Lauren Comeau is a bit weaker than usual at the moment. That's what happens when you give birth to a human being, as Comeau did back on November 15 . She and Javi Marroquin welcomed a son named Eli and he's very cute and everyone is happy for her… … except Javi's ex-girlfriend, Briana DeJesus, who used the date of this blessed event to accuse Javi of cheatiing on her. How so? Scroll down to find out and then keep scrolling to see how Comeau got up the strength to defend Marroquin — in no uncertain terms: 1. First, Here’s the Baby He’s downright adorable. He weighed in at six pounds and 13 ounces when he was born. 2. And Here’s the New Family Again… so precious, right?!? Both Comeau and Marroquin posted this picture after welcoming their first kid together. 3. Javi Now Has Two Sons And here they are! The five-year old is named Lincoln and is shared by Marroquin and Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry. 4. Adorable! So… What’s the Issue Here? Ask Briana DeJesus. She Tweeted this message upon the occasion of this birth, doing some math and implying strongly that Javi slept with Comeau while he was dating her. (Because Javi visited Florida for Briana’s surgery and attempted to keep their romantic flame lit while there.) 5. FAKE LOVE! Briana went on to label her love with Javi “fake” and made it clear she’s moved on. But still doesn’t think highly of her ex. 6. What Say You, Lauren? FAKE ACCUSATION, she says of Briana’s allegation against Javi. “I’ll tell you the day I conceived: March 10. We know the timeline. We know when we conceived,” Lauren has told Radar Online. View Slideshow
Just one week after Larissa was arrested for domestic battery , she and her husband, Colt, are assuring fans that everything’s fine. The 90 Day Fiance couple are posting their love on social media, where Colt is gushing about his wife. In the mean time, Larissa is admitting that she did the show for the money, and asking for tips about getting lip fillers. Remember when Larissa first arrived in Vegas and complained about the desert heat? Well, now that daily highs in Vegas are in the 60s, she’s complaining about the “freezing” weather. But she and Colt also used Instagram to do a bit of a Q&A with followers. A fan who was very sure to emphasize that they weren’t being a hater asked Colt what he likes the most about Larissa, personality-wise. “I simply love her more than anything,” Colt replied. Colt was also asked what it takes to make a relationship work. “When I learn the secret,” Cole answered. “I’ll tell you.” Larissa also spoke to her followers. When a fan asked if she was now free to speak openly of her marriage to him, she answered. “After what happened Colt never told me, ‘Don’t post. Delete. Don’t talk about me.’ It’s OK now,” Larissa replied. Before their huge fight the week before, Larissa had been feeling hurt that Colt wanted her to not post about their romance. (They are on 90 Day Fiance and Colt wanted to avoid spoilers, but apparently Larissa didn’t care about that) After a sequence of unpleasantness, this led to police breaking down the door to their home, handcuffing Colt, and arresting Larissa. To hear her tell it, though, it may have been worth it so that she can post selfies with him. “Some bad things come to be good things,” Larissa says. Larissa also revealed that she was less than enamored with her experience with reality television. In Brazil, she says, she would have already gotten plastic surgery, including a boob job, if she were a reality star. Notably, she is asking fans for tips on where to get lip fillers and botox in Vegas. Larissa says that she would also have landed a new car by now on a Brazilian reality series. But does she regret going on the show? “I regret 50 percent and I don’t regret 50 percent,” Larissa answers. “There are good people and bad people,” Larissa states. “And good experiences and bad experiences.” She also went into detail about why she elected to appear on 90 Day Fiance to begin with. “First it was for the money,” Larissa freely admits. As she has discovered, the show doesn’t pay like the Real Housewives franchise does, but the extra cash is nice. “Then after all the s–t,” Larissa continues. “Now it’s for career, for my business.” And if she had a do-over, what would she do then? Larissa says: “I would try to live my relationship off the camera.” So, she’s complained about not getting instantly flush with cash by being on the show. A fan asked if she would characterize herself as a gold-digger. Larissa denies it, claiming that she is instead a “Cat-digger.” Colt and his mother have always had cats, and Colt’s best Instagram photos are of cats. (The true purpose of social media is to share cat pics; sorry, I don’t make the rules) Larissa shares that her dream is to get a Maine Coon cat that costs $3,000. That thing about cats and all of that gushing is almost sweet enough to make you forget about Larissa’s arrest. She was taken to jail for domestic battery, though Colt has not shared many details and insists that he is not pressing charges. Domestic battery is always a serious matter, folks. No matter how much someone loves cats. And then there’s how Larissa made Colt’s mother cry after their first meeting and the fact that she’s a deadbeat mom with three kids in three homes . Larissa is shaping up to join the ranks of 90 Day Fiance ‘s most infamous stars. View Slideshow: 90 Day Fiance: Most Shocking Scandals Exposed!
