Tag Archives: jerry-brown

‘DWTS’ to Bolton: You Don’t Deserve an Apology!

Filed under: Michael Bolton , Bruno Tonioli , Dancing with the Stars , TV TMZ has learned … ” Dancing with the Stars ” judge Bruno Tonioli won’t be forced to issue an apology to Michael Bolton for bashing his jive … because producers don’t think Bruno did anything wrong. “DWTS” producers tell us, “While we respect the… Read more

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‘DWTS’ to Bolton: You Don’t Deserve an Apology!

Jerry Brown — R-E-S-P-E-C-T for Whitman’s Ex-Maid

Filed under: Meg Whitman , Nicky Diaz Santillan , Jerry Brown , Politix , Celebrity Justice Meg Whitman ‘s rival Jerry Brown is wasting no time making hay off her undocumented worker scandal — saying the former maid has a “compelling story.” In a news release, the Democratic candidate for governor of California said he wants Nicky Diaz… Read more

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Jerry Brown — R-E-S-P-E-C-T for Whitman’s Ex-Maid

Prop 8 Breaking News: Federal Appeals Court Puts California Same-Sex Marriages On Hold Indefinitely

Federal Appeals Court Puts Same-Sex Marriages On Hold Indefinitely http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KrNl-GdSDb4/SF_T82PjUSI/AAAAAAAAAcY/fecu5sd8RO4/s400/s… Breaking: Ninth Circuit Stays Prop. 8 Decision _____ http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/08/federal-appeals-court-blocks-enfor… Los Angeles Times Southern California — this just in No gay marriages in California before December, court rules August 16, 2010 | 3:58 pm The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday agreed to keep same-sex marriages on hold until at least December. In a brief order, a three-judge panel agreed to an expedited review of U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker's Aug. 4 ruling that overturned Proposition 8 as a violation of the federal Constitution. The panel agreed to hold a hearing on the case during the week of Dec. 6 and ordered both sides to present arguments on whether the campaign for Proposition 8 has legal authority to appeal Walker's order. Walker had declared Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, saying it violates gay men's and lesbians' rights to equal protection and due process. The defendants in that case were Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, but they declined to defend the law. As the losing parties, they have the authority to appeal Walker's ruling. But they hailed Walker's decision and said they would not appeal. A private group that opposes same-sex marriage, ProtectMarriage.com, defended Proposition 8 during the trial Walker held earlier this year. The group wants to appeal his ruling but may lack legal standing to do so. — Maura Dolan in San Francisco added by: EthicalVegan

Of 351 Reports on Outrageous Bell, Calif. Salaries, Only One Mentions Employees Are Democrats

