Tag Archives: castle

Watch Castle Season 3 Episode 2 – He’s Dead, She’s Dead

Watch Castle S3E2: He’s Dead, She’s Dead The new installment of our favorite writer named Castle, which is entitled “He’s Dead, She’s Dead” is crime drama hit TV show’s 2nd episode of the 3rd season that aired last 09/27/2010 Monday at 10:00 PM on ABC. Castle and Beckett is now searching for the murderer of a re-known psychic as they also argue with each other about the truth of extrasensory abilities, if it’s real or not. Things turn into an unexpected turn when a letter from the victim arrives where it predicts her death. Now they must find clues to determine who wrote and sent the letter, is it the victim or the unknown killer. Watch Castle 3×2(0302) Free Online Streaming Full Episodes Replay of the Latest Season and Video Clip Download Link:

Watch Castle Season 3 Episode 2 – He’s Dead, She’s Dead

Scooped: British Publication Tells Us Uncle Sam Having Problems Unload Citi Shares

You would think someone in the U.S. establishment press would be following Uncle Sam’s progress or lack thereof in getting out from under its investment in Citigroup, especially since the government promised that it would be fully divested from the bank holding company by the end of this year. From all appearances, you would be wrong. It looks like the government may not be able to keep that year-end divestiture promise. For a fair number of news followers to learn that, the UK’s Financial Times had to take an interest (link may require registration), and Drudge had to link to it: US Treasury stumbles selling Citi shares The US government is in danger of missing its deadline of divesting all of its Citigroup shares by the year-end after a fall in stock market trading volumes prompted authorities to slow down sales in July and August. The lull could prompt the US Treasury, which has a stake of about 17 per cent in Citi, to consider a share offering instead of selling the stock in small quantities in the market, according to bankers and analysts. “The sales of Citigroup stock have slowed way down in July and August … The US Treasury will not finish its share sale by … the end of the year,” said Linus Wilson, a professor of finance at the University of Louisiana. “The only option for the Treasury if it wants to exit Citigroup before the year-end seems to be to conduct a large secondary offering of the stake.” The government only seeks to sell shares equivalent to a small percentage of the overall trading volume in Citi to avoid depressing the price. By the end of August, less than half of the government’s 7.7bn shares in Citi had been sold, with the average number of shares sold per day falling sharply, the latest official data show. The Treasury has until Thursday to complete the sale of 1.5bn shares before entering a “blackout period” ahead of Citi’s third-quarter results. … The government’s continued involvement complicates Citi’s efforts to convince investors its troubled past is behind it. The lack of stateside establishment media interest is, as far as I can tell, complete. None of the stories returned in a search on the company’s name at the Associated Press’s main site contained any information citing the government’s stock-selling difficulty. One item in a group of “Business Highlights” at least acknowledges that Citigroup “is still partly owned by taxpayers.” A search on the company’s name at the New York Times also returned nothing relevant. The Washington Post also has nothing relevant , though it does have an item also carried at the AP’s main site on bonuses that are being paid to Citi execs in (of all things) company stock. But there’s no mention of the problems the government is having in unloading its stake. If Uncle Sam is having trouble unloading Citi, imagine the difficulties it might encounter pulling off its planned initial public offering of stock in Government/General Motors, an attempt which has conveniently been put off until after Election Day. It would appear that the establishment press might be interested in keeping a lid on stories indicating that once the state gets in the business ownership door, it’s very hard for it to get out — assuming it even really wants to. Ultimately, that explains why one has to hope that the British and foreign press stay on top of developments such as these — and that Drudge keeps on reviewing their work. Meanwhile, Tim Geithner says that TARP has worked out just fine , almost as if we’re in past-tense mode. Uh-huh. Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com .

