Tag Archives: tvline

Scoop! Grey’s Anatomy Alum Cops CSI: Miami Role

CSI : Miami is about to get a new helping hand in the lab. Movieline has learned that Leven Rambin, whose TV credits include Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles , Grey’s Anatomy , and most recently ABC’ s Scoundrels , has been cast on the CBS crime drama in the potentially recurring role of Molly Sloan.

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Scoop! Grey’s Anatomy Alum Cops CSI: Miami Role

Conan, Jay, Dave, Jimmy and Jimmy: The Top 10 Late Night Highlights of the Year

There were plenty of milestones that filled 2010’s year in late night: Conan O’B rien retired his Tonight Show and premiered his TBS series; Jay Leno returned to NBC’ s late night perch; President Barack Obama visited The Daily Show ; Joan Rivers returned to P.M. programming after being exiled for two decades by Johnny Carson; and Jimmy Kimmel filmed an entire show on a MacBook Pro. But this article is not just for the historically significant moments in late night. It is for the most original, entertaining — and in some cases — heart-wrenching after hours segments of the year.

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Conan, Jay, Dave, Jimmy and Jimmy: The Top 10 Late Night Highlights of the Year

Will Jersey Shore’s New Cast Member Fit In?

Season three of Jersey Shore is less than a month away (January 6! I haven’t even ironed my face yet!), but the trailer proves new cast member Deena Nicole Cortese is a gale force. As the FoS reminds us (that’s Friend of Snooki, obvs), she considers herself “class in a glass and party in a body,” a phrase that rhymes only if you’re named Deena. She also uses leopards as clothes. Will Deena fit in with the rogues gallery of Jersey Shore icons? Let’s put her through the ranks.

Read the rest here:
Will Jersey Shore’s New Cast Member Fit In?

Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation: The 10 Biggest Television Fails of the Year

When you think of big time television fails of 2009 , your first thought is likely The Jay Leno Show . A year later, Movieline reviews ten more small screen failures — including the most heartbreaking television cancellations and most horrifying cleavage on Sesame Street — as we approach the end of the calendar year. Enjoy, and feel free to contribute your own suggestions ahead.

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Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation: The 10 Biggest Television Fails of the Year

Good Wife Status Update: Social Network Episode Coming!

The Good Wife is about to poke a little fun at The Social Network . A meta-ish episode of the CBS legal drama slated to air in February will revolve around Patric, a “sincere, shy, and unremarkable suburban kid in sandals and a hoodie” whose website has made him a fortune. The problem?

Good Wife Status Update: Social Network Episode Coming!

The Top 3 TV Stereotypes of the Week: Sorority Row

From Tracy Jordan’s “serious actor” on 30 Rock to Busy Philipp’s blond sorority girl on Cougar Town , this week was actually a success for stereotypes everywhere — in that television writers found clever ways to spin yesterday’s generalizations. Well, except for those story editors working on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills — they still have some work to do.

Go here to read the rest:
The Top 3 TV Stereotypes of the Week: Sorority Row

Late Night Highlights: Paul McCartney and Jimmy Fallon Sing ‘Yesterday’ with Original Lyrics

Jimmy Fallon followed in his own tradition of A-star duets last night by singing “Yesterday” with Paul McCartney. Only the pair used McCartney’s original lyrics, about waffle fries and wings. Elsewhere, John Krasinski put on a Spiderman suit for Jimmy Kimmel, Julie Taymor compared the spandexed superhero to Shakespeare, Bill O’R eilly remembered that nasty View walkout, and Sarah Silverman offered Conan advice on vaginal deodorant.

Go here to see the original:
Late Night Highlights: Paul McCartney and Jimmy Fallon Sing ‘Yesterday’ with Original Lyrics

‘It Got Real Up in That Memory Cave’: Community Recapped

There was a bit of debate between critics on Twitter after last night’s Community about whether or not comedy series should be judged on the amount of laughs they draws from viewers. In short: Yes, they should, but that doesn’t mean a comedy always has to LOL z-funny to succeed. Coming on the heels of “Mixology Certification,” it looks like Community is finally learning that lesson.

The rest is here:
‘It Got Real Up in That Memory Cave’: Community Recapped

Watch a Young Chelsea Handler Do Stand-Up Completely Unrelated to Angelina Jolie

Earlier this week when Chelsea Handler came under fire for calling Angelina Jolie a homewrecker during her stand-up routine, the E! hostess claimed that her digs weren’t anything new. “I’ve been making fun of Angelina Jolie since she made out with her brother! If I’ve learned anything from this, it’s to write some new jokes.” In an effort to substantiate this claim, Movieline dug through some of Chelsea Handler’s stand-up archives — where instead of any other incriminating Jolie-related evidence — we uncovered one vintage gem of a then baby-faced Handler.

Continued here:
Watch a Young Chelsea Handler Do Stand-Up Completely Unrelated to Angelina Jolie

How Three Veteran Series Got Their Groove Back

The best part about the holiday season — besides the fact that it is the holiday season; suck it, hattterrrrrsssssss — is that the fall television season has basically come to an end. By this time next week, most of your favorite shows will have shuffled off until January (or longer in the case of Boardwalk Empire and The Walking Dead ) when they’ll return to warm your lonely winter evenings. In honor of this quickly approaching television service outage, it feels appropriate to remind you about a few veteran shows you might have removed from the DVR list. Don’t worry, though: There’s always time to catch up over Christmas.

The rest is here:
How Three Veteran Series Got Their Groove Back