Tag Archives: volusia-county

F*ck A Thug: 14-Year-Old Girl Confronts Woman Who Broke Into Her House With Bow And Arrow

This little girl said, “not today lady.” Girl Confronts Intruder With Bow And Arrow This is what you call an American gangsta. According to WESH Orlando reports: A 14-year-old Volusia County girl armed herself with a bow and arrow when a stranger refused to leave her home early Saturday morning. Marcia Watson, 54, was arrested at the victim’s home on Flamingo Road in Oak Hill and charged with trespassing. The teenager told deputies she was awakened by the doorbell and, assuming it was her mother, turned off the home alarm, unlocked the door and went back to bed. But the teen heard an unfamiliar voice and texted her mother, who said she was not home yet. The teen grabbed a bow and arrow and confronted Watson, who wouldn’t budge, deputies said. The teen locked herself in her room and called deputies. Teen: She’s standing in my house. Dispatcher: What’s she doing? Teen: She’s trying to apologize. Dispatcher: Do you know her? Teen: No, she’s confused. The teenager told the dispatcher that Watson walked in the house and turned on all the lights. Dispatcher: You have the bow and arrow on you right now? Teen: It’s in front of me. Dispatcher: OK, because we have an officer on scene. I need you to secure that, OK? When deputies arrived, they said Watson apologized, then started rambling about drinking alcohol and picking flowers. The lady who broke in seemed a little cray-cray. Shutterstock

F*ck A Thug: 14-Year-Old Girl Confronts Woman Who Broke Into Her House With Bow And Arrow

People Ain’t Isht: Couple Lives With Dead Woman’s Body And Cashes Her Food Stamps And Social Security Benefits

There is a special place in hell for folks like this . Family Lived With Dead Body How do you live with the smell of a rotting body? Wouldn’t the odor knock you out? Eww. According to WFTV: The Holly Hill Police Department has arrested two people after a family was found living in a home where a decomposing body was found on Thursday. The Department of Children and Families contacted Holly Hill police to request a well-being check at a home on Center Avenue after it had been unable to contact its client since early September. Officers forced entry to the home and found the body of 33-year-old Tiffany Cain in advanced stages of decomposition lying in a bedroom. Authorities believe Cain had been dead for at least two weeks. Within minutes of the discovery, officers said they found Todd Christopher La Duke, 38, and Nicole Louise Scalise, 32, along with a 4-year-old child, in a room directly across the hall from where the body was. It was later determined that La Duke and Scalise had two other children — ages 6 and 11 — also living in the home, but both were in school at the time. In addition, investigators discovered large amounts of dog feces and urine in the home, along with evidence of drug abuse. Authorities said the family had been living in deplorable conditions for months. Disgusting! Police said La Duke and Scalise admitted to using the dead woman’s EBT and Social Security benefits, and investigators believe the pair continued to exploit the woman’s benefits after her death. “This is perhaps the worst case of child endangerment I’ve seen in my 30 years in law enforcement. Disgusting,” said Holly Hill Police Chief Mark Barker. “(Cain) had lived at the residence for several years. She was receiving social services from DCF and it was that agency that notified us and requested the well-being check,” said Barker. Authorities said Cain suffered from spina bifida and was confined to a wheelchair. Investigators said La Duke and Scalise admitted to using Cain’s benefits for some time. La Duke and Scalise are being held in the Volusia County Jail on charges of child neglect and failure to report a death to the medical examiner. La Duke was also charged with theft of utility services for illegally connecting electrical and water service to the residence. The children are in the care of DCF. “We are fortunate that these children have been removed, are in a safe place today and that these individuals have been brought to justice,” said Barker. Cain’s death was a result of natural causes, but police are continuing to investigate. Living in feces and urine…makes our stomachs turn. Volusia County Sheriff

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People Ain’t Isht: Couple Lives With Dead Woman’s Body And Cashes Her Food Stamps And Social Security Benefits

Have It My Way: Restaurant Owner Bans Sagging Pants At 25 McDonald’s Locations In Dallas

