Given Pass For Gaffes

George W. Bush’s linguistic difficulties , such as “Is our children learning,” “If the terriers and barrifs are torn down, this economy will grow” and “They misunderestimated me” made him the butt of many a joke back in the day, especially since they used to be played on cable news channels. Yet the current occupant of the White House—not to mention his vice president—does not seem to have found the media’s funnybone. Even Barack Obama’s teleprompter problems never got that kind of coverage, neither did that fact that his speeches are written at two grade levels below Bush. Then there was the time in Februrary, when Obama mispronuncicated “corpsman” as “corpse-man” and the media ignored it, or when he said he had been to 57 states and they excused it, the media has jumped all over Sarah Palin’s invention of the word “refudiate.” The word was coined on Fox News July 14, in response to the proposed Cordoba Center in New York City, a $100 million community center and Mosque three blocks from the World Trade Center site, but developed into a full-blown meme Sunday when she posted to Twitter: “Ground Zero Mosque supporters, doesn’t it stab you in the heart as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate.” The Los Angeles Times noted that the tweet was quickly edited to say “refute” instead of “refudiate,” writing “While not correct, ‘refute’ was a step up—it can actually be found in the dictionary.”  “Fergalicious,” “truthiness,” “blatherscythe,” “bloviate,” and “sternutation” can also be found in the dictionary—although one might need the unabridged Oxford English Dictionary for that last one. The merciless mocking of Palin by the mainstream media, which began when John McCain selected to be his running mate in 2008, has led to Keith Olbermann almost constantly calling her an “idiot” and a false item from a blog claiming she thought that Africa is a country. The same media outlets which have suddenly become such ardent defenders of the English language and attacked Palin with verbal vorpal blades, have never cared whenever Obama erred in his oratory, rarely bothering to post it in their blogs like they have done with “refudiate.” Jacob Heilbrun at The Huffington Post wrote “Palin isn’t simply trying to bring down big government, but the English language as well.” Liberals, of course, have never tried to coin new words, they just change the definitions of existing ones.

See the rest here:
Media Mocks Palin Over ‘Refudiate,’ But Obama Given Pass For Gaffes

Secret Police in unmarked vans snatch and grab at G20 Toronto 06.27.2010

This is footage of reported secret police snatch and grab outside the Mass Detention center in Toronto. added by: toyotabedzrock

All McNuggets not created equal…

U.S. McNuggets not only contain more calories and fat than their British counterparts, but also chemicals not found across the Atlantic. CNN investigated the differences after receiving a blog comment asking about them. American McNuggets (190 calories, 12 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat for 4 pieces) contain the chemical preservative tBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone, a petroleum-based product. They also contain dimethylpolysiloxane, “an anti-foaming agent” also used in Silly Putty. By contrast, British McNuggets (170 calories, 9 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat for 4 pieces) lists neither chemical among its ingredients. “I would certainly choose the British nuggets over the American” says Ruth Winter, author of “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives.” McDonald’s says the differences are based on the local tastes: In the United States, McNuggets are coated and then cooked, in the United Kingdom, they are cooked and then coated. As a result, the British McNuggets absorb less oil and have less fat. “You would find that if you looked at any of our core food items. You'd see little, regional differences,” says Lisa McComb, who handles global media relations for McDonald's, which has more than 32,000 restaurants in 117 countries. “We do taste testing of all our food items on an ongoing basis.” One apparent difference is only a matter of labeling, according to McComb. U.K. McNuggets list ground celery and pepper, which are labeled simply as “spices” in the United States, she says. Marion Nestle, a New York University professor and author of “What to Eat,” says the tertiary butylhydroquinone and dimethylpolysiloxane in the McNuggets probably pose no health risks. As a general rule, though, she advocates not eating any food with an ingredient you can’t pronounce. Dimethylpolysiloxane is used as a matter of safety to keep the oil from foaming, McComb says. The chemical is a form of silicone also used in cosmetics and Silly Putty. A review of animal studies by The World Health Organization found no adverse health effects associated with dimethylpolysiloxane. TBHQ is a preservative for vegetable oils and animal fats, limited to .02 percent of the oil in the nugget. One gram (one-thirtieth of an ounce) can cause “nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse,” according to “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives.” In 2003, McDonald’s launched smaller, all-white-meat McNuggets after a federal judge dubbed the food “a McFrankenstein creation of various elements not utilized by the home cook.” Among the ingredients that remained in the new McNuggets: tBHQ and dimethylpolysiloxane. Christopher Kimball, the founder and publisher of Cook’s Illustrated magazine and host of the syndicated cooking show America’s Test Kitchen, says he suspects these chemicals are required for the nuggets to hold their shape and texture after being extruded into nugget-shaped molds “The regulations in Europe, in general, around food are much stricter than the U.S.,” …Kimball says… added by: eden49

