Tag Archives: oops

NYT Accidentally Posts Nasty Editor Note About Wedding Announcement [Oops]

Oops! A partially edited version of Danielle Cohen and Jonathan Segal ‘s wedding announcement made it onto the internet today, full of {cq}’s and desperation over how to describe a housewife. The early version, screenshot by noble comment warrior MockerStalker , includes a paragraph that appears to be a note between the writer and editor fretting over how to identify the groom’s mother. It appears they contemplated identifying Mrs. Segal as a sixth-grade teacher, a job she held in 1975, making it difficult to factcheck. The final edition leaves poor Mrs. Segal out entirely, because if one does not have an easily identifiable job, philanthropic hobby, or tony employer, one does not exist at all to the Vows page. If Mrs. Segal would like someone to commemorate her contribution to raising 28-year-old Jonathan Segal, “vice president of Highbridge Capital Management, a hedge fund in New York,” I will happily do so. Write in .

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NYT Accidentally Posts Nasty Editor Note About Wedding Announcement [Oops]

Michele Bachmann Cannot Spell ‘America’ or ‘Congresswoman’ [Oops]

Michele Bachmann , the batshit-crazy Republican congresswoman from Minnesota, is either illiterate or so sick of the liberal conspiracy to take over the US that she’s started her own country, called ‘Amarica’ ( on Yahoo searches at least ). [ DCeiver’s Twitter ]

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Michele Bachmann Cannot Spell ‘America’ or ‘Congresswoman’ [Oops]

Angelina Jolie Is A ‘Tourist’ Paris

Here are more shots from the set of The Tourist starring Angelina Jolie in Paris, France . In the film, Jolie plays an American tourist who is used by an Interpol agent in an attempt to flush out a criminal with whom she once had an affair The film also stars Johnny Depp who is currently out on the Alice in Wonderland promotional trail.

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Angelina Jolie Is A ‘Tourist’ Paris

Paris Hilton Flashes Her Way Around Hollywood

Paris Hilton showed off a little more than she intended after exiting her car in Hollywood where she was headed to a meeting. Thankfully for us she was wearing underwear and pantyhose. Can you believe that after all these years, Paris still can’t get out of car correctly?

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Paris Hilton Flashes Her Way Around Hollywood

Charlie Sheen’s Stolen & Wrecked Car


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Charlie Sheen’s Stolen & Wrecked Car

Jessica Simpson Raises A Stink

Jessica Simpson was left red-faced after she broke wind during a business meeting, according to reports. The Dukes Of Hazzard beauty was meeting with top execs at a Chicago firm to discuss her new denim line. But as they talked about plans for the brand, she let one rip – prompting her mum Tina to tell her off.

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Jessica Simpson Raises A Stink

The Real World D.C. Girl Who Faked Cancer: ‘I Regret It’

Erika Lauren Wasilewski admits to faking cancer for attention and to contacting the authorities when her college roommates smoked pot and ate her food. Just the kind of person you’d want to watch living in a house full of strangers. Time Out Chicago interviewed Erika about a rather damning rumor from her pre- Real World days: One of the claims, allegedly posted by an ex-boyfriend from high school, is that you faked cancer to get attention and sympathy after he broke up with you.

Read the original here:
The Real World D.C. Girl Who Faked Cancer: ‘I Regret It’

Balloon Boy Parents Headed To Jail

Richard Heene , the father of ” Balloon Boy” Falcon and the mastermind behind one of the biggest hoaxes ever has been sentenced to 90 days in jail, 60 of which he will be able to complete as work release. His wife Mayumi has been slapped with jail time as well and will serve her 20 days after Richard completes his. Adding to their list of growing problems is the cost of the whole rescue operation, $45,000 that they will be required to reimburse the county.

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Balloon Boy Parents Headed To Jail

Paris Hilton Is A Serial Flasher

You would think that after all these years that Paris Hilton would know how to exit a car like a lady but last night the Heiress “aired it out,” giving the paps a view when she arrived at the House of Petro Zillia in West Hollywood.

Paris Hilton Is A Serial Flasher

The Most Believable Jessica Simpson Story Ever

Jessica Simpson allegedly asked for popcorn when she went to see her sister Ashlee’s Broadway debut – mistakenly thinking she was at the cinema. The singer and actress fancied a snack when she went to the first performance of Chicago last month but the 29-year-old reportedly drew laughter from theatergoers when she tried to get popcorn. Um, do we expect anything less from the woman that thought didnt know that buffalo wings were made from chicken and that the Chicken of the Sea was tuna fish?

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The Most Believable Jessica Simpson Story Ever