P hiladelphia-bred hip-hip artist Meek Mill has become a fierce advocate for criminal justice reform. The rapper—whose real name is Robert Rihmeek Williams —is pushing his fight against the unjust system forward by joining forces with lawmakers to propose a probation and parole reform bill, the Chicago Crusader reported. REFORM Alliance, @MeekMill 's criminal justice reform organization, proposes Pennsylvania bill reforming probation & parole system https://t.co/ISyzZpkmQt pic.twitter.com/wdxoS7VsV8 — billboard (@billboard) April 2, 2019 The bill is an initiative led by the REFORM Alliance; a group created by Williams, Jay-Z , Philadelphia 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin , Nets co-owner Clara Wu Tsai and Patriots owner Robert Kraft . The alliance was formed to unite leaders across different industries so that they can work towards changing the landscape of our country’s unjust judicial system by shifting laws and policies related to probation and parole. The REFORM Alliance aims to free at least 1 million individuals within the next five years. Through the proposed bipartisan bill—which was unveiled by Williams, Rubin, Rep. Sheryl Delozier , Rep. Jordan Harris , and Van Jones in Philadelphia this week—courts would be prohibited from giving an individual consecutive probation sentences. Courts would also be barred from extending probation and parole sentences if an individual is facing financial hardships and is unable to pay fees and fines. There are other measures featured in the bill including the prevention of reincarceration for an offender who associates with an individual who has a criminal past or tests positive for marijuana and rewards for good behavior. Williams’ own experiences with the criminal justice system have inspired him to lead this initiative, especially in Pennsylvania. He was re-imprisoned for miniscule probation violations and received a two-to-four-year sentence in 2017 which sparked the #FreeMeek movement. After he was released he made it his mission to reach back and help other individuals who were in the same predicament but didn’t have the same platform. “This proposed bill is the first step in changing the criminal justice system and it’s only right that we start in my home state,” Williams said in a statement, according to the news outlet. “I’ve lost too much time away from my son, my family, my friends and fans in Philly because of outdated probation laws, so I want to make sure people don’t have to go through what I did.” Pieces of legislation like the one that he and other leaders are introducing are needed. According to the REFORM Alliance, Pennsylvania has the third highest rate of community supervision in the country costing $200 million each year. Furthermore, there are currently 296,000 people on parole or probation within the state. SEE ALSO: Meek Mill Sounds Off On Trump, Says People Should ‘Use Power’ To Vote For Change Meek Mill’s Hateful Judge Is Everything That Is Wrong With The Criminal Justice System [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3850201″ overlay=”true”]
Constance Jablonski has a pretty hard face, but she’s a celebrated model, the kind who gets invited to red carpet events, like whatever this event is, all living in NYC despite being an immigrant…thanks to work visas being easy to obtain if you’re a fashion model…which is absolutely insane…there are doctors and people with actual skills trying to get in the USA, but some dumb cunt who takes nudes pics for magazines gets in with no issues…it’s like the government wants to beautify the landscape with an injection with top grade pussy..internationally recognized pussy…so that the next generation doesn’t look like the inbreds in the small towns across America…you know the WALMART EMPLOYEES…and people on disability…all fat and diabetic and disgusting…because why the fuck else would all these bitches get in with no issue…why can Models obtain visa’s as long as they are singed…but people with actual talent can’t…it’s for the pussy…America loves the pussy.. Anyway, she’s in a see through enough top, because she’s fashion and thank god for that..like her fashion shoots..the tits distracts from the man face proper…and for you tranny fuckers you know…the tits are key to not feeling like a homo while watching them jerk off.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Constance Jablonski See Through Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
On August 10, 1999, MrSkin.com went live for the very first time and changed the landscape of nudity in film! On this, our 16th Anniversary, we’d like to thank you our loyal and faithful subscribers for all that you do! As passionate as we all are about nudity, it wouldn’t amount to a hill of beans if we didn’t have your support! Thank you for making the first 16 years something truly special, and we can’t wait to continue being the movie nudity authority for the next 16 years and beyond! To celebrate, we’ve got a Mr. Skin T-shirt for one of our lucky readers. To enter to win, let us know what was your favorite nude scene from the last 16 years. Since there are likely to be some duplicates, try to make an impassioned defense of this nude scene! Keep it brief—LESS THAN 50 WORDS—and post it in the comments section below . You have from now until 8:59 am CST on Thursday , so make it count! Only one entry per user, multiple entries will be discarded. *THE FINE PRINT: Winners will be contacted via email, so please make sure your email registration info is up-to-date before entering. Mr. Skin does not ship prizes outside the United States . Winners will be chosen at random by Skin Central at 9:00 am EST on Thursday, August 13, 2015 .