World Cup 2010: I am disgusted, says France’s captain Patrice Evra | Paul Wilson

With France now needing a miracle against South Africa, their captain admitted they took a big punch from Mexico and never saw it coming Thierry Henry walked out of the Peter Mokaba stadium in Polokwane without saying a word to anyone after watching the 2-0 defeat to Mexico as a non-playing substitute. Manchester United’s Patrice Evra, as France captain, did have something to say, but he gave the distinct impression a whole lot more would be said when this sorry World Cup campaign is finally over. Barring a miracle, and Evra specifically said he is not expecting one, that will be in only four days’ time. “I’m still in shock after such a loss, we have behaved like a small football nation,” Evra said. “We have received a big punch and I couldn’t see it coming. The first goal was very painful but I thought we would be able to react, but we were not able to. We will talk about it during the following days. There is a lot to say but I’m not going to say it in public yet. I am disgusted. We have to beat South Africa now, but as for the qualification, I don’t believe in miracles. We are not a great team.” France always seem to be at one end or the other of the World Cup spectrum, with little in between. After winning the event in their own country in 1998 they were a major disappointment in South Korea-Japan 2002, leaving the tournament early, then somewhat against expectation they reached the final in Germany four years ago, where they could conceivably have beaten Italy but for Zinedine Zidane’s aberration against Marco Materazzi. Reaching the final in 2006 silenced some of Raymond Domenech’s many doubters, effectively giving the France coach a stay of execution until the next tournament, though after the manner in which Les Bleus surrendered against Mexico and the likelihood of another early departure, it appears he has little room left for argument. After leaving Henry on the bench for the whole 90 minutes, witnessing another supine display from Nicolas Anelka and wholly ineffective ones from Franck Ribery and Florent Malouda, Domenech has some questions to answer. So, for that matter, has Evra, whose part in the decisive penalty that clinched Mexico’s win was not the one of a captain willing to fight for every inch. Evra more or less waved Pablo Barrera past on his way to the penalty area, where he was clumsily fouled by Eric Abidal, the whole episode suggesting a tired and demotivated team. For that, Domenech will ultimately have to answer. “For the moment I’m searching for words,” the coach said, wearing his habitual puzzled expression. That makes a change from searching the stars – he freely admits astrology has informed some of his decisions in the past – and a disappointed nation will be hoping the dictionary might contain more sense. “We still have a match to play and there is an infinitesimally small chance we can go through. I do reproach myself, yes. But that’s my own business. Perhaps we didn’t have quite the punch we needed but there was definitely a team playing, not just a collection of individuals. Initially we were fairly calm.” France World Cup 2010 Group A Mexico Thierry Henry Paul Wilson guardian.co.uk

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World Cup 2010: I am disgusted, says France’s captain Patrice Evra | Paul Wilson

Amanda Seyfried Tattoo picture

“It means vagina and kind of proud of it,” she said. “It#39;s my nickname. You can#39;t see it, but it#39;s called Minge and it#39;s slang in England. It has something to do with your pubic hair in the dictionary.” Amanda Seyfried has the word “minge” tattooed on her foot (scroll down for photo) and she explained its meaning to Chelsea Handler on her show. Dictionary.com defines minge as “vulgar term for a woman#39;s pubic hair or genitals.” According to Urban Dictionary, “The minge is not the

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Amanda Seyfried Tattoo picture

Bullshit, Bat Shit, Ape Shit: A Taxonomy of Rhetorical Shit [Shitionary]

An intrepid reader writes, “How do you decide which is the better term ‘apeshit’ or ‘batshit’? It must be a tough call.” With all the different types of shit out there, choosing the correct shit can be a mess. More

Bullshit, Batshit, Chickenshit: A Taxonomy of Rhetorical Shit [Shitionary]

An intrepid reader writes, “How do you decide which is the better term ‘apeshit’ or ‘batshit’? It must be a tough call.” With all the different types of shit out there, choosing the correct shit can be a mess. More