Tag Archives: public-interest

Kocktails with Khloe: Already Kanceled??

After debuting Wednesday evening to bleak reviews, rumor has it that Khloe Kardashian’s new talk show is being canceled after just one episode. According to Star magazine , an insider from the FYI network, home to Kocktails with Khloe , discloses that Khloe is having trouble finding guests to appear on the show , and frankly, is kinda failing as a host. “Khloe is fighting a losing battle with this show. Between the lack of celebrity star power, dismal publicity and her not exactly being the greatest host, things aren’t looking good.” EEK.  “Even if she did scrounge up some quality guests, who wants to watch people sit around and drink?” added a second source. “Everyone becomes sloppy and dysfunctional by the end of the show, leaving viewers to question why they turned it on in the first place.” Are you kidding? That sounds like AMAZING television to me. Critics have lambasted the show , describing it as “komplete krap,” and a “miserable mishmash of fast talking and kwik kamera kuts that was as difficult to follow as a gum-popping waitress in a loud bar.” Unfortunately, the show appeared to be doomed before it even started.  Kocktails  has struggled to garner any public interest after its trailer attracted minimal views and reports surfaced early on about her challenge to book guests. The first episode featured guests Brandi Glanville, Aisha Tyler, Kim Whitley and Kendall Jenner.  I understand that Khloe’s got her famous family members to call on in a pinch, but resorting to Kendall for the very first episode is not a good sign. View Slideshow: Khloe Kardashian Memoir: 6 Things We Learned

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Kocktails with Khloe: Already Kanceled??

‘Twilight’ Star’s Nude Photo Scandal Rare For Young Cast

Kiowa Gordon’s leaked pics might seem standard for young Hollywood, but ‘Twilight’ Tuesday notes that the cast has largely avoided scandal. By Kara Warner Kiowa Gordon Photo: Jason LaVeris/ Getty Images With all the glitz and glamour associated with being a young celebrity in Hollywood, it’s hard to imagine there are any cons to fame and fortune. It’s safe to say that one of the more precarious aspects of being universally recognized is the fact that any time a celebrity does anything worth a tweet, photograph or snarky comment, they have the potential to generate many a headline. The amount of news coverage a star commands depends, of course, on the level of public interest, for which the minute details in the lives of Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and the “Twilight” cast are of great importance. A lot of the newer stars find out about their headline-generating factor the hard way, as has been the case with Kiowa Gordon and a batch of private photos that were posted to a pornographic website. Never mind the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the incident; by all appearances, Gordon is doing his best to resolve the matter and move on. The “nude photos discovered” headline is so prevalent in pop culture that it’s almost expected. Speaking of expectations, because there are so many ways in which a young celeb might be photographed doing something naughty — they’re teenagers, for cryin’ out loud! — I think we can all take a moment to appreciate the fact that on the whole, the entire “Twilight” cast has done an excellent job in upholding the ideals associated with their role-model statues. There have been a few leaked photos here and there but no evidence of any kind of truly inappropriate behavior that is often associated with young stars. It really is an amazing feat when you think about how many young actors we’re talking about and how scrutinized they are. When I think about some of the dumb things I did in my teens, I thank my lucky stars that Facebook and Twitter were not around. I can’t even begin to think about how difficult it would be to navigate as a young celebrity. So as much as we love to obsess over our favorite stars, let’s try to not sweat the small stuff and appreciate them for being worthy of our continued admiration. Why do you think the “Twilight” cast has largely avoided the typical pitfalls of young fame? Let us know in the comments or tweet me @karawarner!

