Tag Archives: public-schools

Single Mom Wins $66 Million In Michigan Lottery, Says She Plans On Cars, Trips, Mansions

Finally…an honest lottery winner! Single Mother Wins $66 Million Jackpot Rather than telling the media she planned to keep working, pay of debts and all that common chatter…she told the truth and let everyone know she plans to BALL OUT. Via MailOnline : A 24-year-old single mother in Mt Clemens, Michigan has become America’s newest millionaire after turning in her winning $66million lottery ticket. On Thursday, Kelsey Zachow spoke about her win at a press conference, and later posed with her check and 7-month-old baby boy Benjamin. At the press conference, Zachow talked about how she plans to spend her winnings and how she went more than a week without knowing about the valuable Mega Millions lottery ticket tucked in her purse. Zachow says she has been buying lottery tickets two times a week for the past five years, spending an estimated $10,000 on tickets. She has since quit her two jobs as a bartender and medical assistant, which she previously worked to support her son and also her boyfriend and his 5-year-old daughter Evelyn. [Her boyfriend] has been laid off from his job in construction for about a year. Zachow says she first plans to spend her money buying a new SUV, perhaps a Jeep, and then a electric blue Mustang GTR convertible with dual exhaust and leather seats. She also wants to but the house of her dreams in the St. Clair area. Some place with acreage where she might one day be able to open a no-kill animal shelter. From there, she plans to treat herself to vacations in Europe, the Caribbean and Ireland – where most of her boyfriend’s family are from. The money will also go to pay the college tuition for her son, boyfriend’s daughter, and her 2-year-old little brother Gus Schmidlin. Zachow’s winnings were the largest ever won by a Michigan lottery player on a Friday the 13th. With $66 million in the bank, we bet it’s safe to say her unemployed boyfriend/babydaddy will make an honest woman out of her soon!

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Single Mom Wins $66 Million In Michigan Lottery, Says She Plans On Cars, Trips, Mansions

For Discussion: Urban Education Expert Says We Need To Stop Blaming Black Parents For Underachievement

Do you agree? Education Expert Breaks Down Notion Of Black Parents Indifferent To Education We’ve all heard (and sometimes regurgitated) the idea that a child’s academic achievement starts with the parents. One Urban Education professor stresses that there are many other factors to consider before just assuming that if a Black child underachieves, his or her parents are probably lazy and don’t put value on grades and higher learning. From Andre M. Perry for WashingtonPost : Mayors, teachers unions, and news commentators have boiled down the academic achievement gap between white and black students to one root cause: parents. Even black leaders and barbershop chatter target “lazy parents” for academic failure in their communities, dismissing the complex web of obstacles that assault urban students daily. In 2011, then-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg exemplified this thinking by saying, “Unfortunately, there are some parents who…never had a formal education and they don’t understand the value of an education.” Earlier this year, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette columnist Tony Norman diagnosed that city’s public schools’ chief problem: the lack of “active, radical involvement of every parent.” And even President Obama rued last week that in some black communities, gaining education is viewed as “acting white.” Clearly, there is widespread belief that black parents don’t value education. The default opinion has become “it’s the parents” — not the governance, the curriculum, the instruction, the policy, nor the lack of resources — that create problems in urban schools. That’s wrong. Everyday actions continuously contradict the idea that low-income black families don’t care about their children’s schooling, with parents battling against limited resources to access better educations than their circumstances would otherwise afford their children. Research backs up the anecdotal evidence. Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research recently found that African Americans are most likely to value a post-secondary education in becoming successful, at 90 percent , followed by Asians and Latinos. Whites, at 64 percent, were least likely to believe higher education is necessary for success. When judging black families’ commitment to education, many are confusing will with way. These parents have the will to provide quality schooling for their children, but often, they lack the way: the social capital, the money and the access to elite institutions. There is a difference between valuing an education and having the resources to tap that value. A study released this month found 26 percent of ACT-tested students were college-ready in all four subject areas. Among low-income students, college-readiness dropped to just 11 percent. The study determined that it was poverty, not motivation or attitudes, that contributed to the lower performance. “Nearly all ACT-tested students from low-income families in the United States aspire to go to college — at an even higher rate than students overall — but many lack the academic preparation to reach this goal,” the ACT noted. So the problem seems to be far more socioeconomic than racial…but we live in a nation that associates “poor” with “Black/brown.” What are your thoughts?

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For Discussion: Urban Education Expert Says We Need To Stop Blaming Black Parents For Underachievement

Kentucky Students to Michelle Obama: Your Food Tastes Like Puke!

