Tag Archives: insider

Kourtney Kardashian: Sofia is a Better Girlfriend to Scott Than I Ever Was!

While it may be true that Scott Disick didn’t fully appreciate his family before it fell apart, he’s all about family these days. Dating Sofia Richie seems to have made him into a better man and a better father. And no one is more aware of that fact that Kourtney Kardashian. Us Weekly spoke to an inside source about how Kourtney Kardashian really feels about her baby daddy’s very serious romance with Sofia Richie. “Kourtney thinks Sofia brings out the best in Scott,” the insider reveals. While there’s a lot to be said about whether women should be responsible for a man’s behavior … we have to say that she’s right on the money. “And,” the source shares, Kourtney “is happy for them.” Considering that she has every right to be resentful that he couldn’t get his act together when they were together, that’s very gracious of her. “Kourtney and Sofia share a common background and lifestyle,” the insider observes. “And,” the source adds. “Sofia is easy to get along with.” That is great to hear, though unsurprising. Aside from the people she dates, she’s never really at the center of much drama. The insider elaborates, saying that Sofia is easy-going “and is a normal girl.” Right, just a normal world-famous young model whose dad is Lionel Richie. Normal. “Everything is positive with Sofia and Kourtney right now,” the source continues. That is great to hear.  “The family is in a really good place right now,” the insider observes. It can be difficult to reenact the lyrics to Gwen Stefani’s “Cool,” but Kourtney is managing it. “And,” she source divulges. “Wveryone views Sofia as being part of the family.” With an insular group like the Kardashians, that is no easy feat. But apparently Sofia is just another cog in the Kardashian machine these days. “Sofia is integrated into their lives,” the insider explains. Getting along with Kourtney and with the kids is a huge part of how that has worked out. “And,” the source reports. “They’re closer than ever before.” Modern families can be very complicated (so could not-so-modern families be, by the way). When you make it work, it works. The first priority, of course, are Kourtney and Scott’s three kids — Mason, Penelope, and Reign. “Kourtney and Scott are coparenting in a great way,” the insider praises. “Scott and Kourtney realize it looks weird from an outside perspective,” the source acknwoledges. “That they have stayed so close as exes. “But,” the insdier points out. “It works for them.” It certainly seems to be. And the addition of Sofia seems to have, if anything, calmed the waters instead of making things worse. The report also goes to great pains to shut down rumors that Kourtney has mixed feelings about how well Scott and Sofia work together. “Any rumors about Kourtney thinking it’s ‘bittersweet’ …” the source begins. The insider continues: “that Scott has been able to be the partner to Sofia that he wasn’t able to be for Kourtney.” The source concludes by strongly affirming that these “are strictly rumors.” Feelings are complicabed, but it is 100% possible to get over your ex while interacting with them every single day. And how could Kourtney not feel happy that the situation is the best that it could be for her three children? View Slideshow: Kourtney Kardashian Accused of Promoting Incest with Creepy New Photo

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Kourtney Kardashian: Sofia is a Better Girlfriend to Scott Than I Ever Was!

Zooey Deschanel and Jacob Pechenik: It’s Over After 4 Years!