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Scooped: British Publication Tells Us Uncle Sam Having Problems Unload Citi Shares

Amanpour Rues Lack of Appreciation for Obama’s ‘Amazing’ Achievements, Then Slams ‘Bizarre’ & ‘Fringe Quality’ of GOP Candidates

Interviewing David Axelrod on Sunday’s This Week, Christiane Amanpour asked him to explain why “people don’t appreciate some of the amazing legislative agenda” that President Barack Obama has “accomplished,” then with Senator Mitch McConnell she denigrated Republican Senate candidates who are Tea Party favorites: “Are you not afraid that their somewhat, one would say, some might say bizarre statements, their sort of fringe quality might actually turn people off?” She also condescendingly demanded of McConnell: “What is Christine O’Donnell’s qualification for actually governing? What is Sharron Angle’s actual qualification for governing?” In a third segment, she cued up Jordan’s Queen Rania to confirm “Islamophobia” mars America: “You’ve seen the reaction and the fallout from the Islamic center, but it goes broader than that. Do you see a sort of a dangerous Islamophobia in the United States?” While she repeatedly pushed Axelrod about why Democrats were delaying a vote on extending the Bush tax cuts for “the middle class,” with McConnell she tried to discredit extending the tax rates for everyone, childishly describing how “there’s also this huge thing that the people of the United States are worried about, and that is the deficit, and keeping the tax cuts will add trillions to that.” Amanpour proceeded to recite a post ridiculing McConnell: And let me ask you this: According to Howard Gleckman at the Tax Policy Center, let’s see what he’s just written: “McConnell would have to abolish all the rest of the government to get to balance by 2020. Everything. No more national parks, no more NIH, no more highway construction. No more homeland security. Oh, and no more Congress.” In that very same post, Gleckman , a former Business Week correspondent, fretted: “I fear the rest of us will be saddled with the consequences of McConnell’s irresponsible pandering” to “the tea partiers breathing down his neck.” Amanpour also insisted Obama’s economic policies are a success: As you know, the recession was declared over. There’s no recession. And many will say that, you know, they stopped it from going into a Great Depression and that they inherited this awful situation… Excerpts from Sunday’s September 26 This Week on ABC, as collected by the MRC’s Brad Wilmouth: Amanpour to David Axelrod: But really, a lot of people, I mean, people from all over the world, frankly, say to me, here comes a President with a huge mandate, a huge reservoir of goodwill, huge promises to change, and, with all of that, his popularity is down. People don’t appreciate some of the amazing legislative agenda that he’s accomplished. Is this a failure of leadership? Has he allowed the opposition to define him? To Mitch McConnell: AMANPOUR: You heard what David Axelrod said about the Republican plan on extending all the Bush-era tax cuts, and that it would really, you know, put the country more in hock. Analysts say that it will cause, you know, add some four trillion or so to the national debt. Are you really going to do that? Or do you think there will be a compromise on extending the middle class tax cuts?   [McCONNELL] So do you not think, I mean, will you quote, unquote, “hold the middle class tax cut hostage” to all the tax cuts you want to extend? MITCH McCONNELL: Well, nothing is being held hostage to anything. It was the Democrats themselves who decided not to have this. AMANPOUR: Well, would you compromise on that? Even after- McCONNELL: I was the only one who offered a bill. There was never a bill in the Senate. And you know why? Thirty-one Democrats in the House, five Democrats in the Senate agreed with me that we ought not to raise taxes in the middle of a recession. What might happen down the road is not the subject today. The question is, do we want to raise taxes in the middle of a very, very tough economy? All the Republicans think that’s a bad idea, and a substantial number of the Democrats think the same thing. AMANPOUR: Right, but there’s also this huge thing that the people of the United States are worried about, and that is the deficit, and keeping the tax cuts will add trillions to that. And let me ask you this: According to Howard Gleckman at the Tax Policy Center, let’s see what he’s just written: “McConnell would have to abolish all the rest of the government to get to balance by 2020. Everything. No more national parks…no more NIH…. No more highway construction. No more homeland security. Oh, and no more Congress.” So where would you get the cuts? [MCCONNELL] But you’re still not saying where the big, big cuts would come from because some of the things you’re talking about at this point – I mean, it wouldn’t be Social Security or Medicare, Medicaid. It wouldn’t be the defense. [MCCONNELL] So all of this comes into the Pledge for America which was announced this week, a platform for future governing by the Republicans. Now, many people say that it’s simply more of the same. You’ve obviously heard a lot of that over the last couple of days as basically nothing new. And whether they’re left, right or center, people are complaining that, in fact, it doesn’t go far enough, particularly for the very enthusiastic Tea Party base that you have. So, for instance, Erick Erickson has written about this pledge, “It’s full of mom-tested, kid-approved pablum that will make certain hearts on the right sink in solidarity. But like a diet full of sugar, it will actually do nothing but keep making Washington fatter before we crash from the sugar high.” How are you going to, well, you’re laughing. [MCCONNELL] No, that’s all right, but I want to ask you, how will you satisfy the base which seems to be really an insurrection now, the Tea Party? Would you agree that they’re cascading into your space? [MCCONNELL] As you know, the recession was declared over. There’s no recession. And many will say that, you know, they stopped it from going into a Great Depression and that they inherited this awful situation, but let me ask you this: You say you want to go out and win in November. I want to play for you something that Tom Ross, the chairman of the Republican party in Delaware, said to me on this program right after Christine O’Donnell, the Tea Party candidate, won in that last primary in Delaware. [TOM ROSS] Right, so that’s Mike Castle who they thought would win that election come November. Now, basically he’s saying perhaps not. So how do you square that? I mean, do you think these Tea Party candidates will be good for you in November? [MCCONNELL] But, I mean, she definitely wasn’t your candidate. I mean, basically, one would say that the Republican- MCCONNELL: You picked out one Senate race. I just gave you 12 places where we have a chance of beating Democrats. AMANPOUR: No, no, no, there are many. Yeah, but there are many, even in your home state. And I want to ask you, actually, what are the qualifications, do these people have? For instance, what is Christine O’Donnell’s qualification for actually governing? What is Sharron Angle’s actual qualification for governing? Are you not afraid that they might be a turnoff, whether it’s at the- MCCONNELL: Am I afraid of having more Republicans in the Senate? Of course not. AMANPOUR: No, that wasn’t the question. The question is, are you not afraid that their somewhat, one would say, some might say bizarre statements, their sort of fringe quality might actually turn people off? I mean, for instance, what do you say about a Sharron Angle, who I know you just had a fundraiser for, who basically talks about enemies in Congress and talks and hints about, you know, armed rebellion to put them down. I mean, is that the kind of talk for a United States Senator? [McCONNELL] But you didn’t tell me what you think about those kinds of comments from people who want to be a, you know, a Senator. I mean, it’s kind of bizarre, don’t you agree? To Queen Rania: You mentioned how this extremist ideology is even coming to play in the United States. You’ve seen the reaction and the fallout from the Islamic center, but it goes broader than that. Do you see a sort of a dangerous Islamophobia in the United States? How do you assess what’s happening here?