On August 10, 1999, MrSkin.com went live for the very first time and changed the landscape of nudity in film! On this, our 16th Anniversary, we’d like to thank you our loyal and faithful subscribers for all that you do! As passionate as we all are about nudity, it wouldn’t amount to a hill of beans if we didn’t have your support! Thank you for making the first 16 years something truly special, and we can’t wait to continue being the movie nudity authority for the next 16 years and beyond! To celebrate, we’ve got a Mr. Skin T-shirt for one of our lucky readers. To enter to win, let us know what was your favorite nude scene from the last 16 years. Since there are likely to be some duplicates, try to make an impassioned defense of this nude scene! Keep it brief—LESS THAN 50 WORDS—and post it in the comments section below . You have from now until 8:59 am CST on Thursday , so make it count! Only one entry per user, multiple entries will be discarded. *THE FINE PRINT: Winners will be contacted via email, so please make sure your email registration info is up-to-date before entering. Mr. Skin does not ship prizes outside the United States . Winners will be chosen at random by Skin Central at 9:00 am EST on Thursday, August 13, 2015 .
The end of the world is going down today, the Mayans tell us. You’ve surely heard. What you probably haven’t considered is that predictions of the December 21, 2012 apocalypse were all just a clever ruse … to divert attention from the real threat. The ALPACAlypse! A meme devoted to the llama-like furballs is wreaking cute destruction on 12/21/12. So sometime today, expect a torrent of alpacas to rain down upon us, bringing fire, brimstone, the end of human civilization and a whole lot of furry silliness. Seriously, have you seen one of them? See more Alpacalypse images below:
Former House Speaker and White House hopeful Newt Gingrich made a surprising admission, saying gay marriage is both inevitable and okay by him. Legalization of same-sex marriage in three states in 2012’s election changed the landscape, and conservatives have to come to terms with it, he said. “It is in every family, in every community.” he said. “The momentum is clearly in the direction of finding some way to … accommodate and deal with reality .” “And the reality is going to be that in a number of American states – and it will be more after 2014 – gay relationships are going to be legal, period.” The thrice-married Newt Gingrich, a Republican social conservative, said he recognizes the distinction between religious and civil marriage. He and his Roman Catholic church consider the former to be limited to heterosexuals, but he has no problem with legal marriage rights for same-sex couples. This is a significant departure for Gingrich; just this year, while seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, he opposed gay marriage. Stridently, in fact. “The effort to create alternatives to marriage between a man and a woman are natural pagan behaviors, but they are a fundamental violation of our civilization,” he said. He also signed an Iowa conservative group’s pledge to back the Defense of Marriage Act and to seek a Constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage. A lot has changed since then, he said, both politically and personally. He spoke kindly of his lesbian half-sister, LGBT activist Candace Gingrich, and of gay friends who’ve gotten married in Iowa, where gay marriage is legal. Public opinion has shifted in favor of equality, he said, and the GOP could end up on the wrong side of history if it continues to fight the inevitable. “I didn’t think [gay marriage] was inevitable 10-15 years ago,” he said. “It didn’t seem at the time to be anything like the wave of change we are now seeing.” Gay marriage : Support Oppose View Poll »
Dear Bossip , I would like to thank you first of all for being so real and for not being afraid to be yourself. I honor what you are doing and wish I had to strength to do it also. I’m a 21-year old female and I have been bisexual for as long as I can remember. It’s a struggle living on the low and not wanting to tell anyone because I feel so ashamed. I do have lesbian friends and we go out and I can really be myself, but having to keep all of my feelings locked up and having to lie is really becoming stressful. I have been in relationships with women before and I must say, during those short times it did last, I have never felt so good about myself, and so in love with any other person. When I was