Just a little over two years ago,  Zooey Deschanel welcomed baby #2  — now a precious little toddler named Charlie Wolf. She and Jacob Pechenik have been married for four years. Now, the pair of them have split and released a statement. On Friday afternoon, Zooey Deschanel and Jacob Pechenik released a statement to  Us Weekly . “After much discussion and a long period of contemplation,” the solemn and very formal statement begins. “We have decided,” they share, that “we are better off as friends, business partners, and co-parents.” “Rather than life partners,” Zooey and Jacob continue. This statement comes from them, but it reads exactly like what a publicist would write. Which may be what happened. Zooey and Jacob may be going their separate ways, but they don’t want anyone getting the idea that this is less than amicable. They’re still a team — but no longer a union. The statement affirms: “We remain committed to our business, our values, and most of all our children.” “Thank you for respecting our privacy at this time,” they conclude. That is a bit of a surprise. Some famous couples break up after weeks or months of rumors. Some split without warning. In 2008, Zooey became engaged to Death Cab For Cutie lead vocalist Ben Gabbard. The two married on September 19, 2009. However, it was not meant to last. On November 1, 2011, they went public with their separation. It wasn’t even two months later that Zooey filed for divorce. The December 27, 2011 filing cited “irreconcilable differences,” which is just legal speak for “nobody tried to kill the other but we’re done being married.” It was nearly a year before that divorce was finalized. Divorce is just a miserable process. Zooey and Jacob began publicly dating in August of 2014.  At first, he almost seemed like a rebound for her after her breakup with writer Jamie Linden. On January 17, Jacob proposed to Zooey — and she said yes. This came just days after the couple had announced Zooey’s pregnancy. The 17 is also Zooey’s birthday, making it extra special … and easier to remember for her future husband. (A very pragmatic choice!) The two were married in private (and in secret) in August of 2015. Their daughter, Elsie Otter, was born in July of 2015. Just about two years later, in May of 2017, their son, Charlie Wolf, was welcomed into the world. Elsie is four years old. Charlie is two years old. Zooey also converted to Judaism — Jacob’s religion. Some fans are already clamoring to know if she’ll stick with her soon-to-be-ex husband’s faith, but we recommend giving her some breathing room. This is not Zooey’s first divorce, but divorcing when you share two children is a huge deal. Even when a divorce is totally amicable, deciding upon custody matters can tug at each parent’s heartstrings. Things can get contentious. And let’s not forget that even the most amicable divorces can sometimes turn acrimonious very quickly. Kids are a big deal. Money is a big deal. And sometime the human mind doesn’t know how to feel about someone you once loved unless it’s to hate them. We wish the entire family the best of luck with this difficult transition. View Slideshow: 19 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces Ever: Where Does Jeff Bezos Rank?

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Zooey Deschanel and Jacob Pechenik: It’s Over After 4 Years!

Mike Sorrentino: FINALLY Getting Released From Prison?!

Back on January 15, Mike Sorrentino turned himself over to authorities to begin serving an eight-month sentence for tax evasion. At the time of his conviction, Mike’s loved ones were vocal in their belief felt that the judge in his case had decided to “make an example” of the Jersey Shore star by doling out an unusually harsh punishment. Now, many feel prison authorities are doing the same by holding Sorrentino for the entirety of his sentence, which is unusual for well-behaved, first-time offenders, particularly in cases of non-violent crimes. (While it’s true that federal convicts generally serve a greater portion of their sentence than those convicted of state offenses, legal experts expected the 37-year-old to be released in early August.) Whatever the reason, Mike has served the vast majority of his sentence. But now, the darkest chapter of his life is soon to come to an end, and insiders say he’s gearing to be released as early as this weekend. And naturally, his family, friends, and Shore housemates will be on hand for a party in the Sitch’s honor. “Everyone’s planning on seeing him right away and there’s a big celebration being planned for when he gets out with all of his family and friends,” one insider tells Hollywood Life. Of course, no one has missed Mike more than his wife, Lauren Pesce. Sorrentino and Pesce were married in November but only got to enjoy a few weeks of married life before he was forced to begin his sentence. “Lauren is so excited to have Mike back with her full-time,” says the source. “She’s missed him terribly, but has been doing great. They’ve both been doing the best they can while Mike is away,” the insider adds. “The couple plans to spend a lot of time together and just be with one another since they had to be apart right after getting married.” Though he was locked up while the episode was filming, Mike made a phone cameo on Thursday night’s episode of Jersey Shore . He promised Lauren that they would get down to the business of making “a million babies” when he gets released, and it seems that’s still the plan. “They absolutely want to have a baby sooner rather than later,” says the source. Insiders say Mike will be released during the day, and after a 24-hour period of “supervised release,” he’ll take up residence in a halfway house. While Sorrentino has never denied committing the crimes of which he was accused, he’s paid his debt to society, and his transformation over the past two years has been truly remarkable to witness. We wish him all the best in his new life as a free man. View Slideshow: Mike Sorrentino in Prison: Star’s Sad Farewell to Freedom, New Life Behind Bars, Conjugal Visit “Situation” Revealed [UPDATED]

Mike Sorrentino: FINALLY Getting Released From Prison?!

Kathryn Dennis and Hunter Price: It’s Over After Seven Months!

