Tag Archives: whatever-it-may

Halsey Topless of the Day

It has happened….I have heard Halsey on the radio officially…and I have become a victim of her smutty music that she’s pushing aggressively so that she can be as famous as fucking possible from being a club kid drug addict who fucked the right DJ who put her on one of his tracks…allowing her to now exist…to now fight for the rights of black people, because she’s half black and understands their plight…and she’s doing it the way all the other girls are doing it…through half nakedness on social media as they are designed to…. This is her ass in panties, not stained panties, cuz she’s all fancy and no longer ghetto like that…and she’s topless…and you’ll like it because you get sucked into the vortex of digesting content fed to us like the retards on feeding machines that we are…we just accept it and celebrate it without knowing whether we hate it or not…we are dumb… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Halsey Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Halsey Topless of the Day

Elsa Hosk Nipples for a Clothing Brand of the Day

Elsa Hosk the Victoria’s Secret cultivated underwear model – who for at least a year before becoming a Victoria’s Secret girl – was nude all over the place to get noticed…all designed to make her famous, hype her up, and get her to seamlessly replace the Candice Swanepoel blonde chick….with a bit more edginess… In being a VS model, they make her do other brand deals, like this one, with her tits out, that I am sure she got paid a lot for, thanks to having that Victoria’s Secret stamp of approval.. It’s hard to hate a bitch who gets topless pics of herself taken for the internet – for the sake of topless pics and I guess this isn’t quite topless but you can see her tits and this is her getting paid stupid money to be part of this whatever it may be… The post Elsa Hosk Nipples for a Clothing Brand of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elsa Hosk Nipples for a Clothing Brand of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Mangled Fake Ass is Aging Weird of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s a shameless self promoter, who turned sacrificing herself and her dignity into a billion dollar empire that her entire family cashed in on, and I wouldn’t say she was the brains behind it, I am sure a lot of people were involved in making this, whatever it may be happen, but she’s the figure head and leader, the head on the monster, that look even more terrifying than it used to…. She was the sex tape star, the victim playing, TV show signing, roping her whole family in, leveraging social media, maximizing profits as brands threw money at them like they were relevant, because they were relevant, everyone follows them, talks like them, buys what they are told buy from them, making for a real interesting look to an old model of “avon lady” or “celebrity”…..these young girls are even trying to look like them, jacking up their faces and asses..and the world is looking real weird because of them…and that’s power…dark, greed, disgusting, vanity, power…getting paid…while being trashy… Well, her ass is just at the point of ridiculous, and it’s not aging or holding up as well as it should, yet she’s able to wear it out in a thong, to show the world what she’s spent so much time and money on….and as awkward, even absurd as it looks, it’s almost a disability, she’s still able to get people talking…the only hope we have is that the modern science that made her, or created her look, that wasn’t tested causes premature cancer and that in 10 years all this will be melted away, not just looking like it’s melting… Seriously…it’s fucking weird… So respect to her vapid leader to vapid followers in the millions…or her vanity that looks unnatural and terrifying…because it got her rich even if it took a few victims in the process…money is usually evil and this ass…whatever it is…is just that…a fucking monster… What a fucking mess, I wonder what message this sends to young girls into her…oh right, they are all whores on instagram now. Thanks Kim K! I love that shit….despite not loving whatever this shit where you shit is doing… This is obviously some kind of dysmoprhia, where she equates size of ass with success, and/or size of ass with her relevance, and/or something dark and twisted in her mental health…because this is just so beyond abnormal….it’s hilarious. The post Kim Kardashian’s Mangled Fake Ass is Aging Weird of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kim Kardashian’s Mangled Fake Ass is Aging Weird of the Day

High School Dodgeball Team Appears to Dress Like KKK Members

This really isn’t very complicated, high school students of America: Do your best not to spell out really racist words at a class event and never the sport the kind of attire made famous by the country’s most infamous hate group. Unfortunately, seven boys at Mound Westonka High School in Minnesota were unable to abide by this second recommendation last Wednesday, as they donned garb for a dodgeball match that looked an awful lot like the sort of thing worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan. This may not have been their intention… but just take a look at the shirts and white bandanas being worn in the photos above and below. “I turned around, and the team behind me looked like they came in with a Ku Klux Klan uniform, or an interpretation of it,” senior Ryan Anderson told WCCO, the local CBS affiliate. “It was something to say the least.” The event was supervised by teachers and administrators, none of whom took any action during the game. But the district then received complaints after images were shared on social media. “Anybody who is well-versed in history can know that anyone with a pointed white hat is trying to symbolize the KKK,” a parent who asked to remain anonymous told KMSP. “There are not a lot of other organizations that can be confused with.” We’d have to agree. The district says that “appropriate action will be taken in accordance with district policy” if its investigation turns up anything worthy of punishment. For whatever it may be worth, the school’s population is 93 percent white, 3 percent Hispanic, 2 percent African-American and 2 percent Asian, according to The Washington Post. View Slideshow: 18 Controversial Articles of Clothing

