Tag Archives: review

Skin Links 1.24.17

It’s impossible for Mr. Skin to be everywhere at once, so sometimes he turns to his friends on the internet to bring you the latest Skin approved stories from around the web!  Top Ten Hottest Celebrity “Politicians” Fleshbot Bella Hadid braless in see-through mesh top Taxi Driver Movie Rita Ora bends over in pantyhose The Nip Slip Victoria’s Secret girls doing photoshoots Drunken Stepfather Melissa Debling topless on a sofa (header image) Egotastic All Stars Bethany Morgan is a busty schoolgirl Boobie Blog Last Men on Earth Podcast Episode 73 Last Men on Earth Movie Review: Split Double Viking … read more

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Skin Links 1.24.17

Kristen Stewart: Donald Trump is OBSESSED with Me!!!

Donald Trump isn’t exactly presidential. In fact, the list of things that make him a poor choice for president is far longer than the list of things that that make him a good choice, which is a list that consists of approximately zero items. He has no political experience, he has a terrible temper, he’s immature and ignorant, he’s shady as shady can get , etc., etc., etc. And now we can add one more little fact to his unbelievably long list of wrongdoings: He really freaked Kristen Stewart out! This happened back in 2012, when Trump was just that super rich guy from The Apprentice, when anyone and everyone would have laughed and laughed if you told them that, in just a few years, he’d be president. (OK, anyone would still laugh and laugh, it would just be accompanied with uncontrollable sobbing now.) Also in 2012, Kristen was dating Twilight star Robert Pattinson. Unfortunately, that was the same year she cheated on poor R-Patz  with director Rupert Sanders. It was a bad time for everybody: Sanders was married with children, Kristen had her long-term fan-friendly relationship , we had hopes and dreams and so much naivety. But really, no one was more hurt than Donald Trump. In the time following the news of the affair, things were sort of touch-and-go between Rob and Kristen. And that deeply troubled Trump. “Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart,” he tweeted. “She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again–just watch. He can do much better!” Hilariously, he insisted that “She will cheat again — 100 certain — am I ever wrong?” He also wrote “Everyone knows I am right that Robert Pattinson should dump Kristen Stewart. In a couple of years, he will thank me. Be smart, Robert.” It’s unclear if Robert has thanked Donald yet, but you know what is clear? These weird tweets have bothered Kristen for a long, long time. In a new interview with Variety, Kristen recalls that “He was mad at me a couple years ago, really obsessed with me a couple years ago, which is f-cking crazy.” “I can’t even understand it,” she said. “I literally cannot even understand it.” “It’s such a far-out concept that I don’t want to believe that actually is happening. It’s insane.” As she points out, “At that point, he was just, like, a reality star. I had no reference. It wasn’t like really a thing.” “But in retrospect, somebody reminded me of that and I was like ‘Oh my gosh, you’re right!'” Kristen also predicted that “He’s probably, like, going to tweet about this.” Not only did she talk about Trump’s weird obsession with her personal relationships, she also spoke out about the insane fact that he’s now president . “I’ve never been the most politically charged person,” she admitted, “but I think at this point, it’s not political. “It’s f-cking so humanitarian.” For the ladies who may look up to her, she advised “I would just say be a part of what you believe in, whichever way that is.” “I’m not going to tell anyone how to feel, but I’m pretty sure that we all feel the same way.” You can say that again, girl. View Slideshow: Donald Trump Becomes President: Celebrities React!

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Kristen Stewart: Donald Trump is OBSESSED with Me!!!

Skin Links 10.4.16

It’s impossible for Mr. Skin to be everywhere at once, so sometimes he turns to his friends on the internet to bring you the latest Skin approved stories from around the web!  Warren Beatty: A Man-Whore’s Conquests in Review Fleshbot Caitlin Stasey topless in her own bed  Taxi Driver Movie Sophie Simmons’ bare ass and more  The Nip Slip Sofia Resing topless in LUI Magazine  Drunken Stepfather Anthea Page topless hotness  Egotastic All Stars Charlotte Cross runs a lemonade stand  Boobie Blog Karlie Kloss bra top for Vogue Mexico  Last Men on Earth Cosplay Spotlight: Yaya Han  Double Viking  … read more

