Kandi Burruss is still reeling from the revelation that Phaedra Parks allegedly started a rumor about her on this season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Everyone had to clutch their pearls and take a sip of their tea when Porsha Williams pulled the curtain back on Phaedra Parks’ alleged deception. Kandi was flabbergasted to […]
You didn’t think you’d get out of 2016 without one last Duggar sex scandal, did you? Ha! This dumpster fire of a year hasn’t given us any breaks for the past 11 months, and it looks like it has no intention of starting now. Unfortunately, while we’re maintaining hope that 2017 will contain fewer unexpected celebrity deaths, it’s hard to be even a little optimistic when it comes to the Duggars’ future. The family first fell from grace back in May of 2015, when the world learned that Josh Duggar molested several young girls , including four of his sisters, while he was a teenager. The Duggars’ reputation was further damaged by the revelation that Josh’s parents helped him hide his crimes from the authorities. Not long thereafter, it was revealed that Josh had an account with Ashley Madison , a website designed to help married people find cheating partners. It was hard to imagine that things could get any worse for a family who had risen to fame by holding themselves up as paragons of family values and Christian virtue. Remarkably, however, enough fans were willing to forgive the family that they were given a second shot at reality stardom with Counting On , a spin-off focusing on the Duggar children, with occasional cameos from parents Jim Bob and Michelle (and no mention of Josh). The show has maintained mediocre ratings throughout a four-episode trial run and two full seasons, even as the Duggars endured scandals that would have sunk reality stars with less loyal fan bases. While Jim Bob and Michelle’s 18 younger kids have thus far managed to avoid any major controversies, several members of the family’s inner circle have been felled by scandal, including the Duggars’ former minister Bill Gothard. Gothard resigned in disgrace after more than a dozen women, many of them former employees, came forward to accuse the evangelist of various acts of sexual impropriety. Now, another high-profile minister with ties to the Duggars has been embroiled in a sex scandal, and it looks as though he too will step away from his profession as a result. Clayton Jennings is a popular youth preacher, whose self-produced faith-based film Strayland performed better than expected when it was released in 2010, earning Jennings a modicum of fame among Southern evangelicals. According to a blog entitled the Polemics Report, Jennings has stepped away from his ministry following the revelation that he used his position of authority to coerce young women into sex. (The journalist who first exposed Jennings says the 28-year-old pastor sent him “a large sum of money” to stop investigating the matter.) In recent weeks, Jennings has posted several videos in the vein of the goofy slam-poetry-style “confession” below, in an effort to clear his name. Clayton Jennings Confession However, those who claim to have knowledge of the details of Jennings’ misdeeds say that the young minister is withholding information A woman who claims she was pressured into performing sex acts on Jennings recently offered this account to the Polemics Report: ” I told him I had never been in a serious relationship and so had never been with a guy physically that way before. He would then take my hands in an effort to ‘teach me what to do.’ I felt like a broken record telling him that I was a virgin and wanted to save myself for marriage. “We didn’t actually have sex, but I was pressured into being sexually intimate with him in other ways. I told him that it was my belief that sexual favors (of all forms) outside of marriage is a sin against God. “He would stare at me with such a confused look on his face as he assured me ‘No, it’s not the same’ and because of his authority as a ‘minister,’ I believed him and gave in .” View Slideshow: The 11 Biggest Duggar Family Scandals of 2015 This time, the Duggars aren’t directly involved, but the fact that it’s the second time in as many years that a member of their inner circle has been forced to step down due to a sex scandal is unlikely to do much for their battered reputation. Maybe forcing young people to abstain from any sort of physical contact until after they’re married isn’t such a great idea after all.
