Each and every person involved in allowing Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky to molest young boys need to be locked up: Just hours after stepping down, two high-ranking Penn State administrators face arraignment Monday on charges they lied to a grand jury investigating former defense coordinator Jerry Sandusky and failed to properly report suspected child abuse, a case that has left fans reeling. Late Sunday, after an emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees, university President Graham Spanier announced that Tim Curley, the athletic director, and Gary Schultz, the school’s senior vice president for business and finance, would be leaving their posts. Curley requested to be placed on administrative leave so he could devote time to his defense, and Schultz will be going back into retirement, Spanier said. Both men have maintained they are innocent of any wrongdoing in connection with the probe into whether Sandusky sexually abused eight boys over a 15-year period. State Attorney General Linda Kelly and state police Commissioner Frank Noonan are expected to hold a 1 p.m. news conference about the case Monday a few miles from the Harrisburg district court. The arraignment is scheduled for immediately after that. Sandusky was arrested Saturday on charges that he preyed on boys he met through The Second Mile, a charity he founded for at-risk youths. The charity said in a statement Sunday that Sandusky had had no involvement with The Second Mile programs involving children since 2008, when Sandusky told the foundation that he was being investigation on child-sex allegations. Lock all those a$$holes up and throw away the key! Source More On Bossip! Uh Oh! Is OchoCinco Jealous Evelyn Is Giving Attention To Someone Else?!? Tale Of The Tape: Kim Kardashian Vs. Amber Rose International Twit’Picing Ashanti Shows Off Her Bangin Bawwwddy In Asia Baby Bump BeyBey As A Bumblebee, Heidi Klum, Seal, And More!
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Shady & Nasty Muhfuggas: Penn State Officials Step Down After Covering Up Jerry Sandusky’s Disgusting Sexual Abuse Of Young Boys