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High School Dodgeball Team Appears to Dress Like KKK Members

This Jennifer Lawrence Video is Everything

We'll be honest: we're not completely sure what's taking place in this Jennifer Lawrence video. We know it was filmed on behalf of her cover story for the December 2015 issue of Vogue and we know it's set in the country. But it opens with Lawrence talking in an accent, introducing herself as other A-List actress… and it later includes Lawrence comparing the act of feeding a horse to going on a date with her. It's a tad bit confusing overall, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. Because it's pretty much just Jennifer Lawrence being Jennifer Lawrence; unfettered, gorgeous, goofy, down to earth, weird, funny… a mixture of all the reasons we absolutely adore Jennifer Lawrence . Heck, at one point she shakes her head and hair in concert with the horse in front of her. Lawrence, of course, is about to star in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2. It hits theaters around the nation on November 20 and Lawrence will be hitting up every talk show she possibly can in promotion. Oh, yes, we'll be seeing plenty of Jennifer Lawrence in the lead-up to this blockbuster… and then again in promotion of her winter drama, Joy. But we somehow doubt anyone is complaining over this fact. The world could use as much Jennifer Lawrence as it can get, especially when she's imitating other stars and interacting with horses and apples.  You must watch this video.

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This Jennifer Lawrence Video is Everything

Amber Rose Gives TERRIBLE Financial Advice

There are lessons to be learned from the past, according to Amber Rose . “I feel like I’m in a position to give advice to women because I’ve made all of these mistakes,” Rose tells Time Magazine of her book, How to Be A Bad Bitch .  “I am a mogul. I have a bunch of businesses, I’m now an actress, I’m an author, I went on an entire world tour and I don’t even sing. So if that doesn’t tell you that I am an entrepreneur, then I don’t know what does.” One of Rose’s lessons learned happened when it came time to file her 2011 taxes.   “One of the biggest financial mistakes that I ever made was making a lot of money—I wanna say I made $1 million in 2011—and I spent all of it,” she recalled.  “And then after that, I had to pay taxes, and I did not have money for the taxes, and I was like, ‘I cannot believe I did this.’ “And I really had to start over … I know a whole lot of people that don’t pay taxes. And it comes back to bite you in the ass. Trust me. “So I did pay all my taxes off, and I feel amazing now, but it took a lot of hard work.” View Slideshow: 18 Surprising Jobs These Celebrities Actually Held Rose has advice for women who want to reach financial success and achieve their goals, and they’re…unorthodox. “Being a dancer definitely was like being in business school, because I constantly spoke to people. I mean, I literally had to persuade a man to give me money out of his pocket. And I apply that to my daily life. “Even getting a book, you have to have an initial meeting—Hi, Simon and Schuster!—with the publisher, and you have to sell yourself.” ““Really, fully research every aspect of the business that you’re trying to get into,” Rose says. “Explain to your friends that you won’t always be able to hit the club with them when you’re trying to save money. “If they’re your friends, they’ll respect it.” If they keep haunting you, this will shut them up right quick: “Tell them that you’re trying to save up for whatever it may be, and if they want you to come out with them then it has to be their treat .” The phone will go silent after that.  Trust me.  Then you’ll have all the time in the world to focus on your dreams. I have not found success with this next tip.  To be fair, I never though to try it. “As women, we’re fortunate enough to use our seductive skills in order to be able to get money from our significant others,” Rose explains. “I also talk about seduction in the book. A lot of women don’t know how to seduce a man. Go on… “It is extremely easy once you get to that point, and you can get anything you want out of them,” Rose said.  “And I know it might sound messed up, but once you get to that point, it’s not using. “It’s not using a man, it’s literally getting what you want by any means necessary.” Do you spend that money right away?  Do you save up for a house?  Where does the seduction money go , Amber Rose? Some weren’t pleased with the model’s advice, and made their feelings known via Twitter.  Unfortunately, Rose didn’t care. “Lol y’all are so Corny So it’s wrong to ask ur “Significant other” (The person u care about) to help u financially so u can reach ur goal?”  I have so many questions that will go unanswered. View Slideshow: Amber Rose Selfies: Look at Me!