Racist or nah? McDonald’s Owner Bans Sagging Pants In 25 Restaurants A Dallas-based McDonald’s restaurant owner is taking the crack down on sagging pants to the next level. The franchisee is reportedly refusing service to customers who enter the restaurant their pants on the low-down lean. via KHOU Houston If you plan to visit the Golden Arches, better bring a belt. One local McDonald’s franchisee with 25 locations around Dallas is posting this warning in bold red-and-yellow: “No Sagging Allowed in This Restaurant.” News 8 spotted the signs at four locations: Two along Lancaster Road; one at Camp Wisdom Road and Interstate 35; and another in Seagoville. McDonald’s corporate headquarters declined to comment for this story. “We basically in the neighborhood, we were first,” said Loquita Record, who runs Record’s Bar-B-Q in South Dallas. Hanging in the front door of her 60-year-old restaurant is a sign reading: “If Saggin’, No Service.”z She said the warning has been there for two years. Does it work? Do they have customers with sagging pants who come in and pull them up? “Yes, we do,” Record said. We’re all for encouraging folks, especially young men, to carry themselves in a presentable way as not to fall victim to the undeniable recent increase in racial profiling specifically directed towards minorities……but are these “sagging pants” bans taking it too far?

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Have It My Way: Restaurant Owner Bans Sagging Pants At 25 McDonald’s Locations In Dallas

Florida Crazies: Man Attacks Mom’s Boyfriend With Samurai Sword Over Can Of Shrimp

Only in Florida … Florida Man Attacks Mom’s Boyfriend For Stealing Shrimp Via Orlando Sentinel reports: A Samurai sword-wielding, knife-throwing Volusia County man attacked his mother’s boyfriend over a missing can of shrimp Saturday morning, an arrest report said. Jayson Laughman, 34, of Deltona used a sword to break down a door and threw kitchen knives at family members after his mother’s boyfriend accused him of taking a can of shrimp, according to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. Laughman told deputies he didn’t remember everything that happened during the fight because he “went into code red and lost his temper,” the report said. Michael Airhart, 52, and Laughman had a “heated verbal argument” before agreeing to go outside and “engage in a physical fight” at the home they share located in the 700 block of North Firewood Drive at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Laughman threatened Airhart with a statue, but the fight outside did not escalate past that, according to the report. Thinking the fight was over, Airhart returned to his bedroom with Laughman’s mother. The couple was watching television when Laughman started breaking through the bedroom door with a Samurai style metal sword, the report said. Once inside the bedroom, Laughman made threats that he would use the sword to hurt Airhart, deputies say. The couple was able to calm Laughman down and he left the room, but returned almost immediately and started throwing two kitchen knives at Airhart, deputies said. Airhart was able to escape the bedroom through a sliding-glass door without being injured. During the investigation, Laughman complained of chest pains. He was transported to Florida Fish Memorial Hospital, where deputies questioned him. Although deputies arrested Laughman and charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, he remains in the hospital. Florida breeds a special kind of crazy doesn’t it?

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Florida Crazies: Man Attacks Mom’s Boyfriend With Samurai Sword Over Can Of Shrimp

Florida Crazies: Disgusting Parents Punish Their 6-Year-Old By Locking Him Out Of The House For Three Nights!

Some people really shouldn’t be allowed to have kids . According to The Daily Mail : A Florida couple banished their six-year-old to a porch — where he was made to sleep for at least three days — ‘as punishment for stealing and eating too much,’ according to police. John Haley, 47, and his wife, Stephanie Haley, 41, were charged with felony child neglect Sunday after the shivering boy knocked on a neighbor’s door at 2 a.m. He told the neighbor he had been locked out of the house and forced to sleep on the porch, sheriff’s spokesman Gary Davidson told the Daytona Beach News-Journal. The neighbor gave the boy a blanket and potato chips and called for help. Temperatures dipped into the 50s on the nights that the child was forced to sleep outside. ‘When deputies arrived at the scene, the boy told them that he had been forced to sleep on the back porch for three days,’ Davidson told the newspaper. ‘He also said that he’s fed rice for lunch and dinner every day, and when there’s no rice, he’s given lettuce to eat.’ When he’s not on the porch, he’s often locked in the garage and only allowed inside when he needs to use the bathroom, the boy said. Authorities knocked on the Haley’s door after talking to their son and asked them if they knew where he was. The couple said he was asleep in a bedroom. ‘When deputies informed them that he was at a neighbor’s house cold and hungry and complaining about being forced to sleep on the porch, John Haley initially acted shocked at the news,’ Davidson said. ‘But he later admitted that he and his wife make the boy sleep on the porch as punishment for stealing and eating too much.’ The Haley’s didn’t see anything wrong with the boy’s punishment, Davidson said. They were booked into Volusia County Branch Jail and are being held without bail. The Department of Children & Families has now taken custody of the other six children at the house — three boys and three girls, ranging in age from 1 to 15 years old. All of their kids have been sent to live with other family members. Hopefully they get better treatment with them since their own dayum parents didn’t give an isht! SMH. Images via facebook

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Florida Crazies: Disgusting Parents Punish Their 6-Year-Old By Locking Him Out Of The House For Three Nights!

