Tag Archives: state-officials

Shady & Nasty Muhfuggas: Penn State Officials Step Down After Covering Up Jerry Sandusky’s Disgusting Sexual Abuse Of Young Boys

Each and every person involved in allowing Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky to molest young boys need to be locked up: Just hours after stepping down, two high-ranking Penn State administrators face arraignment Monday on charges they lied to a grand jury investigating former defense coordinator Jerry Sandusky and failed to properly report suspected child abuse, a case that has left fans reeling. Late Sunday, after an emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees, university President Graham Spanier announced that Tim Curley, the athletic director, and Gary Schultz, the school’s senior vice president for business and finance, would be leaving their posts. Curley requested to be placed on administrative leave so he could devote time to his defense, and Schultz will be going back into retirement, Spanier said. Both men have maintained they are innocent of any wrongdoing in connection with the probe into whether Sandusky sexually abused eight boys over a 15-year period. State Attorney General Linda Kelly and state police Commissioner Frank Noonan are expected to hold a 1 p.m. news conference about the case Monday a few miles from the Harrisburg district court. The arraignment is scheduled for immediately after that. Sandusky was arrested Saturday on charges that he preyed on boys he met through The Second Mile, a charity he founded for at-risk youths. The charity said in a statement Sunday that Sandusky had had no involvement with The Second Mile programs involving children since 2008, when Sandusky told the foundation that he was being investigation on child-sex allegations. Lock all those a$$holes up and throw away the key! Source More On Bossip! Uh Oh! Is OchoCinco Jealous Evelyn Is Giving Attention To Someone Else?!? Tale Of The Tape: Kim Kardashian Vs. Amber Rose International Twit’Picing Ashanti Shows Off Her Bangin Bawwwddy In Asia Baby Bump BeyBey As A Bumblebee, Heidi Klum, Seal, And More!

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Shady & Nasty Muhfuggas: Penn State Officials Step Down After Covering Up Jerry Sandusky’s Disgusting Sexual Abuse Of Young Boys

Walk Much Lady? Gaga Falls HARD on Stage (Again)

For the second time this month, Lady Gaga took a fall in concert in Atlanta last night. And, in vintage Gaga fashion, got up and carried on, unfazed. The pop star fell off of a fire-spewing piano during a concert in Houston April 10, and has taken numerous other spills and tumbles over the years. As Weird Al’s Lady Gaga parody told us, she performs this way … Lady Gaga Falls During Poker Face

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Walk Much Lady? Gaga Falls HARD on Stage (Again)

Melania Trump Defends Donald Trump "Birther" Criticism; Loves Michelle Obama Fashion

Melania Trump wants to make a couple of things clear: Her husband, potential presidential candidate Donald Trump, isn’t the only one who wants to see President Barack Obama’s birth certificate . Michelle Obama has such great style! She won’t say if he’s decided to run yet, but that she “will support him no matter what he decides” and says he’s not alone in his “birther” suspicion. “Well I think it’s not only my husband that wants to see the birth certificate. I think it’s a lot of people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for President Obama.” Melania, a native of Slovenia, says people are just frustrated . “They ask where it is and why he doesn’t show it. Does he have it? Where is it? Why not show it? What’s the big deal? I’d show [mine]. What’s the problem?” Hawaii state officials swear that they have inspected Obama’s original document and a Certificate of Live Birth was released during the 2008 campaign. Trump has been called out by George Stephanopoulos , Bill O’Reilly and many others for beating what some think is a dead horse, but he persists. Just today, he called in to Fox News to say “I think I’ve made my decision” on running and he vowed to continue to talk about Obama’s citizenship. “So, the media really latched on to it. They really like that talk,” Melania said. “But he’s also for bringing jobs back and the economy and taking care of people that are working so hard and to bring this country back to where it once was.” Melania says the prospect of being First Lady and living in the White House is “something that’s exciting but we never know what will happen.” She lavished her possible predecessor with praise for her style, too. Michelle Obama, she says, would look great in her ‘Melania’ jewelry line: “Yes, she has fabulous style. Very nice style! She would look great in my jewelry,” she said. “Anybody, no matter who you are, the First Lady, your mom at home with a child, your a businesswoman. You can wear my jewelry.” [Photo: WENN.com]

Melania Trump Defends Donald Trump "Birther" Criticism; Loves Michelle Obama Fashion

‘Teen Mom’ Star Amber Portwood Pleads Not Guilty To Assault

Portwood was arrested and charged with felony domestic battery and child neglect Monday. By James Dinh “Teen Mom” stars baby Lean and Amber Portwood Photo: Scott Gries “Teen Mom” star Amber Portwood pleaded not guilty Tuesday (December 28) to felony domestic battery and child neglect charges, TMZ reports. Portwood, who was arrested Monday , is being held on $5,000 bail and is expected to be released later Tuesday. The state of Indiana has prohibited the 20-year-old from having any contact with her daughter, Leah, or the alleged victim, Gary Shirley. During the last season of “Teen Mom,” MTV cameras followed Portwood and three other young women in their quest to manage motherhood. Portwood’s turbulent relationship with on-and-off fianc

Chicago, Citing Benefits Of ‘Floaters’ – Tells Obama Administration To Take A Dive

Paraphrasing: ‘ city kids don’t know how to swim; and, so it’s better to have repulsive water to keep them from going in and drowning .’ I’m thinking that the ‘we can’t afford it just now’ argument would have been sufficient. Here’s a sample of Chicago Tribune coverage that spells out the essence: Three decades of improvements already have cleaned up the river to the point where 60 species of fish can be found in channels where just five once survived. But as more people are drawn to the waterways for recreation, federal and state officials have concluded that past efforts haven’t been good enough. After five years of study and two years of debate, the EPA concluded t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Chicago, Citing Benefits Of ‘Floaters’ – Tells Obama Administration To Take A Dive

Local News Watch: Jesus is Everywhere

In this infoMania classic, Conor Knighton skewers local news for an unholy obsession with sightings of Jesus on inanimate objects. ALL NEW INFOMANIA: TONIGHT 10/9C.

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Local News Watch: Jesus is Everywhere

Will Arizona Cut Power to Los Angeles?

After the city voted to boycott Arizona over its new immigration law, state officials are threatening retaliation.

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Will Arizona Cut Power to Los Angeles?

David Letterman’s Ratings See A Boost In Wake Of Sex Scandal

Late-night host apologized to his wife for affairs with female staffers during Monday’s show.

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David Letterman’s Ratings See A Boost In Wake Of Sex Scandal

Shyne Remains In Custody Due To Immigration Status

Rapper was to be release from prison Tuesday, but a rep says officials may deport him to Belize. By Jayson Rodriguez Shyne Photo: MTV News It looks like Shyne ‘s homecoming is on hold for the moment.

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Shyne Remains In Custody Due To Immigration Status