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‘Twilight’ Star’s Nude Photo Scandal Rare For Young Cast

Lack of transparency in asset forfeiture reporting targeted in lawsuit


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The Institute for Justice, a DC-based public interest law firm, has filed a lawsuit on behalf of residents of Atlanta targeting a slush fund that uses money gained from asset forfeiture that are largely hidden from the public: The Institute for Justice is asking the Superior Court to order the Fulton County sheriff and the Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Peach Pundit Discovery Date : 31/03/2011 02:35 Number of articles : 2

Lack of transparency in asset forfeiture reporting targeted in lawsuit

FCC Commissioner Calls For Greater Regulation of News Media

In a Wednesday interview on BBC World News America, liberal FCC Commissioner Michael Copps told correspondent Katty Kay: “I think American media has a bad case of substance abuse right now ….we are going to be pretty close to denying our citizens the essential news and information that they need to have in order to make intelligent decisions about the future direction of their country.” As TVNewser reported on Thursday, after Kay asked about instituting a “Public Value Test” of media outlets, Copps replied: “What we've had in recent years is an aberration where we have had no oversight of the media. For years and years we had some public interest guidelines…they agreed to serve the public interest and that public interest to me right now is crying 'news and information, news and information, news and information.'” read more

FCC Commissioner Calls For Greater Regulation of News Media

Egg Recall: National Outbreak Of salmonella

According to the media reports, a national outbreak of salmonella in eggs has sickened hundreds of people since May and appears to be ongoing, experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say. The outbreak has been tracked to in-shell eggs from Wright County Egg in Galt, Iowa, which has launched a recall. The recall was launched Aug. 13. Salmonella can cause fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea and usually lasts four to seven days. As a statement of Casey Barton Behravesh who is a veterinary epidemiologist with the CDC, the type of salmonella causing the outbreak, salmonella enteritidis, is the most common form. The normal level of laboratory-confirmed cases nationally for this specific type is about 50 cases per week. When that jumped to 200 cases a week in June, public health workers realized they had a problem. It was reported on USAToday.com, the eggs from the company were sold under multiple brand names: Lucerne, Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Boomsma’s, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms and Kemps. They were distributed nationwide. The recall covers eggs in their shells packed between May 16 and Aug. 13. They come in cartons ranging from six to 18 eggs and are marked with plant numbers P-1026, P-1413 and P-1946. The eggs should be returned for a refund and not consumed. Completely cooking eggs reduces the amount of salmonella bacteria in the eggs. Each case of laboratory-confirmed salmonella usually represents 30 cases that were not reported, public health research shows. So the number of people sickened in this outbreak could be in the thousands. From Caroline Smith DeWaal, food safety director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “This certainly has the potential to be a very large outbreak both given the apparent number of reported cases so far and also the fact that many of these eggs may still be in consumer refrigerators.” Further from Casey Barton Behravesh, CDC is not reporting deaths or hospitalizations in the outbreak because it’s difficult to determine if they are related to eggs from Wright County Egg or are part of the expected “background” level of cases from other sources. Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman Patricia El-Hinnawy said that Food and Drug Administration currently has teams on site at Wright County Egg. In other report of Associated Press, State health officials say seven salmonella cases in Minnesota have been linked to a multistate egg recall. The salmonella cases were identified in two restaurant outbreaks in May and in July. Health officials believe the eggs are the likely source. The eggs from Wright County Egg of Galt, Iowa were delivered to food distribution centers and food service companies in eight states, including Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. Minnesota Public Radio reports that for every confirmed salmonella case, state health officials estimate there are 38 unconfirmed cases. Read More News Egg Recall: National Outbreak Of salmonella is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Let Them Drink Starbucks! Mika Brzezinski Wants a Ban on All Sugary Sodas

It’s pretty well documented MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski likes to brag about her workout routine and showcase its effects on her physique . And perhaps for that reason, Brzezinski believes that entitles her to pass judgment on what consumers should put into their bodies. On MSNBC’s July 6 “Morning Joe,” Brzezinski boasted about San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s vending machine soda ban that took effect today . But Brzezinski wanted to take it a step further – not to just ban them in city vending machines, but just stop people from drinking soda altogether. “And in San Francisco, a ban on sugary drinks in city vending machines is starting to take effect,” Brzezinski said. “That’s so great. It was issued by Mayor Gavin Newsom, my new hero, Mike Barnicle — in an effort to combat obesity and improve citizen’s health, and it will. In fact, if people would just not drink soda pop, they would be healthier and less fat.” Perhaps Brzezinski missed irony of making this statement during her show, “Morning Joe brewed by Starbucks Coffee .” Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX ) is regularly under attack from food police group the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) . In 2002, CSPI accused the coffee of giant of “pouring food porn.” “We need to stop producing things like this,” Brzezinski declared. Brzezinski also revealed her other anti-junk food sentiments, but said ultimately getting “rid of soda pop” would be suit her. “I don’t like birthday cake,” Brzezinski said. “It’s fattening. And no cupcakes either in schools. No, just get rid of soda pop. That would make me happy. We don’t need it.”

