Tag Archives: petition

US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites

(NaturalNews) As part of a new expansion of government power over information, the Department of Homeland Security has begun seizing and shutting down internet websites (web domains) without due process or a proper trial. DHS simply seizes web domains that it wants to and posts an ominous “Department of Justice” logo on the web site. See an example at http://torrent-finder.com Over 75 websites were seized and shut down last week, and there is no indication that the government will stop such efforts. Right now, their focus is websites that they claim “violate copyrights,” yet the torrent-finder.com website that was seized by DHS contained no copyrighted content whatsoever. It was merely a search engine website that linked to destinations where people could access copyrighted content. Google also links to copyrighted content — does that mean the feds will soon seize Google, too? (much more at link) Help stop the government takeover of the internet. Sign this petition: http://demandprogress.org/blacklist/ added by: samantha420

Sonja Morgan: In Debt, Angry at John Travolta

Don’t worry, Teresa Giudice . You aren’t the only member of the Real Housewives franchise who is an idiot with money. According to The Wall Street Journa l, Sonja Morgan filed for bankruptcy protection yesterday, listing $19.8 million in debt and $13.5 million in assets on her petition. We’ll give you a moment to let those numbers sink in… “The decision to seek bankruptcy was not an easy one, but unfortunately, I am at a crossroads in my life,” wrote the 46-year-old Bravo star, who was arrested for DUI this summer, in court papers. So, what role does John Travolta play in this? Morgan blames her mounting debt on a failed film venture with Hannibal Pictures Inc. She says she threw a lot of money into the production of Fast Flash to Bang Time , but the movie never began shooting because Travolta required “various conditions” that producers were unable to meet. Moreover, Morgan’s court documents cite her “bitter” divorce from her husband as a cause for her financial problems, adding to the overall point: anyone except Sonja Morgan herself is to blame for this, people!

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Sonja Morgan: In Debt, Angry at John Travolta

‘If you touch my junk, I’ll have you arrested’ Flier becomes instant folk hero for refusing airport molestation

“I don't understand how a sexual assault can be made a condition of my flying,” said 31-year-old John Tyner to a pair of Transportation Security Administration officials insisting on giving him a “groin check” before boarding his plane. Tyner was scheduled to fly this weekend out of San Diego International Airport when he was pulled from the security line at the metal detectors and told he would be either subjected to one of the TSA's full-body scanners – which reveal a virtually nude image of passengers – or a full-body “pat-down,” including an inspection of his inner thigh. Discomforted by the invasive procedures and the thought of a security officer touching his genitals, Tyner made a joke that has since made him an instant Internet folk hero: “If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested'' Tyner's words have since resonated in dozens of online comments and thousands of views on YouTube, for the comment – and the controversial discussion that followed – was recorded by Tyner's cell phone. Though the phone was with his belongings, and thus only caught audio of his confrontation with TSA officials, the camera's footage is posted on a blog Tyner created detailing the incident and viewable below, with his “touch my junk” comment and ensuing confrontation beginning at roughly the 3:45 mark: For Tyner, however, his troubles had only begun when he threatened to have the TSA officer arrested. A female supervisor was called over to handle “issue,” and she promptly explained to Tyner that he had two choices: submit to the groin check or be escorted back out of the airport. “I don't understand how a sexual assault can be made a condition of my flying,” Tyner objected. “This is not considered a sexual assault,” the supervisor said. Tyner replied, “It would be if you weren't the government.” Sign onto the petition demanding the suspension of the privacy-invading scans and pat-downs. According to Tyner's account, he was eventually confronted by more senior TSA administrators and one San Diego police officer before being escorted back out of the security area to the ticket counter. To his amazement, American Airlines then refunded the price of his non-refundable ticket. Before he could leave the airport, however, Tyner says a TSA employees insisted that if he left the airport, he would be subject to a civil suit and a $10,000 fine. Nonetheless, Tyner left and then made his story public. His blog repeats the refrain, “I would not be groped.” Tyner also told his story to the San Diego Union-Tribune: “People generally are angry about what is going on,” said Tyner, “but they don't know how to assert their rights. … There is a general feeling that TSA is ineffective, out of control, over-reaching.” Though Tyner insists he's not trying to start a “movement,” he nonetheless told the newspaper, “It's time to stop treating passengers like criminals and start treating them as assets.” Earlier this week WND reported as dozens of other airline passengers shared their real-life horror stories of close encounters of the TSA kind, including a 70-year-old whose fudge “contraband” was discovered, a Los Angeles passenger who was “groped” four times and a man who was the target of a TSA screaming fit when he chose to opt-out of the “porno scan.” Just a day earlier, WND reported on the growing movement by activists and citizens to push back against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's plans for “enhanced” screening at airport checkpoints. A petition has been launched to tell President Obama, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and members of Congress all about the problem. The petition targets the decision-makers in Washington who could bring the invasive procedures to a screeching halt. “We, the undersigned, call for the immediate suspension of the enhanced security screening procedures and an apology to the American public by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for directing the implementation of this ill-advised program,” says the petition. Concerns over the invasion of privacy by TSA scanners, described as voyeurism by critics, along with the “molestation” of the associated “enhanced” pat-downs and the health concerns from the blasts of radiation have now reached a critical mass. As WND reported, groups have formed to organize passenger boycotts and prepare protests at airports, calling for a “National Opt-Out Day” on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The options now are to have a full-body scan that essentially produces a nude image of the passenger or opt out of that procedure and endure a full-hands-on body pat-down that includes private parts. added by: crystalman