We hate to break this to you, but… … Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson having a bit of fun at your expense. They know exactly what you are thinking, exactly what websites such as this one are writing and they don’t have any plans to address the elephant in the room. Or the alleged child in the womb, we should say, to be more specific. Indeed, every other social media user seems to be convinced that Swanson is pregnant . This has been a topic of debate ever since she married Duggar at the end of June and fans are so desperate for confirmation that they took Lauren’s recent decision to make her Pinterest page as a sure sign that she’s expecting. She must have done so because she’s making a few baby boards and isn’t prepared to share the news yet, right? Right? RIGHT?!? Probably, according the latest reports. But don’t expect either Josiah or Lauren to confirm the news any time soon. “Josiah and Lauren are having fun keeping her possible pregnancy status a secret,” a source tells Hollywood Life, making it sound as if a baby is in there, but… “They are so happy, in love and excited about this newlywed time in their life that they are keeping everything just between the two of them. “When anyone asks them directly about being pregnant, they give a vague answer with a smile.” Hey, look, we’re all about respecting privacy and few things are more special or personal than a baby on the way and… … eh, who are we kidding?!? We’re a celebrity gossip site! Give us all the scoop you’ve got, Lauren and Josiah! “Lauren and Josiah have been married five months now and it’s no secret that they’ve been trying for a baby since their wedding night so it’s very likely she’s already pregnant,” another source tells Celebrity Insider. This would certainly fit the pattern of Josiah’s family. Nearly every Duggar woman or every woman who marries into the Duggars starts trying for a baby within hours of exchanging vows. For Lauren and Josiah, this occasion took place on June 30 in Arkansas . Because the couple never revealed their wedding date ahead of time, many followers assumed Swanson was already pregnant and that this was your basic shotgun marriage. Alas, if that were the case, Lauren would be showing by now. All this time later, however, even those very close to the stars believe a bun is on Lauren’s proverbial oven. “Friends and family believe Lauren is secretly pregnant and they are all anxiously waiting for her to reveal her big news,” writes Hollywood Life, adding: “They are dedicated to their faith and believe when the time is right, they will share the wonderful news with their families first.” Of late, Swanson sparked pregnancy chatter after she wore a loose-fitting dress in a photo she shared on Instagram. She’s also been sharing a handful of images that only show her upper body, which has led to some speculate that she’s hiding her growing baby bump. And she very well may be. Good luck getting an answer to this question from either half of the couple is all. Trust us. We tried. And neither Lauren nor Josiah have uttered a word to The Hollywood Gossip about it. 🙁 View Slideshow: Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson Wedding Pics: See Their First Kiss… EVER!
Lauren Comeau has spoken out for the first time since before a mother… … for, well, the first time. As previously reported, Comeau gave birth to a child alongside Javi Marroquin just after 3 p.m. on Thursday, welcoming a precious boy about two weeks prior to her due date. The newborn does not have a name, but it’s very clear he does have two very loving parents. “It’s been amazing,” Marroquin told Radar Online about becoming a father once again. Radar included a snapshot of the parents and their child , as Javi continued: “I even shed some tears. For those that don’t know, I’m not an emotional person anymore at all and just seeing my son come out really had me in my feelings.” Comeau was due on December 1. But she explained to Radar that she had to be induced several days beforehand, not expounding on the reason why. “It’s been incredible,” she told the site, though, adding: “Being induced definitely threw us for a spin. I was nervous about having to start from zero at the hospital, but we had a really great experience.” We assume she means having to start at zero centimeters dilation upon the induction. You don’t want to hear about technical medical details, we know. You want to know the name of Javi and Lauren’s baby, right? The thing is… so do they! Marroquin told Radar very shortly after the baby was born that he and his girlfriend have not yet picked one out. “His first overnight was amazing,” Lauren added in her post-birth interview. “We all three slept in between nurse visits. He’s latching great. He’s a happy, healthy boy!” Marroquin, as you likely know, appeared on multiple episodes of Teen Mom 2 back when he was married to Kailyn Lowry . They divorced after four years of marriage, but have kept in close touch because they share a five-year old son named Lincoln. In response to Javi becoming a dad again, Lowry wrote “congrats” on Twitter and linked to a story about the exciting development. Lincoln actually turns five years old today and he’s already met his baby half-sibling. “Firstborn is turning 5, getting him balloons now,” Marroquin said in an Instagram video on Friday. “I’m going to go back to the hospital to hang with my new guy and Lauren and then I’m going to come back before Lincoln wakes up to wish him a happy birthday.” Click below for more details on the birth and join us in sending a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Javi and Lauren… View Slideshow: Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau Welcome First Child!
