Tag Archives: nothing-if-not

Kim Kardashian Televised Her Wedding for YOU

Kim Kardashian is nothing if not giving of herself to Ray J on camera in order to get famous and make lots of money . In the latest issue of InStyle Australia , the reality star is asked why she televised her wedding to Kris Humphries and she gives a simple, totally believable answer: she did it for us, people. “We took weeks to decide if we were going to film it or not,” Kim lies her giant ass off tells the magazine. “But I felt like my fans – everyone that has gone on this journey with me, seeing different relationships that I’ve been in – would feel cheated if I didn’t film it. It was something that Kris and I were okay with, and the beauty of it is we get to edit it. It [will be] great to look back at that and see this time in our lives.” That sure will be a nice feeling. We’re guessing the phoniest woman in Hollywood also won’t mind looking back at the number of zeroes on the checks she earned from this completely selfless act.

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Kim Kardashian Televised Her Wedding for YOU

Friday Box Office: Hop Jumps To Number One Over Time-Jumping Jake Gyllenhaal

Despite it being about as fun as a tracheotomy, the Easter Bunny exposé Hop won the top spot this Friday night, sending the wibbley-wobbly timey-wimey Source Code to second place. If only you could crap candy too, Jake! And right behind dear ol’ Jake was the haunted house antics of Insidious , scoring a close number three. Your Friday box office is here.

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Friday Box Office: Hop Jumps To Number One Over Time-Jumping Jake Gyllenhaal

Will Alien-Free Marketing, Lack of 3D, and Tonal Ambiguity Make Cowboys & Aliens a Tough Sell?

When it comes to conventions, Jon Favreau is nothing if not a man of the nerd people. Mindful of how much he owes to the Comic-Con faithful for jump-starting early word of mouth on the Iron Man franchise, he came to San Francisco this weekend with a treat: Nine minutes of footage from Cowboys & Aliens cut exclusively for the WonderCon audience, including a special reveal of the film’s big, bad aliens — aliens that Favreau otherwise intends to keep under wraps.

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Will Alien-Free Marketing, Lack of 3D, and Tonal Ambiguity Make Cowboys & Aliens a Tough Sell?

Charlie Sheen Advice to UCLA Baseball Team: Less Crack, More Chocolate Milk

If there’s anyone who can deliver an inspirational pep talk to a group of D-I collegiate athletes, it would be Charlie Sheen. He is nothing if not a motivational genius. The former Major League star addressed the current UCLA baseball team, providing them with the following words of wisdom, a training regimen if you will: “Stay off crack, drink chocolate milk … Enjoy your moment. That’s I’ve got.” Charlie Sheen on Crack: Bad Idea! Fun fact? Sheen is an old friend of UCLA coach John Savage. Another fun fact? Former UCLA star Milton Bradley was also there. He’s crazier than Sheen is! Hey, at least he didn’t show up with Kacey Jordan on his arm. Or Bree Olson, or Capri Anderson. Or Michelle “Bombshell” McGee, or … you get the idea.

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Charlie Sheen Advice to UCLA Baseball Team: Less Crack, More Chocolate Milk

Toy Story 3 Hater Armond White Didn’t Like The Social Network Either

Armond White is nothing if not predictable . His negative review of The Social Network arrived today, complete with thoughts on how David Fincher’s film compares negatively to the C. Thomas Howell classic, Soul Man , and shots at Noah Baumbach. “As played by pale-skinned, curly-headed Jesse Eisenberg,” White writes, “Zuckerberg may be the most obnoxious movie protagonist Noah Baumbach didn’t write.” Well, at least he liked it better than Greenberg ? [ NY Press ]

Toy Story 3 Hater Armond White Didn’t Like The Social Network Either

MJ’s Alleged Love Child — Give Me Another Chance

Filed under: Michael Jackson , Celebrity Justice The woman who swears she’s Michael Jackson ‘s illegitimate daughter is nothing if not persistent — because two days after her DNA request was shot down … she’s begging the court to rethink that decision. TMZ obtained a copy of Mocienne Petit Jackson… Read more

Continued here:
MJ’s Alleged Love Child — Give Me Another Chance

Moonlighting: The Cast of Mad Men and Their Summer Movie Appearances

The AMC marketing department is nothing if not creative. To wit: They premiered the pilot episode of Rubicon on Sunday with nary a bit of promotion — it wasn’t even mentioned on the cable guide! — and were able to create a modicum of buzz by doing so. Such parlor tricks aren’t needed to goose interest in the return of Mad Men (July 25th — you’re welcome! ), but a trip to the multiplex will make you wonder: Did those sneaky bastards use the summer movie season as a guerilla marketing campaign to promote the denizens of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce? After the jump, Movieline investigates the cast members of Mad Men and their summer movies. Warning, spoilers ahead.

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Moonlighting: The Cast of Mad Men and Their Summer Movie Appearances

Lindsay Lohan: Under Police Watch, Axed From Film

Just when you think Lindsay Lohan’s week can’t get any worse, she somehow finds a way. Girl is nothing if not persistent … and usually sloshed. A day after sheriff’s deputies made a surprise visit to her place, Lindsay’s attorney confirmed that the LAPD also has the train wreck in its sights. Cops questioned Lohan after a friend’s $35,000 Rolex went missing at her home . Linds has been cooperative and as of now, she’s not a suspect. Still, she remains under close watch from authorities, who visited her the previous day amid allegations that Lindsay was corrupting Ali Lohan . Meanwhile, on the work front, things are going from bad to worse after Lindsay was axed from another movie because she’s “not bankable.” In related news, Heidi Montag’s body is “not natural.” UNRELIABLE : Movie studios want nothing to do with this . Lindsay Lohan was slated to star in The Other Side , a new movie also starring Woody Harrelson, Giovanni Ribisi, Dave Matthews and Alanis Morissette. It’s about a grad student working on a deserted island, which is basically where Lohan’s career is stranded after she was cut loose from the film. David Michaels, the writer/director, said that “Our team simply chose to move on from Lindsay and we’ll soon be announcing a replacement.” People financing the film were skittish about relying on Lindsay . Shocking. It’s unfortunate for Lindsay, who really needs to consolidate credit card debt and find a reliable source of income, that she’s viewed as a liability. Perhaps if she’d focus on acting instead of drunk Tweeting for five seconds, she might actually utilize what’s left of her once-considerable talent.

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Lindsay Lohan: Under Police Watch, Axed From Film

Johnny Depp Wants Mick Jagger to Swab Decks in Pirates 4?

The English tabloids are nothing if not imaginative. Just a few days after they had Robert Pattinson lined up to star as Kurt Cobain, there comes word that Johnny Depp wants to make Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides something even Ke$ha will love. The “Day & Night” gossip blotter of The Daily Express reports that Depp is keen on having Mick Jagger join the fray as one of Keith Richards’s shipmates in the fourth installment of the franchise. “He thinks they would be perfect [as pirate elders],” reports a “movie insider,” who then went ahead and made up another James Bond casting rumor. [ The Daily Express ]

Johnny Depp Wants Mick Jagger to Swab Decks in Pirates 4?

The 10 Most Blatant Product Placements In Telephone

Maybe I am out of touch with pop culture, but the Telephone video seemed a little heavy on the product placements. Regardless, I thought I'd expedite the process and just show you where to buy everything she was advertising, because I am nothing if not a good capitalist. (via NME ) The Best Links: From NME View