Tag Archives: jackson

Jackson Roloff Had the BEST Time at the Zoo!

Grandparents and grandchildren share a special bond. The Roloffs are certainly no exception. Matt Roloff took to social media to share that it’s getting harder for him to spend time away from his grandbabies, even for just a few days. And we can see why — because in the mean time, Zach Roloff took sweet baby Jackson on a surprise trip to the zoo. And these pictures are golden. This year, Matt Roloff got to welcome two grandchildren into the world. His first two. Early this summer, sweet Jackson Roloff was born . And then, only four months later, precious Ember Jean was born . As a grandparent, that’s a dream come true. (It’s also, we’re sure, exciting stuff for Zach and Tori and for Jeremy and Auj, what with becoming parents and all) Here’s the thing, though. Matt Roloff lives on Roloff Farms with most of the rest of his family, but he has a habit of heading down to Arizona. Most of us are sick to death of this warm weather and would like to squeeze in a few weeks of fall weather before winter arrives, but Matt Roloff likes to enjoy downtime and the warmer weather that Arizona has to offer. But he’s taken to social media to share how difficult that trip is becoming, for one — or two — adorable reasons. Matt Roloff shared this precious photo of his son, Zach, and his grandson, Jackson. Jackson, you can just barely tell, is still dressed like a pumpkin. What a delight. Matt’s caption for the photo, however, proved to be bittersweet: “Had to say good bye to these guys for a couple of days …” Awww, we know that it’s not easy. Especially when you can’t explain to a baby why they won’t see you for a few days. Matt continued: “Headed to Arizona in search of some warm sunny weather..” Again, we’ve absolutely had our fill of warmth and sunlight for 2017, but some people like it more than others. (And we should remember that Matt Roloff is a grandparent and some people, as they get older, become sensitive to cold, particularly in their joints) “Getting harder and harder to leave even just for a few days. Can’t stand to miss even a minute with these precious grand kids.” You know, that’s normal for grandparents who live exceptionally close to their grandchildren. Kids can change overnight. What if your grandbaby learns a new word and you’re not there? What if they learn to walk? And Zach Roloff took to Instagram to share what Jackson got up to. Zach and Tori took Jackson on an impromptu zoo trip. As Zach explains, he’s not usually a huge fan of the zoo: “Great day at the Zoo and World Forestry Discovery Center Museum. Never been too much of a fan of zoos because all the people and the small enclosures but today was class. Nobody was there and the animals were all out. Great day with the family as well.” The trick to visiting lots of places is to go there when it’s not crowded. It’s like going out to dinner on a Tuesday instead of on Friday night. Zach also hinted at a reason that he, especially, might not be comfortable in big crowds … and it’s not his height. Not directly. Zach ended his post with Samuel 16:7, a biblical passage about ignoring what a person looks like because what matters is what they look like on the inside. Interestingly, in context, the passage is referring to a super good-looking man whom the faithful are supposed to reject, but we can see how the words could be a great comfort to someone who feels judged for his appearance by total strangers. And speaking of being judged, Zach and these adorable baby photos got actual hate in the comments for going to a zoo. Zoo animals are either born in captivity or rescued, folks. Often rescued from actual horrible conditions. There are some bad zoos in the world, but most of them are essentially massive animal rescues with habitats and trained professionals. Don’t hate someone for supporting an educational facility that brings joy to children while helping countless wild and even endangered species. Just relax and look at the cute baby: View Slideshow: Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG! He’s So Cute!

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Jackson Roloff Had the BEST Time at the Zoo!

Fresh Out: 10 Things You Need To Know About Right Now

A roundup of all the news you need to know on October 16, 2017.

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Fresh Out: 10 Things You Need To Know About Right Now

Skai Jackson Talks Trends, Inspiration, & Advice On TRL

Skai Jackson was one of the special guests on ‘TRL’ on October 16, 2017.

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Skai Jackson Talks Trends, Inspiration, & Advice On TRL

Jackson Roloff Can Now Do WHAT at 5 Months?!?

