Tag Archives: minutes-later

LOL: This Burglar Thought He Was Ethan Hunt The Way He Broke Into A Shop

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Source: Murray Close / Getty I’m telling you…everyday robbers are full of surprises. One burglar in northwest Houston thought he was breaking into a high tech security building when he robbed a local smoke shop. He entered the shop through the one window that didn’t have burglar bars. Once inside, instead of creeping through the building on two feet, he crawled on the floor to get to the items he was going to steal. Apparently, he thought some high sensory technology was two feet above him? Crawling does seem like a reasonable precaution, right?   Only problem is, homeboy was on camera the whole time and he didn’t wear a mask.   You can watch the footage for yourself below…   The burglar then had the nerve to come back 20 minutes later to steal more stuff. He eventually got away with $1,000 in merchandise and cash. Authorities are offering a reward for anyone with information leading to his arrest. And with his Mission Impossible video debut… It shouldn’t be too hard tracking him down.   

LOL: This Burglar Thought He Was Ethan Hunt The Way He Broke Into A Shop

My name is Naz, and on the 17th of July 2012 I met Justin…

My name is Naz, and on the 17th of July 2012 I met Justin Bieber, it was the best day of my life. I remember I was sitting at school and Justin had tweeted, “Oh yeah and Australia I’m coming July 15th ” My heart stopped and I was like I have to meet him, I’ve been waiting since 2009! Closer to the date, there was so many competitions happening and I entered every one of them a hunderd times, and one by one they would announce the winners. It wasnt me, my heart was broken. I remeber hearing that the local radio station was doing a competition in the morning, so on July 9th, I woke up at 6am and sat on my couch listening to the radio. At 8:30am they said “Ring for Bieber tickets” and I went ninja and rang, and rang, and rang but it was busy about 10 mins after trying they answered the phone and I couldn’t stop crying! I was like, “he he hello b b b bieber tttticketsss!?” She asked for my name and number and I told her. She said we have others on the line so we might not pick you and I was crying of  excitement . 20 minutes later they called me back and told me I was going to be playing a game to win meet and greet tickets! I was so nervous/excited, I went on air and they asked me a non-Bieber related question. I had to say if it was true or false, and I had no idea so I guessed false.. the answer was true! My heart just stopped and I couldn’t believe that I didn’t get thoese tickets, my life was over, but they told me they would send me a little package in the mail. I was sitting there crying so much and then 2 minutes later my phone rang. Someone was saying, “Hey how are you?” and I was like pretty bad and shes like don’t be because “WE HAVE DECIDED THAT WE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU THE TICKETS ANYWAY, YOU ARE GOING TO MEET JUSTIN BIEBER.” I couldnt believe it, I was so happy and I just cried even more! The day came and I met him. He was amazing and he even kissed me on the check!  He was so nice and just amazing, he is the most amazing person I’ve ever met and this is one day I will NEVER forget. – @nazlovesbiebs   Visit link: My name is Naz, and on the 17th of July 2012 I met Justin…

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My name is Naz, and on the 17th of July 2012 I met Justin…

Mom Arrested For Twerking And Cheering During Daughter’s Graduation [Video]

Mom arrested for cheering and shouting during daughters graduation We don’t think she did anything wrong: Shannon Cooper cheered as her daughter walked across the stage to get her diploma from South Florence High School Saturday night, but just minutes later, Shannon was handcuffed and arrested. Wait till you peep her interview…

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Mom Arrested For Twerking And Cheering During Daughter’s Graduation [Video]

Mom Arrested For Twerking And Cheering During Daughter’s Graduation [Video]

Mom arrested for cheering and shouting during daughters graduation We don’t think she did anything wrong: Shannon Cooper cheered as her daughter walked across the stage to get her diploma from South Florence High School Saturday night, but just minutes later, Shannon was handcuffed and arrested. Wait till you peep her interview…

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Mom Arrested For Twerking And Cheering During Daughter’s Graduation [Video]

Chris Brown and Rihanna: The (Possible) Secret Love Tweets!

Chris Brown. Rihanna. Fairly or not, these two music stars will be forever linked by a hot romance that ended in a highly publicized 2009 assault that Chris later pleaded guilty to. In the nearly three years since, regardless of what the public thinks, the two are on good terms – or at least neutral terms – and putting it behind them. Both have nothing but supportive words, seeking to downplay the incident and move on. But has the tumultuous relationship now struck up again? Yesterday, Breezy posted, “Love U more than u know!” Two minutes later, Ri said, “I’ll always love you #1love.” Coincidence? Maybe, but two minutes later? Rihanna has defended why she even follows Brown on Twitter and has shared that she’s still a “fan” of his and “excited” for his comeback, which we can see. But it makes you wonder. Are they rekindling a romance or are they just unrelated? If they were directed at someone else, why not Tweet at them? So odd. Then there’s this: Earlier, Brown’s mom tweeted, “HELLO LADY I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!” Rihanna tweeted shortly after, “Miss+Love u 2” Weigh in with your comments and theories below.

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Chris Brown and Rihanna: The (Possible) Secret Love Tweets!

