Tag Archives: jaime-lannister

Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton: A Bastard Bowl Tale of the Tape

As longtime Game of Thrones fans know, the penultimate episode of any season can usually be counted on to deliver in the dramatic fireworks department, and Sunday night's installment promises to be no different. In fact, after two weeks of what often felt like place-setting episodes, the alliances are set, the sides have been chose, and “Battle of the Bastards” is poised to hit us with what sure to be one of the show's most epic and game-changing clashes to date. As usual, supposed spoilers abound in all corners of the Internet, but no one really knows what will happen when Jon Snow attempts to take back Winterfell from the demented Ramsay Bolton. So here's a quick rundown of what we can expect based on the books, the information released by HBO thus far, and the personal histories of two very different motherless warriors. (As always, you can watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic if you need to get caught up.) We'll start with the chief combatants:   1. Jon Snow The Bastard of Winterfell, the former Lord Commandor of the Night’s Watch, the Dashing Undead. His ex used to tell him he knew nothing, but after surviving battles like the ones we saw in “The Watchers on the Wall” and Hardhome” this revenant knows everything about waging war … especially on his home turf. 2. Ramsay Bolton The Bastard of Bolton, the Flayer of Men, the Eater of Suggestive Sausages. Ramsay may not know Winterfell as well as Jon and Sansa (who grew up there), but he’s a proven military leader, and he certainly has the edge in the sadism department. 3. What Are the Odds? There’s no way both bastards are getting out of this thing alive. Vegas bookmakers are giving 1/3 odds that Ramsay will bite the dust. Jon, the clear favorite, is at 9/1. After all, this season started off with Jon as a corpse. They’re not gonna kill him off again THAT quickly. 4. How Big Are the Armies? Ramsay has over 5,000 men, while Jon (with help from Sansa and Ser Davos) managed to round up a rag-tag bunch of just 2,000. But hey, we hear those 62 from Bear Island can fight like ten men! 5. What Happens if the Starks Win? They recapture Winterfell, unseat Ramsay as Warden of the North and probably kill him. They free Rickon Stark and set set up shop in the castle Jon and Sansa grew up in as their new base of operations. We learned last week that Arya is also headed home to Winterfell, and you can that would be one tearjerker of a family reunion. 6. What’s at Stake? Winterfeeeeeell! The Stark family home where Robert Baratheon asked Ned Stark to be the Hand of the King, and Jaime Lannister pushed Bran from a window so many years ago. Add to that the fact that Ramsay raped and tormented Sansa during their brief marriage and the fact that the Boltons are partially responsible for the Red Wedding, and you can see what sort of emotions are involved. In a way, the show has building to the Starks’ return to Winterfell ever since, so there’s definitely more than just a castle in play here. View Slideshow

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Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton: A Bastard Bowl Tale of the Tape

13 GIFs Of Jaime Having Eye Sex With Brienne On Game Of Thrones

Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister reunited on Season 6, Episode 8 of HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”

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13 GIFs Of Jaime Having Eye Sex With Brienne On Game Of Thrones

Dr. Drew on Prince Death: Probably an "Accidental Overdose"

While fans eagerly await to hear an official cause of death ruling on the legendary Prince, Dr. Drew Pinsky is weighing in with his theory. The Celebrity Rehab host believes the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer may have been the victim of an “accidental overdose,” according to The Hollywood Reporter . After news of the singer’s death broke, TMZ reported that Prince had been treated for an overdose to Percoset just six days prior. His plane made an emergency landing and the star was administered a “save shot,” typically given to counteract effects of opiates such as the aforementioned prescription painkiller. Prince had a history of hip problems and was believed to be taking Percoset to relieve symptoms. After the plane incident occurred, reps for the artist told press that Prince had been battling the flu, and his worsening symptoms are what necessitated the landing. Dr. Drew, for one, doesn’t buy it. “They don’t land planes for the flu,” he said. He speculates that Prince had taken a “combination of oral opiates and Benzodiazepines,” which he says is “extraordinarily dangerous.” View Slideshow: Prince: Stars React to the Death of Iconic Singer While perilous, Drew affirms that physicians prescribe the cocktail “all the time.” He goes on to explain that the potentially lethal combo “stops you from breathing and you die.” “It’s easy for that to happen with that combination even as prescribed,” he confirmed. However, Drew postulates that Prince didn’t have a problem with addiction, but that the overdose was likely an accident. “Although opiates figure into this story, it doesn’t really sound like an addiction story,” he said. “Even if it ends up being drugs that caused him to stop breathing, I would put it more in the accident category than the addiction category,” he continued. “But still, an otherwise healthy middle-aged man with hip pain should not be on opiates chronically. Period.” Drew’s statements bring to mind the accidental overdose and death of another music legend, Michael Jackson. in 2011, Dr. Conrad Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after administering a fatal dose of Propofol to the late pop star. Could history be repeating itself?  We hope not. The idea that another beloved icon who touched so many was taken too early due to a negligent physician saddens and angers us beyond belief. View Slideshow: Prince: Remembering the Music Legend’s Life In Photos

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Dr. Drew on Prince Death: Probably an "Accidental Overdose"

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Photos: Take a Peek at Reek!