On Thursday, Kathryn Dennis took to social media to thank everyone for watching Southern Charm . She also flaunted a diamond ring. Could it be that, after her vicious custody battle , Kathryn had finally found new happiness with boyfriend Hunter Price ? Sadly, apparently not.  “Thank y’all so much for watching us this season,” Kathryn wrote in her captions on Thursday. She praised her fans, saying: “Y’all make it all worth it!” “Stay gucci and stay tuned,” the Southern Charm star concluded. What caught the attention and hopes of her fans and followers was the photo itself, however. Kathryn is seen wearing a diamond ring on her left ring finger — and prominently displaying it. Naturally, many fans jumped to the understandably conclusion that Kathryn is engaged to Hunter Price. The two have been dating for seven months. Hunter is a Country music singer who rose to fame on America’s Got Talent . He also happens to be a major hottie. After Thomas being a nightmare human being and twice her age, a lot of fans were rooting for them. Instead, not only are they not engaged, but they’re no longer even dating. People reports that Kathryn and Hunter have broken up. “Kathryn is not engaged to anyone but herself,” an inside source revealed to the publication. The insider’s phrasing is very affirming language — it’s good to hear that Kathryn is working on loving herself. Then, the world learned that this breakup news managed to stay under wraps for a little while. “She and Hunter actually split about two weeks ago,” the source shared. It wasn’t so long ago that Kathryn was gushing over Hunter and calling him “my person.” So what went wrong for this couple?  “Their relationship ran its course,” the insider simply stated. That could be a BS cover story, but you know what? That happens sometimes. “Kathryn is doing well,” the source assured fans. “And staying focused on the kids.” Kathryn is of course a devoted mother of two young children: 5-year-old Kensie and 3-year-old Saint. We know that the outcome of Kathryn’s custody battle with her disgraced ex Thomas Ravenel did not go ideally for either of them. They share custody, but the court placed some restrictions upon both of them. Either may drug-test the other at random, with any findings reported to family court. Neither is permitted to drink while they have the kids. Probably for the best. Additionally — and why we bring this up — both are forbidden from having “sleepovers” while they have custody, or even exposing a lover to their kids without the other’s consent. It’s possible that these new orders took the wind out of Kathryn and Hunter’s sails, so to speak, and that their romance just fizzled out. Ultimately, however, we of course do not know what broke them up. The explanation that the relationship “ran its course” may be vague, but it’s as good as any and may even be true. Kathryn has never had any problems in the hookup department so we’re sure that she won’t want for a companion for long. Good for her for balancing living her life while prioritizing her children. View Slideshow: Kathryn Dennis: I Can PROVE Thomas Ravenel is an Unstable Liar!

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Kathryn Dennis and Hunter Price: It’s Over After Seven Months!

Kyle Richards: BEGGING Sister Kim Richards to Seek Treatment

Kyle Richards may go on  epic Twitter tirades against Lisa Vanderpump , but she’ll always be there to support her sister, Kim. It’s no secret that Kim has struggled in the past with substance abuse.  Now, Kyle is reportedly begging her sister to seek help again before it’s too late. Us Weekly  reports that Kyle is worried sick about Kim given what she’s learned this summer. “Kyle became aware that Kim was struggling in recent weeks,” the insider reports. “And,” the source adds, Kyle “got extremely concerned based on what she was hearing.” One can only imagine the specifics that she may have heard about Kim. But reports say that Kim isn’t “doing well” and that Kyle is now fully aware of that. “Kyle isn’t a doctor,” the insider points out. “And,” the source continues, when it comes to Kim’s health, Kyle alone “can’t make that determination.” “Which is why,” the insider explains. “She is trying to get Kim into treatment.” Of course. Professionals would be equipped to evaluate how Kim is really doing and to set up the right programs for her. Kyle just hopes that she can persuade Kim to take that important step. Kyle and Kim aren’t quite joined at the hip. The report reminds fans that the sisters have been “living their own lives for some time now.” That is generally very healthy! Despite their independence, the two are said to be on “good terms” with one another. That’s reassuring — especially if it makes Kim more predisposed to heed Kyle’s advice. “t’s going to be an ongoing conversation,” the source characterizes. So not one big dramatic intervention or what have you, but a series of gentle questions and talks. “But the good news,” the insider reveals. “Is that Kim is being extremely receptive to Kyle.” That is an absolute relief. The source affirms that Kim is “recognizing she is coming from a place of love.” That matters so much when it comes to accepting advice and accepting help on your health journey. The hard truth is that part of what made Kim such a source of entertainment as a reality star was her bad behavior. A portion of that bad behavior has been attributed to her substance abuse issues. Even sober, one’s struggle to remain so can alter their behavior. You know how, when you’re hungry, you can eventually become  hangry  because you’re so impatient for food? For some people who struggle with substances, they lash out angrily when they are sober because they have a similar craving. Kyle has done so much for Kim. Some longtime fans of  The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills  have accused her of having a martyr complex and taking care of Kim to show how nice she is. But she really does care about her sister. We don’t know exactly what’s going on with Kim these days, but we wish both Richards sisters the absolute best. The news that Kim is reportedly receptive to Kyle’s words and concerns is extremely promising. Best wishes to them both! View Slideshow: Kyle Richards Tweets 29 Times, GOES OFF on Real Housewives Drama