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Amber Rose Gives TERRIBLE Financial Advice

Two NFL Players Get Fingers Amputated After Separate Fireworks Accidents

NFL Players Have Fingers Amputated After Fireworks Accidents Sad news for Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul. Looks like his 4th of July mishap will cost him an index finger. But oddly, he isn’t the only NFL baller who got a little too close to the action on Saturday night…yet another player is parting ways with one of his digits after a similar accident . Via E!online : This Fourth of July proved to be quite dangerous. NFL players Jason Pierre-Paul (New York Giants) and C.J. Wilson (Tampa Bay Buccaneers) ended up having to get fingers amputated following separate firework accidents over the holiday weekend. ESPN’s Adam Schefter tweeted, “ESPN obtained medical charts that show Giants DE Jason Pierre-Paul had right index finger amputated today.” However, Giants fans need not worry. It seems as though he’ll be on the road to recovery soon and won’t be off the field for too long. Schefter followed with, “Medical source expects him to play this season, ‘sooner than people think.’” The 26-year-old defensive end has been in a South Florida hospital since Saturday night when he severely injured his hand in a fireworks accident, however specifics on what happened are unknown. It was initially believed that Pierre-Paul had only suffered burns on three fingers and parts of both hands, but it was clearly worse than people thought. Meanwhile, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers player lost two fingers in a fireworks accident on Saturday, according to the Lincoln Times-News, located in Wilson’s home town of Lincolnton, N.C. The Buccaneers have acknowledged they’re aware of the injury but have not released any details about Wilson’s condition. Wilson’s agent has likewise confirmed that he’s injured but declined to release any medical information. Damn! Well, it definitely could have been worse …they should consider themselves lucky and be more careful next time.

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Two NFL Players Get Fingers Amputated After Separate Fireworks Accidents

Did Kylie Jenner Drop Over $2 Million To Morph Herself Into Big Sister Kimmy?

Kylie Jenner Rumored To Have Spent $2 Million To Look Like Kim Kylie Jenner is noticeably looking more and more like big sister Kim K. by the day, with similar clothing , styling and…assets . But as an insider recently shared with OK! Magazine, lil Kylizzle paid good money for her transformation, specifically with the goal of competing with Kim as the hottest family member. Via HollywoodLife : “She looks absolutely nothing like she did a few years ago, and it’s been the plan all along to transform herself a much as possible into Kim,” a source tells OK! Magazine. While there were no specifics given about what exactly this transformation entailed, whatever it may be, it allegedly cost the teen a whopping $2 million! The insider claims Kylie has been allegedly undergoing an intense lineup of cosmetic procedures for quite some time, including the “temporary lip fillers” she admitted to getting during an interview on KUWTK. In that same interview, Kylie explained her insecurity about her looks being blasted by the media. “I’m just not ready to talk [about it yet]…everyone always picks us apart,” she said Kylie’s insecurity has been with her since the beginning of KUWTK, when she saw herself as the “ugly ducking” with beautiful sisters who seemed to have it all. Apparently, Kylie wasted no time in changing that. “As soon as she was old enough, she decided she was going to do something about it,” the source revealed. “She hounded Kris until she signed off on her surgery.” Although the alleged $2 million is a pretty crazy amount of money, Kylie is reportedly now more confident than ever and thinks she’s filling Kim’s shoes fast. She has often been confused for her big sis, and her wardrobe has practically become a spitting image of Kim’s too. “She wants to show off her body and always talks about how Kim must be so jealous, because she’s younger and prettier and gets more attention from guys these days,” says the insider. So what does Kim think of her wannabe sis? Surprisingly — she’s not even phased! “She thinks it’s cute that Kylie idolizes her,” the insider says. “Kylie is convinced that they’re rivals, [but for now] it’s a one-sided argument.” Well, it’s just as well. Word on the street is that Tyga is into that heavily knifed-up look anyway…

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Did Kylie Jenner Drop Over $2 Million To Morph Herself Into Big Sister Kimmy?