Blac Chyna Shares Breastfeeding Photo With Daughter Dream Baby Dream has arrived and there has been no shortage of sharing from proud parents Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna. How cute is this little girl sleeping? Gotta love it. And it’s looking like the birth of their baby may be bringing Rob and Chyna closer together. Despite the revelation that Dream currently has two nurseries awaiting her arrival, it seems things are looking up for the troubled couple according to People.com: “They have separate nurseries because they both wanted to prepare for the baby, but they agreed it wasn’t a good idea to live together while Chyna is pregnant because they were fighting too much,” says the insider. According to the source, the couple hasn’t decided whether Kardashian, 29, will move in with his fiancée Chyna, 28, after the baby is born, but “their daughter will obviously stay with Chyna.” Despite going through some dramatic ups and downs in their relationship in recent months — much of it chronicled on their reality show, Rob & Chyna — the source says things are looking up. “For now, things are going well with Rob and Chyna,” says the source. “They are both excited to become parents together.” Dream also has her own Instagram account already. This is kinda different right? Mason, Penelope, North, Reign and Saint don’t have accounts. Guess Rob and Chyna are using another approach. And Dream already has her first controversy. There’s been a breastfeeding photo posted. Hit the flip to see what we mean. Instagram
The flaming Hindenberg wreckage that Donald Trump calls a presidential campaign inched ever closer to self-parody Wednesday night thanks to the revelation that Trump once entered into a professional relationship with a remorseless bloodthirsty beast. No, not Ted Cruz. We’re talking about the revelation that Trump once asked O.J. Simpson to appear on Celebrity Apprentice . Yes, well after O.J. was controversially acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, Trump thought it would be a good idea to have the former NFL running back/probable cold-blooded killer star on his goofy reality show. You may be thinking, “Hey, Trump’s pretty dumb. Maybe he’s one of those people who genuinely believes O.J. is innocent!” Nope. Turns out that Trump totally thinks O.J. is a double murderer and wanted him to star on his show anyway, because ratings. Like the revelation that Trump likes to refer to his daughter, Ivanka, as a “piece of ass,” this one comes to us courtesy of Howard Stern, who apparently has a snake charmer-like ability to get Trump to spill embarrassing details about his past. “I do have to tell you about O.J. and The Apprentice ,'” Trump told Stern in a July 2008 interview. “NBC went totally crazy when I wanted to put O.J. on The Apprentice .” Yeah, they went “totally crazy” for not wanting to put one of the most hated men in America on an already poorly-rated reality show. What a bunch of uptight squares, right? Shockingly, Trump confirms that he stopped playing golf with Simpson when he “realized he killed his wife,” but he was willing to overlook that indiscretion in order to boost his numbers in the 18-49 demo. Asked why he would consider such a bizarre ratings stunt, Trump replied as only Trump can: “In your business, there’s a thing called ratings,” the real estate mogul told Stern. “And, you know you can come up with a cure for cancer – I found out a lot about your business – because, hey, I’m the biggest star. I’m now the biggest star. “So I know that if you come up with a cure for cancer, and if you put it on, and if it doesn’t get ratings, they will not broadcast it.” Trump added that he’d rather have O.J. appear on camera in a blood-splattered Bills jersey with a knife between his teeth than eradicate one of the deadliest diseases on the planet: “So, you come with a cure for a disease, no good. Now, I know this if I put O.J. on huge ratings. Oh, forget it, 35 million people.” Asked if he went so far as to contact Simpson about the gig, Trump once again offered a reply that can only be described as Trumpian: “I don’t want to go into it, but O.J. would have done it. I can’t go into the details,” the 70-year-old said. “I hadn’t spoken to him in years, I don’t like people that kill their wives. Does that make sense? Does that make me a disloyal person?” So along with POWs, add “people who kill their wives” to the list of things the Donald doesn’t care for. Of course, this is just the latest in a series of bizarre interactions between Trump and NBC . Most recently, the footage of Trump boasting about sexual assault that leaked online was shot for an NBC-owned show ( Access Hollywood ) on the set of a different NBC series ( Days of Our Lives ). Donald Trump & Billy Bush: Lewd Comments Caught on Video Prior to that, the network had been accused of both hampering Trump’s campaign and helping to humanize him to voters. The former allegations come from the Trump campaign, of course, while the latter originated with media analysts who believe Matt Lauer went easy on Trump during September’s Commander-In-Chief Forum. Many also believe that Jimmy Fallon’s interview with Trump the same month was designed to make the GOP nominee more relatable to voters. Trump described his friendship with O.J. – and bizarre contempt for murder victim Nicole Brown Simpson – in a 2004 interview: “I’m sitting having dinner and O.J. came up to me — I was sitting with very important people, big bankers, nobody that you know, big, big bankers, and we were sitting there, there were six of us, and O.J. came up,” Trump said. Jimmy Fallon Talks Donald Trump “And he was talking to us for about three minutes, and Nicole, was with her mother I think, and she came over, and she started screaming at him, ‘get over to the table, what the hell are you—’ she was rough, in all fairness.” He added (presumably to a cringing reporter): “She was very tough. She came over and she really embarrassed him, she was screaming at him. She didn’t care. And that was before The Apprentice so she didn’t give a damn about me. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President “Now she’d be kissing my ass. Now I’m the biggest star on television, she’ll kiss my ass.” Trump concluded, with a laugh: “So, he decided obviously to kill her.” Donald Trump, ladies and gentlemen!