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Kyle Richards: BEGGING Sister Kim Richards to Seek Treatment

The Real Housewives of Orange Country Recap: Vicki Gunvalson Flips Out Over Pig Video!

Vicki Gunvalson may no longer be a regular cast member on The Real Housewives of Orange County, but her presence was felt on Tuesday’s explosive installment.  Kelly Dodd decided it was time to get some revenge on Vicki when she learned that her daughter had to make her Instagram page private following Vicki’s claims that Kelly was taking cocaine.  Poor Jolie had received some horrifying messages on the social media site, and Kelly was livid.  Elsewhere, Tamra Judge was put on the spot by husband Eddie about her fraught relationship with Vicki and asked whether she would forgive her former friend.  “There’s a big part of me that just doesn’t trust her anymore,” Tamra replied. “And when she texts me how she hates Gina [Kirschenheiter], and then I hear from Gina, and she’s like, ‘Oh my God, [Vicki] called me, and she was so nice and sweet!’ When she got a DUI, Vicki sent me the article and was like, ‘Hahahaha.’ So don’t call somebody and worry about them when you’re talking shit about them!” Eddie wondered why Vicki would act that way, prompting Tamra to say the following:  “Vicki is the most insecure person I have ever met in my life.” Yikes, right?  Tamra followed that up with a confessional in which she said she’s “known Vicki for 14 years, and I still can’t figure her out.” “She’s got a devil and an angel. She’s got like a very sweet motherly person, and that’s the Vicki I like. And then she’s got this horrible side to her. I never know which Vicki I’m getting.” Viewers were then shown a screenshot of the group chat between Tamra, Vicki, and Shanon Beador.  Beador wrote,” Gina was arrested for DUI last night. And she said I was self-medicating…” Vicki said: “So ridiculous…another jailbird…irresponsible.” Shannon replied, “Yup. And she blew a stop sign earlier this month. So stupid. And at 3:43 am?????” Tamra later told Shannon that Vicki wanted to bring up the pig video. The video in question was an animated pig that spoke with Kelly’s voice.  “You wanna f–k with me, you little pig of a f–king bitch?!” the hilarious video begins. “That’s exactly what’s gonna happen to you. Don’t f–king text me! Don’t write to me. You blocked me. I can do whatever you want. You look like shit, so hahahahaha, woohoohoohoohoo, hahahahaha.” But why did Kelly think a pig would hit Vicki right in the feels? “Slade Smiley called Vicki a pig on stage in front of hundreds of people [years ago],” Tamra revealed. Kelly knows that’s a sore subject with Vicki. She got very insecure, even had her nose done because she didn’t wanna look like a pig! It’s really a low blow.” Kelly arrived with her pal and new housewife, Braunwyn Windham-Burke, and immediately said she did not want to meet Vicki.  “Ugh, God, Vicki’s here,” Kelly complained. Vicki greeted everyone, including Kelly, but decided to forego welcoming the new housewife to the fold. However, she chatted up her husband, Sean.  Kelly tried to bite her tongue but quickly made her way over to Emily and Gina to admit that she would “not f–king engage in that bitch. There’s no way.” When all the housewives were at the table, Vicki popped up, and Kelly made a mad dash away from it.  “Did you ladies hear the nice pig emoji that she did about me, saying that I look like shit?” Vicki wondered. Emily said, “I think you look beautiful.” “Well, regardless, you don’t say that to another woman,” Vicki shot back, and Emily agreed.  “We’re all who we are. I’m a product of my mother and my father — with a couple of little tweaks,” Vicki said. Emily went to find Kelly and told her about PigGate, and Gina and Shannon were already there.  “Vicki tells them about the pig emoji, but she didn’t reiterate about the, uh,” Kelly said, clearly confused.  “She sent me this huge text about ‘stop this, you don’t do this, don’t do this, don’t do that.’ As my response, I did a pig emoji right back at her, and I just said what I wanted to say.” Kelly said that she sent the pig emoji because she “didn’t want to type out a whole dissertation on why [Vicki’s] a piece of shit. I just did a mirror image of what she looks like. So oink, oink.” While that was going down, Vicki told Tamra that she wanted to confront Kelly, but Tamra said that Vicki was just as bad with the cocaine allegations.  “Okay! She called me fat!” Vicki yelled back.  Tamra tried to get Kelly to meet with Vicki to hear what she had to say, but Kelly said Vicki “completely ruined” her reputation and that wasn’t something she was going to forget.  Vicki tried to speak to Kelly several times at the party thanks to a nudge from her pals, but Kelly complained that wanted nothing to do with Vicki.  “Leave me alone!” Kelly yelled as Vicki tried to say that she cared about her.  “You don’t understand what you have done to me!” Kelly shouted. “You have hurt my daughter! Do you understand?! Have you ever seen me do cocaine?! Have you?!” There’s plenty more where that came from next Tuesday! View Slideshow: The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 14: Everything We Know

