Tag Archives: think-progress

Ho Sit Down: GOP Congressman Says Women Should Be Forced To Give Birth To Brain Dead Fetuses Rather Than Have The Option For Abortion

The nerve…. GOP Congressman: Women Should Be Forced To Birth Brain Dead Fetuses A current Republican-backed bill that has been circulating on The Hill recently gained even more opposition at a hearing to discuss the bills’ proposal to make abortion performed after 20 weeks, including those performed because of pre-diagnosed fetal abnormalities, illegal in Washington, D.C. via Think Progress At a congressional committee hearing to discuss a proposed measure to criminalize abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, Texas lawmaker Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told a woman who made the difficult choice to terminate a non-viable pregnancy that she should have carried the fetus to term anyway — even though an MRI had already revealed that he was missing a large part of his brain and didn’t have much chance of survival. On Thursday, Christy Zink testified in opposition to H.R. 1797, a 20-week abortion ban that anti-abortion representatives of Congress keep attempting to impose upon the women in the nation’s capital. Abortion opponents claim that 20-week bans are necessary to prevent “fetal pain.” But in her testimony, Zink pointed out it’s misleading to suggest that this abortion restriction would serve this purpose, since forcing her to carry her pregnancy to term would have actually caused her unborn son considerable pain. Gohmert responded: “Ms. Zink, having my great sympathy and empathy both. I still come back wondering, shouldn’t we wait, like that couple did, and see if the child can survive before we decide to rip him apart? So. These are ethical issues, they’re moral issues, they’re difficult issues, and the parents should certainly be consulted. But it just seems like, it’s a more educated decision if the child is in front of you to make those decisions.” It doesn’t get much more heartless than to stand in a woman’s face and tell her what she should have done to save her unborn child that she’s more than likely still grieving over. He should be ashamed!

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Ho Sit Down: GOP Congressman Says Women Should Be Forced To Give Birth To Brain Dead Fetuses Rather Than Have The Option For Abortion

Bolitics: Rep. Louie Gohmert Comes For Barack Obama ” This Administration Has So Many Muslim Brotherhood Members That Have Influence, That They Are Making The Wrong Decisions For America”

People just won’t let this Muslim thing go! Louie Gohmert Makes Muslim Accusations Against White House According to Raw Story Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) revisited the anti-Muslim accusations lobbied by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MI) last year in a radio interview, Think Progress reported on Saturday. “Radical Islam is at war with us,” Gohmert said in an interview on Thursday with World Net Daily radio. “Thank God for the moderates that don’t approve of what’s being done. But this administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have influence that they just are making wrong decisions for America.” Attorney General Eric Holder, Gohmert said, spent more time “trying to help terrorists than trying to corral them” before assuming his current post, which he said was demonstrated by the reading of Miranda rights on Monday to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. “It’s very clear to everybody but this administration that radical Islam is at war against us,” Gohmert said. “I’m hoping that either this administration will wake up or a new one will come in at the next election, before irreparable damage is done.” Gohmert did not cite any sources for his allegations, which resemble Bachmann’s accusations in July 2012 that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Huma Abedin, a former deputy chief of staff for then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, had a “long record” of association with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s party. The two congress members were part of a group of lawmakers that sent letters to officials at the Homeland Security, Justice, State and Defense departments calling for an investigation into a “potential Muslim Brotherhood infiltration.” Later that year, however, Bachmann said the letters were only “asking questions.” The letters were quickly criticized by other Republicans like Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who called them “specious and degrading.” But Gohmert came to Bachmann’s defense, saying McCain and other “numbnuts” like House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) should have read the letters before calling them into question. If members in your party don’t believe the Muslim allegations, then why continue to pursue it? AP

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Bolitics: Rep. Louie Gohmert Comes For Barack Obama ” This Administration Has So Many Muslim Brotherhood Members That Have Influence, That They Are Making The Wrong Decisions For America”

No Child Left Behind? 70,000 Kids In Low Income Neighborhoods To Be Kicked Out Of Head Start Programs Due To Budget Cuts