with a woman I wanted to tell my family, and the world, about this wonderful person I had met and fell in love with, but I could not. I couldn’t find the strength to do it. Since my last relationship with a woman I’ve found a man, (“The man”), I think, I would like to spend the rest of my life with. He is not like the other men I have dated. He is so different from what I used to deal with, and I love him so much. He pleases me in every way except for one, and that is sexually. You see, when we make love, I’m thinking of making love to FEMALES. When he’s away and I need to “get one off,” LOL, I think of females. I constantly think about the times I spent with them. I love this man and I never want to hurt him, but I’m so scared to tell him about my true desires. I don’t want him to feel like I don’t want him or that he doesn’t satisfy me, but the truth, Gay Best Friend, is that the urges I have for females, along with the want, desire, and passion that I hold towards women is becoming greater every day. I’m lost and I don’t know what to do. I mean, maybe, it’s because I’m so young and I keep telling myself I’m being greedy, and I can’t have both, and I keep hoping that one day the answer will just fall out of the sky. I doubt it, but, still every day I hope. I have so much on my plate, and me being a down low female is not making things easier. So, if you can guide me in any way, be it a book, website, poem, or anything I would appreciate it GREATLY. Thanks in advance for the advice, and for being so uplifting, and for making a way for those like you and myself. – Young and Struggling Dear Ms. Young and Struggling , You’re hoping the answer will fall from the sky, well, POOF! First, I want to thank you for sending your question. That, in and of itself, was very brave. It shows your strength and courage to find truth and answers. You have to do what makes you happy in your heart and your life. It’s obvious you prefer woman, and it’s an inner turmoil because you want to please not only yourself, but those you love. So, you are continuing to date men, and lo and behold, you find a man you really enjoy being with. Ain’t that something? However, when you are having sex with him you are thinking of women. When he is away you are thinking of women. Well, honey, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck. And, girl, you are a lesbian. I hope you didn’t think I was going to let you off the hook. Let me get comfortable. If you are deceiving others, that is not good. The man you are involved with has a right to know. If you don’t disclose your feelings, and he finds out, it will not be pretty. Besides, you are not allowing him any say in the relationship. You are taking that away from him and it’s not fair. What if he chooses to be with you after you tell him your true desires? Then what? Just as I thought, you’re stuck, huh? You stated perhaps you were being greedy. That is very selfish. Everybody wants to have their cake and eat it too. Imagine if someone did the same to you. Imagine if you discovered he was cheating on you. You would feel betrayed. You would be upset. And, you probably wouldn’t think he was “the man” for you. Girl, I understand it’s difficult, and you are struggling within yourself because you don’t want to disappoint your family and friends. You want to make them happy. We all want to please our family and friends because those are the people we love, and they love us. But, what about you? Are you doing what makes you happy? Are you loving yourself? And, who are you living for? Let me tell you something, and it may take some time, hours, days, months, hell, even years before you get it, but first you’ve got to accept and love yourself. If you love you for who you are and not beat up yourself because of your sexuality, then others will love and accept you. Second, DON’T GET CAUGHT UP IN WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU. If they are your friends, your true friends, then they will stick by you and love you just the same because you are still the same lovable laughable personable good friend. Your family will still love you. They will support you and embrace you like they did before. If your friends don’t stick around, then guess what? They were never your true friends from the beginning. True friends will be there regardless. One thing I’ve learned in my long journey and process of accepting me, was loving myself, and being happy with me. I’ve learned you can’t please everybody. Nope. You sure can’t. So, stop