Tag Archives: remember-being

Melanie Iglesias’ Cleavage Show At Guys Choice Awards

Apparently Spike TV held their annual Guys Choice awards over the weekend, which is weird, because I don’t remember being consulted. But either way, I definitely agree with at least one of their choices here, because Melanie Iglesias  here is smoking hot. I don’t know if Melanie won anything, and I’m too lazy to look it up, but if she wasn’t at least in the running for Pants Fire of the Year, I demand a vote next year to make sure they get this right. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Melanie Iglesias’ Cleavage Show At Guys Choice Awards

Alessandra Ambrosio Still Bikinis of the Day

It turns out that when I see Alessandra Ambrosio in a bikini, alone on the beach, showcasing her multi million dollar ass, that is designed or at least hired to do this by professional companies who know far more than us about what a bikini is supposed to look like on a girl…she’s amazing.. It’s when the kids and husband get thrown in where I get confused, not because I hate seeing babes happy with other men, it’s that I start thinking about how mangled her vagina is and that fucks everything up… But when I don’t mention the kids, I don’t think about the mangled vag, and I take in the bikini like it is art… Unfortunately, I mentioned the mangled vag, and now even in pics where there’s no evidence of mangled vag…all I’m thinking is mangled vag. I really fucked this one up… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Alessandra Ambrosio Still Bikinis of the Day

Willa Holland Bikini Ass for Instagram of the Day

Willa Holland was in the O.C. It was a show we’d watch because we’d go drinking at some college bar on Thursday nights, which is what I remember being the night the show was on, and we’d fuck girls based on the O.C. knowledge alone…like “did you watch tonight’s O.C., OMG, I can’t even”….and for some reason they didn’t find it weird we were 40 year olds watching the O.C….but instead were sucking our dicks in their dorms…well that happened once…but still a good enough success rate for me… Either way, I had a friend who was in on that bullshit with me, and he obsessed with Willa Holland, and I am guessing that was around 10 years ago, and she’s 23 now…so she was obviously young as fuck then…that friend is clearly now a father of 2 soon to be 13 year olds, it’ll be interesting to see how their birthday pool parties pan out… I forgot she existed, the world clearly hasn’t…and here’s some of her in a bikini for instagram…a good way to be reminded.

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Willa Holland Bikini Ass for Instagram of the Day

Taylor Swift Melts the Internet, Posts Video of Herself at 4 Years Old

Throwback Thursday? That is sooooo 2013! With a new year quickly approaching, Taylor Swift is looking to start a fresh trend for 2014. Welcome to #TBM, folks: Throwback Monday! The singer put an awww-inspiring video on her Instagram account last night, running footage of herself at four years old, chatting it up with a close friend. “Christmas 1993, on a very important phone call with Britany,” the singer captioned the cute video. Taylor Swift at Four Years Old The superstar turned 24 this month and celebrated with her friends in New Zealand, while we honored the artist with some amazing Taylor Swift GIFs . Follow the preceding link to toggle through them and check out the video as well. It’s totes adorbs!

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Taylor Swift Melts the Internet, Posts Video of Herself at 4 Years Old

Plus-Size Barbie Photos Spark Body Image Debate, Criticism

Plus-size models and modeling have gained a lot of traction in 2013, as they a purpose beyond marketing plus-size clothing to a growing market. They also provide women with a more diverse range of bodies to look up to, which potentially improves self-confidence, body image and social norms. So if we have plus-size models … should plus-size Barbies be next? That’s the question posed recently by Plus-Size-Modeling (dot) com on Facebook … The illustration of a plus-size Barbie doll actually comes from a contest on Worth1000.com, a site where artists compete in daily creative competitions. The image, created by artist bakalia, won a contest called “Feeding Time 9.” But when re- posted last week by Plus-Size-Modeling (dot) com, the depiction of Barbie with a double chin and a curvier physique sparked debate. Over 35,000 people have “liked” it, but many criticize it, asking whether society should be praising being overweight any more than being too skinny. Maria Kang has yet to weigh in … but we know where she stands. “No one is naturally fat for gods sake, that’s sending the wrong message to girls that it’s ok to look like this and be unhealthy…” said one commenter. Another noted, “Imo this is horrible. Maybe make her a little fuller, but in no way promote obesity. Triple chins?? Really?? Im a curvy girl, but come on this is ridiculous.” The debate mirrors one waged in the fashion world when Curvy Girl lingerie kicked off a campaign to share images of “regular” women in their underwear. Because several of those models were overweight, the campaign was criticized for allegedly encouraging unhealthy habits and promoting obesity. There were also those who wondered aloud where the “average” size bodies are. In other words, bodies that are neither “plus-size” nor a size 0. As one commenter noted beneath the Barbie image on Plus-Size-Modeling, “Wish there was an ‘average’ Barbie. Not skinny, not obese. Normal.” On that note, artist Nickolay Lamm recently created a 3-D model of an “average” Barbie-like doll, based on CDC estimates of an average 19-year-old. “If we criticize skinny models, we should at least be open to the possibility that Barbie may negatively influence young girls as well,” Lamm said. Check out that artist’s rendering of ” normal Barbie ” below, as well as another conceptualization of Barbie without makeup … she’s really a hot topic!

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Plus-Size Barbie Photos Spark Body Image Debate, Criticism

Demi Lovato: I Need a Boob Job!