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Skin Links 10.4.16

Nah Fam: Here Are The Beauty Products You Should NEVER Share

In a recent beauty segment done on The Real, Jeannie Mai shares that using a sanitized sharpener to shave items like lip and eye pencils before using and spraying alcohol on other products like eyelash curlers and power eye shadows is great. But even with the whole “sharing is caring” mantra, the one beauty tool you should never share is a facial cleansing brush. “It’s a breeding ground for all the dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria that it removes from your face on a daily basis. The last thing you need is someone else’s muck getting trapped in your bristles and then tarnishing you skin game,” Mai explained… [ MadameNoire ] Here’s How To Gauge The Expiration Date On Your Makeup Brushes As any makeup-obsessed gal knows, makeup brushes are the holy grail of creating a flawless face. However, as beloved as they are and as much as we try to hold on to them to the bitter end, they do have an expiration date just like the rest of your products. Recently, InStyle delved into this topic, speaking with makeup artists and makeup brush creators about the lifespan of brushes and when you should trash yours for a new set. Continue scrolling to see the verdict. Katie Jane Hughes, Editorial and celebrity makeup artist: “If you’re trying to blend your makeup and a brush that normally works well is blending your makeup in a spotty or patchy way, that’s not a good sign,” she says. Sam Chapman, Real Techniques founder and makeup artist: “If your brush sheds on a consistent basis, there is a high chance that the glue holding the bristles has loosened…” [ MadameNoire ] Donald Trump’s Hotel Graffiti Bombed With “Black Lives Matter” Slogan Donald Trump‘s newest hotel in Washington, D.C. was tagged up by graffiti bandits who painted the slogan “Black Lives Matter” on a front-facing wall with other related slogans. The bold move occurred over the weekend, which was also the opening weekend of the Trump International Hotel. Trump opponents have voiced their disdain for the mogul opening the hotel at one of the Nation Captial’s most iconic buildings in the Old Post Office Pavillion. Since the start of Trump’s presidential campaign, he has been dogged for building the hotel using the labor of the immigrants he seeks to oust from the country should he become president. The tags on the hotel’s walls were captured by a Twitter user featuring the aforementioned slogan and “No Justice, Peace” on the other side of the hotel’s entrance… [ HipHopWired ] FBI to Investigate the Re-Registration of 19 Deceased Virginia Residents in the Swing State [ Baller Alert ] Supreme Court Won’t Review Disputes Over Whether College Athletes Should Be Paid [ HuffingtonPost ] That Time A Funky Inmate Cursed Lil Wayne Out In Prison [ iHeart Radio ] ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ Star Sues Former Employer [ TMZ ]

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Nah Fam: Here Are The Beauty Products You Should NEVER Share

Kim Kardashian Shares Bizarre Story of Fighting With Kanye at Chrissy Teigen’s Wedding

Back in 2013,  Chrissy Teigen and John Legend got married , and naturally, some of Hollywood’s biggest names turned out to celebrate the union of two A-listers. Unfortunately, one of the most famous invitees (who happens to also be one of Teigen’s BFF’s) was unable to attend – but that doesn’t mean she missed out on a minute of the action! Allow us to explain: The Teigen-Legend nuptials took place just three months after Kim Kardashian gave birth  to daughter North West. As we know, Kim likes to lay low until the baby weight is gone , so she wasn’t about to attend a star-studded and pap-friendly social event so soon after welcoming her first daughter. But good luck keeping Kanye away from that sort of thing. Yeezy attended on his own, which is only slightly weird. The really weird part is that he texted Kim non-stop throughout the ceremony and reception to let her know what she was missing out on: “I got in a fight with Kanye during your wedding,” Kim told Chrissy to promote … whatever crap one of them is promoting these days.  “I didn’t go … [North] was just born and I was so fat, and I had nothing to wear, so then he kept texting me, ‘Babe, this is the most beautiful wedding,’ ‘Babe, this is so pretty. I really wish you were here at Lake Como.’” “Literally a play-by-play text. We got into the biggest fight. ‘Just stop texting me. Go enjoy the wedding, you’re making me feel so bad!’” It would be one thing if Kanye was checking in on his wife and three-month old daughter, but no – homey was giving detailed reviews of the bacon-wrapped scallops. So yeah, Kanye sounds really annoying. Fortunately, he’s spent his whole career bracing us for this reveal by being obnoxious every chance he gets. Maybe it won’t be as hard for Kim and Taylor Swift to find some common ground as we thought! View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Hosts Posh Baby Shower for Chrissy Teigen: PHOTOS