In late July, NB Contributing Editor Tom Blumer busted the Associated Press for neglecting to mention the party affiliations of scandal-plagued officials in Bell, California. The AP piece was one of hundreds of reports on the scandal. Of those hundreds, one solitary report mentioned party labels for the five officials. Can you guess which party they belong to? I’ll bet you can. The only news outlet that mentioned the officials were Democrats was the Orange County Register. And even that paper noted the absence of party labels only in response to reader complaints. “Our readers noticed one part of the story has been left out by virtually all media sources,” the paper’s editorial board wrote. “All five council members are members of the Democratic Party.” The most prominent of the officials in question, former Bell city manager Robert Rizzo, resigned after it came to light that he was making $1.5 million per year – in a town with a per capita income languishing at about half the national average. Ann Coulter noticed the amazing absence of party labels in virtually any news coverage of the scandal. She called this blatant instance of media bias “the greatest party-affiliation cover-up since the media tried to portray Gary Condit as a Republican.” According to my own Nexis search, there have been 351 stories run by newspapers, wire services, and television news outlets. Though 350 of those 351 stories neglected to mention Rizzo’s party, many went out of their way to label California Attorney General Jerry Brown, who’s also running for governor, a Democrat. Forty-one stories mentioned Brown’s party affiliation, but not Rizzo’s. Brown is investigating the lavish salaries in Bell, and his tough talk has made for some good populist campaign soundbites. Journalists have been more than happy to call him a Democrat, while leaving Rizzo and his colleagues’ party affiliations unmentioned. Only the noble, populist warriors are Democrats. The reprobate, quasi-corrupt city managers of a destitute neighborhood in Los Angeles have no party affiliation. In the fantasy realm of politically-neutral media, the Democrat label would be played up by the media, for reasons that Ace explains : When a Republican is caught in a sex scandal, his party affiliation is extremely relevant because the Republican Party stands broadly for family values and sexual restraint, so party affiliation is very relevant, as it shows hypocrisy, that is, it tends to undermine the public image of the party…. Now, what happens when a Republican is caught in a money scandal? Well, that’s not really hypocrisy, really, as Republicans have the reputation of being into dirty filthy money. But in that case — in the case of a money scandal — the media says noting the Republican’s affiliation is relevant because it reinforces widely-held public opinion about the party… If the Republican Party is supposedly money-grubbing and only cares about big business and corporate interest, then the Democratic party is, supposedly, the party that cares about the little guy, that stands stubbornly against monied interests in favor of Joe Six Pack. Is it not the case, therefore, that if hypocrisy dictates that party affiliation is intensely relevant as regards a sex scandal involving a Republican, then hypocrisy should dictate that in a scandal involving a Democrat taking money from big business that the Democrat’s party affiliation should be similarly intensely relevant? And yet, the media continues to report such stories without granting party labels to the villains. But the hero in the MSM narrative – AG Brown – earns a party label, as he upholds the “Democrat-as-friend of the little guy” narrative. By shifting the focus of party label onto him, the media avoid the hypocrisy angle Ace elaborates, and can go on neglecting to give party label to Rizzo and his cohorts. It’s all very circular. In fairness, it is true that candidates for city board in Los Angeles do not list their party affiliations on the ballot. But does that absolve news outlets from doing a bit of, you know, reporting? Even the OC Register, which noted the lack of party labels in the course of a lukewarm defense of its own sins, claimed: On balance, though, party affiliations of elected officials should be noted and easily accessible so voters can make informed decisions about who they elect to public office. Voter registration is public information, but it currently is somewhat difficult to obtain – you need to contact a county’s registrar of voters in person or by phone and provide a full name and city. That brings us to Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown, who was quick yesterday to make political hay out of the Bell scandal, declaring he was starting an investigation. He was identified in most news stories as a Democrat. Does that make him a white hat while the Bell officials, whose party affiliations were unreported, become the black hats – from another party? Readers should know both.

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Of 351 Reports on Outrageous Bell, Calif. Salaries, Only One Mentions Employees Are Democrats

Chris Matthews Calls George W. Bush and Sarah Palin ‘Know-Nothings’

Chris Matthews on Friday called George W. Bush and Sarah Palin know-nothings.  Chatting with California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown on “Hardball,” the MSNBC host also called the Republican candidate for governor in that state Meg Whitman a know-nothing. “What is it in the American psyche or character that says, if you don`t know anything, you`re somehow an average person or average guy and you have horse sense?” asked Matthews. “What is it about people that keep picking people like George W. Bush to be president? And you see these people like Sarah Palin out there with fans.”  It seems in Matthews’ view, governing Texas, Alaska, or running one of America’s leading Internet companies requires zero intellectual capacity (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Weekly Political Review via Twitter’s @ndgc12dx): CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Former California governor Jerry Brown is currently the state`s attorney general. Governor Brown, it`s great to have you on. I just want to ask you, do you think the last seven years have been good for California with Schwarzenegger? Here`s a business guy and movie star, a business guy, who said, I can take business sense, like Meg Whitman, and make government work. It hasn`t — well, has it worked? I`ll leave it as an open question. Has he been a net plus or a net negative? JERRY BROWN (D-CA), ATTORNEY GENERAL, FMR. GOV., CANDIDATE FOR GOV.: Well, certainly in terms of the budget, blowing up the boxes, reorganizing government, it hasn`t. Now, Arnold Schwarzenegger has pioneered the environment and climate change legislation that is really path-breaking, so I give him full credit for that. But in terms of the crisis we`re in now, the idea that not knowing anything, not even caring enough to vote for 28 years, gives you the equipment, the skill, to wrestle those 120 legislators to the ground, get them on your team and deal with this deepening crisis — I doubt that. And if these surveys are any indication, Ms. Whitman has hit a wall for the last — probably since March, not moved forward. And I think we`re in a very strong position to win the confidence of the people and get down to brass tacks here of solving the problem.  MATTHEWS: What is it in the American psyche or character that says, if you don`t know anything, you`re somehow an average person or average guy and you have horse sense? What is it about people that keep picking people like George W. Bush to be president? And you see these people like Sarah Palin out there with fans. Why would anybody like somebody who the campaign manager for John McCain said, “She doesn`t know anything?” Why is not knowing anything — why does the know-nothing candidate, like Meg Whitman, a person who doesn`t have any government experience, have the appeal to be even with you in the polls? The know — the person that doesn`t know anything about government! How disgusting. It’s one thing to make such comments about a former President and a former governor, but to similarly disparage the Republican gubernatorial candidate while interviewing her Democrat opponent demonstrates absolutely NO journalistic impartiality by Matthew. Maybe he should just endorse Brown so that his few viewers would fully understand why he’s so hostile to Whitman. Come to think of it, that could be the next step in MSNBC’s activism. Stay tuned. 