Andrew Caldwell Says He Dated Kordell Stewart Just when we thought the “delivert” diva Andrew Caldwell had faded into internet obscurity, he popped back on the scene with a new interview dropping bombshells on his experience in the church and his dating past in his “pre-delivery” days. In the interview, Andrew spills the beans on the freak-fest that is Holy Convocation, and also reveals that before the Lord swooped in and took him away from his desire for “mens,” he had multiple affairs with Atlanta’s pastors and NFL players — including Porsha Williams’ ex-husband, Kordell Stewart while the two were still married. This ENTIRE Interview is definitely worth a look, but fast forward to the 14:30 mark to hear Andrew’s account of his affair with Kordell: Andrew seems ready to stand by his statements — saying that if anyone wants to call his bluff on the information he’s dishing out, he’s lawyered up and ready to back it all up in court. Yiiiiiiiikes! Are you shocked by this revelation? Do you believe him???
Reports of Angelina Jolie cheating on Brad Pitt with their kids’ nanny – a woman, Lena Gould – have taken the Internet by storm this week. As Jennifer Garner learned the hard way, hiring hot nannies can come back to haunt you. But who would’ve guessed Angie would do the cheating?! Alleged cheating. We repeat: Alleged. It’s far from confirmed that Angelina Jolie is now the female version of Ben Affleck or that Lena Gould is the female Christine Ouzounian . (We just had to write that sentence.) But according to an all new report, Angelina has gotten VERY cozy with Gould, even holding hands with her while out and about in public! Says an insider close to Jolie: “[Angelina] acknowledged she had bonded with Lena in recent months, spending long nights talking and massaging each other’s bodies.” Wait … what?! View Slideshow: 8 Stars Who Likely Shagged Their Nanny This revelation came after “Brad Pitt demanded to know what was going on between them, [noticing that] Angelina and Lena are inseparable.” “Jolie insisted that she and her nanny just shared an ’emotional connection,'” and reassured Brad he had nothing to worry about, apparently. Does he, though? Angelina is openly bisexual, so in that sense, it’s not out of the realm of possibility for her to hook up with Lena. Crazier things have happened. It’s also no secret that Angie and Brad have been on the rocks, and she was once his mistress, so it’s not like there’s no cheating history there. Maybe Angelina has turned to Lena to fill a void that Brad no longer fills? Or their affair is one of many reasons for Brangelina’s marital strife? No clue. But stay tuned. This could be the story that finally confirms what many have long believed was the inevitable demise of the couple … or just tabloid nonsense. View Slideshow: 28 Bisexual Celebrities
Last week, the Associated Press published excerpts from a 2005 civil case in which Bill Cosby admitted to drugging women with the intent to rape them. For many Cosby fans, the revelation came as an utter shock, and at least two celebrity supporters distanced themselves from the comedy legend in the days that followed. Singer Jill Scott apologized for defending Cosby on Twitter. The View host Whoopi Goldberg – a longtime friend and defender of Cosby – admitted that he’s ” probably guilty .” Now, new excerpts from the 2005 deposition that have been obtained by the New York Times show a sick side of Cosby that’s sure to make his few remaining supporters question their faith in the once-beloved comic. In sworn testimony, Cosby admitted to having several extramarital affairs and paying his partners to keep the sex a secret. Asked about situations in which he allegedly engaged women sexually without receiving their verbal consent, Cosby explained that he is a “pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things” and has a talent for picking up on “non-verbal cues.” At one point, Dolores Troiani – an attorney for the plaintiff in the case – complained about Cosby’s jocular attitude and stated that she believed the TV icon was “making light of a very serious matter.” Cosby sarcastically replied, “That may very well be.” When contacted by the Times, Cosby’s publicist said the comedian has no comment regarding these latest revelations.
