Tag Archives: crisis

Michigan Officials Bought Clean Water For Themselves A YEAR Before Flint Water Crisis

Leaked Emails Prove Michigan Officials Purchased Water For Themselves Before Flint Water Crisis Just when you think you’ve read all the shocking stories regarding the Flint Water Crisis , here comes leaked emails proving Michigan state officials were purchasing clean water for themselves while telling Flint residents it was okay to drink and bathe their children in that poisonous lead water. Per Detroit Free Press : In January of 2015, when state officials were telling worried Flint residents their water was safe to drink, they also were arranging for coolers of purified water in Flint’s State Office Building so employees wouldn’t have to drink from the taps, according to state government e-mails released Thursday by the liberal group Progress Michigan. A Jan. 7, 2015, notice from the state Department of Technology, Management and Budget, which oversees state office buildings, references a notice about a violation of drinking water standards that had recently been sent out by the City of Flint. “While the City of Flint states that corrective actions are not necessary, DTMB is in the process of providing a water cooler on each occupied floor, positioned near the water fountain, so you can choose which water to drink,” said the notice. “The coolers will arrive today and will be provided as long as the public water does not meet treatment requirements.” Caleb Buhs, a spokesman for DTMB, said the water coolers were provided in response to the city health notice in late December or early January, which he acknowledged was about a contamination issue the city said had already subsided. The state continued to provide the coolers of purified water, right up to today, because “there were more findings as we went along,” Buhs said. Buhs said his department never told state workers the tap water was unsafe to drink, but only provided an alternative, as a landlord would do for tenants. If Caleb Buhs and DTMB doesn’t get the entire f*ck up out of here with that “we were only providing an alternative” BS. Where was the alternative for Flint residents? Meanwhile, disgraced POS Michigan governor Rick Snyder signed a bill on Friday to provide $28 million in funding that will go towards fixing damaged pipes treating the health problems of all those people who drank from the tap. Too little, too late, bruh!

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Michigan Officials Bought Clean Water For Themselves A YEAR Before Flint Water Crisis

Kris Jenner on Rob Kardashian: He Just Wants to Chill!

Last month Rob Kardashian was diagnosed with diabetes during an emergency hospital visit. It was the latest in a long line of setbacks for Rob, who has reportedly struggled with addiction, depression, and compulsive eating in recent years. Despite the urging of his family and friends, Rob has refused rehab and is instead attempting to take care of his issues on his own. Sounds like there’s ample cause for concern, but momager Kris Jenner is downplaying the crisis in a big way: “He’s had a year where he kind of wanted to chill,” Kris said in a recent interview with Maria Shriver. “He hasn’t been feeling well. We didn’t really know why. He was just diagnosed with diabetes so we’re taking care of that, but he’s always around.” Asked what keeps Rob busy these days, Kris peddled some BS before momentarily keeping it real: “He has his business. He has a sock line and his stuff, but I think that it was just the perfect time for him to take a little hiatus because he does that. “We were doing that. We just said, ‘Get well. Feel better.’ He was depressed and just wasn’t feeling good and didn’t know why.”  Rob’s “sock line” is basically running joke at this point, and his “company” doesn’t even have a functioning website. We understand that Rob’s issues are probably tough for Kris to talk about, which is why we wish she’d either say “no comment,” or – out of respect for the millions of other people suffering from emotional distress – at least refrain from lying about his condition as though it’s something to be ashamed of.  We wish Rob all the best, and we hope that if he does choose to return to public life, he’ll use his platform to be an advocate for other people who have struggled with similar problems.

More here:
Kris Jenner on Rob Kardashian: He Just Wants to Chill!

Pamela Anderson in a See Through Enough Dress of the Day

Even if Pam Anderson was in a snowsuit, or a fur coat, because she’s really into fur, especially seal fur…or a big down jacket filled with Goose features and Coyote fur…she’s be in a see through enough dress…you see…because Pam Anderson’s career was established by being naked when she was in her 20s and you wanted to see her naked…we can just google image her tits in their various levels of implants…instead of looking at her Hep C Free body…in what must be her 50s…with her tits that may be under 5 years old, but that are covered in skin that has been stretched out over dozes of different implants..cut open over and over again…into what I can assume is a terrifying mess…it’s jsut best for her to keep her menopause to herself… To See the Rest of the Pics – CLICK HERE The post Pamela Anderson in a See Through Enough Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pamela Anderson in a See Through Enough Dress of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Push Up Bra of the Day

The terrible people at Victoria’s Secret, and their overpaid models, who don’t deserve the celebrity that they have…because they are just bodies in underwear…like all women…who wear underwear…only a little taller and more fit…but definitely not worthy of 50,000 dollar day rates…but I guess that’s an expense the brand is willing to pay, it is tax deductible and think off all the savings they make by producing their mall brand, low quality, cheesy design and concept, mass marketed product in sweatshops… They’ve put together this Push Up Bra video, that probably cost them over 1,000,000 dollars, to help sell product and generate some buzz into the holiday season, that they won’t actually call the Holidays season, because along with ISIS, the war is also on Christmas…we are all god’s people, it’s about inclusion, and being politically correct, but the cunts in this campaign, don’t full agree, just ask them the last time they let a homeless guy eat their pussy…their answer will be that it kind of happend to one of their billboard, because homeless guys are perverts and need to jerk off to something…sometimes…they have nothing else going for them.. Either way, this is just more content to continue the crisis that is Victoria’s Secret…terrorizing the minds of our youth and wives.. But it makes for a pretty easy gift, and really if you gotta fuck your pig wife, this garbage is like putting some lipstick on her… The post Victoria’s Secret Push Up Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Victoria’s Secret Push Up Bra of the Day

Anthony Mackie: Drunk on Donald Trump Kool-Aid!