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Amanpour Rues Lack of Appreciation for Obama’s ‘Amazing’ Achievements, Then Slams ‘Bizarre’ & ‘Fringe Quality’ of GOP Candidates

George Will Schools This Week Panel on Tea Party Causing GOP Civil War

George Will on Sunday gave a much-needed education to the entire “This Week” panel about how the Tea Party is moving the GOP in a positive direction that could alter politics in this nation for years to come. As Christiane Amanpour and her Roundtable guests – Democrat strategist Donna Brazile, National Journal’s Ron Brownstein, and Republican strategist Matthew Dowd – all fretted about the so-called Civil War brewing in the GOP, Will was once again the voice of reason.  “At the beginning of the year, the question was, will the Tea Party people play nicely with others and will they obey the rules of politics? Who’s sort of not playing nicely?” asked Will. “Mr. Crist starts losing the primary to a Tea Party favorite Rubio. He suddenly discovers that he’s an independent and changes all his views overnight,” he continued. “Mrs. Murkowski loses a primary and suddenly discovers that she has a property right in her Senate seat and she’s going to run as a write-in. Senator Bennett thought of that in Utah, Senator Castle in Delaware is thinking of a write-in candidate. Who are the extremists?” (video follows with transcript and commentary):  DONNA BRAZILE, DEMOCRAT STRATEGIST: But, you know, the Republicans have a great story right now to tell. Excuse my voice. I was up watching the LSU game, clearly. But the — the problem I have — and the Republicans should — should understand — is that there’s still an eternal civil war going on within the Republican Party. In Washington state, in Delaware, and Colorado, many of the mainstream Republican candidates have not endorsed the Tea Party candidates. They’ve provided enthusiasm, they’ve provided a lot of energy and organization for the Republican Party, but we don’t know yet if the Republicans can heal those wounds and provide the kind of turnout they need to beat the Democrats. MATTHEW DOWD, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: I think that if you gave most Democrats truth serum and they said who’s place would they rather be in, they would pick the Republicans’ place in this year’s election as opposed to their own place in this year’s election. The problem I think for this class that’s coming in for the Republicans is for Mitch McConnell, who just talked to, is his ability to herd them is going to be like herding quail, because these folks are coming to Washington and think, “I’m not going to be part of this. I’m not going to listen to the leaders. I’m going to do what the voters want me to do,” and they’re not going to be — they’re not going to be acquiescent to what the leadership wants. CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, HOST: And that’s what I actually — I wanted to ask, because in today’s newspaper, there’s a quote by a senior Republican, you know, consultant that, after the elections, it’s going to be basically all-out war, a struggle for the heart and the soul of the Republican Party. You’re shaking your head. GEORGE WILL: They’ve been writing this story for eight months about what a problem the Tea Party is for the Republican Party. You know what the problem… (CROSSTALK) AMANPOUR: Well, Tom Ross basically told us that they lost because of that and they might lose. WILL: On balance across the country, the Tea Party is enormous help for the Republicans. At the beginning of the year, the question was, will the Tea Party people play nicely with others and will they obey the rules of politics? Who’s sort of not playing nicely? Mr. Crist starts losing the primary to a Tea Party favorite Rubio. He suddenly discovers that he’s an independent and changes all his views overnight. Mrs. Murkowski loses a primary and suddenly discovers that she has a property right in her Senate seat and she’s going to run as a write-in. Senator Bennett thought of that in Utah, Senator Castle in Delaware is thinking of a write-in candidate. Who are the extremists? (CROSSTALK) RON BROWNSTEIN, NATIONAL JOURNAL: Donna, I would say, look — I mean, I think clearly this class of Republicans do not feel they are being sent here to Washington to compromise with Barack Obama or to follow the Republican leadership. So in that sense, there’s going to be tension. And I quote Ken Buck in my story as saying so. But if you look at what they are actually going to be voting on, in all likelihood, over the next two years, there is remarkable unanimity in this class. And despite all the focus on the civil war, I think that is kind of a — what the long-range vision of what the federal government should be doing or not doing is where you will see diversity. (CROSSTALK) BROWNSTEIN: But in the near term — in the — in the near term, I think — in terms — the main thing that the Republicans, I think, are being sent here to do is to block and try to roll back whatever they can what Obama did. I think the spending thing will continue to be a challenge for them, because if you want to reduce the deficits and extend the Bush tax cuts, that does point you back toward cutting Medicare and Medicaid, which is exactly the problem they got into in ’95, and they may end up in that same cul-de-sac next year. But I actually believe there is more commonality in this class than is often assumed. And in the near term, they are going to be a very formidable and, I think, cohesive force. WILL: And look at the not-so-near term. In the next two cycles, 2012 and 2014 combined, the Democrats are defending 43 Senate seats, Republicans 22. So the Republican wave that’s now starting is just starting. Indeed. As Will accurately stated, the media have been “writing this story for eight months about what a problem the Tea Party is for the Republican Party.” The liberal press are always trying to figure out a narrative that paints the GOP in the most negative light.   First we were told the Tea Party represented an inconsequential fringe of racists and homophobes that will have no impact on elections. Now that its candidates have produced shocking results across the fruited plain, and have reinvigorated conservative voters like nothing we’ve seen in many years, the movement is going to produce a Civil War within the Republican Party that will either hurt it in November or make it impossible for it to govern if its successful at the polls. This is clearly why you could see Will either shaking his head or seemingly laughing to himself as his colleagues waxed philosophically about some as yet unrealized though oft-predicted calamity associated with this movement. Less than two years after Barack Obama and the Democrat Party won a landslide victory that had the potential of being a political realignment shifting the balance of power in this country to the left for many years nay decades, the Republicans are on the precipice of shocking the world by taking back the Congress. Is it any wonder the media are doing their darnedest to figure out a way to undermine it or that Will is getting such a kick out of watching them try?