trying. And you know who taught me that valuable lesson? My grandmother and aunt. They told me, “Boy, folks hated on Jesus. Look at how they persecuted him for what he did for others. Look how they talked about him. What makes you think folks won’t do it to you.” Ever since then I walked to the beat of my own drum. Well, that which God is drumming. So, Ms. Young and Struggling I am saying to you, “Love you! Damn it.” Stop trying to please everybody. Girl, you are going to run yourself ragged trying to make everyone around you happy. Besides, who’s to say that this guy can’t be a good friend to you? Sit down with him lovingly and tell him your feelings. Explain to him what you’re going through. You stated he is different from all the other guys you have dated, so hopefully he really is, and if he loves you, he will understand. And, thank goodness we are in a new day and age where there is a plethora of information for people who are struggling with their sexuality. You can read any of E. Lynn Harris’s books. His books changed the landscape for many men and women who were unaware of down low men and women in this world. You should also check out author, Laurinda Brown. She is a phenomenal and fabulous lesbian writer. And, I am certain there is a Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender (LGBT) Center in your area. Many have counselors who will speak with you over the phone, and you can remain anonymous until you are comfortable to share more information. Honey, you are not alone. There are more people in the world like you than you know. You’ve made one courageous step, now take another! – Terrance Dean Hey Bossip Fam, what do you think? Share your opinions and thoughts below! Also, e-mail all your questions Terrance Dean : loveandrelationships@bossip.com Follow Terrance Dean on Twitter : @terrancedean “LIKE” Terrance Dean on Facebook , click HERE! Make sure to order my books Mogul: A Novel (Atria Books – June 2011; $15), and Straight From Your Gay Best Friend – The Straight Up Truth About Relationships, Love, And Having A Fabulous Life (Agate/Bolden Books – November 2010; $15). They are available in bookstores everywhere, and on Amazon, click HERE!
President Barack Obama’s pot-smoking past is detailed in Barack Obama: The Story , a new biography of the Commander-in-Chief by David Maraniss, who had previously revealed Obama’s early girlfriends (including Genevieve Cook ) in Vanity Fair . The President himself has been remarkably and refreshingly candid about his past drug use, but new details of Obama smoking marijuana with his buddies at Hawaii’s Punahou School are still setting the web ablaze (sorry). Maraniss writes , “When a joint was making the rounds, [Obama] often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted ‘Intercepted!’ and took an extra hit.” Yeah. Let’s all take a moment and let that image sink in. “But Obama’s buddies, who called themselves the “Choom Gang,” didn’t mind him messing up the rotation,” he continues. “After all, this was Hawaii.” Indeed. That’s not all. Maraniss writes that Obama was known for starting a trend called “TA,” short for “total absorption.” Use your imagination. “When you were with ‘Barry’ and pals, if you exhaled precious pakalolo (Hawaiian slang for marijuana, meaning “numbing tobacco”) instead of absorbing it fully into your lungs, you were assessed a penalty,” writes the author. “Your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around.” Maraniss also describes Obama’s technique of “roof hits” while hot-boxing cars … i.e. smoking up with all the windows closed: “When the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.” The book is one of two biographies making the rounds about Obama. The Amateur , by Edward Klein, contains this alleged Obama divorce story . Again, it’s worth noting Obama has been less than shy about his drug use in the past, writing about the topic in his memoir Dreams from My Father . “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it,” the future president wrote in the memoir, before taking a darker tone. “Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn’t been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. Not by them, anyway.” “I got high for just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory.” As Obama moved to higher stage, he’s also been forthcoming about drug use. On Bill Clinton’s absurd claim that he had once tried marijuana but “didn’t inhale,” Obama said smiling in 2007, “That was the point, wasn’t it?”