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Kim Kardashian Shares Bizarre Story of Fighting With Kanye at Chrissy Teigen’s Wedding

Kendall Jenner Urges Teenagers to Vote

Kendall Jenner is putting her fame to good use in the following video. For a major change, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians isn't using her platform to push for some random product or to simply pose online without many layers of clothing on. In footage filmed on behalf of RTV and the Independent Journal Review, Kendall is wearing fashion from different decades below, including the 1970s (flower child), 1990s (grunge gal) and 2000s (modern businesswoman). And she's sending along a crucial message while doing so. “The 26th Amendment grants 18-year-old's the right to vote,” the video says. “Young voter turnout rises as candidates appear in new media like MTV. Over 20 million young voters decided the outcome for both elections [2008 and 2012]. “What happens next is up to you.” The segment is bipartisan. Kendall is not pushing her views on anyone, nor is she telling anyone to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. She is simply saying to go out and to vote. Period. “Everyday we vote, we're able to express our opinions online with 'Likes' and hashtags,” Kendall tells Rock the Vote. “But it hasn't always been that easy, especially for women.” Adds Alex Skatell, Founder and CEO of Independent Journal Review, via statement: “We're seeing unprecedented involvement and engagement from millennial voters in recent elections, and it's no surprise candidates are reaching out to young voters through their preferred platforms – social media sites and online. “As a social-first, mobile-first website, it's the perfect partnership for IJR.com to work with Kendall Jenner and Rock the Vote to engage young voters and give them a louder voice. “Kendall has a larger social media reach than each of the presidential candidates, and using her voice to encourage millennial voters is a great thing.” Check out the video now:

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Kendall Jenner Urges Teenagers to Vote

Skin Links 5.27.16

It’s impossible for Mr. Skin to be everywhere at once, so sometimes he turns to his friends on the internet to bring you the latest Skin approved stories from around the web!  Abby Cross and Blair Williams get slick at Fantasy Massage Fleshbot Chantelle Connelly has a nipple ring  Taxi Driver Movie Bella Hadid downblouse at a photoshoot  The Nip Slip Audrey Fleurot topless in LUI Magazine  Drunken Stepfather Joey Fisher butt nekkid on a couch  Egotastic All Stars Holly Gibbons tit flash on a treadmill  Boobie Blog Jessica Melody is a DJ and model  Last Men on Earth Movie Review: X-Men: Apocalypse  Double Viking Nicki Minaj showed off her rack  Steakwood … read more

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Skin Links 5.27.16

Kardashians HATE Cuba Because They Can’t Snapchat

As previously reported, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are currently in Havana, Cuba filming an upcoming episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. So far, we know they’ve smoked some cigars . But a source recently revealed that they are not enjoying their time in Cuba, primarily because the Wi-Fi sucks. “They love the culture, but they don’t like the technology,” a source tells Page Six . “They’ve had an issue every two seconds about not having internet,” adds the source. “They complained they couldn’t get on Snapchat. They’re frustrated and they can’t wait to leave.” It’s true – all three of their Snapchat accounts have been suspiciously silent since they landed on the island nation. I don’t now how we’ve all managed here on the mainland without a constant influx of Kardashian selfies, but we’re pulling through. We’re Americans. But here’s the best part. You ready? The Cubans couldn’t give a rat’s ass much less turn a head for these women, because nobody knows who they are. “They don’t have reality TV in Cuba — the Kardashians aren’t a big deal,” continued the source. “They are like, ‘Who are you, why are you filming?’” Sorry, Kris. Your hard work doth not cross all borders. The insider added that the Kardashians simply “weren’t culturally prepared for Cuba,” and we’d call that an understatement. Yesterday, Khloe pissed everyone off when she posed underneath sign inscribed into a wall that read “Fidel.” Critics called her out for trivializing and/or glorifying Fidel Castro, the Cuban dictator who oppressed his people for decades.  Sounds like the Kardashians are finally clueing into the idea that not all countries celebrate narcissism and celebrity the way we do in the U.S. of A. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Selfies: A Year in Review

