Earlier this month, beloved actor Luke Perry died after suffering a massive stroke. He was only 52, and is survived by his two young adult children. His daughter, Sophie, admits that she unprepared for his death and is still figuring out how to balance grieving publicly and privately. But over the weekend, she shared a beautiful throwback pic of her dad and admits that mourning hits harder some days than others. Sophie Perry shared this photo of her with her dad. She captioned the image: “miss him a little extra today.” This is not the first time that the grieving 18-year-old has been upfront about how complicated the mourning process is. She misses her father. He died so very suddenly. It is very natural that, on some days, the profound loss hits her even harder than on others. Previously, Sophie opened up after her father’s heartbreaking passing. “A lot has happened in this past week for me,” Sophie began. “Everything is happening so fast.” “I made it back from Malawi just in time to be here with my family,” she acknowledged. “And in the past 24 hours,” she noted. “I have received an overwhelming amount of love and support.” “I cannot individually respond to the hundreds of beautiful and heartfelt messages,” Sophie admitted. “But I see them.” “And,” Sophie emphasized. “Appreciate you all for sending positivity to my family and I.” “I’m not really sure what to say or do in this situation,” she confessed. Sophie pointed out: “it’s something you aren’t ever given a lesson on how to handle.” “Especially,” she added. “When it’s all happening in the public eye.” “So bear with me,” Sophie implored her followers. “And know that I am grateful for all the love.” “Just, being grateful quietly,” she concluded. Unfortunately, not everyone gave her the space that she needed, which caused Sophie to have to put grief-shaming trolls in their place . “Since my dad died I have received a lot of attention online,” Sophie began. “And most of it has been positive,” she affirmed. “But of course, some people just can’t be nice.” “And I’m here to say that I did not ask for this attention,” she reminded them. “I did not ask to be thrown into some virtual spotlight,” “And while I don’t mean to offend anybody,” Sophie clarified. “I’m also not going to cater to any one else’s needs and beliefs.” Good for her. “I’m 18. I swear like a sailor and sometimes I dress like a hooker,” Sophie reminded everyone. “And I support causes and you may not.” “And most importantly,” Sophie said. “I am going to laugh and smile and live my normal life.” Contrary to what you may see on poorly written dramas, it is healthy for grieving people to live their lives. “YES I am hurt and sad and crying and beside myself with what happened to my dad,” Sophie admitted. She affirmed: “It’s the worst thing to ever happen in my life.” “And I am torn the f–k up over it,” she confessed. “But I’m not going to sit in my room and cry day in and day out until the internet has deemed it appropriate for me to do otherwise,” Sophie emphasized. Good! “And if you knew my dad,” she told her followers. “You would know he wouldnt want me to.” “So you shouldn’t either,” she suggested. “So to those of you shaming me for my language and my wardrobe and most disgustingly, my grieving process,” Sophie wrote. She continued: “do us both the favor and just unfollow.” “It’s a waste of both of our time,” she concluded. View Slideshow: Luke Perry: Mourned, Remembered by Co-Stars and Friends
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Sophie Perry Shares Heartbreaking Throwback, Misses Her Dad "Extra"