Tag Archives: constitutional

Santorum Would Support Constitutional Amendment Outlawing Gay Marriage If Elected President


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During an appearance on CNN this evening, GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum (R-PA) hinted that he would push for a federal constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage if he were elected president, arguing that gay or lesbian relationships could destabilize the culture, rob children “of the potential of having a mom and a dad,” and undermine Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 09/06/2011 02:58 Number of articles : 2

Santorum Would Support Constitutional Amendment Outlawing Gay Marriage If Elected President

Donald Trump Debates The View Hags Over Obama’s Natural Born Status


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Donald Trump engaged in a spirited debate with The View hags today, insisting President Barack Obama should produce his original birth certificate if he wants to put the issue of his constitutional eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States to bed. Trump said he believes there is something on the birth certificate Obama does not want the American people to see or else he would… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Advance Indiana Discovery Date : 23/03/2011 20:11 Number of articles : 2

Donald Trump Debates The View Hags Over Obama’s Natural Born Status

Michael Jackson Doctor’s Trial Delayed

Judge pushes start of Conrad Murray’s trial back to May. By Gil Kaufman Conrad Murray Photo: AFP/ Getty Images LOS ANGELES — Though Conrad Murray’s lawyers had been pressing for a speedy trial, a judge in the involuntary manslaughter case against Michael Jackson’s doctor ruled on Wednesday to delay opening statements in the proceedings until May. The Associated Press reported that Murray’s attorneys consented to the postponement after they discussed the matter with prosecutors and both agreed they could be ready for trial by May 9. According to a transcript from the closed-door session, though opening statements will not begin for several months, Murray told Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor that he did not want to forfeit his right to a quick trial, but agreed to the delay if screening of prospective jurors begins as scheduled on March 24. “It is only acceptable to me if this is not strung along over a long period of time,” Murray told the justice. “I don’t want to lose my constitutional right to speedy trial.” Murray — who has pleaded not guilty to the charges — reportedly has been in favor of having the proceedings begin as soon as possible because he is facing financial troubles, but he said he understands that the delay is necessary to allow both sides to prepare for the trial. Pastor consented because he said he didn’t want to lose a jury pool, and believed a month-long delay might let potential jurors shuffle their schedules for the case, which could take up to two months to decide. The judge has reportedly clashed with Murray’s defense team in recent weeks, pressing them for answers about why they had not turned over more witness notes and other potential evidence to prosecutors in the run-up to the trial. Cardiologist Murray was hired to be Jackson’s personal physician while the King of Pop prepared for his planned 50-date comeback series of shows at London’s O2 arena in the summer of 2009. The doctor told police that he provided the then-50-year-old Jackson with sedatives and the surgical anesthetic propofol in order to combat the singer’s chronic insomnia. He said he did so on the morning of June 25, 2009, when Jackson died of what a coroner deemed acute propofol poisoning. Murray’s lawyers reportedly plan to argue that Jackson was already in weak health before he died, that it’s unfair to blame propofol for his passing and that, if the anesthetic was to blame, the pop superstar may have given himself the fatal dose by drinking the drug in a panic. A status hearing in the case has been set for this Wednesday. Related Videos Remembering Michael Jackson Related Photos Michael Jackson: A Life In Photos Related Artists Michael Jackson

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Michael Jackson Doctor’s Trial Delayed

DHS Whistleblower: They’re Training Local Police to Suspend Rights

http://globalpoliticalawakening.blogspot.com/2010/12/dhs-whistleblower-theyre-tr… What happens during a national emergency? People know that the President of the United States would be the one to declare the emergency, but under what criteria? What about our Constitutional Rights during the emergency? Film maker William Lewis had the chance to sit down with former police officer turned whistle-blower Travis Maddox for an interview contained in the newly released film Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2. During the interview, Maddox shares what became his concerns about the extensive training given to the local police department by the Department of Homeland Security in case of a nuclear, chemical, or biological attack. Maddox, also a former Missouri Constitution Party candidate for office, says the group in which he participated was “trained” to force people from their homes, disarm them, load them onto buses for transport to secured quarantine areas, “and if that weren't enough, from there it gets pretty scary,” says Lewis of the interview. “DHS, parent organization for the Transportation Security Administration, could give the TSA a run for their money,” relays Lewis about the information given the viewer from Maddox's first hand experience during training. The procedures for decontamination require removal of clothing, by force, if necessary. Maddox also stated during the interview that when the order is given, no one will have a choice, basically saying that you lose your rights to your private property, your guns, even your own body. “I think your body is probably the most private property that you own,” Investigative Journalist and radio talk show host Kaye Beach said in reference to the possibility of forced treatment in this fourth film by the Lewis/Franchi team. Along with the police state-type tactics described by Maddox, Enemy of the State guests Ernest Hancock and Beach discuss the paperwork in place in Arizona and Oklahoma that could bring about forced treatment in the case of a biological attack. Massachusetts already passed laws to force treatment during the Swine Flu scare in 2009. Beach actually discusses that there may be something similar in nearly every state, as most have adopted either all or part of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. CBS released a 3-month study in late October 2009 showing that state-by-state, the odds of people actually testing positive for the Swine Flu were very slim. Franchi says, “That means that the National State of Emergency called by President Obama was, in fact, based on false data.” Lewis and Franchi have produced four films altogether exposing FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and egregious legislation in an attempt to help those in the United States see the horrors awaiting We-the-People from our out-of-control government. For more information please visit http://CampFEMA.com RELATED ARTICLE: High-Speed Rail Federalism Fight and FEMA Camps When The Collapse Comes Will FEMA Camps Look Like Club Med? 10 Skills Needed to Thrive in a Post-Collapse World The Ultimate Betrayal: Police and Military Working Together to Oppress Americans added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

