Source: Spencer Platt / Getty Police Kill Unarmed Black Man; Mistake Cellphone For Gun Two Sacramento police officers were placed on administrative leave after shooting an unarmed African American man after mistaking his cellphone for a gun. Stephon Clark , 22, was killed after police fired 20 shots at him while he was in the backyard of the home he shared with his grandparents and siblings. Sacramento police released a statement saying the officers in the area were responding to a call of an individual breaking multiple car windows onMarch 18. The call described the suspect as a slim, 6-foot-1 black man wearing dark pants and a black hoodie and hiding in a backyard. Sacramento County Sheriff’s deputies in a helicopter circling the area spotted a man in a surrounding backyard and gave police on the ground Clark’s location. According to police, the officers opened fire after Clark “extended” a “object” at them as they approached him. “The officers believed the suspect was pointing a firearm at them.” Sacramento police department said in a statement. “Fearing for their safety, the officers fired their duty weapons striking the suspect multiple times,”
Steve Granitz/WireImage Lana Del Rey Saved From Kidnapping Plot In Orlando A man in Florida has plans to kidnap singer Lana Del Rey , but the Orlando police put the creep in his place. 43-year-old Michael Hunt was only feet from the Amway Center, where Del Rey had her concert on Friday night. Luckily, Hunt never made contact with the Lana…he never even made inside the concert venue, but he did possess both tickets to the show and a small folding knife. Police received a phone call that tipped them about the suspect’s “cryptic and threatening” posts on social media, according to the Orlando Sentinel. The police report states that there was, “a concern for public safety” and that “due to the statements posted by Hunt, victim Elizabeth Grant (Del Rey’s real name) was in fear for her safety.” He has been charged with aggravated stalking and attempted kidnapping with a weapon. The cops did not reveal the exact threats made by Hunt, though the Orlando Sentinel did report that on Tuesday he wrote on Facebook, “I want to see my queen on Friday and from that day forward our decisions will be as one.” In a separate post, he wrote that Del Rey “knows my face in her dreams” and “she’s my always and forever to be.” Even creepier, on Wednesday, Hunt apparently posted a video detailing his plans to get together with the singer, saying, “I’m going to probably finish out her tour with her, obviously, and dance and talk and figure out what we’re going to do….Everyone knows that I’m here. Lana knows I’m here. The queen of England knows I’m here. Vladimir knows I’m here. They all know I’m here.” Michael Hunt is being held on no bond at Orange County Jail.
A teacher named Rachel Gonzalez was arrested after a boy’s father caught her and his son “romping” in her car. While other teachers have been arrested for sexually preying upon their students , this story is particularly unsettling. Because the teacher was 44 and the son … was 13. The only silver lining to this disgusting story is that Rachel Gonzalez was caught and arrested. An underage student’s father notified Bay City, Texas police of an inappropriate relationship between his 13-year-old son and a 44-year-old teacher. We hope that we don’t have to explain why the boy’s name has been withheld. The teacher’s name is Rachel Gonzalez. Apparently, what first clued in the father was discovering conversations on the teen’s phone about their inappropriate sexual relationship. We can’t imagine how horrifying it must be to discover that your very young son is being preyed upon by a much, much older sexual predator. It must be even more chilling to find that the woman in question has been entrusted with the care and well being of hundreds of children. It appears that Rachel Gonzalez may not be the boy’s teacher. The school district reported that it had received “a report of an alleged inappropriate relationship between a student at one campus and a BCISD teacher from another campus.” Given that there are reports of Rachel Gonzalez having been (at least at one time) a fourth grade teacher, that makes sense. (Fourth graders, folks, are typically 9 or 10, not 13) “The District immediately involved the Bay City ISD Chief of Police in order to evaluate the report, and quickly turned the matter over to the Bay City Police Department for a full investigation.” According to Bay City police documents: “During the investigation Detectives got a search warrant to seize and access the phone belonging to the victim. At that time, they were able to locate evidence indicating there was an improper relationship and Detectives requested warrants for the arrest of Gonzalez.” They served those warrants on December 22nd. Rachel Gonzalez was then super arrested. “She was transported to the Matagorda County Jail where she was booked in on charges of On-Line Solicitation of a Minor and Improper Relationship Between Educator and Student.” And, in case you’re worried about this woman seeing the inside of a classroom instead of a jail cell, the school district also added: “The teacher in question resigned from BCISD prior to the District learning of the allegations.” The school district’s Board of Trustees President released an additional statement: “While I cannot provide additional information at this time that could possibly compromise the legal process underway or the safety and well-being of BCISD students.” The Board President then added: “I want to assure our parents and community that student welfare is our top priority. We are committed to providing a safe school environment for BCISD students and staff.” We should note that there are a few things that are unusual about this case: -The scope of the age difference. -That she appears to have been a teacher from another school altogether. -The extent of the victim’s youth, because 13 is (usually) barely pubescent. We may be talking about a 7th grader, here. It’s horrifying. We wish that we knew what sort of screening process schools should implement to prevent the hiring of sexual predators. All that we can really suggest is that, for prospective teachers who think that they might be attracted to future students: perhaps, like diabetics who dream of becoming bakers, they should pick another profession before they ruin some student’s life.