Anthony Mackie clearly has a drinking problem. Though not the kind of drinking problem to which Scott Disick  or others of that nature can relate. In an interview this week with BET, the actor was asked which 2016 Presidential campaign he would want to run, in light of his role in the new film Our Brand is Crisis . “I would 100 percent want to run Trump’s campaign,” said Mackie. “First, that’ll be the best party ever when he won, and second, Trump’s an easy sell.” An easy sell? How so? “If you you look at Trump, he’s an easy sell because you can sell him as the guy who worked his way up from nothing,” Mackie said. “And I think if you’re a ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ candidate, people would identify with that.” That may be true as a general role… but Trump’s father was a millionaire real estate developer who played a key role in his son’s path to riches. So Trump is the opposite of a guy who worked his way up from nothing. Other than that detail, Mackie’s assessment is spot on. “I’m on the bandwagon,” Mackie, the anti-Jennifer Lawrence , said when asked if he would be voting for Trump. “I’m drinking the Kool-Aid.” And we’ve heard that’s the BEST Kool-Aid out there. It makes all other types of Kool-Aid into total and complete losers. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President

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Anthony Mackie: Drunk on Donald Trump Kool-Aid!

Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day

I guess James Franco put together a comedy show or event where he had his Bar Mitzvah because I guess he’s either not Jewish, or not Bar Mitzvahed and the only way for him to be taken seriously in Hollywood is for him to follow through with his religion and commit… In making a spectacle, mocking the Jewish Tradition of a boy becoming a man, and not through hookers the way your white trash dad did it, but rather by reading some scripture and earning 10s of thousands of dollars, in some of the most over the top setting…..Franco decided to get Funny or Die to Sponsor it and have random guests and performers that I know nothing about, but Miley was there and she wore a thong…and her young ass, despite being in leggings, is starting to look sloppy, like it is melting off her, because girl’s not 18 anymore…but still exists…still does slutty enough for me to stare…while really not caring…she’s supposed to be naked… The post Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day

Gun Violence, No Problem: Jeb Bush On Oregon Massacre “Stuff Happens”

The Side Eye: Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush on Gun Violence “Stuff Happens” You’d think a presidential candidate would be a little more careful with his words, but not Republican candidate Jeb Bush.  As he spoke on the deadly shooting in Oregon that killed 9 people and wounding 7 others, he described the tragic incident as “heartbreaking”.  Just there after though, he made a jaw dropping comment, minimizing gun violence to “stuff happens…”  He adds,  “theres always a crisis and the impulse is always to do something and it’s not always the right thing to do” — in regards resorting to more strict gun laws.  Considering gun violence is a common occurrence you’d think he’d find it a topic of importance but apparently not.  Will you be voting for Mr. Bush??  Watch the clip from CNN and decide for yourself.      

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Gun Violence, No Problem: Jeb Bush On Oregon Massacre “Stuff Happens”

Taylor Swift Twitter Messages Allegedly Leaked: Who’s the Singer’s Famous Poker Buddy?

Earlier today, we reported that hackers were threatening to release nude Taylor Swift photos obtained by breaking into the singer’s Twitter and Instagram accounts. It now looks as though the crisis has been averted, as crack social media security teams immediately got the situation under control, locking Taylor’s account and reportedly tracking down the parties responsible. Considering the fallout from The Fappening  and the Sony hacking scandal, Taylor was pretty fortunate in this case. But that doesn’t mean she’s emerged from the scandal entirely unscathed. Screen shots of Twitter direct messages that were allegedly taken from Taylor’s inbox have been making the rounds online, and they’re every bit as harmlessly goofy-cute as you would expect: Yes, it seems that Swifty likes to play poker (or Go Fish, who knows with her?) with none other than former Disney boy-bander Nick Jonas.  It’s an interesting development (thus far, the only interesting development to come out of this scandal), as Swift dated Joe Jonas (Nick’s older brother and former bandmate) early in her career. In fact, Joe was the first ex to inspire one of the classic breakup anthems that helped launch Swifty’s career, so perhaps it’s not surprising that she’s still tight with his family. Hey, Taylor hung with Harry Styles last week; she’s clearly not the type to hold grudges. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she gets together with the boys of 1D for epic all-night games of Risk. Please let that be true. 11 Fun Facts About Taylor Swift! 1. Her First Job Was Knocking Bugs Out of Christmas Trees We’re guessing she prefers singing.

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Taylor Swift Twitter Messages Allegedly Leaked: Who’s the Singer’s Famous Poker Buddy?

Police Chase Naked Guy on Drugs and Other Videos of the Day

News Anchor on Play Doh Crisis How to Open Champagne like a Boss Weed Jesus Idiot on Price is Right… Kim Jong-un Flying a Plane New Zealand’s New Years Eve Fireworks

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Police Chase Naked Guy on Drugs and Other Videos of the Day

Grandma Assaulted Over Denied Facebook Friend Request… From Her Own Granddaughter

A young woman got in a slapping fight with a 72-year-old grandmother who denied her Facebook friend request.

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Grandma Assaulted Over Denied Facebook Friend Request… From Her Own Granddaughter