Ashley Smith is a good old Texan country girl….who moved to NYC to get it done..and she did it by doing topless erotica for the first part of her career – thanks to her big tits that I guess she’s still putting out but less shamelessly…because she took her cool naked model getting naked and turned it into a stint with Sports Illustrated Swim…allowing her to go as mainstream as possible…but still the same old texan with the big tits and great tooth gap to look at half naked…even if she’s older and fatter…it’s still a great time for all involved…isn’t it…. The post Ashley Smith in her Underwear of the Day appeared first on .
Sarah Halpin and Joanna Halpin are sisters…who are making moves, very slowly, as models who get naked – both doing the same hustle because both come from the same household and have the same moral and value system – but who know above all and most importantly – as the Budwesier Twins and the Playboy Twins of our era….knew…that two is better than one – and when girls get naked together – while related – even if it’s not a big deal – and they aren’t eating each other out…magic gets set off in our soul…. This is as trashy as all the other TWINS….but it’s the instagram era…where the quality and posing of images is less trashy…it’s soft lit, soft focus, posted romantically but the underlying message is still the same…trash…and if this is TRASH I am happy to be both the garbage man picking it up, or the homeless man digging through it for food scraps to sustain…. The post Slutty Model Sisters Leveraging that they are Sisters to Make Their Topless Shoot Go Further of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Horse Faced, but no one will notice, because she’s got the most ridiculous fucking tits pretty much ever. Tits that some hotel hired or gave a free Mexican room to walk around the pool in a bikini, because that’s the level of love you get when you are amongst a million girls with a million followers on instagram….you get a free fucking room. These people, despite what they want you to think, are not actually famous, they are barely even glamour models, they are self produced models, DIY, low grade, only relevant because of the monster tits…but they don’t think that, they think “I was on TV once and I did a shoot for a brand one, therefore I matter”….even though she knows, like we know, with tits like this…nothing else about her matters…other than that she probably would make more money a year as a Vegas stripper, but at least this way, she has her trust fund from her rich dad and her dignity…even though whoring out tits like this is as ghetto trash as stripping, in fact, the strippers actually get paid to show their tits…so they fuckin win. Send this bitch back to Florida….because she’s so fucking Florida..and her tits…the size of Florida…are still worthy of staring at…because that flat stomach, no ass, skinny body gaining weight in her tits and only her tits….a good problem to have…only fat girls wish the had….the good kind of freak of nature…possibly the best kind…even if everything about her is so cheesy and the fucking worst…those tits mute all that shit… Instead of always being negative on these bitches, the nice thing about McKinney is that her only worth is her tits and she’s making it work for her, reminding me of pre 1960s feminist movement, when tits defined a woman’s worth, and that’s something our culture may have shifted on us – and shied away from with decency, civil rights, equality and social justice warriors…but we’re still the same fucking animals and girls and guys alike know there’s something magical with tits. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney Monster Clown Tits in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
A video posted by Bella Hadid (@bellahadid) on May 10, 2015 at 5:44pm PDT Bella Hadid is the darker, more interesting, even less annoying and bubbly and blonde and scenester than her sister Gigi…you know possibly edgier…but still the same spoiled brat with a model mother and a model fucking very rich father…. Maybe I just like her cuz she’s knew rich kid model on the block…or maybe I just how easy it is for them to make it…while all you aspiring models struggle… Or maybe I just like watching her eat burgers in slow motion…it’s a fetish….or maybe I just like watching her eating ice cream…. Or maybe I just like her tits being relevant with Miley… Or maybe I don’t like her or anything about her at all and I find this whole Jenner/Kardashian famous cuz you’re rich in Calabasas stupid…when I like people being famous because they are awesome and people like them…but that just doens’t exist…so I’ll take the rich tits I see…cuz what the fuck else am I supposed to do…actually hang out with real girls, in real life, that’s just crazy. The post Bella Hadid Eats a Burger in Slow Motion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Just when I thought South African lingerie model Lauren Mellor couldn’t get any hotter, I found this latest photoshoot from the SI swimsuit model to prove me wrong. And I definitely like to be proven wrong, at least when it involves getting to drool over more great lingerie pictures. Anyway, it turns out Lauren here isn’t doing too hot in the current SI Rookie of the Year voting , but I have a feeling these pictures ought to be able to help raise her numbers, considering the way they’re currently raising my sweatpants. Sorry, was that TMI? I can’t really tell anymore. » view all 14 photos
Here’s my new favorite busty redhead Helen Flanagan going out for a night on the town. And while she may have dyed her hair, I’m glad to see that she’s still the same old Helen. You know, the one who knows that the only proper way for a hottie to get out of a cab is headfirst and wearing a low-cut dress. Which is why Helen will always be my favorite, no matter what color her hair is. Enjoy. » view all 11 photos Photos:
Mindy Kaling is featured this month on the cover of her first-ever national fashion magazine. Cause for celebration, right? Yes, but also for controversy. Kaling is one of four actress featured for the publication’s Women in TV issue, along with Zooey Deschanel ( New Girl ), Amy Poehler (Parks and Recreation) and Allison Williams (Girls)… … but she’s the only one of those four to be photographed up close and also in black and white. This could be no big deal. Like the Melissa McCarthy Elle cover that generated chatter, it’s possible Kalig was in on the picture selection and some are making a big fuss over nothing. But Julia Sonenshein of The Gloss doesn’t see it that way. “For all we know, Kaling directed the whole shoot. Does it matter? The message is still the same: we treat a certain type of woman differently than the other celebrities in her cohort,” Sonenshein writes . “Kaling is different based on an arbitrary set of rules, so we’ll treat her as such.” Elle, meanwhile, is standing by its depiction of Kaling. “Mindy looks sexy, beautiful and chic,” the magazine says in a statement. “We think it is a striking and sophisticated cover and are thrilled to celebrate her in our Women in TV Issue.” No word yet from Kaling, but here’s a look at the other three women/covers. What do you think? Is this a worthy scandal or much complaining over nothing? UPDATE : Mindy has now Tweeted a response: “I love my @ELLEmagazine cover. It made me feel glamorous & cool. And if anyone wants to see more of my body, go on thirteen dates with me.”