Florida Crazies: Online Child Sting Operation Catches 23 Pedophiles At Florida Home

They thought they were coming to meet a 14-year-old … but when each ‘man’ came to the door, they were in for a very rude and deserving wake-up call!!!! Twenty-three men were busted during a week-long online child sting by the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. One of the men was an Army Reservist and had the nerve to show up with a fawking teddy bear and hydrocodone pills!!! Another one of these disgusting ishts brought a contract with him! According to The Daily Mail… Volusia County Sheriff’s Office announced yesterday that undercover officers had spent the week posing as children or parents of young children on social networks, chat rooms and other websites in the sting called Operation Volusia Broadband. U.S. Army Reservist Paul Way of Melbourne, Florida, walked up to a house in Ormond Beach with a teddy bear, two hydrocodone pills and a hand-written contract. The 36-year-old was expecting to find a mother and her 14-year-old daughter who he had arranged to have sex with over the internet. According to the Orlando Sentinel, he expected the woman to sign his document, giving him full permission to have sex with the teen. But when he got to the house he was arrested by law enforcement officers. The suspects range in age from 18 to 66 years old. The oldest was a 66-year-old semi-retired doctor from Port Orange, John F. Williams. He arrived at the house with two bottles of wine and Viagra pills, according to the Sentinel. Job Jesuraju, 19, rode to the home on his bike and even stopped a deputy to ask directions. A police spokesperson said: ‘These individuals thought they were talking to 14-year-olds or younger children or the parents who were putting their children up for some kind of sexual pleasure.’ When the conversation moved to meeting a child for sex, undercover officer invited the suspects back to a decoy house where they were arrested. Volusia Sheriff Ben Johnson said: ‘Child exploitation is a problem that crosses all jurisdictional boundaries and socioeconomic backgrounds.’ Though most of the men were from Volusia, some of them traveled across the country after arranging to have sex online. Students were also among those arrested. Hide ya kids folks. Our daughters and sons are too precious and there are some evil, disgusting predators out there!

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Florida Crazies: Online Child Sting Operation Catches 23 Pedophiles At Florida Home

Florida Crazies–Pastor Accused Of Raping 12-Year-Old Girl Faces 60 Years In Prison!!

This “Man” needs to be castrated… and these creeps hiding their sick azzes behind their titles in the Church need to be held accountable for. According to the Orlando Sentinel… A 48-year-old Volusia County minister faces decades in prison after a jury this week convicted him of raping a little girl nearly six years ago. Michael Charles Campbell of DeLand faces as much as 60 years in prison after his conviction Thursday on charges of sexual battery and engaging in sexual conduct with a minor 12 to 18 years of age, the State Attorney’s Office said. Campbell, a minister in Deland and West Palm Beach, lured the girl to a motel for sex by promising her help with her modeling career with a “skit,” prosecutors and police said. The former Daytona Beach funeral home worker attacked the girl when she was 12 and 13. In December 2006, he picked the girl up in a hearse with a body inside after telling her father he wanted her to do some work at the funeral home. They delivered a body to Daytona Beach International Airport and as they drove away, he told the girl that she might have to take her clothes off for the skit. The girl said he told her he “might have to take a look at you first” and pulled the hearse off the roadway. She said she exposed herself. Then they drove to a motel, where the girl said Campbell taught her how to put a condom on and kissed and fondled her. They spent several hours in the room and afterwards, Campbell gave her $44, the girl told police. In December 2007, the girl was taken to a motel for another “skit,” but that time she tried to resist, even though Campbell told her “it was how Brittany Spears and Beyonce got their start.” SMH…We’re not blaming anyone other than this disgusting waste of life but we wish parents out there would stop being so willing to let their young children go off alone with adults; even if they’re the head of the Church. Images via shutterstock/facebook

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Florida Crazies–Pastor Accused Of Raping 12-Year-Old Girl Faces 60 Years In Prison!!