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Chris Matthews Calls George W. Bush and Sarah Palin ‘Know-Nothings’

Governor ‘Moonbeam’ Employs ‘Tea Bagger’ Insult on MSNBC’s ‘Hardball’

If former California Gov. Jerry Brown , now once again a candidate for governor of California really wants to be sort of a unifier as he says, he might want to watch how he refers to some of his constituents. On MSNBC’s July 9 “Hardball,” Brown was interviewed by host Chris Matthews and was asked how he could make all the unions in California work together in a political way. (h/t @HayleyMcConnell ) “How do you deal with the kick-butt unions out there?” Matthews said. “They’re really tough. You have the correction officers, you got the police, you got the teachers, the nurses. These are tough, strong well-funded units that are politically cohesive. They took down Gov. [Arnold] Schwarzenegger when he tried to take them down. How do you make them work? How do you get them to serve the public and make reasonable compensation?” Brown wanted to make it clear that they were “all Californians first.” He defended the unions but took a shot at the Tea Party movement by using the “tea bagger” reference, which is a favorite of MSNBC personalities . “First of all you treat them with respect,” Brown replied. “You lay out your agenda, and you get everybody understanding we’re Californians first. We’re not Democrat or Republican or a member of this group or that group. And don’t just say unions are a powerful force. Hey, you know Wall Street destroyed $11 trillion worth of wealth. That’s powerful. No union could do that. Then there’s the tea baggers and the Chamber of Commerce. The key to democracy is leadership what can forge the common purpose. That’s what I feel my entire life has prepared me to take what I learn, work with the diversion conflicting factions and get this common pathway to the future. Seizing the assets of California, which after all is still the eighth wealthiest political entity in the world.”

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Governor ‘Moonbeam’ Employs ‘Tea Bagger’ Insult on MSNBC’s ‘Hardball’

ABC Gives Jerry Brown Platform to Declare Whitman Dangerous, ‘Soul of California is at Stake’