It took a month into Lauren Swanson’s marriage to Josiah Duggar for the world to ask the only real question that matters when it comes to a new member of this latter family. Is she pregnant yet? Fans started pondering this possibility in early August, just weeks after Lauren and Josiah exchanged vows — but they had no real basis for the speculation. They just figured: Hey, these two are now married and have therefore had sex! A baby must be on the way! In fairness to those churning this particular rumor mill, this is often how the Duggars roll. They get married. They quickly procreate. They share cute photos of their newborn. And then they have a bunch more. Swanson and Duggar are sort of got married out of nowhere in late June, shocking fans by confirming they had tied the knot in Arkansas and leading many to presume they did so because… yup, you guessed it… … because Swanson was already pregnant. At this point, however, Swanson would be showing if that were the case — and she’s not, so it was a false claim at the time. Could it be true now, though?!? Might Swanson and Duggar be expecting their first child? A handful of social media users are convinced this is the case, although their reason for presuming so isn’t exactly based on very hard evidence. You see, Swanson has made her Pinterest Board private and… well… that’s it. She has made her Pinterest Board private and some folks are taking a pretty huge leap in thinking she made this move because she’s putting together some baby-related lists and doesn’t want the world to know just yet. “Maybe she has a bunch of baby boards now? Not sure why she’d hide all her boards, though,” one user wrote in response to seeing the above message. And another agreed: “Maybe she’s pregnant and made it private! Idk if you can do that though…” There was also this similar opinion; “Oohh. Hhmm wonder if she’s pinning baby stuff. You know girl is probably pregnant. She’s 19 and probably fertile AF.” And then another person simply wrote: “Preggo!” This alleged proof of Swanson’s pregnancy is flimsy at best, but, hey, it’s possible. If she isn’t expecting now, she probably will be in the near future. All we know for certain at the moment is that she and Josiah are very happy to be husband and wife. “What a joy it is to be husband and wife!” Josiah and Lauren told People Magazine this summer, adding shortly after their wedding ceremony: “We are so thankful the Lord has brought us to this place and we can’t wait to begin our journey as husband and wife!” Yeah, yeah, that’s great and all. We’re very happy for you guys. Can you just go make a baby now please? View Slideshow: Duggars Hint at New, “Budding” Romance … Who’s Getting Married Next?!
Last month, the Bachelor in Paradise finale was marred by a cheating scandal . Jenna Cooper and Jordan Kimball won … and then all hell broke loose. Alleged texts say that Jenna was cheating, but she swears that she’s a victim of fraud — and says she can prove it. Now, she’s being defended by none other than Bachelor Winner Lauren Burnham. So, remember how Bekah Martinez told the world that most of the women from The Bachelor had still kept in touch? Well, several women from Arie’s season, including Lauren Burnham, Jaqueline Turmbull, and Sienne Flemming, got together for a slumber party. (Yes, these women had all dated Arie, yes, Lauren is his fiancee, and yes, Arie was apparently also there) One of Arie’s exes who was present was Jenna Cooper, who was eliminated in week 6 of the season. These women are friends, so the gathering makes sense — except to fans who think that Jenna is some sort of snake in the grass. A fan commented on Instagram, writing: “Anyone else think it’s so shady that they’re all hanging out with Jenna?” The comment concludes: “after she proved how terrible of a human she is?” If you’re wondering wait, when did she “prove” she’s terrible? … you are not alone. “No spewing hate here, love,” Lauren Burnham replied to the fan’s comment. “There are two sides to every story,” Lauren reminds the commenter. “And,” Lauren says. “The only evidence I know of backs the fact that Jenna did not do what she’s being accused of.” “What’s the evidence?” a curious fan demands to know. Lauren clearly has a healthy set of boundaries (for a Bachelor star, anyway), because she doesn’t cough up the goods. “That’s for her to release,” Lauren replies. She is absolutely correct — we’ll get into what that evidence may be in just a moment. “It should be happening very soon,” Lauren teases. A lot of fans would be very happy to see solid proof instead of relying upon speculation. Lauren reminds fans that she is not exactly the type to just decide who is innocent and who is guilty all willy-nilly. “I am not one to jump on the bandwagon and take a side without solid evidence,” Lauren affirms. “I can tell you that her story is very compelling,” Lauren adds. “And she has professional proof.” She then offers a worde of warning for fans who leapt to conclusions when this alleged cheating scandal first broke. Lauren suggests: “I would just advise not to be so quick to publicly state opinions without knowing the whole story.” Jenna was accused of cheating after text messages were published which purportedly showed that Jenna was cheating on Jordan Kimball. Those same texts indicated that she was planning on dumping him, which would have been humiliating after his Bachelor in Paradise proposal. However, Jenna has insisted that, though the texts emulate her writing style, she didn’t write them. She has also taken the extra step of hiring an attorney in her quest to clear her name. Jenna put her phone through a forensic program to prove that she has never sent any texts of the sort. (Such a program would capture even deleted text messages) It is probably that forensic analysis to which Lauren is referring. However, there may be more. Jenna’s own attorneys have expressed the belief that Jordan himself may have fabricated the texts. It is possible that this theory, expressed in a private email to him that Jordan then made public , was intended as a negotiating tactic or a bluff. But it is also possible that Jenna’s attorneys have uncovered further evidence — of Jenna’s innocence or even of Jordan’s alleged guilt. If Lauren is right, Jenna may air at least some of her evidence soon. View Slideshow: Bachelor in Paradise Finale Tarnished By Texting Scandal … But Did Jenna Cooper Really Cheat?