Shortly after news of the Josh Duggar sexual assault scandal went public, the Duggar family and their handlers immediately took action to have any record of a 2006 police investigation destroyed. They may not have moved quickly enough, however, as the reports that were already leaked contained shocking accusations of child abuse against Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar . In even worse news for the 19 Kids and Counting clan, several outlets are now claiming that the reason authorities agreed to expunge the record of abuse was that “one of the alleged victims” still lives under the full legal care of her parents. It’s possible (though highly unlikely) that the family has managed to retain some measure of legal authority over unmarried twenty-somethings Jana and Jinger Duggar. The more likely explanation, however, is that 17-year-old Joy-Anna was one of Josh’s victims. She would have been four or five years old at the time of the alleged incidents. Josh has admitted to “inexcusable” actions in a public statement, but he did not go into specifics about his crimes. Many Duggar devotees have presumed that Josh and his victims were somewhat close in age (not that that makes his actions any less reprehensible). Will the revelation that one of his victims may have been a decade younger than him have any influence on fan loyalty or TLC’s decision to cancel 19 Kids and Counting ? Only time will tell. View Slideshow: 23 Biggest Duggar Family Scandals
Lil Wayne’s New Book Reveals That Drake Slept With His Ex-Girlfriend The Young Money drama is thicker more than Aubrey’s eyebrows. According to a report from TMZ , Lil Wayne is shopping a new book in which he details a conversation he had with Drake where the Toronto rapper openly admitted to his YMCMB boss that he had previously had sex with Wayne’s cinnamon apple. To make matters worse, the revelation came while Wayne was locked down on Rikers Island back in 2010. In the book proposal, Wayne says that Drake visited him in jail and came clean: “Yeah, it’s true. Don’t f*** with her like that cause I did f*** her.” YIKES! Now we all know that Wayne has a bit of a temper, flip the page to find out how he reacted to this news… Image via Splash/WENN
In case you somehow haven’t heard, Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio are hooking up . Naturally, this weird coupling has led to some even weirder rumors, many of which sound like fan fiction straight from the mind of a teenage Titanic obsessive. First came reports that Rihanna is pregnant with DiCaprio’s baby . Then we learned that Rihanna promised Leo she wouldn’t get more tattoos for some reason. Like we said, pretty absurd stuff, but America’s most ingenious tabloid writers aren’t done making up ridiculous Rihonardo BS just yet. Enter OK! magazine, who claims this week that Leo isn’t the only one making ridiculous demands in his new relationship. Some background: Leonardo DiCaprio is fat now. It might be for a role, or it might just be because he’s freakin’ Leonardo DiCaprio, he doesn’t need to be fit to get laid, and pie is delicious. RiRi is apparently not a fan of Leo entering the Marlon Brando phase of his career prematurely, so she’s pressuring the bearded beauty to drop some pounds: “Ri’s got some extremely high standards when it comes to who she sleeps with and Leo falls out of this category because he’s a lot flabbier than her usual lovers,” says a source, adding that Ri has instructed Leo to “get a six-pack.” “Leo thinks it’s all highly amusing. He’s never had a girl tell him what to do, so you can imagine how much he’s loving it.” We don’t know what’s funnier: the revelation that Leo has been secretly craving discipline all this time, or the idea that the woman who dated Chris Brown and Drake has “extremely high standards” for her sex partners. 37 Ridiculously Racy Rihanna Photos 1. Rihanna, Instagram Photos Rihanna poses with Instagram photos. In Complex!