It was about time the Real Housewives of Atlanta went on a trip to stir up some drama. When The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 6 got underway, NeNe Leakes and Porsha Williams were embroiled in their biggest bust-up to date. “You couldn’t even be here if it weren’t for a bitch like me!” NeNe shouted at Porsha, reiterating the fact that she was Queen and everyone else was merely her minion. “You f—ed Kandi over. She had your back, bitch!” NeNe continued. “You sit on your show and you lie every day, but we good. The door is closed! The door is closed!” With that, NeNe decided it was time to make a getaway from the dinner because things were just getting tenser by the second. Sheree felt bad for playing peacekeeper when she spoke to Porsha. “Who the f–k is perfect at this table?” Porsha cried to Sheree in the aftermath. To be fair, she had a good point. None of these women are perfect. NeNe tried to claim she did not mean anything by her comments to Andy about firing Porsha. She asked a question, and she answered it. The rest of the women seemed to think Porsha needed to stop acting like a kid and grow up. While Porsha felt she could cut the tension with a knife, she realized that she needed to change things up or she ran the risk of being ousted from the group. When the ladies met up, the drama seemed to dial back until Kenya started bawling and confirmed she was going to bury the woman who raised her. Cynthia noticed that Porsha was still upset and told her to speak with NeNe about what happened and accept responsibility for what happened. Porsha agreed, and said she would give NeNe some time to cool down before speaking to her. With Kenya upset because her dearly departed family member, Marlo, Sheree and Porsha thought it was a good idea to throw her a surprise wedding celebration. The ladies were not invited to the real wedding, and that was likely because Kenya wanted to keep it all quiet. They even managed to get Kenya’s husband, Mark in on the action. But, there was a twist. He was not there in the flesh, it was a cardboard cutout. Cynthia has been known to speak to everyone about other peoples secrets, so she was kept in the dark about all of this. Kenya was ecstatic and found it all to be pretty funny. It was great for her because she got to speak some more about the big wedding. Porsha even tried to change things up between her and Kandi, but Kandi did not seem impressed. “I want to be able to have a good time amongst the group,” Kandi said. “I’ll give you your space and have a good night,” Porsha said. At the end of the trip, Kenya was gone, and the ladies wasted no time in chatting about her wedding. Kandi said that she and Todd tried to get a glimpse of Mark while they were in New York. She then went on to say that it was odd Kenya was keeping him in private, and it all turned into another big argument. Marlo argued that Cynthia was not that close to Kenya or she would have known in advance about the wedding. Cynthia ultimately stormed out and told NeNe the other women needed to quit dragging Kenya. “I don’t want them to make fun of her in front of me,” Cynthia said. “I think they’re questioning why a friend would not introduce another friend to their husband.” Cynthia eventually confirmed she was hurt that she did not get to attend the big wedding. Will this come back to bite her? Hit the comments. View Slideshow: 17 Stars Who Really Love the Real Housewives
There’s only so long one side can have the upper hand in the war. That was the biggest takeaway from The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8 which picked up in the immediate aftermath of Negan’s team managing to overthrow the walkers at the Sanctuary. Rick realized that there was about to be a whole lot of pushback from the villains, but before he got lost in his thoughts, Carol and Jerry conveniently picked up, and they got ready to find a way to save themselves. Everyone in Alexandria had no idea that Negan managed to get the upper hand, so things seemed to be going well for them. That all changed when Negan showed up and started yelling expletives through a megaphone. He told the Alexandrians to form a line outside their homes, and he would spare the person who was the sorriest about everything that happened. He threatened to bomb their homes if they did not follow his orders, and destroy the whole compound. Maggie was worried about the Saviors being there because she knew they would not come in peace. But Maggie knew straight away that something was not right when a tree was conveniently cut down to block the path back to the compound. That’s when a group of Saviors appeared and made it known that Negan was back and in charge. Carl sprung into action and tried to save all the Alexandrians he could because he knew that things were going to get worse with Negan back in power. Carl said he wanted to be the