Tag Archives: love-watching

Eniko Mihalik Hot for 25 Magazine of the Day

The fashion industry confuses me. It is like a cool kids club run by people who aren’t cool, who are always seeking the next starlet or muse or inspiration or designer, who is really is no different than anyone else, but to these latch ons, who pretend to be trend setters and important, is a genius….I don’t get why some people are considered more important than others….and I guess I don’t have to…cuz I’m just into the models and their toplessness….even when in movies that are weird for the sake of being weird…obscure and arty for the sake of being obscure and arty….that I know people who watched it were like “that’s fantastic, genius, revolutionary”….while the guy who made it is either playing it up like he’s the next big thing in fashion film….or laughing at how retarded people are…in the fashion circle jerk of losers who don’t know what is important in life. That said, here’s Eniko, a model I like seeing topless, doing some topless shit in video…


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Eniko Mihalik Hot for 25 Magazine of the Day

Rihanna Grabbing Her Tit for God and for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna makes me laugh….she’s so fucking unstable, as you’d imagine some poor Garbage man’s daughter who was prostituting herself to tourists in Barbados when she was 14 would be after becoming the biggest fucking thing in music…despite her inability to sing, or dance…or really do much but get beat up and get puppet mastered by people she made far richer than she made herself…. Either way, she’s posting all this God shit to her Instagram….along with topless pics…because that’s what crazy, torn, raised in the Church like all people from the Islands, but guilty from pretty much going against all she has learned….from going back to men who beat her….to just being a whore in general….this shit is almost certifiable…and I love watching people break the fuck down and sabotage themselves….especially after thay’ve made all this stupid money The only time I’ll post religious prose on my site is to mock celebrity…because I know god doesn’t exist…the aliens told…

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Rihanna Grabbing Her Tit for God and for Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus Lingerie Pictures

I’m calling this post ‘ Miley Cyrus Lingerie Pictures’, mostly because it’s kind of a catchy title and I hope to lure in some pervert traffic, but I could easily have called it ‘ Miley Cyrus Old Timey Bathing Suit Pictures’. I’m not hating it, I see a lot of skin and all, but it’s a pretty strange looking outfit. How do I get in there? Anyhow, it’s Miley almost naked and that’s all that matters. Enjoy.

Alessandra Ambrosio Rocks Her Skinny Jeans

I love watching supermodels do pretty much anything, preferably with very little clothes on, but these shots of Alessandra Ambrosio seem to be missing something. Sure she’s got on those skinny jeans that all the hipster chicks have ruined, but aside from that I’m a little bored. Where are the boobs and those giant fake angel wings? I thought those things went everywhere with these girls. Who am I kidding? She’s still so hot, I’d pay to watch her paint a shed.

Charlie Sheen is Amazing of the Day

Charlie Sheen is a genius….I love watching America media try to understand or make sense of him…using their bullshit cliches and obvious questions just makes him that much more genius….If I was famous…I’d be fucking with the world too….on all levels… Here’s somethings that he said that stood out as incredible…. Dude, can’t handle it…Unplug this bastard…. Fires in a way that maybe not from this terresteral realm…. I’m bi- Winning. I win here and I win there. Now what. Winning. I use a blender. I use a vaccuum cleaner. Dude, I was banging 7 gram rocks and finishing thing. I have one speed and one gear. Go. Not going to. Period. The End. The Run I was on Made them all look like Droopy eyed armless children. I may forget about them tomorrow, but they’ll live with that memory for the rest of their life. It’s a gift. I would love to spend my days with this motherfucker….Every element of what this guy is doing, every thing he is saying is just like words from a fucking prophet or some shit….I shoulda befriended Bree Olson, she was my in. I gotta make more t-shirts…. BUY MY T-SHIRT

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Charlie Sheen is Amazing of the Day

Lohan’s Oral Fixation of the Day

I love watching Lohan tease her lips with her fingers like they were Samantha Ronson’s coke covered dick on her pussy…but maybe I’m just looking too deep into what is probably just a compulsion of an ex drug addict soon to be current drug addict replacing one habit with another, maybe she’s just rubbing the coke on her mouth to get the numb feeling cuz it isn’t actually doing the coke, or maybe she just likes trying to find feeling in her fake lips, or maybe she’s just trying to play cute, like a little girl in the amusement park or someshit, Lohan lost the cute angle when she took 8 dozen dicks in her while feeding a alcohol and substance abuse issue over the course of the last 5 years, that whole cute thing doesn’t work on washed up crackheads who smell like stale cum and rotting flesh and the real issue here is why the fuck am I analyzing it, I should just stare at it, then move on, cuz this is Lohan we’re talking about, she hardly exists and could be diddling her pussy and I’d find it boring and obvious because unfortunately we can’t bring back the Lohan that Wilmer Valderamma ruined, cuz that was the Lohan we liked the best….this other Lohan is just a fucking downer…with amazing tits…which I guess make her better than you….but she never fucking shows them…making the whole thing very very confusing…like why I am up at 9 am. Fuck.

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Lohan’s Oral Fixation of the Day

Rachel Bilson Flashes Her Cute Little Booty

Here’s my favorite Hollywood cutie Rachel Bilson out in a sweet pair of denim short shorts and killer high heels looking absolutely amazing. I love watching hot chicks walk around in high heels, it’s like watching a unicorn on it’s tippy toes. Beautiful. Anyhow, I wanted to discuss how cute Rachel’s little booty is and how happy I am that she happened to drop her purse just at the right time so we could get this shot of it. I think someone did it on purpose to get my attention… it worked.

Kim Kardashian’s Big Titty Diet Plan of the Day

I get that this is Frozen Yogurt, but if you jack that shit up with chocolate, butter, fried potatoes, and whatever the fuck Kim Kardashian stuffed into this bowl so the public doesn’t catch onto the fact that she’s a lazy fucking slob who doesn’t take care of her pig self because the only exercise she does is walking into the gym with her gym clothes on to lock herself in the lockerroom eating and watching Youtube Videos on her phone. I know fat and dumpy when I see it, and her big tits aren’t big enough to distract me from what I know she’s gonna end up looking like… So for the bitches out there who unfortunately idolize this pig and want to be like this pig, feel free to send me your sex tape cuz I love watching chubby girls in tacky clothes fuck black dudes, and if your body isn’tquite where you want to be, take Kardashian’s lead and eat your fat chick in training face off, to make them titties grow, just be sure to get industrial strength Spanx for when you gotta squeeze into spandex to show off your ass everyone loves, despite how dumpy the shit is, and despite how dumpy the shit is gonna get….

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Kim Kardashian’s Big Titty Diet Plan of the Day

The Price is Creepy of the Day

I love watching TV from the 60s, 70s and even the 80s because it’s not politically correct, or sensitive to issues that may offend someone, because guess everything offends someone nowadays and no one wants to be associated with something that may get shat on by some bullshit activist group, making our world a far more vanilla and boring place.. Before feminist lesbians, when women were paid less than men, we were allowed to make sexual references towards them withough getting arrested….but now everything is so fucking cautious and it is just breeding a society of drab, dull people with no substance, personality or sense of fucking humor… Cuz Bob Barker isn’t being all that bad here, if anything he makes the show worth stomaching and maybe Drew Carey or Luis Anderson or whoever the host is now should take some fucking notes, cuz talkshow hosts who cheated on their wives and drank their faces off, had a fuckin’ soul….

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The Price is Creepy of the Day