This documentary talks about getting America off oil and on biodiesel. Josh Tickell, (activist, environmentalist and the director of this film), promotes sustainability, health and green living. He examines our dependence on oil, its monopoly and its influential power on our politics through lobbyism. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upTCSSkxlxE&feature=player_embedded He also mentions the Iraq War as driven by the oil and the 9/11 tragedy that acted as a catalytic event for it. He wants Biodiesel that comes from algae, from trees, garbage, cooked oil, solar and wind power to be the main source of energy. He mentions the argument that biodiesel and ethanol, respectively coming from soy and corn, would compete with our food sources leading to food shortages and raising prices, therefore he suggests biodiesel that comes from algae farms instead which should harm no one. That is correct and I couldn't agree more with him but what he does not mention is the other huge issue with these food crops and that is GMO. Genetically engineered plants like corn, soy and canola, are one of the most terrible threats to our humanity and planet and that should be the first reason to be mentioned to dismiss this kind of biodiesel. Companies like Monsanto are certainly expanding their power trying to push this false alternative energy. Also, he never mentions HEMP as the greatest, most promising form of biofuel and also the least promoted. I am definitely on the same page with Josh Tickell and his film when it comes to the elimination of our oil dependency and advice everyone to watch it. A while ago, I grew tired to see temporary moratoriums and created this petition, the one petition that can change our WORLD, asking our government to eliminate oil, coal and gas altogether and forever. The price to pay for these energy sources is too high, too many deaths, too much sickness, too much control and our Freedom and our choice as citizens and consumers is long GONE. Take it back! Please, sign this Petition and support alternative, safe, renewable energy sources now. http://environment.change.org/petitions/view/no_more_drill_baby_drill No more waiting, no more killing, no more “Drill, baby, drill”. Thank you. Join The Organic Movement: http://current.com/groups/organicgreen/ added by: lookatmypix