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The Real Housewives of Orange Country Recap: Vicki Gunvalson Flips Out Over Pig Video!

Tyler Cameron & Gigi Hadid: We’re Falling In Love!

We think it’s safe to say nothing is going according to plan for Hannah Brown these days. When Hannah asked Tyler on a date during her Bachelorette season finale, it was widely assumed the former pageant queen would get a second shot at love. But that hasn’t turned out to be the case. Instead, Cameron is dating fellow model Gigi Hadid — and by all indications, the relationship is getting serious. According to E! News, Tyler and Gigi were spotted on yet another date this week. And those who laid eyes on the couple say they made little attempt to conceal their obvious affection for one another. “Gigi looked good,” said one witness . “She was casual and seemed very chill. It seems like they are definitely spending more time together and growing close.” The report comes one week after Bachelor Nation first learned of the romance. “Gigi is definitely interested in Tyler,” a source shared with E! News at that time. “They met for drinks and they got along really well. It was very casual but they were laughing and had a very engaged conversation. They are both taking things slow but have both made it clear they are interested in each other.” At the time, the insider insisted that Cameron and Hadid were keeping things casual — but things seem to have evolved quickly. “He really likes Gigi, but it’s just a fling for now,” an insider previously said. “They are both gorgeous and single and they’ve had fun spending time together. He’s living in the moment and not thinking too much past that.” The source can claim it’s casual, but Gigi and Tyler’s behavior says otherwise. Less than 24 hours after their first date, the models were spotted bowling with friends at a New York City lane. And in the past few days, they’ve been spotted together at least twice more. Back-to-back dates, PDA, meeting each other’s friends? Sounds like more than a hook-up situation to us! As for Hannah, she’s taking the situation in stride — though it seems she’s understandably less than thrilled with the way things played out. “He has every right to do whatever he wants because we were just, you know, hanging out, seeing where it goes,” Brown recently said on Rachel Lindsay and Ali Fedotowsky’s Bachelor Happy Hour podcast. “It was a little confusing but, um, he can do whatever he wants to and I know that I can too.” She added: “I totally still have feelings but, at the same time, I am not tied to any man or tied to Tyler and I’m not going to be.” Those are the words of a woman who deeply regrets picking Jed Wyatt ! View Slideshow: Tyler Cameron Photo Montage: Holy Hotness! Propose RIGHT NOW, Hannah!

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Tyler Cameron & Gigi Hadid: We’re Falling In Love!

Wendy Williams: Only Kevin Hunter Can Save My Show from Cancelation!