one to die for the sins of the past, but things took a turn when the bombs started exploding, and everyone worried about what was coming next. Dwight led a group of Saviors right to Daryl, Michonne, Tara, and Rosita, before turning the gun on his people to prove to the others he was the. The same drama was playing out at the Kingdom, and Ezekiel set off an explosion to lay waste to the place before the villains could take up residence. Maggie went into full-blown killer mode back at Hilltop and killed the Savior who had an answer for everything. Dwight tried to get Daryl to keep him as part of the group, or he would be killed, but Daryl only took notice when Dwight revealed that Eugene was the one who saved the Saviors. At the conclusion, Rick and Negan fought it out, but Rick realized it was too late and made off to meet with Michonne. The final portion of the episode found Carl being struck down with a zombie bite. Yes, the kid is dying! View Slideshow: The Walking Dead Cast: Before They Were Stars…
Just a few days ago, 38 women came forward and accused director James Toback of sexual misconduct . 38 is an alarmingly high number. The number of accusers has now grown to the hundreds . Among Toback’s accusers are Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, who are bravely sharing their harrowing stories. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal , more and more people in Hollywood are sharing their #MeToo stories and feeling brave enough to speak up, and shatter the culture of silence. One of the men accused of perpetrating a pattern of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry is an Oscar-nominated director. According to the initial allegations, James Toback uses similar tactics on different women. He allegedly approaches young women if they aren’t sent to him and promises to boost their careers, citing what he did for Robert Downey Jr. Once alone in a place like a hotel room, he reportedly becomes inappropriate, all under the guise of it just being part of the entertainment business. He would reportedly try things like humping women’s legs, masturbating in front of them, and ask them unacceptable questions. (In particular, based upon the accusations, he seems obsessed with talking about masturbation and fixated on women’s pubic hair) The issue, of course, is that none of this was consensual. These aren’t accusations of weird dates , these are accusations that he used the false pretense of work-related meetings to lure women to him, where he would then ambush them and coerce them — successfully or not — into playing their role in his twisted fantasies. All of that is enough to turn your stomach, but there’s more. As we said, hundreds of women have now reached out to say that they had experiences like those described with James Tomack. And two big-name actresses, Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, are sharing their stories with Vanity Fair . Selma Blair says that she met with him to discuss Harvard Man , at a time when Selma Blair had filmed her famous role in Cruel Intentions but the film had not yet been released. After Toback apparently refused to leave his hotel room to meet her in the restaurant, Selma went up to meet him. She describes how uncomfortable she became. “He said, ‘Where are your parents?’ I was thinking, ‘Why is he trying to make me feel so uncomfortable?’ But I realize now he was really trying to figure out what support system I had. I answered him. My mother was in Michigan, and I had an estranged relationship with my father.” Meaning no family support network in town to speak of. “James said, ‘You know, I could have him killed.’ He sat back in his chair and said really confidently, ‘I do it all the time. I know people.'” That’s scary … and it will come up again. “It was about 40 minutes in and he said, ‘Will you trust me? I cannot continue to work with you unless you trust me.’ He said, ‘I need you to take your clothes off. I need you to do this monologue naked.'” As ridiculous as that sounds, Selma was thoroughly intimidated at this point and ended up caving to his request. She says that then, of course, he started rubbing himself through his clothes … and asking if she would have sex with him. She declined, but he didn’t seem impressed by her refusal. “I felt trapped. I did not know how to get out and save face and not make a scene. Was I imagining it? He dropped some names [of actresses] that he did some really dark sexual things with.” And there was an implied threat in that. “These felt like lies and dark gossip and that he would add my name to the list. I went to leave and he got up and blocked the door. He said, ‘You have to do this for me. You cannot leave until I have release.'” “He said, ‘It’s O.K. I can come in my pants. I have to rub up against your leg. You have to pinch my nipples. And you have to look into my eyes.’ I thought, ‘Well, if I can get out of here without being raped …'” No one should ever be put into this position. “He walked me back to the bed. He sat me down. He got on his knees. And he continued to press so hard against my leg. He was greasy and I had to look into those big brown eyes.” Gross. “I tried to look away, but he would hold my face. So I was forced to look into his eyes. And I felt disgust and shame, and like nobody would ever think of me as being clean again after being this close to the devil. His energy was so sinister.” After that, Selma says, he reminded her that he could supposedly have people killed, and admonished her to keep quiet. That didn’t stop Selma from telling her manager that Toback was “vile,” and warning her to note send any women to him again. But she didn’t tell the whole story, she says, to anyone except for two people. Until now. Rachel McAdams also shared her horror story in Vanity Fair . She was a 21-year-old theater student at the time, and she was also auditioning for Harvard Man . At the time, Rachel McAdams had her first TV job to film early the next day, but she eventually agreed to meet him that night. It could, after all, end up being her big break. (Remember, this is before Mean Girls or The Notebook ) “Pretty quickly the conversation turned quite sexual and he said, ‘You know, I just have to tell you. I have masturbated countless times today thinking about you since we met at your audition.'” That … is not appropriate in a workplace environment. And yes, an audition or anything audition-related is very much a workplace environment. Also … gross, dude. Rachel says that he then had her read to him a number of seemingly unrelated passages — like reviews about his work. (There’s no telling if he wanted to make sure that she was impressed, or if he … ugh, gets off on that) “Then he went to the bathroom and left me with some literature to read about him. When he came back he said, ‘I just jerked off in the bathroom thinking about you. Will you show me your pubic hair?’ I said no.” It sounds like, for whatever reason, Toback was less aggressive with her than he is accused of having been with Selma Blair. “Eventually, I just excused myself. I can’t remember how long I was there. I felt like I was there forever. This has been such a source of shame for me — that I didn’t have the wherewithal to get up and leave.” Countless other women didn’t. Few would, in that situation. Society trains us to be polite, innate survival instincts tell us to play along, and the man’s very real power to boost careers added even more complications. “I kept thinking, ‘This is going to become normal any minute now. This is going to all make sense. This is all above board somehow.’ Eventually I just realized that it wasn’t.” And Rachel acknowledges how fortunate she was. “I was very lucky that I left and he didn’t actually physically assault me in any way.” Even so, no one should have to endure that. With hundreds of accusers having come forward, there’s no telling how many are keeping silent. After all, reading a story or a woman who got away or said “no” enough times might actually be discouraging to a woman who did not, rather than liberating. But it’s so important that women — and men — who have faced this kind of unacceptable sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to come forward so that predators can be dragged out into the light of day. There can be healthy relationships between people who work in the entertainment, whether they’re casual or romantic. They might even be for personal gain. They must always be truly consensual, however. Making someone feel cornered or trapped or afraid is a monstrous tactic. If someone fears for their safety or their career if they say “no,” then it’s not consent. And, basically, no one should ever do any of the thing that James Toback is accused of having done. Please. View Slideshow: #MeToo: Stars Share Stories of Sexual Harassment, Assault
Just a few days ago, 38 women came forward and accused director James Toback of sexual misconduct . 38 is an alarmingly high number. The number of accusers has now grown to the hundreds . Among Toback’s accusers are Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, who are bravely sharing their harrowing stories. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal , more and more people in Hollywood are sharing their #MeToo stories and feeling brave enough to speak up, and shatter the culture of silence. One of the men accused of perpetrating a pattern of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry is an Oscar-nominated director. According to the initial allegations, James Toback uses similar tactics on different women. He allegedly approaches young women if they aren’t sent to him and promises to boost their careers, citing what he did for Robert Downey Jr. Once alone in a place like a hotel room, he reportedly becomes inappropriate, all under the guise of it just being part of the entertainment business. He would reportedly try things like humping women’s legs, masturbating in front of them, and ask them unacceptable questions. (In particular, based upon the accusations, he seems obsessed with talking about masturbation and fixated on women’s pubic hair) The issue, of course, is that none of this was consensual. These aren’t accusations of weird dates , these are accusations that he used the false pretense of work-related meetings to lure women to him, where he would then ambush them and coerce them — successfully or not — into playing their role in his twisted fantasies. All of that is enough to turn your stomach, but there’s more. As we said, hundreds of women have now reached out to say that they had experiences like those described with James Tomack. And two big-name actresses, Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, are sharing their stories with Vanity Fair . Selma Blair says that she met with him to discuss Harvard Man , at a time when Selma Blair had filmed her famous role in Cruel Intentions but the film had not yet been released. After Toback apparently refused to leave his hotel room to meet her in the restaurant, Selma went up to meet him. She describes how uncomfortable she became. “He said, ‘Where are your parents?’ I was thinking, ‘Why is he trying to make me feel so uncomfortable?’ But I realize now he was really trying to figure out what support system I had. I answered him. My mother was in Michigan, and I had an estranged relationship with my father.” Meaning no family support network in town to speak of. “James said, ‘You know, I could have him killed.’ He sat back in his chair and said really confidently, ‘I do it all the time. I know people.'” That’s scary … and it will come up again. “It was about 40 minutes in and he said, ‘Will you trust me? I cannot continue to work with you unless you trust me.’ He said, ‘I need you to take your clothes off. I need you to do this monologue naked.'” As ridiculous as that sounds, Selma was thoroughly intimidated at this point and ended up caving to his request. She says that then, of course, he started rubbing himself through his clothes … and asking if she would have sex with him. She declined, but he didn’t seem impressed by her refusal. “I felt trapped. I did not know how to get out and save face and not make a scene. Was I imagining it? He dropped some names [of actresses] that he did some really dark sexual things with.” And there was an implied threat in that. “These felt like lies and dark gossip and that he would add my name to the list. I went to leave and he got up and blocked the door. He said, ‘You have to do this for me. You cannot leave until I have release.'” “He said, ‘It’s O.K. I can come in my pants. I have to rub up against your leg. You have to pinch my nipples. And you have to look into my eyes.’ I thought, ‘Well, if I can get out of here without being raped …'” No one should ever be put into this position. “He walked me back to the bed. He sat me down. He got on his knees. And he continued to press so hard against my leg. He was greasy and I had to look into those big brown eyes.” Gross. “I tried to look away, but he would hold my face. So I was forced to look into his eyes. And I felt disgust and shame, and like nobody would ever think of me as being clean again after being this close to the devil. His energy was so sinister.” After that, Selma says, he reminded her that he could supposedly have people killed, and admonished her to keep quiet. That didn’t stop Selma from telling her manager that Toback was “vile,” and warning her to note send any women to him again. But she didn’t tell the whole story, she says, to anyone except for two people. Until now. Rachel McAdams also shared her horror story in Vanity Fair . She was a 21-year-old theater student at the time, and she was also auditioning for Harvard Man . At the time, Rachel McAdams had her first TV job to film early the next day, but she eventually agreed to meet him that night. It could, after all, end up being her big break. (Remember, this is before Mean Girls or The Notebook ) “Pretty quickly the conversation turned quite sexual and he said, ‘You know, I just have to tell you. I have masturbated countless times today thinking about you since we met at your audition.'” That … is not appropriate in a workplace environment. And yes, an audition or anything audition-related is very much a workplace environment. Also … gross, dude. Rachel says that he then had her read to him a number of seemingly unrelated passages — like reviews about his work. (There’s no telling if he wanted to make sure that she was impressed, or if he … ugh, gets off on that) “Then he went to the bathroom and left me with some literature to read about him. When he came back he said, ‘I just jerked off in the bathroom thinking about you. Will you show me your pubic hair?’ I said no.” It sounds like, for whatever reason, Toback was less aggressive with her than he is accused of having been with Selma Blair. “Eventually, I just excused myself. I can’t remember how long I was there. I felt like I was there forever. This has been such a source of shame for me — that I didn’t have the wherewithal to get up and leave.” Countless other women didn’t. Few would, in that situation. Society trains us to be polite, innate survival instincts tell us to play along, and the man’s very real power to boost careers added even more complications. “I kept thinking, ‘This is going to become normal any minute now. This is going to all make sense. This is all above board somehow.’ Eventually I just realized that it wasn’t.” And Rachel acknowledges how fortunate she was. “I was very lucky that I left and he didn’t actually physically assault me in any way.” Even so, no one should have to endure that. With hundreds of accusers having come forward, there’s no telling how many are keeping silent. After all, reading a story or a woman who got away or said “no” enough times might actually be discouraging to a woman who did not, rather than liberating. But it’s so important that women — and men — who have faced this kind of unacceptable sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to come forward so that predators can be dragged out into the light of day. There can be healthy relationships between people who work in the entertainment, whether they’re casual or romantic. They might even be for personal gain. They must always be truly consensual, however. Making someone feel cornered or trapped or afraid is a monstrous tactic. If someone fears for their safety or their career if they say “no,” then it’s not consent. And, basically, no one should ever do any of the thing that James Toback is accused of having done. Please. View Slideshow: #MeToo: Stars Share Stories of Sexual Harassment, Assault
The relationship between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin … well, it hasn't been great for a very, very long time. We might go so far as to say that it's never been all that stellar. They got married when Kailyn was just 20 years old, and Javi is a year younger than her. It wasn't long after that that they welcomed their son, Lincoln. And before they were even married, we saw them get into some pretty terrible fights. Then, of course, there was all the divorce drama — we're still not sure exactly what happened there. Javi says Kailyn cheated , she says that it was technically cheating because they were already separated, he says that doesn't count as an excuse because he didn't know they were separated. He's broken into her home, she's filed a protective order against him because she said she feared for her safety. It's a lot. But, as we saw in a heartbreaking little scene on Marriage Boot Camp last night, there's still at least a little bit of love between these two. This new episode was the one where the couples play pretend that one of them is on life support, near death, and the other has to, you know, deal with that. This time around, Kailyn is told that Javi was in a bad car crash and he's now brain-dead, and so she has to say her goodbyes. And while she's normally known for being cold and unemotional, her reaction to the exercise was pretty intense. “This is f-cked up,” she says upon seeing Javi in a hospital bed. “No, get me out of here.” She starts crying, something we rarely see her do, and she tries to leave, but the therapist pulls her back in the room. She's asked what she wants to say to him — her pretend last words to him — and she says through tears “I'm sorry, and I'll take care of our son.” The therapist then pulls out a letter Kailyn had written to Javi earlier in the season — one that she thought was going to be destroyed. “I have said the things I wrote in the letter a million times,” she admits in a later interview, but “it wasn't appropriate in the time and place.” So since she refused to read the letter, the therapist read it for her. “I would never want my sons to grow up to be like you are right now,” she had written to Javi. “You've acted childish and don't know how to control your feelings.” If you want to creep a little, you can pause the video and read the rest of the letter — it's all about how Kailyn doesn't want her boys to “think it's OK to try to control someone else” or make them “feel unsafe in their own home.” When asked what she'd like to say to Javi on his deathbed, she starts crying again and says “I care about you so much, and I never knocked you as a father, and I'll make sure that our son is taken care of.” Pretty heavy stuff, right? Later, Javi admits that he never thought she'd actually cry during the exercise. “It was nice to finally get some kind of emotion out of her,” he says, then to Kailyn herself, he complains “You never tell me how you feel.” “If you were to die, a part of me would die. You will always have a piece of my heart.” Is there hope for Kavi yet?! No, like we know they're divorced now and she's had a baby with another man since this was filmed, but still … do they have a chance? Watch the sad scene in the video below:
It appears as if no one will be particularly happy on Keeping Up with the Kardashians this Sunday night. In clips previously posted on The Hollywood Gossip, Kim Kardashian freaked out after seeing that a paparazzo has snapped some unflattering photos of her and shared them online: We also shared a sneak peek of Kim breaking down in a puddle of tears because she feared for her safety while on vacation in Mexico. Here. Look at how that attack in Paris is still having an effect on the star in the following video: So this brings us to Kourtney Kardashian. Below, having just returned from this same trip down south with her sister, Kourtney stops by her mom's office and asks how ex-lover Scott Disick has been in her absence. “I think that he was jealous because you were having fun spending time with other people,” Kris replies, which really sets her daughter off. “Well that's really not fair,” Kourtney says. “It's just like I can't even live my life. I can't even go anywhere. He needs to get a f–king life and leave me alone. “All he does is try to make everybody else feel bad for him and try to make me look like the bad guy in this situation when clearly I'm not from 10 years of this going on.” “Wouldn't you be sad if he truly left you alone?” Kris asks in response. “You always want what you can't have. And when somebody's right there giving you their heart on a platter.” (NOTE: Is that really what Disick has been doing? The guy is dating Sofia Richie and has basically had a young harem for months now .) “He's not! He's not though!” Kourtney says, getting angry and adding: “That's what he makes it seem! To you, to Kim, to Khloe, to the world, to everybody! He sits there and grovels and feels bad for himself. So if that was his truth, why can't he get it together?” That's a valid question. Disick continues to get drunk all the time, party a lot and hook up left and right. “I have to handle it when he's out photographed with a different hooker every day,” Kourtney says emphatically in this sneak peek. It's hard to disagree with that assessment, even if there's no proof Disick has paid any of these women money for their services. WATCH THE EXPLOSIVE CLIP NOW:
Montgomery Gentry singer Troy Gentry was killed in a helicopter crash on Friday, the award-winning country act confirmed in a statement. He was just 50 years old. The band said earlier today: “It is with great sadness that we confirm that Troy Gentry, half of the popular country duo, Montgomery Gentry, was tragically killed.” Gentry perished “in a helicopter crash which took place at approximately 1:00pm today in Medford, New Jersey,” the band confirmed. The 50-year-old country star was scheduled to perform with bandmate Eddie Montgomery at the Flying W Airport and Resort in Medford. Scheduled for tonight, their concert was cancelled immediately. “Details of the crash are unknown,” the post tragically continues. “Troy Gentry’s family wishes to acknowledge all of the kind thoughts and prayers, and asks for privacy at this time.” The Courier-Post in New Jersey reported Friday that an aircraft went down at the Flying W Airport with two people on board. The Associated Press reported the pilot also died. A spokeswoman for the FAA told the Courier-Post a Schweitzer 269 “crashed in a wooded area off the end of runway 1.” The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board will soon begin an investigation; TV stations tweeted pictures of the crash scene. From hits “Hillbilly Shoes” to “Headlights,” Montgomery Gentry has become one of the most identifiable duos in recent country music. The Kentucky-based duo formed in the late ’90s and has released six studio albums, becoming something of an institution in the genre. The band was nominated for a Grammy in 2008 for their tune “Lucky Man” and was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry in 2009. On their website, Gentry said their long-running popularity is due to the “chemistry” between himself and Eddie Montgomery. “It’s a chemistry that’s worked for years,” Gentry said. “We have two separate singing styles that when they come together, they’re very identifiable. It doesn’t get old or get sterile.” “The back and forth between our vocals definitely keeps you listening,” he added, “and keeps you interested in the song.” Gentry leaves behind wife Angie and two daughters, Kaylee and Taylor. Our hearts go out to them. May Troy rest in peace. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2017: In Memoriam