What about the children… Head Start To Kick 70,000 Low Income Children Out Of The Program Recent budget cuts and sequestration will be forcing thousands of low-income, pre-school-aged children out of the popular “Head Start” schooling program and many parents and school administrators are being left to figure out what to do next. via Think Progress The early childhood education program Head Start provides educational opportunities specifically to low-income kids. But 70,000 of those students will lose the opportunity to be in the program as a result of the drastic reductions in funding triggered by sequestration. Reports are beginning to roll in about how children will bear the brunt of Congressional inaction. In several states, programs have to decide where they will make the cuts. In some cases, that means picking which students will be kept in the program, and which will be forced to leave: INDIANA: “At least two Indiana Head Start programs have resorted to a random drawing to determine which three-dozen preschool students will be removed from the education program for low-income families, a move officials said was necessary to limit the impact of mandatory across-the-board federal spending cuts. [Programs] in Columbus and Franklin are losing two classrooms, meaning 36 children won’t be able to return after Friday. [Indiana Journal Gazette, March 13, 2013.] TENNESSEE: “A letter went out recently to parents and guardians with children in the program stating that the cuts have affected the Head Start program in several ways. One, and perhaps the move that hurts more families than any, is that all bus transportation will discontinue on March 18. The letter was sent out shortly after the sequestration took place on March 1 to give the parents a couple of weeks to try to find alternate means of transportation. [Clairebornprogress.net, March 13,2012] WASHINGTON: ‘We’ll [lose] money for the child care food program. And there may be dollars lost from our partnership with the Spokane School District for serving kids with disabilities,’ said [The Director of Program Services, David Colburn] Colburn. Spokane Head Start currently serves 900 families and there are a thousand more on the waiting list. [KREM.com, March 1, 2013.] It’s so unfortunate that essential programs like these are some of the first to take the biggest hits every year as a result of federal and/or state budget cuts. Hopefully something can be worked out to minimize this trend ASAP.

No Child Left Behind? 70,000 Kids In Low Income Neighborhoods To Be Kicked Out Of Head Start Programs Due To Budget Cuts

Up In Smoke: New Study Claims Black People Living In Racially Segregated Areas Are More Likely To Die From Lung Cancer

All black everything is bad news for your lungs according to a new study… New Study Shows Connection Between Lung Cancer And Racial Segregation A new study focusing on health and health care statistics has found that lung cancer is significantly more prominent in African-Americans living in racially segregated areas of the country.  Other similar studies have found that the cause behind this growing epidemic in black communities may be the lack of access to health care. via Think Progress African-Americans living in highly segregated counties are at significantly elevated risk of dying from lung cancer, according to the results from a new study. According to New York Times reports, a study published in JAMA Surgery finds that black Americans in highly segregated areas are 20 percent more likely to die from the disease compared to those who live in the least segregated regions. While the JAMA report doesn’t delve into the causes behind the mortality rate disparity, other studies on American segregation have found that, in highly segregated locales, a larger minority population corresponded with significantly less access to surgical and emergency medical care. That data alone is not conclusive, but it does suggest that stratified access to health care remains an enormous hindrance to public health — particularly for people of color. Access to sufficient health care resources is vital for treating and preventing disease in any community, so this needs to change ASAP.   Do you notice a higher rate of lung cancer in your community relative to those outside of where you live? Image via Shutterstock

The rest is here:
Up In Smoke: New Study Claims Black People Living In Racially Segregated Areas Are More Likely To Die From Lung Cancer

Race Matters: Colin Powell Puts Shady GOP On Blast For Racism..“There’s A Dark Vein Of Intolerance”

Colin Powell took a moment this morning to call out those shady Republicans who are blatantly racist azzholes… According to Think Progress: On Sunday, during an appearance on Meet The Press, Colin Powell condemned the GOP’s “dark vein of intolerance” and the party’s repeated use of racial code words to oppose President Obama and rally white conservative voters. Without mentioning names, Powell singled out former Mitt Romney surrogate and New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu for calling Obama “lazy” and Sarah Palin, who, Powell charged, used slavery-era terms to describe Obama: POWELL: There’s also a dark — a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. What do I mean by that? I mean by that that they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that? When I see a former governor say that the President is “shuckin’ and jivin’,” that’s racial era slave term. When I see another former governor after the president’s first debate where he didn’t do very well, says that the president was lazy. He didn’t say he was slow. He was tired. He didn’t do well. He said he was lazy. Now, it may not mean anything to most Americans, but to those of us who are African Americans, the second word is shiftless and then there’s a third word that goes along with that. The birther, the whole birther movement. Why do senior Republican leaders tolerate this kind of discussion within the party? He’s absolutely correct…Discuss. WENN

Read the rest here:
Race Matters: Colin Powell Puts Shady GOP On Blast For Racism..“There’s A Dark Vein Of Intolerance”

Ho Sit Down…NOW: Former President Bush FEMA Director Says President Obama Responded To Hurricane Sandy “Too Quickly”

First Donald Trump and now this shady azz character?? Former Bush FEMA Director Criticizes President Obama For Quick Response To Hurricane Sandy Did the GOP have  a bath salts and booger-sugar bash last night while President Obama was busy addressing the nation and doing his duty as President to help brace the east coast for the wrath of hurricane Sandy? Because this is the only rational explanation that we can think of for why these fools continue to go public with these dumb and dumber statements like this one.. via Think Progress Former FEMA Director Michael Brown offered criticism of President Obama’s early responses to Hurricane Sandy yesterday, including a dig at the administration’s response to last month’s attack in Libya. Yesterday, ahead of the storm’s pummeling of the eastern seaboard, Brown gave an interview to the local alternative paper, the Denver Westword, on how he believed the Obama administration was responding to Sandy too quickly and that Obama had spoken to the press about Sandy’s potential effect too early. Brown turned then to a reliable right-wing attack on the President’s response to the attack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi that killed four Americans: “One thing he’s gonna be asked is, why did he jump on [the hurricane] so quickly and go back to D.C. so quickly when in…Benghazi, he went to Las Vegas?” Brown says. “Why was this so quick?… At some point, somebody’s going to ask that question…. This is like the inverse of Benghazi.” It must be azz backwards day. Cause that made absolutely NO sense. SMH.