Students in one rural Kentucky county, and their parents, are not what you’d call fans of the healthy school lunches touted by First Lady Michelle Obama. “They say it tastes like vomit,” said Harlan County Public Schools board member Myra Mosley at last week’s meeting, according to The Harlan Daily Enterprise . New USDA meal regulations implemented under the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010″ has long been a signature issue for the first lady. Denizens of Harlan County aren’t exactly impressed , however. Board members claim that have received bevy of complaints that area children are “starving” at lunch and for the remainder of the school day. Why? The food tastes like arse and there’s not enough of it. “Kids can’t learn when they’re hungry!” one parent shouted. Jack Miniard, the district’s director of school and community nutrition, was there to explain that the healthy recipes are now required by law. The federal government now governs both food choices and portion sizes in most American school districts including Harlan County, he said. Under the National School Lunch Program, Under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, schools must provide lunches with certain amounts of fruits, vegetables, etc. Specific gripes involved the new bread, which students don’t want to eat because it’s brown wheat, and the new milk, which is skim or 1 percent fat. Two percent or whole need not apply anymore. The cafeteria’s chocolate- and strawberry-flavored milk offerings are now nonfat as well, per regulations. There’s also a calorie cap, another point of contention: 850 for high school lunches, 700 for middle schools and a mere 650 calories for elementary schools. Students can only have one serving of meat or other protein provided by the school. However, kids can buy a second each day with their own money. On the plus side (if you can call it that, and many residents of this county apparently would not) you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want. Across the country, students and parents have expressed dissatisfaction with the federal government’s new food regime and its rules and limitations. Some wealthier school districts are simply backing out of the National School Lunch Program, even if it means giving up a six-figure annual subsidy. What do you think? Do the regulations go too far? Or are they necessary to combat childhood obesity and encourage healthy eating at a young age?

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Kentucky Students to Michelle Obama: Your Food Tastes Like Puke!

Fans Wear KKK Hoods to North Dakota High School Hockey Game

Red River High School administrators are looking into a photo posted to Twitter from Friday’s state semifinal hockey game in North Dakota that clearly shows a trio of students donning Ku Klux Klan-like robes and hoods. Shane Schuster snapped the picture (above) sand he was “shocked’ at the sight, adding that the fans wore the outfits for about 10-20 minutes. Said Mark Rerick, the Grand Forks Public Schools’ athletics director, after learning of the incident: “After confirming the incident, we notified the administrators at Red River High School who immediately began their investigation. To the best of my knowledge, the students have been identified by the Red River administrators who are continuing their investigation.” Fans at the game were encouraged to dress in white as part of the team’s “whiteout,” but we somehow doubt the school had such outfits in mind. This is the second KKK-related high school scandal of the last few weeks, as students also sported KKK robes in a history class last month in Las Vegas.

Fans Wear KKK Hoods to North Dakota High School Hockey Game

You Gone Learn Today: High School Principal Under Fire For Making Teenage Boys Hold Hands In Public As “Punishment” For Getting Slappy Happy At School

Anti-gay? Teenage Boys Forced To Hold Hands In Public As Punishment For Fighting At School An Arizona principal is facing backlash from the community after two teenage boys were given the option to sit in chairs in public holding hands as “punishment” for a school fight. Many felt that the disciplinary action was anti-gay. via THG Earlier this week, the two students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Ariz., who have not been named, were faced with two options after getting into a fight: -Suspension from school -Sitting in chairs in the courtyard and holding hands for 15 minutes during lunch They opted for the latter, and were ridiculed by their peers. “Kids were laughing at them and calling them names, asking, ‘Are you gay?’” student Brittney Smyers told ABC affiliate KNXV, while photos began to circulate online. On one Facebook posting, users commented that the public punishment was not appropriate, as it positions the teens as targets for taunting and name-calling. Others said the punishment was anti-gay, as it implies two males holding hands is embarrassing. Helen Hollands, director of communication and marketing for Mesa Public Schools, said the school’s principal, Tim Richard, who is in his first year at Westwood, had the idea. “He’s done some great things there,” Hollands said. “He’s focused highly on maintaining a standard where [ideally] no students are failing a class.” While this punishment probably did what it was intended to do, we think that there were surely other, more effective and socially conscious consequences for fighting during school that the principal could have used. Do you think the punishment was appropriate?