Man Proves TSA Policies Are Unconstitutional

Blogger Matt Kernan was able to bypass both the naked body scanner and invasive TSA pat down procedures during his return to the United States this past weekend, proving that both measures are completely unconstitutional and creating a precedent for a total shake-up of airport security. Kernan, who documents the case on his website, was returning from a trip to Europe and was perturbed to see TSA workers making Americans who had already cleared security in their airport of origin go through backscatter x-ray machines and be groped simply to re-enter their own country. “You see, it is official TSA policy that people (both citizens and non-citizens alike) from international flights are screened as they enter the airport, despite the fact that they have already flown,” writes Kernan. “Even before the new controversial security measures were put in place, I found this practice annoying. But now, as I looked past the 25 people waiting to get into their own country, I saw it: the dreaded Backscatter imaging machine.” Having seen the plethora of cases in recent weeks of TSA thugs abusing and humiliating women and children, Kernan, who had no connecting flight and time to kill, decided to take a stand. So begins Kernan’s description of his 2 and a half hour debate with TSA officials and airport police after he refused to go through the naked scanner or be groped. After TSA workers laughed at Kernan for opting out of the radiation scanner, he politely informed them that if they touched his genitals he would consider it an assault. With TSA officials repeating “policy” like a broken record, Kernan stated, “I am aware that it is policy, but I disagree with the policy, and I think that it is unconstitutional. As a U.S. citizen, I have the right to move freely within my country as long as I can demonstrate proof of citizenship and have demonstrated no reasonable cause to be detained.” Soon after the TSA Supervisor, a Delta Airlines manager and the airport police were called and Kernan informed them that he was recording the audio of the exchange on his iPhone. “I will not do anything that is not explicitly stated on recording as mandatory,” Kernan told them, as the police suggested they conduct the pat down instead of the TSA. However, the cops were forced to back down when they refused to state on record that Kernan would have to have his genitals touched in order to be free to go. After a disagreement between the police and the TSA about who had jurisdiction to arrest Kernan, the police began to get frustrated with the TSA Supervisor for pawning off the responsibility on them. At this point, the Supervisor tried to involve the “Federal Security Director,” who was told that Kernan was being polite and citing his constitutional rights. After more deliberation, Kernan was eventually escorted out of the airport without having to go through a naked body scanner or have his genitals groped. “And then came the most ridiculous scene of which I’ve ever been a part. I gather my things – jacket, scarf, hat, briefcase, chocolates. We walk over to the staff entrance and he scans his badge to let me through. We walk down the long hallway that led back to the baggage claim area. We skip the escalators and moving walkways. As we walk, there are TSA officials stationed at apparent checkpoints along the route. As we pass them, they form part of the circle that is around me. By the end of the walk, I count 13 TSA officials and 2 uniformed police officers forming a circle around me. Read More: http://globalpoliticalawakening.blogspot.com/2010/11/man-proves-tsa-policies-are… added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

Indonesian maid tortured in Saudi Arabia, another beaten to death


Supreme Court Will Soon Issue a Landmark Decision on the Validity of the Constitution