ABC anchor Diane Sawyer greeted Meg Whitman’s victory in California’s Republican gubernatorial primary by putting forward Democrat Jerry Brown as the savior protecting the nation against Whitman becoming Governor. “Jerry Brown told us today, he wants the country to know that he sees this as an epic duel in California between the politics of ideas and the power of money,” Sawyer warned from Los Angeles in setting up an interview with Brown aired on Wednesday’s World News. Sawyer later relayed how Brown “believes the soul of California is at stake.” Condemning Whitman’s spending on ads, Brown charged “it’s almost like a ministry of information in a totalitarian country,” before he offered up pablum, unchallenged by Sawyer, about how he’ll solve the Golden State’s $20 billion shortfall by telling “legislators you have to get did of your cars, get rid of your perks.” Sawyer fondly recalled: “For 40 years we watched him – the son of a political family who studied to be a Jesuit priest, then turned Buddhist seeker. When he became governor, he lived in one room, bed on the floor, and rode around in his own Plymouth.” Now, “he says it’s a singular time for a man who believes the soul of California is at stake. He remembers studying Buddhism in Japan.” Brown got the last word in ABC’s infomercial for him: “‘Life and death is a serious matter. Time waits for no man. Do your best.’ And that, I think, could be the spirit of this campaign.” From the Wednesday, June 9 World News, transcript provided by the MRC’s Brad Wilmouth: DIANE SAWYER: And, as you know, we are here in California, a state reeling from debt, with no easy solution in sight. And come November, former Democratic Governor Jerry Brown has decided to ride into the race for governor again. For the Republicans, as we said, the head of eBay, the former head of eBay, Meg Whitman, who spent $80 million of her own money and has plenty more to spend. She won a decisive primary victory last night. Well, Jerry Brown told us today, he wants the country to know that he sees this as an epic duel in California between the politics of ideas and the power of money. SAWYER TO BROWN: You say we’re talking about a “billionaire’s demolition derby”? FORMER GOVERNOR JERRY BROWN (D-CA), SPEAKING TO CROWD: A billionaire’s demolition derby. BROWN: Well, the ads. I think each day there are 500, 600 commercials throughout the state. It’s almost like a ministry of information in a totalitarian country. SAWYER: Do you really feel that this is changing us fundamentally in some big brother way? BROWN: No, what I, I didn’t mean, it’s not big brother, it’s that when you can dominate the airwaves, radio and television, and in the mail, just by buying it, not just for a few weeks, but for months on end, that is unprecedented. It’s an unprecedented control of the channels of communication in a free society. And, yes, that is different. And it is ominous. SAWYER: So far Meg Whitman spent about $80 million of her own money. How much money do you have to spend on ads? BROWN: Well, I have $22 million in the bank, and I’m saving my pennies so hopefully we’ll have more by the time we get to September. SAWYER: 12.6 percent unemployment rate, $20 billion deficit in California. And California, as we know, drives a lot of the national economy. BROWN: No, we’re in trouble, and the country’s in trouble. SAWYER: But she has said specifically she’s going to do it, she’s going to give tax breaks to corporations and get them in by the boatloads into California to get the jobs back. BROWN: She also said she’s going to cut all the taxes on the rich. That will increase and exacerbate the gap. We got to cut that budget. We have to do it in a way that will bring the legislators on board. SAWYER: But how can you cut it to $20 billion deficit? Are there enough cuts in the- BROWN: You have to start. I’m going to start with the governor’s office cutting. I’m going to tell those legislators you have to get did of your cars, get rid of your perks. MEG WHITMAN, CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN GUBERNATORIAL NOMINEE, SPEAKING TO CROWD: And I’m ready to give Jerry Brown the toughest election fight he’s faced in his 40 years of politics! SAWYER: Meg Whitman has said – in fact, she said last night, “I’m ready to give Jerry Brown the toughest election fight he’s faced in his 40 years of politics.” BROWN: Well, I like the compliment that she notices that I have been around for awhile. SAWYER: For 40 years we watched him – the son of a political family who studied to be a Jesuit priest, then turned Buddhist seeker. When he became governor, he lived in one room, bed on the floor, and rode around in his own Plymouth. BROWN: I am frugal. I take care of my money very carefully. And I think people can understand, I’ll take care of their money the same way. SAWYER: And it’s hard to believe that if he’s elected, Jerry Brown will be the oldest governor in the nation, 72. You’re up this morning already, you ran a mile? BROWN: I’ve already run, yeah, did some chin-ups. I’m trying to, you know, keep in shape here. I’ve got a very tough competitor. SAWYER: But he says it’s a singular time for a man who believes the soul of California is at stake. He remembers studying Buddhism in Japan. BROWN: Someone would intone, “Life and death is a serious matter. Time waits for no man. Do your best.” And that, I think, could be the spirit of this campaign. SAWYER: And, as we said, a critical election for California coming up. We asked Meg Whitman, by the way, for an interview today as well. She declined our request. We hope to speak to her soon.

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ABC Gives Jerry Brown Platform to Declare Whitman Dangerous, ‘Soul of California is at Stake’

Corey Haim Deemed "Poster Child" for Drug Addiction

Corey Haim couldn’t help himself. That’s the word from California Attorney General Jerry Brown, who today labeled the late teen idol the “poster child” of…

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Corey Haim Deemed "Poster Child" for Drug Addiction

Drug Database Created after Michael’s Death

Filed under: Anna Nicole Smith , Michael Jackson , TMZ Live Officials in California are now making it harder for drug addicts to get their hands on prescription medication — and they’re citing Michael Jackson and Anna Nicole Smith’s deaths as reasons why.Attorney General Jerry Brown announced today that an …

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Drug Database Created after Michael’s Death