Kid Writes Get-Well Note to Teacher, Offers Helpful Health Advice

It’s officially cold/flu season, and if you’re feeling a bit under the weather like this kid’s teacher, prepare to be enlightened by the get well note he authored. In addition to being a nice gesture, wishing his instructor a speedy recovery, the note offers some simple, yet profound advice to cute what ails you: Drop trou. Surely the source of her illness, whatever it may be, can be cured by the scientific fact that pooping makes you feel better. It’s just common knowledge. Nothing a little bowel movement can’t fix, right? In case that wasn’t specific enough, though, he went into great detail, sharing his wisdom with gusto! Hey, it works every morning. Not even kidding. There’s even a helpful infographic in case the words alone don’t get this all-important message across. If the teacher doesn’t have this framed and displayed in the elementary school bathroom as inspiration to all students who pass through those doors? This isn’t a planet we want to be living on.

Kid Writes Get-Well Note to Teacher, Offers Helpful Health Advice

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Who’s the Mean Girl Now?

The Real Housewives of Beverly HIlls brought back “Oy, Faye” to do Kyle’s dirty work. We recap all the bullying and back stabbing in our THG +/- review… We revisit Paul and Adrienne’s tirade at Mauricio’s event and Kyle’s very upset about Brandi throwing out the F-word.  Hmm…apparently Paul screaming and calling Brandi a b*tch multiple times is OK though because in Kyle’s opinion he’s just defending his wife.  Minus 12 for the double standard. Taylor’s practically hyperventilating. That type of violent behavior from a man towards a woman hits all of her buttons but Kyle’s got little sympathy for the former abuse victim.  According to Kyle, “This is not about you, Taylor. Moving on.”  Minus 15 . Taylor takes her moment to make a dig about the tendency these women have for exploiting personal issues to the public. She’s still ticked off at Camille for revealing her husband’s abuse on camera.   Camille insists this is completely different but minus 20 because how the heck are we suppose to know if no one will let the viewers in on Adrienne’s big secret? Finally Kyle gets around to telling off her sister.  Plus 10 . Kim definitely could have picked a more private moment to break the bad news…whatever it may be. Kim insists she was just being a good friend…but she fails to realize she was being a lousy sister. But Kim does bring up a good point.  This entire mess started because Kyle pushed Brandi for answers about her rift with Adrienne.  Minus 9 . She got her answers. Be careful what you wish for. Yolanda manages to stay out of the fray. She’s off with her personal trainer and now I see how she keeps her model figure. Plus 18.   Not to mention that her trainer is 57 and looks 37.  Talk about a testament to the power of exercise. Kim takes her son Chad who is turning 21 to Vegas for his birthday. Before going she checks out the AA meetings there. Plus 25. That’s a positive step for being prepared for the inherent challenges of a party town like Las Vegas and shows that Kim’s taking responsibility for her sobriety. She also blew off her sister who didn’t get an invite to the party.  I suppose Kim just didn’t need one more stressor and right now that’s what Kyle is for her. Luckily for Kim, she’s out of town when Kyle manages to throw yet another dinner party from Hell. Kyle considers disinviting Brandi but decides that would be rude.  Minus 20 because apparently letting one guest bully another isn’t. So once again we get to spend an evening with Faye.  Why?   The woman is a loud mouth bully. She’s also a good friend of Adrienne so anyone with half a brain can see where this is headed.   Brandi admits she would have backed out of the party if Kyle had wanted her to.  Plus 10. I’m sure she wishes she had. Instead Kyle encouraged her to come so she could deal with Faye.  Brandi tries to side step the issue but Faye’s not about to let it go.   Then Faye and Kyle insist that Brandi needs to send Adrienne flowers and an apology.  Minus 13 . Seriously, does anyone think a bouquet of flowers is going to fix this?  Everyone at the table is completely uncomfortable except for Faye who is in her glory. if Kyle wasn’t the biggest trouble maker of the group she’d tell her guest that this was no longer a topic of discussion and move things along.  Minus 22.   She’s not about to do that because she loves the drama as much as anyone no matter what she says. When Marisa tries to point out that this is a private matter between Adrienne and Brandi, Faye will have none of it.  Not only won’t she let Marisa have a part of the conversation, she continues to harass Brandi until she leaves. Minus 25. With all of their talk about mean girls, Kyle and Faye only need to look in a mirror to find them. Episode total =  -73!              Season total = -171!

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Who’s the Mean Girl Now?