Looks like Laura Govan isn’t done throwing her co-stars under the bus. In an interview with Juicy Magazine Laura reveals her feelings about Jackie Christie, Draya Michele, her sister Gloria’s acting career and why people need to stop act like “Basketball Wives” is an accurate portrayal of black women: JUICY: There is an awkward vibe between you and Draya, what are your feelings about Draya and where does you’re issue with her stem from? LG: My focus wasn’t on nobody but Jackie. I could see everybody else for who they were. I didn’t like Draya [season 1] for scenes off camera, you guys couldn’t see. With Draya, I’m like, you’re still a sl*t bucket, but Draya is Draya. She does her thing. She’s like a blunt, you smoke it, you hit it, you pass it and then you toss it and then its a roach and you keep it moving. This year, she’s still the same person but she’s growing, taking ant steps, but she’s getting there. I don’t dislike Draya at all. JUICY: What were your initial thoughts of your sister, Gloria’s new role as an actress? LG: Initially when I seen it was like, ‘B!tch you’re the isht.’ We were all over the place. I was so happy for her. I was watching this person and I’m like, ‘That’s you?’ We were all excited. JUICY: What do you say to critics that say reality television depicts minority women negatively? LG: If you look at TV and you think that I’m portraying who you are as a Black woman you have issues. Look at TV for what it is – entertainment. If you want to be entertained watch my show. If you want to watch a woman portraying Black women, watch Oprah, don’t watch me. If you wanna get some jokes and you wanna laugh and you wanna be like ‘What no she didn’t’, then that’s this is the place to be. I don’t like when people look at it for anything else. Wow… Do you agree with her? She does kind of have a point. Anyone who thinks ALL black women act like them fools is cray.
It’s been thirty years since Sybil Danning ‘s heyday in flicks like Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) and Chained Heat (1983), but you’ll be happy to know that she’s still the same bodacious blonde ball-buster as always. In a new interview with Vice magazine, Sybil says it’s been difficult in recent years to find the ” good, strong characters ” that drew her to action in the first place, but she’s still a B-Queen for life: ” I’ve done a lot of comedies but I don’t think I am romantic comedy material, and those are the bulk of the movies offered to women on the A-list. I’m just better suited playing authoritative and strong-willed characters, and the B’s allow me to do that. ” Asked about her status as a sex symbol, Sybil says that she has no qualms about posing nude, ” as long as it’s on my own terms ,” and that she’s ” very proud ” of her following in the S&M community, adding “It’s funny, because in Austria everyone wears leather. We think nothing of it.” But the ultimate Sybil Danning quote? Asked about her favorite part of being an action star, she said: “I think guns are sexy although I would never hunt down an animal. I like to prey on the scum: child molesters, drug dealers, men who use and torture women. I have no problem shooting them and asking questions later.” Oh, Sybil. Never, ever change. Check out the breast of ’80s icon and Mr. Skin Nudity-Hall-of-Famer Sybil Danning right here at
It’s been thirty years since Sybil Danning ‘s heyday in flicks like Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) and Chained Heat (1983), but you’ll be happy to know that she’s still the same bodacious blonde ball-buster as always. In a new interview with Vice magazine, Sybil says it’s been difficult in recent years to find the ” good, strong characters ” that drew her to action in the first place, but she’s still a B-Queen for life: ” I’ve done a lot of comedies but I don’t think I am romantic comedy material, and those are the bulk of the movies offered to women on the A-list. I’m just better suited playing authoritative and strong-willed characters, and the B’s allow me to do that. ” Asked about her status as a sex symbol, Sybil says that she has no qualms about posing nude, ” as long as it’s on my own terms ,” and that she’s ” very proud ” of her following in the S&M community, adding “It’s funny, because in Austria everyone wears leather. We think nothing of it.” But the ultimate Sybil Danning quote? Asked about her favorite part of being an action star, she said: “I think guns are sexy although I would never hunt down an animal. I like to prey on the scum: child molesters, drug dealers, men who use and torture women. I have no problem shooting them and asking questions later.” Oh, Sybil. Never, ever change. Check out the breast of ’80s icon and Mr. Skin Nudity-Hall-of-Famer Sybil Danning right here at