Daily Kos Creates Petition To Abolish Filibuster

A petition is beginning to show up in e-mail inboxes across the country thanks to the left-wing website Daily Kos. The goal? Ending the practice of filibuster completely and letting Senators pass news laws with a 50 plus 1 vote. For those who paid attention to Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) becoming the infamous “number 41,” the implications are all too clear. The Senate passed Obamacare on Christmas Eve in 2009 only because there were exactly 60 votes to stop a Republican filibuster. Brown’s election weeks later dropped Democratic control to 59 and virtually stopped them cold. Democrats are now expecting to lose the House in November and keep the Senate only with a slim majority. The folks who run Daily Kos, apparently thinking 49 Republican votes should not matter, are trying to change the rules to make it easier for Democratic agendas to sail through. Behold the thought process of today’s Machiavellian liberals who will do absolutely anything to get their way (h/t NBer choselife3x): Today we’re launching a campaign to end the filibuster. Join this campaign by clicking the link below and signing the petition that appears: We’ll deliver the petition to every Democratic nominee for Senate and every returning Democratic Senator. When we do, we’ll get them on record about whether they agree that the rules of the Senate can, and should, be changed with a simple majority vote on the first day of Congress next year. Once 51 returning and potential Senators have come out in support, we’ll have proven that changing Senate rules is possible with a simple majority vote. Sign the petition, prove change is possible! There’s no bigger decision Senate Democrats will make next year. The Senate is where good legislation goes to die. Democrats can either change a system that allows a tiny unaccountable minority to thwart the will of the country, or they can continue being part of the problem. So even though Republican Senators ostensibly represent 41 percent of America now, and are predicted to represent even more states in 2011, the Daily Kos calls them “a tiny unaccountable minority.” And even though the majority of Americans repeatedly tell pollsters they reject Democratic agendas, it’s Republicans who “thwart the will of the country.” On each of those issues, the Daily Kos came down on the side against the will of most Americans. And now the plan is to make it even easier to ram things down Americans’ throats. Democrats will presumably be able to squeak into the Senate with a bare 51 votes and then pass whatever they want even when the public loudly protests. The filibuster has been an important part of Congress since the very beginning of this country. Film director Frank Capra used the procedure in the iconic 1939 movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” proudly displaying the means by which a minority can protect itself from a bullying, overconfident majority. Ending the filibuster would be a drastic departure from our nation’s founding and a radical change in the meaning of representation. As of this writing, Daily Kos is not displaying the petition on its front page. Yet one Kos member by the name of garscosi posted this rather embarrassing diary pleading with the website’s owners to reconsider, followed by a slew of comments in agreement. For a website that habitually trumps up popularity for unpopular ideas, it’s just so fitting.

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Daily Kos Creates Petition To Abolish Filibuster

Portia to Ellen: I Want to Be a DeGeneres!

Filed under: Ellen DeGeneres , Portia de Rossi TMZ has learned … Portia de Rossi will become Portia DeGeneres . Portia has filed a petition to legally change her name to Portia Lee James DeGeneres .

Melissa Etheridge Files to End Relationship

Filed under: Melissa Etheridge , Tammy Lynn Michaels , Celebrity Justice TMZ has learned … Melissa Etheridge has just filed legal documents with the court to formally end her relationship with Tammy Lynn Michaels . Etheridge filed a document called a Petition for Dissolution of Domestic Partnership in L.A. County Superior… Read more

Melissa Etheridge Files to End Relationship

LIVE VIDEO of BP Oil Spill

Watch a live Video feed of the Estimate 2.5 Million Gallons/Day of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico from the Gulf of Mexico floor, 5000 feet below the surface of the water. It's really gut-wrenching. Tell Pres. Obama & Congress to stop offshore drilling, cut subsidies for oil and coal, & start subsidizing clean energy technologies! We need to bring people-powered politics to bear on government decision-making. We can't trust anyone else, not politicians, not corporations, to do it but ourselves — sign the petition: http://j.mp/a0lS4a added by: captainplanet71

Help ban McDonald’s

Sign the petition added by: greywrld

Sandra Bullock Divorces Jesse, Adopts Baby

Filed under: Sandra Bullock , Jesse James , Celebrity Justice Sandra Bullock says she is divorcing Jesse James — AND she’s adopted a baby boy, according to People magazine. Sandra told People she has filed for divorce — though she does not reveal where the petition was filed. She also reveals that she’s adopted… Read more

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Sandra Bullock Divorces Jesse, Adopts Baby