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Kardashians HATE Cuba Because They Can’t Snapchat

Olivia Munn Cites Potato Consumption for Change in Appearance

Olivia Munn has an explanation for why her appearance has changed so drastically over the past year or so. Actually, Olivia Munn has multiple explanations for why her appearance has changed so drastically over the past year or so. And none of them have to do with plastic surgery. With the Internet buzzing this week over Munn’s transformation , the actress shared the above photos on Instagram on Tuesday night. One was taken last year. The other was taken last month. And, yes, Munn acknowledges the changes in her face and neck. “Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I love research,” she wrote as part of a LENTHY caption/explanation. “Convinced that there’s got to be natural, healthy ways (ie not only the rich and connected can do it) to keep your skin from aging, I do lots of research.” She continued: “Who says guys are the only ones who can get better with age? “We’re gonna turn that myth around, if we share what we learn with each other. So here are 4 skin tips I’ve learned just over this past year that really helped the texture and shape of my face.” View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Have Admitted to Plastic Surgery Sit back. Get comfy. And put on a cup of coffee, readers. Here is why Olivia Munn says she looks very different than before: I lost 12 pounds this past year while training for Xmen. I kept it off by coming up w/an hour workout I do a few times a week. The weight loss leaned out my cheeks and jawline. Working out is also great for your skin because it increases blood flow to your face which helps rejuvenate. Reshaped my brows . I do my own brows and always thought they were supposed to have a high arch. Then a facialist pointed out to me that I was shaping my brows into a frown. So I let the top of my brows grow in (which is never fun because it looks spotty for a few weeks) and then I plucked the bottom. That gave my brows a more horizontal angle and instantly brightened my eyes. Got rid of sunspots . I love my freckles. But over the past couple of years I’ve seen more come up and merge with other freckles to make large dark spots. Dark spots prevent your skin from reflecting light and gives you a dull complexion. So for the past year I’ve been diligently using @Proactiv Mark Fading Pads. I wipe my face with one every night and now my face has a more even tone and the large spots aren’t as noticeable. I’ve talked about this before and I still stand by it: Japanese potatoes that are high in Hyaluronic Acid help keep wrinkles away . Look up this video: ‘Connie Chung Yuzihara’ to learn all about it. There are Hyaluronic Acid pills and vitamins but I think that the best way to get it in your system is by eating them in foods that naturally have them. So there we have it, apparently. It’s comes down to potatoes, people. Munn concluded by saying: “I’m still looking into what gets rid of the lines that develop around your neck. I think it has to do with tension and acupuncture might be the answer. “When I find out more, I’ll let you know.” View Slideshow: 19 Celebrity Nose Jobs You Won’t Believe

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Olivia Munn Cites Potato Consumption for Change in Appearance

Phil Collins to Re-Marry Third Ex-Wife, Orianne Cevey

Their 2008 divorce cost him $46.76 million, but it’s all good because true love conquers all. Phil Collins and his third ex-wife, Orianne Cevey are officially back together, and will probably throw a second wedding. “Our separation was the wrong decision ,” Cevey told Swiss newspaper SonntagsBlick . “I now call Phil my husband again. We are so close that it does not actually make a difference if we are married or not, but we are determined to get married for a second time one day.” The couple reconciled in 2015, when Cevey was left partially paralized following complications from surgery on a slipped disc.  “We were always very close, because of the children… just last year, I realised that he is indeed the man of my life,” Cevey added. “I spent four months in hospital, and he took wonderful care of Matthew and Nicholas [the couple’s two sons]. That was a great relief to me… we are meant for each other.” Collins confirmed the news to Billboard Magazine last month in New York. “We went back because we realised we had made a mistake,” Collins explained. “A lot of people don’t have that chance, or don’t give themselves that chance.  Our young sons Matthew and Nicholas are like a dog with two tails. I mean, they’re just so happy. “They’ve got their mum and dad back together, so it’s a good place to be at the moment.” Collins has three other children –  Lily Collins, 26, Simon, 39, and Joely, 43, from two previous marriages. View Slideshow: 17 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces EVER

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Phil Collins to Re-Marry Third Ex-Wife, Orianne Cevey