The United States Supreme Court will soon issue a landmark decision on the validity of the Constitution. The Supreme Court will consider three petitions filed by William M. Windsor, a retired Atlanta, Georgia grandfather. The decision should be rendered by the end of the year. Unless The Supreme Court acts, federal judges will be free to void the Constitution. The Questions Presented to The Supreme Court by Grandfather Windsor are: Will The Supreme Court declare that the Constitution and its amendments may be voided by federal judges? Should federal judges be stopped from committing illegal and corrupt acts to obstruct justice and inflict bias on litigants? Will The Supreme Court be afraid to disclose the corruption in the federal courts? These questions are presented in three separate Petitions for Writ of Mandamus filed with The United States Supreme Court the first week of November 2010 (appeal numbers to-be-assigned). Windsor has been involved in legal action in the federal courts in Atlanta since 2006. Windsor was named a defendant in a lawsuit (1:06-CV-0714-ODE) in which Christopher Glynn of Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls, swore under oath that Windsor did a variety of things including the crimes of theft and bribery. Windsor stated under oath that Christopher Glynn made it all up and lied about absolutely everything that he swore. Windsor then obtained deposition testimony from Glynn and the other managers of the Maid of the Mist boat ride in Niagara Falls, and they admitted, under oath, that charges against Windsor were not true. Despite this undeniable proof, federal Judge Orinda D. Evans declared that the grandfather of three should not have fought the lawsuit, and she forced him to pay over $400,000 in legal fees. Windsor appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, but federal judges Dubina, Hull, and Fay rubber-stamped Judge Evans' ruling. Windsor then took his appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court where the justices said the appeal was not worthy of their consideration (cert denied). Windsor believes that the federal courts and nine federal judges violated the Constitution, the Due Process Clause, and the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. Windsor says: “I have discovered that, at least in Atlanta, Georgia, the federal courts operate like a police state in which the judges are all-powerful, committing criminal acts from their benches and violating the Constitutional rights of parties who have the misfortune of appearing in their courts.” Windsor has now tossed the hot potato right square in the laps of the justices of the Supreme Court. By filing mandamus petitions rather than an appeal, The Supreme Court is forced to deal with Windsor's allegations of corruption in the federal courts. Grandfather Windsor hopes for the best but fears for the worst: “I hope The Supreme Court is decent, honest, and cares about the Constitution and the citizens of the United States. However, I am sorry to say that at this point, I suspect the corruption goes all the way to the top. My charges have been totally ignored by the United States Attorney's Office, the FBI, and Congress. I have said to The Supreme Court that the issues can all be boiled down to one question: Is The United States Supreme Court prepared to stop the federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia from functioning like common criminals?” Windsor says: “If The Supreme Court fails to act against these federal judges, the citizens of the United States need to know that there is not a shred of decency, honesty, or Constitutional rights in our federal courts. Corruption has consumed the federal court system, and we now live in a police state. Judges are free to do absolutely anything they want. Our laws are meaningless. Your life savings can be stolen by a federal judge, and they have no risk in violating every law in the books.” The Supreme Court may render its decision before the end of the year. It's one retired grandpa against the United States government. For more information, see www.LawlessAmerica.com . added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

McCarthyism By Email: Fomenting Fear Of Environmentalists and Tea Partiers Alike

“McCarthy brandishing one of his infamous lists,” Image credit: Knowledge Rush Environmentalists in Pennsylvania may have more in common with the “Tea Party” crowd than they might like to admit. Both have been similarly spied on and reported to PA authorities as ‘security risks,’ simply because they expressed their Constitutional rights to free speech and/or to peaceful public assembly. Brian recently covered the absurd-sounding story of a Philadelphia-based ‘ security company ‘ contract with Pennsylvania’s Department of Homeland Security – prov… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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McCarthyism By Email: Fomenting Fear Of Environmentalists and Tea Partiers Alike

Civil Rights Groups Challenge Obama’s Assassination List

Civil liberties groups have long objected that President Barack Obama has continued and even expanded on many of George Bush’s abuses in the area of national security, including blocking any investigation into the torture program. Now, civil liberties groups are targeting Obama’s continued use of an assassination list and his assertion that he can simply kill a U.S. citizen without any criminal charge or trial. The lawsuit focuses on the reported kill order targeting U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi, who is reportedly hiding in Yemen. The American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights have filed this interesting action, naming the President of the United States, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the secretary of the Department of Defense. This could make for a very interesting case if the groups can establish standing, which is likely to be challenged by Attorney General Eric Holder. As usual, Congress has done little to explore the constitutionality of a president who claims the unilateral power to kill U.S. citizens upon sight. If a President can unilaterally kill a U.S. citizens on his own authority, our court system (and indeed our constitutional rights) become entirely discretionary. The position of the Administration contains no substantial limitations on such authority other than its own promise to make such decisions with care. Here is the complaint: http://jonathanturley.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/al-aulaqi-v-obama-complaint.pd… added by: Radical_Centrist

See the original image at msg.com Ultimate Celebrity Look-a-like Photo Gallery

Did you ever notice that Snoop Dog and Miami Heat's Chris Bosh look alike? Or how about Tiger Woods and Ruthie from the Real World? LOL Just found the greatest celebrity doppelganger gallery with side by side pictures of actors, sports stars, musicians, politicians and more! http://www.msg.com/tv/shows/giants/2.1672/rap-legend-snoop-dogg-and-the-heat-s-c… added by: Strught