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You Gone Learn Today: High School Principal Under Fire For Making Teenage Boys Hold Hands In Public As “Punishment” For Getting Slappy Happy At School

High School Disciplines Fighting Boys With Forced Public Hand-Holding

An Arizona school district has condemned one of its high schools for disciplining two boys for fighting … by forcing them to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment. Earlier this week, the two students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Ariz., who have not been named, were faced with two options after getting into a fight: Suspension from school Sitting in chairs in the courtyard and holding hands for 15 minutes during lunch They opted for the latter, and were ridiculed by their peers. “Kids were laughing at them and calling them names, asking, ‘Are you gay?’” student Brittney Smyers told ABC affiliate KNXV, while photos began to circulate online. On one Facebook posting, users commented that the public punishment was not appropriate, as it positions the teens as targets for taunting and name-calling. Others said the punishment was anti-gay, as it implies two males holding hands is embarrassing. Helen Hollands, director of communication and marketing for Mesa Public Schools, said the school’s principal, Tim Richard, who is in his first year at Westwood, had the idea. “He’s done some great things there,” Hollands said. “He’s focused highly on maintaining a standard where [ideally] no students are failing a class.” Once the school district got wind of Richard’s unique punishment, however, it issued a statement saying that it doesn’t condone what the school did: “Mesa Public Schools is dedicated to maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment.” “The district has guidelines for appropriate student discipline and our site administrators have the authority to impose consequences within our policies and regulations.” “The district does not condone the choice of in-school discipline given these students, regardless of their acceptance or willingness to participate.” “District leadership will address this matter with the school principal and review district protocol regarding student discipline with all administrators.” Hollands said that the district is well aware that many perceived the discipline as bullying and biased. “The district is looking at how the actions have been perceived,” she said of the now infamous and viral incident. “That’s a very important piece to know.” Disciplining kids with hand-holding: Right or wrong?   Right idea, sends a strong message! Wrong, humiliating and unfair! View Poll »

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High School Disciplines Fighting Boys With Forced Public Hand-Holding

What The Hell?!?!? Student Gives “Jizz Juice” Filled Cupcake To Classmate Then Threatenes To Burn Down Principal’s House!

This is just nasty !!!! A 16-year-old student was suspended after allegedly giving a classmate a cupcake laced with his “man juice”, Minneapolis City Pages reports: St. Paul police spokesman Sgt. Paul Paulos told the Pioneer Press the boy gave cupcakes to “quite a few people” on May 9, but “only one supposedly had spunk.” Unfortunately, the unlucky classmate ingested the baked good, so authorities are unable to confirm the allegations. On the day following his suspension, police say the student took to Twitter to express his outrage at the punishment — threatening to burn down Principal Dan Mesick’s house. “It’s under investigation by police, and we can’t comment,” St. Paul Public Schools spokeswoman Toya Stewart Downey told the paper. The student has since withdrawn from the school district. What type of disgusting mess is this?!? This sick little scumbag was passing out “creamy cupcakes” and then when he got caught, threatened to burn the principal’s house to the ground? We have place where this little heathen will get his fill of some “nutty treats”…. Jail! Source

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What The Hell?!?!? Student Gives “Jizz Juice” Filled Cupcake To Classmate Then Threatenes To Burn Down Principal’s House!

Crampton: Anti-Bullying Efforts are Imposing a ‘Totalitarian Regime’


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There are few anti-gay activists as vehemently hostile as Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber and so, generally, when we see a new episode of LC’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program that has a title like ” Homosexual Activist Propaganda Gaining Steam in Public Schools ” and features Barber, we anticipate that we’ll be grabbing some part of his rant to post and highlight here. And while Barber was his typically… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 26/04/2012 13:05 Number of articles : 2

Crampton: Anti-Bullying Efforts are Imposing a ‘Totalitarian Regime’

Black Students More Likely To Be Suspended Or Expelled Than White Peers

New data from the Department Of Education reveals that one out of five Black male students and just over one in 10 black female students face more suspensions and expulsions in public schools than their white counterparts, reports the New York Times. In a review of the numbers received from the Civil Rights Data Collection study, 72,000 schools over 7,000 districts were tallied… Continue

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Black Students More Likely To Be Suspended Or Expelled Than White Peers

Chicago Teachers Union Pawns Protest Rahm: Protesters Can’t Explain Signs, Organizers Get Aggressive


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Monday night Chicago Teachers Union and Occupy Chicago protesters, along with some local residents, showed up in Chicago’s North Center neighborhood to protest converting 18 public schools into charter schools. While none of the schools considered for conversion are in the north-side neighborhood, these community organizers chose this location specifically because it is where Mayor Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Big Government Discovery Date : 21/02/2012 22:12 Number of articles : 2

Chicago Teachers Union Pawns Protest Rahm: Protesters Can’t Explain Signs, Organizers Get Aggressive