Photos by Lauren Cowart Celebs Out For Hennessy 200th Anniversary Bash Celebs Selita Ebanks and Karrueche Tran helped Hennessy celebrate the 200th anniversary of its signature V.S.O.P Privilège at a private house party in L.A. The actresses were both in attendance at last weekend’s party where artists K. Roosevelt and Buddy performed while guests sipped on specialty cocktails. Photos by Lauren Cowart The event was also where Hennessy unveiled a new limited edition offering in honor of its 200th anniversary: a collector’s box that pays homage to the original V.S.O.P label – a traditional Charentaise bottle reworked through a modern lens. Photos by Lauren Cowart Hit the flip for more pics from the party:
On the current season of Jersey Shore ( Jersey Shore Family Vacation Part 2: The Legend of Curly’s Gold , or whatever they’re calling it), most of the drama has revolved around the ongoing conflict between Ronnie and his baby mama . But there’s another story that has just as much potential for tragedy that’s being mostly glossed over, presumably because it’s just too depressing for the reality sitcom vibe of Shore ‘s second iteration. We’re talking, of course, about the possibility that Mike Sorrentino might go to prison for a very long time. Back in January, Sorrentino pled guilty to tax fraud , and he now faces up to five years in prison. The fact that The Situation has sobered up and has mostly been on his best behavior (with plenty of video evidence to show to the sentencing judge) will probably help his cause, but it still seems unlikely that he’ll be able to avoid prison altogether. Which is what makes the latest news about his upcoming wedding so surprising: At first, it was widely reported that Sorrentino and Lauren Pesce were rushing the wedding planning process so that they could be safely hitched by the time Mike mike gets shipped off to the pokey. Now, Radar Online is reporting that Mike and Lauren are planning to get hitched in November — several weeks after Sorrentino’s October 2 sentencing date. The news led to a social media rumor that Mike and Lauren had arranged to get married in prison. These reports led to widespread confusion, as it’s tough to imagine that the future Mr. and Mrs. Sorrentino will be able to host the traditional Italian wedding of their dreams in Attica After all, it’s not like you can smuggle an 80-gallon barrel of soup and 14 cousins named Marie in a trench coat. Fortunately, it seems Mike and Lauren did their research, and they’re confident that no matter what happens on sentencing day, they’ll be able to say “I do” in the presence of all their family and friends. “Ordinarily in federal court, a defendant is given a period of time (30 to 60 days) to surrender voluntarily to begin a prison sentence after the sentence is imposed,” Sorrentino’s lawyer Henry Klingeman told Radar. Klingeman goes on to say that Mike and Lauren have “worked out all the logistics.” We guess it makes sense that Mike’s not considered a flight risk. After all, he’s been jetting all over the country filming JSFV, and he seems to have no inclination to skip the country. So it looks like we’re in for a televised Shore wedding, complete with DJ Pauly D on the ones and twos. Hopefully, Ronnie won’t steal the spotlight again. View Slideshow: Jersey Shore Cast: Where Are They Now?