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George Will Schools This Week Panel on Tea Party Causing GOP Civil War

Reflecting Sunlight Away From Earth to Cool the Planet Could Help Some Places, Really Hurt Others

Apologies if you live in someplace that Hulu won’t let you watch this hilarious and apropos clip of Mr Burns blocking out the sun from a 1995 episode of The Simpsons. Among the more high risk methods of geoengineering ,

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Reflecting Sunlight Away From Earth to Cool the Planet Could Help Some Places, Really Hurt Others

BP & Feds Ban Journalists Digging Sand or Building Sandcastles on Beach

If you thought killing the Macondo well over the weekend meant that the all to familiar saga of

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BP & Feds Ban Journalists Digging Sand or Building Sandcastles on Beach

The Mike & Molly Fat Joke Tracker: ‘She’s a Brick House’

There is only one reason why you, esteemed readers, would watch Chuck Lorre’s formulaic new sitcom about a pair of overweight Chicago lovebirds: the fat jokes. And boy, are there fat jokes. (Well, if you define a fat joke as “any line about beefy gals and White Castle drive-thru deaths followed immediately by a cringeworthy laugh track.”) And now, thanks to Movieline’s new weekly feature The Mike & Molly Fat Joke Tracker, you don’t even have to sit through the CBS show to catch the most offensive jabs. Herewith, last night’s tasteless disses from the Mike & Molly pilot.

Continued here:
The Mike & Molly Fat Joke Tracker: ‘She’s a Brick House’

Watch Two and a Half Men Season 8 Episode 1 – Three Girls and a Guy Named Bud

Watch Two and a Half Men S8E1: Three Girls and a Guy Named Bud Two and a Half Men is now back for their last season? Hopefully not. The season now begins with Charlie starting on his new leash in life by cutting back on his alcohol intake. Meanwhile, Jake goes moving back with his mom after he discovers that his father, Alan, is now dating the mom of his friend, Eldridge. The premiere installment of our favorite guys of Two and a Half Men, which is entitled “Three Girls and a Guy Named Bud” is the hit comedy TV series’ 1st episode of the 8th season that aired last 09/20/2010 Monday at 9:00 PM on CBS. Watch Two and a Half Men 8×1(0801)

Watch Castle Season 3 Episode 1 – A Deadly Affair

Watch Castle S3E1: A Deadly Affair Castle now returns for a whole new season after their months of break. And what way to get a big bang out of their come back is to get Castle behind bars. After Beckett and the rest of the team goes bursting into an old apartment in the chase of a murderers trail, and to their surprise, they see Castle standing over a dead woman’s body, holding a gun. They have no choice but to take Castle in and put him in jail until he is proven innocent. The premiere installment of our favorite writer named Castle, which is entitled “A Deadly Affair” is hit crime drama TV series’ 1st episode of the 3rd season that aired last 09/20/2010 Monday at 10:00 PM on ABC. Watch Castle 3×1(0301) Free Online Streaming Full Episodes Replay of the Latest Season and Video Clip Download Link:

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Watch Castle Season 3 Episode 1 – A Deadly Affair

Feds threaten man on oiled Florida beach: "ILLEGAL TO DIG" — NO SAND CASTLES

Where You Can And Can't Dig At The Beach, WEAR ABC, September 17, 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIWI_KVGxA4 added by: pjacobs51