We don’t normally say this, but …  poor Wendy Williams has had a hell of a year . She’s had illness, addiction, a major injury, scandals, multiple hiatuses, an ugly public divorce, and now rumors that her show will be canceled. Wendy is desperate to stay on the air — and reportedly begging her ex to help her keep her show. RadarOnline  reports that Wendy Williams wants Kevin Hunter back as her business manager. “She’s begging her husband to come back to save her show,” the insider reveals. It turns out that she (of course) sees all of the same rumors and reports that the rest of us do. The source says: “Wendy is reading all the reports about her show ending after next season.” “She’s hearing her staff is looking for new jobs,” the insider notes. According to reports, Wendy is definitely returning for Season 11 — though that premiere is weeks away. The issue is that rumors say that there will be no Season 12. “She sees Kevin as the solution,” the source says. Wait, what in the world would she need that cheater for? She’s  Wendy Freaking Williams ! The insider explains that Wendy is “deeply insecure about her own success.” Why does Wendy seem to think that she needs Kevin in order to continue to be a success? “Kevin was with her from day one,” the source points out. “She has never made a big successful business decision without him,” the insider reveals. That’s wild — and might make her feel like she needs him even when she does not. “And now,” the source says, Wendy “feels everything falling apart.” Wendy is willing to bend over backwards to keep her career afloat. “She will do anything to save her show,” the insider affirms. Even if that means hiring her cheating ex husband despite their very contentious divorce, she’s ready to make that happen. The source says that she’d consider “even getting back with him.” Getting back with him professionally, of course. Now, this report is not confirmed, and the same is true for the reports that came before it. Wendy herself has openly suggested that the show may not go on forever, but that’s just common sense and knowing how time works. We can never speak to what may be going on in Wendy’s mind, of course. But we have to imagine that she has other potential experts at her disposal who are not her ex husband. Who  wants  their ex as their business manager? No one. No one at all. Perhaps this hiatus between seasons will be good for Wendy. She can continue to relax and get accustomed to her new life without the distraction of the show. Hopefully, this time will help her to reach a healthy sense of perspective, if she is in need of one. There is nothing that Kevin Hunter has to offer that she can’t get from another expert in business who has never cheated on her. Besides — with as much drama as Wendy’s had, it would be bonkers for any network to let her show end any time soon. View Slideshow: Kevin Hunter: Who is Wendy Williams’ Awful Husband?

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Wendy Williams: Only Kevin Hunter Can Save My Show from Cancelation!

Rumor Has It Destiny’s Child Is Planning A 20th Anniversary Reunion Tour


Source: Mike Nelson / Getty Are all of our 90s/early 2000s dreams about to come true? Is there a Destiny’s Child reunion in the works? Sources told The Sun that Beyoncé is looking to bring the iconic girl band back together for a 20th anniversary reunion tour. “Beyonce has been desperate to get the girls back together with her in the studio and she can’t think of a better time than 2020, when they will be marking two decades as one of the world’s biggest all-female groups,” the insider revealed. Text “RICKEY” to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news.  ( Terms and conditions ). Just recently, their debut album, The Writings On The Wall turned two decades old. Kelly celebrated the momentous occasion by jamming to some of their old joints while sitting in her car. “Happy Birthday, The Writings on the Wall. So blessed to be a part of such an amazing body of work. Can’t believe we were in our teens when we did this,” she wrote to accompany the video. @kellyrowland calmly singing #Temptation as she celebrates the 20th Anniversary of @destinyschild ’s #WritingsOnTheWall album pic.twitter.com/0KFCEFDwMz — Singersroom.com (@singersroom) July 29, 2019 The timing would be perfect, given the success of other past reunion tours including B2K’s recent “Millennium” tour and the Spice Girls’ tour, which allegedly sparked the idea to link back up with the girls. “[Beyonce] saw the success of the Spice Girls tour and wants to replicate that — but far bigger and better.” SEE ALSO:  Mathew Knowles Is Prepping A Destiny’s Child Musical With Je’Caryous Johnson Now, all this talk is just talk for now, especially since Kelly recently said in an interview with Popculture.com that a reunion “hasn’t been on our radar.” Continuing, “Everybody’s, like, basically doing their own projects right now and we’re just supporting each other.” What's your favorite memory of #DestinysChild 's 'The Writings On The Wall'? The iconic album turns 20 today. #DCWritings20 Listen: https://t.co/B6LGgM9DCM pic.twitter.com/Lc3s2O0vZN — Destiny's Child (@destinyschild) July 27, 2019 Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit [ione_media_gallery src=”https://rickeysmileymorningshow.com” id=”1973805″ overlay=”true”] This story was originally published on MadameNoire.com .  ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : Rapper Shot And Killed In Houston See Lauren London’s Moving Birthday Note To Nipsey Hussle’s Sister Baby Shower Goals: Keyshia Cole Celebrates New Baby Boy On A Yacht [PHOTOS] Follow @TheRSMS