Unless you got captured by a Dothraki horde and spent the last few months trying to convince them that you're actually a pretty big deal, you know that Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres on Sunday. Since the show has officially outpaced the George R.R. Martin novels on which it's based, the cast and crew have been even more tight-lipped about the plot than in years past. But that hasn't stopped us from gathering up every morsel of information on the Internet and cooking it up into a questionable but nourishing bowl of brown worthy of Flea Bottom's filthiest inn. So if, like us, you just can't wait for the premiere, check out our Game of Thrones Season 6 theories  by clicking the link, and scroll through a selection of photos from the season premiere in the gallery below. It may not be as thrilling as the moment you hear the first notes of that familiar theme song, but it'll hold you over til then: 1. Daenerys and the Dothraki The Khaleesi is back with the people who first made her a queen. But it’s a different tribe this time, and instead of being hailed as a ruler, she might imprisoned as a slave. 2. Reek and Sansa on the Run Reek and Sansa have good reason to look frightened. Ramsay Bolton is NOT a man you want to piss off. 3. Jaime Lannister Returns to King Landing Jaime has finally returned from King’s Landing. Unfortunately, he’ll have to inform his sister that her beloved daughter died on board the ship after being poisoned in Dorne. 4. Arya Stark: Blind and Alone The Many-Faced God doles out some harsh punishments. Arya is starting the season at what might be her lowest point yet – blind and alone in a strange land. 5. Ramsay Bolton: Still Awful Yes, Ramsay is back for more evil. Hope you’re ready for another round of horrific nightmares! 6. Cersei Wants Revenge Cersei has a rough Season 5 that culminated with the world’s humiliating walk of shame. You can bet she’ll have her revenge in Season 6. View Slideshow

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Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Photos: Take a Peek at Reek!

Game of Thrones Preview: Wedding Bells For the Khaleesi?

If you watched Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 , then you know last week's installment offered even more horrific nightmare-fuel than usual. The show's creators are no strangers to dealing with the fallout from particularly disturbing scenes (Remember last year's Cersei-Jaime Lannister encounter? Our apologies if you managed to block it out.), but this time the fecal matter has hit the fan like never before. When a senator threatens to boycott your show you know you've reached an almost unprecedented level of controversy. So maybe the writers anticipated the blowback and they're planning to deliver a more subdued, crowd-pleasing episode this week. Ha! If you believe that, you know nothing, Jon Snow…   1. Snow on Snow We’re guessing Jon’s thinking, “I totally should’ve taken the Stark name when Stannis offered. I hate this weather.” 2. Melisandre and Stannis Melisandre: “What do you say we clear off this table and get down to business?” Stannis: “Okay, but can you not get pregnant with a weird shadow monster this time? Those things scare me.” 3. Jaime and Myrcella Have a Chat “The good news is: your dad’s not dead. The bad news is: I could use a new gold hand for Father’s Day.” 4. Tommen Gonna Knock You Out Tommen looks more than a little pissed here. We’re guessing being the king but having no real power has gotta sting a bit. 5. Cersei Lannister: Mother of the Year Cersei attempts to console Tommen. We guess after making him a pawn in her sick game, the least she can do is offer some kind words. 6. Sam and Gilly GoT’s least effed-up couple enjoys some time together. We imagine they don’t get much privacy at Castle Black. View Slideshow

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Game of Thrones Preview: Wedding Bells For the Khaleesi?

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau on Controversial Game of Thrones Scene: It Wasn’t Rape!

Earlier in this season of Game of Thrones , a controversial scene that appeared to feature non-consensual sex between a brother and sister ignited a firestorm of online outrage and debate. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau talks Game of Thrones Rape Scene The actress who plays Cersei Lannister on the show, Lena Headey, defended the rape scene , claiming that while her character was reluctant at first, she eventually gave herself over to her brother’s advances. The man responsible for the books upon which the series is based, George RR Martin, also responded to the controversial scene , claiming that while in his novel the sex is clearly consensual, he supports the decision of the show’s writers to portray it differently.  Now Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who portrays Jaime Lannister in the series and served as the aggressor in the much-discussed scene has expressed his views to GQ, and some are taking issue with what they feel are insensitive comments made by the actor: “I think calling it ‘rape’ is like kind of forgetting who these characters are and what came before,” says Coster-Waldau. “Cersei didn’t want to have sex there, but she was…I mean they were both so tormented emotionally.” “This is a one-armed man,” Coster-Waldau adds. “She’s wearing lots of clothes…I don’t think it would be possible if she didn’t play along in some way.” Yeesh…we get his point that there were a lot of complex emotions wrapped up in that scene, but we can certainly see why Coster-Waldau claiming that it “wasn’t rape” in the same breath that he admits Cersei “didn’t want to have sex” has rubbed some people the wrong way. We think most folks would rather just hear  Nikolaj talk about rough sex with Kate Upton . That’s something everyone can enjoy: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau on Kate Upton Sex Scene