This woman's terrifying story gripped the nation before anyone knew her name or heard her reveal what had happened to her. America first saw her as a nameless woman who, while wearing restraints and a large tee shirt, rang a neighbor's doorbell late at night. Her name is Lauren, and her story is every bit as chilling as people feared. Lauren is 32 years old. She says that one night, she awoke to her 49-year-old boyfriend, Dennis Ray Collins, kneeling on her chest. He was stuffing some sort of fabric into her mouth. Her feet and ankles were bound by restraints, and she had duct tape on her head. She reveals that, at the time, she fully believed that she was going to die. She says that she tried to cling to hope during the sexual assault that followed. Lauren says: “I just kept repeating in my head ‘God has more for me than this, I’m not gonna die here tonight,'” She had been living with Collins for 4 months at the time of the rape. She says that afterwards, he allowed her to go to the kitchen to get some water — because her throat hurt from screaming. This, she reveals, is when she saw her chance to escape — and took it. We can never imagine how much bravery it took her to make that dash for the door and leave. As natural as the instinct to flee is, there is also a powerful instinct in many people to cooperate with a threat in the hopes of survival. Neither instinct is always right, but Lauren made the right choice. She says that she flagged down a car, asking the driver to help her — but that the driver took one look at her and sped away. It was then that Lauren was famously recorded ringing a doorbell. She rang several doorbells. Lauren explains that she was in fear for her life, but convinced that if someone saw her and made eye contact with her, that she woudl be safe. In the end, Lauren was able to go back for her car to drive away. It was 3 in the morning, and her chances of getting someone to answer the door were slim. Again, we cannot imagine how much courage it took for her to return to the one place where she knew that Collins might be. Lauren drove to safety while the homeowner's whose doorbell caught Lauren on video contacted law enforcement, fearing for this mystery woman's life. It was five days after the video surfaced that Collins committed suicide. In his suicide note, he apologized to Lauren — which, obviously, doesn't mean much, considering what he had done to her — and swears that he had not planned to kill her. “I never would have killed you like you thought,” Collins claimed. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and I wish I could turn back time.” He died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Lauren is grappling with powerful emotions in the aftermath of this trauma. She even feels a misplaced sense of guilt over Collins' death. But, speaking to Inside Edition, she admits that she believe that he would have taken her life. “I worry if this video didn’t come out,” Lauren admits. “And if he were not gone — then I eventually would be.”
Everything that’s old is new again, and the The Hills reboot is really happening . But Lauren Conrad won’t be taking part in The Hills: New Beginnings , which leads some fans to wonder what it will be like. Justin-Bobby Brescia does think that it will be different — but he says that it will be better without her. Take a look. Lauren Conrad and Lo Bosworth aren’t returning for the The Hills revival. And when TMZ asked Justin-Bobby Brescia , he definitely did not sound bothered by their absence. “It’s a good cast,” Brescia affirmed. He then threw some definite shade in Lauren’s direction. “We’ve got all the good people left,” Brescia says. Wow. That is indirect, but massively harsh. “It’s gonna be good,” Brescia affirms “Everybody’s happy.” He explains where he believes that the good cheer originates. “There are good vibes,” he says of the cast. He says that if there wrong people were present, they could ruin the experience and the reboot for everyone involved. “When you’ve got s–tty people running around,” Brescia declares. “It creates this ambiance you don’t need.” In other words, he’s saying that toxic people would make for a toxic environment. It’s only been a little over a year since Lauren Conrad welcomed her first child . She is busy being a new mother. As it happens, she is also worth something in the range of $25 million. Some of her erstwhile costars might need that paycheck enough that they’re happy to hire a sitter (looking at you, Heidi and Spencer Pratt), but if she wants to devote these years to motherhood, she can afford to. She does not need this reboot and she will not be taking part in it. But even if Justin-Bobby Brescia is still nursing a grudge over that time she roasted him over his army boots, she’s not the only absentee on his mind. Lo bowed out, saying that she had required “years of therapy” to recover from Laguna Beach and The Hills the first time around. “Duh,” Brescia says in response. “You could probably see that from a mile away when she first filmed, right?” That’s not exactly a charitable way to phrase it, but he explains why he’s not exactly weeping in her absence. “[She was] never a fan of mine,” he says. “So…” That sounds harsh, and it is, but we can understand why he’s not beside himself. Old feuds die hard, folks. Which is great news when you’re talking about bringing back a classic reality series that helped transform the television landscape. Now, don’t let all of this talk about the ambiance of the show’s revival fool you. They’re not actually filming yet. But Justin-Bobby Brescia says: “Everybody’s chatting. Everybody’s smiling.” He summarizes: “Everybody’s having a good time.” That is good to hear. In the mean time,w e imagine that the show is making some final decisions — including their rumored negotiations with Brody Jenner to invite his participation. Here is what we know so far about who is coming back: View Slideshow: The Hills Reboot: It’s Happening!! Who’s In? Who’s Out?