Demi Lovato performed Friday night as part of Miami’s Y100 Jingle Ball, and then stopped backstage for an interview with the radio station. The young superstar talked in the Q&A about crazy celebrity gossip stories, “moving on” from The X Factor and whether or not any celebrities out there need plastic surgery. “I shouldn’t even think this,” Lovato replied to that question. “It should be me! I should get a boob job. They’re like mosquito bites.” HA! We love it. Especially because Demi has struggled for years with body image, ending up in rehab toward the end of 2010, partly as a result of an eating disorder. She told Katie Couric in 2012: “When I started having body image issues I remember being three years old in a diaper and rubbing my hand over my stomach … and I remember thinking in my head ‘I wonder if one day this will ever be flat?'” So it’s sort of nice to now see Lovato joking about her figure, isn’t it? It’s proof that she doesn’t take it so seriously anymore. Watch the full interview now, send Demi happy holiday wishes and prepare for her to go on tour in 2014. Demi Lovato Interview: I Need a Boob Job!

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Demi Lovato: I Need a Boob Job!

Tila Tequila Lives and Has Powers of the Day

If you’re wondering where Tila Tequila has been all your life, you know since she fell off the map when she lost her show and her mind and fell into a drug fueled downward spiral and I know you aren’t wondering where Tila Tequila has been, but more wondering who Tila Tequila is, because she’s that fucking useless….Well, she’s been honing her talent of magician who can contort energy for Youtube so that everyone things she’s crazy and that she gets a video with more than 100,000 views, since the last time that happened was years ago and it only happened because she stripped like it was Myspace and she just landed Playboy, the root of all this shit that is Tila Tequila. As amateur as it is, it’s all strategic, and I spent with Tila Tequila when she was at her peak and on TV, she didn’t even drink, and wouldn’t let anyone touch her or her hair. The highlight of her career wasn’t fake friends on myspace leading to a TV show thanks to MTV having no understanding of the internet or good content, it wasn’t when the show was cancelled, it wasn’t that barely anyone cared about her, I mean they didn’t even bother mocking her demise, IT WASN’T HER SEX TAPE she was that irrelevant…the highlight, as far as I’m concerned, is that she had this “Army” of losers, that had her back and singled me out one day on twitter…but maybe I’m just being selfish. make ti all about me. Watch her insane video that’s not even insane. Here she is modeling bikinis before she turned lesbian, lost her mind, etc….. BUY HER SEX TAPE

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Tila Tequila Lives and Has Powers of the Day

40 Year Old Avril Lavigne’s Song About Being 17 of the Day

Old timer Avril Lavigne has a song about her youth…. I can’t believe she’s still milking that one trick pony she rode in on. I mean she’s probably pushing 40 by now, yet she still dresses like a 17 year old, and writes song about being 17, even though you know she probably doesn’t remember being 17 because it was so long ago. I think we call this knowing her market, but more importantly knowing shit lyrics that speak to 17 year olds, you know low level smut with lyrics like “acting stupid for fun”….”not caring about anything”….”cuz we were 17″….shut the fuck up cunt. Somone needs this twat sent back to Canada so we can do what needs to be done to her Canadian beaver….that has got out of line….you know take it out back and have it shot, stuffed and mounted. You know cuz either we put her out of her misery, or she becomes the source of our misery. I mean seriously, her career has been going on for 15 years, I would have assumed she’d be a has been stripper by now. Where did it all go wrong ? Here are the hottest Avril Lavigne pictures I could find on such short notice..

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40 Year Old Avril Lavigne’s Song About Being 17 of the Day

Chris Brown’s Mom Reminisces On Giving Birth

Continued here:

Chris Brown’s mother, Joyce Hawkins, hopped on Twitter last night to celebrate her son’s birthday. Breezy turns 22 today. “I believe Chris was born around 12:30 PM on May 5, 1989,” she tweeted. “I don’t know if it’s exact, but it’s close!!!  Angels, I do remember being in Pain for 40 hours before he was born!!!!!  I went 2 the hospital 2 have him. They kept me for a little then said he’s not ready 2 come yet n sent me back home n pain. I returned next day. Sometimes I say I see y he didn’t want to come out to such a cruel world!!!!! His head was all funny shaped I said ‘Is his head gonna stay like that!!!!!’ The doctor laughed @ me n said no!!!!  He weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces!!!!!!!” Awwwwww! Source: Chris Brown’s Mom’s twitter: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 RELATED: Chris Brown Makes A Birthday Resolution; Goes Blonde Again RELATED: Top 10 Chris Brown Songs

Chris Brown’s Mom Reminisces On Giving Birth

Britney Spears Nasty Panty Flash of the Day

I never used to understand why girls wear underwear, and when I’d get down with a girl who wasn’t wearing underwear, I’d always get excited. I was like shit, this bitch is ready, there’s just one piece of clothing between her pussy and my dick and I love it…I remember being at bars so many times and walking upstairs behind hot pussy in front of me that was not wearing panties and I’d get a fucking hard on on the spot….but then I started dating a hippie bitch who thought underwear was repressive and that her thick bush was underwear enough or some shit and I realized the importance of underwear because it traps all their discharge and smells so that it doesn’t accumulate all over their jeans the bitch never washed and make me want to vomit every time I had to sit next to the bitch…..not that I generally get grossed out by pussy smells…but I do after seeing the inside theme of her jeans….not that you care…but here are some Britney Spears pictures of her underwear to remind us that despite being insane it’s always smart to put on a pair of underwear especially in jeans so that you can show the world that you’re not totally unable to care for yourself….which is what I assume Britney’s doing in these pics…and when I try to imagine what’s brewing in those panties…some kind of natural disaster or tropical storm part of me gets excited…the other part of me wants to throw up and unfortunately my dirty panty fetish always wins. Here are the pics.

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Britney Spears Nasty Panty Flash of the Day