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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau on Controversial Game of Thrones Scene: It Wasn’t Rape!

‘Game Of Thrones’: 7 Predictions For The Jaime-Cersei Fallout

Is redemption still in Jaime Lannister’s future? That’s a question that many fans are wondering given his actions in last week’s episode of “Game of Thrones,” titled “Breaker of Chains.” As the fourth hour of season four looms, so does the question about Jaime’s future salvation. His sister and lover, Cersei, meanwhile, only has one… Read more

‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 4 Episode Titles: What Do They Reveal?

Jaime Lannister remains in the spotlight in the newest episodes of HBO’s fantasy series. By Josh Wigler

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‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 4 Episode Titles: What Do They Reveal?

‘Game Of Thrones’ Photos Unveil New Characters

Stephen Dillane, Carice van Houten and other actors make their ‘Thrones’ debut in a series of new stills from season two. By Josh Wigler Carice van Houten and Stephen Dillane in “Game of Thrones” Photo: Helen Sloan/ HBO Winter is fast approaching Westeros, and if you can see through the downpour of snow, you’ll notice a few new, not-so-friendly faces in the mix. Yes, several of your favorite characters will be back in action when “Game of Thrones” season two premieres April 1, but Jon, Tyrion, Dany and the rest will have their work cut out for them when new friends and foes join the battle for the Iron Throne. To get you acquainted with some of these newcomers, HBO has released a slew of photos from the upcoming second season of the epic fantasy series, based on the “Song of Ice and Fire” novels from visionary writer George R.R. Martin. From men who would be kings to their trusted and true servants, here are five new “Thrones” characters about to enter the game: Stephen Dillane as Stannis Baratheon “The Iron Throne is mine by rights.” Get ready to hear that refrain early and often in season two as Stannis Baratheon enters the scene. Currently lording over the remote island of Dragonstone, Stannis believes himself the one true ruler of Westeros following the death of his brother Robert and the revelation that his nephew Joffrey is the product of Cersei and Jaime Lannister’s incest. Stannis will stop at nothing to claim what he feels he’s rightfully owed, including resorting to the use of forbidden magic. Speaking of which … Carice van Houten as Melisandre The red priestess from the foreign lands of Asshai comes to serve Stannis in his time of need, believing him to be Azhor Azhai Reborn, an old hero of ancient prophecy destined for great and powerful things. Her beliefs are questioned by many, but her power can be denied by none. Melisandre’s magic is a deadly spectacle that must be seen to be believed, and season two will convince some skeptics just how serious her sorcery is — often at a lethal price. Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth The Onion Knight is another of Stannis’ most trusted advisers. Davos is a smuggler-turned-knight after proving his loyalty to the bold Baratheon warrior; the fingers of his left hand were long ago shortened by a joint on Stannis’ command, a final punishment for his smuggling past. The severed remains are held in a pouch around Davos’ neck he describes as his “luck,” though his luck may well be running out. Davos does not take kindly to Melisandre’s newfound influence over Stannis — but like many others, he’ll soon realize that the red priestess has more than enough bite to back up her bark. Patrick Malahide as Balon Greyjoy Stannis Baratheon is not the only one competing for the crown of Westeros: There’s also Balon Greyjoy, lord of the Iron Islands, to consider. The seafaring warrior is no stranger to fighting for the Iron Throne, having been put down in a rebellion many years earlier. But Balon sees new possibilities in another attempt to claim rule over Westeros — possibilities that may be helped or hindered by the return of his estranged son Theon, best friend and closest confidant to King in the North Robb Stark. Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth Serving a different king entirely is Brienne of Tarth, a fierce warrior woman often ridiculed by men for her masculine features and seemingly futile attempt to become a knight. But she’s respected by the man who matters most to her: Renly Baratheon, brother of Stannis and another of the men vying for supremacy in Westeros. As part of Renly’s elite guard, Brienne will stop at nothing to protect her king and further his agenda. But fate might have other plans in store for her … What do you think of the new “Thrones” characters? Tell us in the comments!

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‘Game Of Thrones’ Photos Unveil New Characters