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Let Them Drink Starbucks! Mika Brzezinski Wants a Ban on All Sugary Sodas

CNN Fails to Label Liberal Group Poised to Sue McDonald’s Over ‘Happy Meal’ Toys

As NewsBusters sister company CNSNews.com reported , the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a liberal consumer advocacy group, is threatening to sue the McDonald’s Corporation for “unfair and deceptive” marketing practices unless the fast food company stops giving away toys in its “Happy Meals.” CNN’s “American Morning” on June 23 covered the story half-jokingly, but failed to identify the liberal tilt of organization. Co-host Kiran Chetry reported: “The Center for Science in the Public Interest is delivering a warning to McDonald’s about toys being used to make “Happy Meals” more appetizing to kids. They say “Happy Meals” are unhealthy.” Making no effort to apply an appropriate label to the organization, co-host John Roberts continued: “The group accuses the fast food giant of ‘unfair and deceptive’ marketing practices toward children. McDonald’s, of course, as you could image, rejects the accusations.” On the surface, CNN crafted the impression that CSPI is a quirky but sincere consumer advocacy organization, but underlying the group’s innocuous veneer are liberal activists willing to inject partisan politics into consumer safety.                   Referring to the Bush administration, CSPI Litigation Director Stephen Gardner told CNSNews.com: “Marketers of all kinds in this country, one, were lulled into a sense of true security under the prior administration when the federal agencies did absolutely nothing to protect consumers.” At the end of the segment, both Chetry and Roberts seemed dismissive of the lawsuit, but neither anchor was willing to inform viewers of CSPI’s liberal leanings and history of pushing a public policy diet heavy in government regulation . A transcript of the segment can be found below: CNN American Morning 6/23/10 7:56 a.m. KIRAN CHETRY, co-host: Welcome back to the most news in the morning. The food police have a beef with McyDees. The Center for Science in the Public Interest is delivering a warning to McDonald’s about toys being used to make “Happy Meals” more appetizing to kids. They say “Happy Meals” are unhealthy. JOHN ROBERTS, co-host: Yeah, they’re putting McDonald’s on notice, saying “drop the toys, or we’ll sue you.” The group accuses the fast food giant of “unfair and deceptive” marketing practices toward children. McDonald’s, of course, as you could image, rejects the accusations. CHETRY: They can’t get a break. First they tried to give away the glasses but they had to recall them because of cadmium in the paint on the “Shrek” glasses. ROBERTS: Well that definitely is a bad thing, but the toy? Come on. –Alex Fitzsimmons is a News Analysis intern at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.

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CNN Fails to Label Liberal Group Poised to Sue McDonald’s Over ‘Happy Meal’ Toys

Robert Pattinson Proposes to Kristen Stewart!

Sorry. The above headline is false and misleading.

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Robert Pattinson Proposes to Kristen Stewart!

OM3: Gossip Girl Threesome Scene = Parental Outcry

In case you hadn’t heard, there’s a threesome going down on Gossip Girl next week. Well, at least there will be if the episode ends up making it to air

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OM3: Gossip Girl Threesome Scene = Parental Outcry

Denny’s sued over salt content in meals

“A New Jersey man backed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest filed suit against Denny's Corp. on Thursday, seeking to have the chain disclose in its restaurants the sodium content of its food. The suit, filed in Superior Court of New Jersey, claims that some meals at Denny's contain more than three days' worth of the recommended amount of sodium.

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Denny’s sued over salt content in meals