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Ho Sit Down…NOW: Former President Bush FEMA Director Says President Obama Responded To Hurricane Sandy “Too Quickly”

Televangelist Baller Joel Osteen Says Being Straight Isn’t “A Choice” But Being Gay Is A Sin??

So which one is it then? Righteous Televangelist Joel Osteen had an interview on CNN recently and kind of confused us. While Osteen said that he didn’t choose to be “straight”, being gay is a sin that “God gives us the grace to change.” According to Think Progress: Host Soledad O’Brien and panelist Richard Socarides pushed Osteen on his beliefs on homosexuality, and whether his message of lifting people up can coexist with his church’s view of homosexuality as a sin: O’BRIEN: You make it clear that you think that homosexuality is a sin… OSTEEN: When I read the scripture, that’s what I believe; that the scripture condemns it or says it’s a sin. But it also says that you know, lying is, and that being prideful is… O’BRIEN: Right, so then you shouldn’t lie. But for people who are gay, you’re saying so then you shouldn’t be gay? OSTEEN: Well, I think that’s the big debate. The scripture says you’ve got to work out your own salvation… SOCARIDES: Do you think you can choose to be gay or not gay? You think you choose to be straight? OSTEEN: I know I have not chosen to be straight, I feel like that’s who I am… HOST: Well so how can I choose to be gay? Osteen’s admission that his own sexual orientation is not a choice while still deriding homosexuality as a sin that his 43,000 weekly congregants can choose to rectify is hardly surprising. He has repeated the claim — that gays can change their orientation — before several times. Televangelist icons have a long history of offensive and homophobic remarks that undermine their message of inclusion and acceptance within the christian faith. During a Piers Morgan interview in January 2011, Osteen compared the ability to break an addiction to the ability to stop being gay. “I believe that it’s a process. But I believe that God can give us grace to change. We’ve seen people break addictions, and do other other things as well,” Osteen said. Similarly, in a 2011 interview with the Washington Post’s Sally Quinn, Osteen implied that being gay was a (sinful) choice, but that with enough love and support homosexuals might be able to convert to a better, presumably straighter path. “Somebody that maybe had this certain difficulty now, maybe in five years they’re not if we will love them,” Osteen said. “You know, I think one of the messages I speak on sometimes is, you know, we can love people back into wholeness.” We’ll keep Joel in prayer Images via facebook

Televangelist Baller Joel Osteen Says Being Straight Isn’t “A Choice” But Being Gay Is A Sin??

STUDY: In Presidential Campaign, Romney And Allies Running Far More Negative Ads Than Obama


Originally posted here:

While it may be easy to dismiss negative attack ads as a pox on both houses during presidential elections, a new memo written by Kantar Media’s Elizabeth Wilder shows that Republicans are once again far out-spending Democrats on negative ads. More than 63,000 general election ads were aired nationwide between April 10 and May 24, Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 04/06/2012 15:59 Number of articles : 3

STUDY: In Presidential Campaign, Romney And Allies Running Far More Negative Ads Than Obama

Conservative Think Tank Scholar Promotes Claim That Norway Terrorist Attacked Because He Was Censored

In a speech earlier this month, a scholar at an influential think tank and flagship of contemporary Washington conservatism, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), gave voice to one of the justifications for Norwegian anti-Muslim terrorist Anders Breivik‘s attacks, explaining that Breivik said “he had no other choice but to use violence” because his fringe views Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 01/06/2012 14:57 Number of articles : 2


See the article here:
Conservative Think Tank Scholar Promotes Claim That Norway Terrorist Attacked Because He Was Censored

Former Israeli Internal Security Chief: ‘Attacking Iran Will Encourage Them To Develop A Bomb’


Original post:

The former head of Israel’s internal security service Shin Bet reportedly lacks faith in Israel’s leadership and worries that attacking Iran’s nuclear program may spur the Islamic Republic to acquire a nuclear weapon, according to Army Radio. Yuval Diskin made the comments to the Majdi Forum in Israel on Friday night. According to the Jerusalem Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 27/04/2012 17:30 Number of articles : 2

Former Israeli Internal Security Chief: ‘Attacking Iran Will Encourage Them To Develop A Bomb’