Rumor Has It Destiny’s Child Is Planning A 20th Anniversary Reunion Tour

Mary Duggar: Details of Her Grisly Death Finally Revealed [Exclusive]

Back in June, Jim Bob Duggar’s beloved mother, Mary Duggar, passed away at the age of 78. Due to her advanced age, it was initially assumed that Mary had died of natural causes. But that later proved not to be the case. Fans were shocked to learn that Mary had drowned under mysterious circumstances. While several members of the Duggar family paid tribute to Mary in heartfelt social media posts, none of them offered any details with regard to the circumstances under which she drowned. And that’s certainly their right. But considering the family’s close relationship with fans, it’s not surprising that overzealous Duggar obsessives were quick to accuse Jim Bob and company of dodging questions about Mary’s death . Now, in an exclusive interview, a source close to the family tells The Hollywood Gossip  that the Duggars may have had good reason to keep the details of Mary’s passing under wraps. Earlier this week, the insider — a former employee of the Duggars who developed close friendships with several members of the family — informed us that in recent months,  Josiah Duggar has been clashing with Jim Bob like never before. Asked about the exact nature of their conflict, the source informed us that Mary was a confidant to both men — and their secrets may have been buried alongside her. “I think the only one who knew took it to her grave when she drowned,” said the tipster. “I still have my doubts on that death theory,” he added turning his attention to Mary’s drowning. “Her daughter is a dollar chasing piece of work who Jim Bob keeps at arm’s length.” He was referring to Deanna Jordan, Jim Bob’s sister and only sibling. Deanna and Jim Bob have been never been particularly close, and they appear to have cut ties entirely in the weeks since Mary’s passing. We have no way of knowing why that might be, but since Deanna was Mary’s primary caretaker in her final years, fans have speculated that Jim Bob feels her negligence was the true cause of his mother’s passing. Citing the version of events that the Duggars have shared with close family and friends, our source told us: “They said she tripped and fell in the pool and drowned, and her daughter found her.” However, the insider has doubts about that claim.  Deanna was the only person present when her mother’s body was found, and the informant told us she doesn’t have the greatest reputation in terms of honesty and transparency. “Never liked gold diggers or people that have to be the center of attraction,” he said, dismissing Deanna as a money-hungry social climber. The source added that Deanna no longer sees Jim Bob as her path to fame and fortune, however. Instead, she now believes her daughter, Amy Duggar, will be the one to put her on the path toward Easy Street. “Her daughter Amy is a chip of the old block,” the source said. He added that Amy briefly attempted to make it as a country singer, but quickly abandoned those plans: “Went to Nashville and a friend of mine up there said she couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket,” he told us. “Just trying to live off the Duggàr name.” Of course, even if it’s true that Mary tripped and fell into a pool while under her daughter’s care, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Deanna is at fault. Even in her later years, Mary was fully mobile and largely self-reliant, and she could have drowned after being left unattended for only a few minutes. Still, it’s not hard to see how her passing may have been the final straw for Jim Bob. He and his sister have been at odds for quite some time, and their relationship became particularly strained in the years since Deanna’s divorce . (The Duggars take marriage very seriously and believe divorce should be reserved for only the most severe circumstances.) Whatever the case, it sounds like the passing of their beloved matriarch has resulted in a major rift among the Duggars that may never be fully healed. View Slideshow: Duggar Family: Secrets of Their Twisted Ministry Revealed

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Mary Duggar: Details of Her Grisly Death Finally Revealed [Exclusive]