September 28, 2009. The day I’ll never forget. I met my…

September 28, 2009. The day I’ll never forget. I met my idol, inspiration, and favourite singer, Justin Bieber. It all started when my friend entered the contest at 91.5 The Beat. She even assumed she  wouldn’t  win, but one day, she got the call saying she won! 2 minutes later she called my house and was basically screaming asking me, “Will you come meet Justin Bieber with me?! I just won the contest!” I screamed and ran around the house, and I yelled YES. Of course, we got to meet him on a school day, which means I got to miss school just to meet him. It was awesome. Now me and her can both say we’ve met our inspiration, we have our picture with him, and I have his autograph. His arm was around me, probably the best minute of my life. He even got to talk to us for a bit & listen to him without screaming fans all around. Never say never and take every chance you get because you don’t know how amazing something could turn out to be. -Faith Bramer Read this article: September 28, 2009. The day I’ll never forget. I met my…

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September 28, 2009. The day I’ll never forget. I met my…

Drive Horny: More on Charlotte Ross’s 3D Nudity in Drive Angry

A month ago, we reported that Charlotte Ross , who plays Quinn’s MILFtastic mom on the Fox phenomenon Glee and whose T&A-baring shower scene in the 2003 season of the ABC cop drama NYPD Blue almost cost the network $1.4 million in FCC fines is going to be going full-frontal in 3D in Drive Angry . But now one of our skin scouts has sneaked a peek at the upcoming action flick and has the full skinny on what kind of eye-popping T&A we can expect. 14 minutes in, Christa Campbell shows boobs, butt, and bush when Amber Heard drags her off of the dude she’s screwing and starts beating the crap out of her. At the 27-minute mark comes Charlotte’s long-awaited full-frontal when she shows off her rack and bald beaver riding Nicholas’s dickolas. Three minutes later, we get left tit from and a flash of can from Ms. Ross followed by another quick full frontal as she lies naked on the floor. It’s all in the red band clip re here . But the skin party’s not over because one hour and twenty minutes in, hot-as-Hell Devil-worshipper Kimberly Shannon Murphy shows all three B’s dancing on top of an RV and then again at 1:23 and 1:28. May the glorious era of 3D nudity never end.

Drive Horny: More on Charlotte Ross’s 3D Nudity in Drive Angry

Drive Horny: More on Charlotte Ross’s 3D Nudity in Drive Angry

A month ago, we reported that Charlotte Ross , who plays Quinn’s MILFtastic mom on the Fox phenomenon Glee and whose T&A-baring shower scene in the 2003 season of the ABC cop drama NYPD Blue almost cost the network $1.4 million in FCC fines is going to be going full-frontal in 3D in Drive Angry . But now one of our skin scouts has sneaked a peek at the upcoming action flick and has the full skinny on what kind of eye-popping T&A we can expect. 14 minutes in, Christa Campbell shows boobs, butt, and bush when Amber Heard drags her off of the dude she’s screwing and starts beating the crap out of her. At the 27-minute mark comes Charlotte’s long-awaited full-frontal when she shows off her rack and bald beaver riding Nicholas’s dickolas. Three minutes later, we get left tit from and a flash of can from Ms. Ross followed by another quick full frontal as she lies naked on the floor. It’s all in the red band clip re here . But the skin party’s not over because one hour and twenty minutes in, hot-as-Hell Devil-worshipper Kimberly Shannon Murphy shows all three B’s dancing on top of an RV and then again at 1:23 and 1:28. May the glorious era of 3D nudity never end.

Drive Horny: More on Charlotte Ross’s 3D Nudity in Drive Angry

Raquel Welch is a 70 Year Old I Want to Fuck of the Day

I haven’t fucked someone over 70 in a long time….It was back when I worked at the old folks home and I wouldn’t really call it sex because the bitch was medicated, half asleep with a serious case of senility that made her forget who she was, which was the motivation behind choosing her, in an out of sight out of mind kinda thing that even if she woke up she’d have no idea what happened 3 minutes later and really it was a service to her cuz I knew she hadn’t fucked in a long time… The nice thing about that romantic experience was that I thought I’d need lube, but really the walls of her vagina were so parted, that I popped rigt in….The horrible thing was seeing what I saw everytime I opened my eyes, cuz old lady ass is not something that should be undressed… Unless of course it’s Raquel Welch, cuz she’s 70 and I’m in fucking love. I generally don’t like that plastic surgery, plastic emotionless face that makes bitches mainly in LA look like fucking aliens, but something was done right…she’s so good that I wouldn’t have to close my eyes and remember her 1960s stupid tits…I’d be happy with what was on my plate in front of me. Seriously….I could jerk off to these pics and she’s not doing anything in them…except for being a hot 70 year old..and for some reason her being 70….and reflecting on all that pussy has seen…and all the wisdom it garnered from its experiences is better than porn to me….

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Raquel Welch is a 70 Year Old I Want to Fuck of the Day

Cherry Blossom 10 miler 2010

April 11, 2010 Washington, DC 7:40 a.m. RRCA National 10-Mile Championship The elite women start first and will be followed 10 minutes later by six waves of approximately 2,500 runners each. Two-time defending women#39;s champion Lineth Chepkurui, from Kenya, is poised to become the first to win three times in a row since Julie Shea did it in 1975-77. Chepkurui, 23, has been running well this spring but must again hold off last year#39;s runner-up, Belaynesh Zemedkun, 22, from Ethiopia. Althou

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Cherry Blossom 10 miler 2010