We hope you’re sitting down for this shocking piece of news. We hope you aren’t operating any heavy machinery. Okay? Ready? Here we go: Jackson Kyle Roloff is now FIVE months old!!!! Totally crazy, right? It really does seem like only yesterday that Zach and Tori Roloff were happily informing fans that the latter had given birth to the couple’s first child. That blessed occasion took place on May 12 and this beloved couple has been incredibly open ever since regarding the status of little Jackson. They sat down for an interview with People Magazine shortly after he entered the world, for example, and confirmed that he has dwarfism. And, since then, both Tori and Zach have been constantly updating their Instagram feeds with photos of Jackson. The latest (above) is a portrait of the tiny human at five months old and it was shared along with the following message from Tori: – Jackson is grabbing everything. – He is super smiley in the morning and slightly grumpy in the evening. – Bath time is still our favorite. – Jackson can now lift himself up on his stomach. – He loves making noises with his feet. – We can feel his first two teeth coming in. – He has been sleeping in his own room all month and is rockin it!. – And J loves hanging out at the pumpkin patch! Tori concluded her update by writing “Love you so much sweet boy!” So do we! We’re so grateful to Zach and Tori for keeping us this well apprised when it comes to their son. It’s been a very busy few days for Jackson, based on his parents’ social media activity. For example, his mother dressed him up like a pumpkin and sat him down in a patch in the family’s farm in what just might be THE CUTEST PHOTO WE’VE EVER SEEN IN OUR LIVES. Also, Jackson got a change to hang out with his cousin, Ember Jean, who was born just over a month ago to Audrey and Jeremy Roloff. Might this actually be the cutest photo in the whole wide world? Back when Jackson turned four months old , Tori said he could roll over and occasionally hold his head up. He was also coming off his first airplane ride and weighed nearly 16 pounds. It’s amazing how much babies can change over the course of just a few weeks, isn’t it? Take a look at all the pictures below to get an idea of what we mean: View Slideshow: Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG! He’s So Cute!

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Jackson Roloff Can Now Do WHAT at 5 Months?!?

Jackson and Ember Roloff: See the Cousins Holding Hands!

Yesterday, when we showed you that photo of Jackson Roloff posing with his grandfather’s children’s book , we mentioned how nice it would be to see a photo of Jackson alongside his cousin, Ember Jean. Because really, what’s better than one baby? Two babies. That’s right, folks — you can see both babies in the same photo. And then again, you’ll see them together in another photo. Prepare for a cuteness overload! To be clear, we don’t claim credit for this photo happening — we’re hardly the inventors of the idea of “hey why don’t we put these babies side-by-side?” Great trains run along the same tracks, is all. Jackson is a few months older than Ember Jean, and while they both look like tiny babies, you can really see the difference between a baby like Jackson and a newborn like Ember. (Because he’s definitely bigger — babies grow up so quickly, you guys!) Tori Roloff shared the pair of images, and we’re so glad: Look at them! Ember Jean is just trying to sleep and do her whole “newborn baby thing.” As precious as she is, she’s too new to really have much in the way of a personality. Jackson, ont he other hand, looks a little puzzled by this creature beside him and he’s looking at the camera, possibly hoping for some sort of reassurance. But there’s also what looks like a sparkle of enthusiasm or excitement in his eyes. He’s holding his cousin’s hand, which is all kinds of adorable. Tori Roloff captioned both photos: “No worries cousin Ember… Baby J will always be there to hold your hand. [heart emoji] we love you little girl! #babyjroloff #roloffcousins” And here is the second: Isn’t that every bit as precious as the photo that we described wanting to see yesterday/ Ember Jean’s parents also saw and appreciated the photos, because of course they did. Jeremy and Audrey will probably be captivated by every photo of their daughter for a long, long time — if not for life. Audrey commented on the sweet pictures: “The sweetest of friends! Obsessed with them.” We are, too. Jackson isn’t the only one costarring in photos of Ember Jean. Family matriarch Amy Roloff, the proudest of grandmas, shared this photo of herself with her first-ever granddaughter. As we’ve mentioned, Amy Roloff got some hate when some fans thought that she was “distant” or “withholding” from Ember Jean in comparison to Jackson. Obviously, that was not the case. And Amy Roloff set the record straight . Now that that’s settled (at least, we hope that it is — she love her grandbabies, folks), Amy Roloff has shared this photo of herself and Ember Jean on Facebook, with the caption: “Fall- always reminds me how so much I’m thankful for. These two – Jackson and Ember top the list…These two remind me God never leaves us, never lets us go and always [loves us].” Great to consider the things for which you are thankful, whether it’s in a religious or non-religious context. Autumn is a great time for it, with Thanksgiving on its way and the very dramatic changing of the seasons. View Slideshow: Ember Jean Roloff: All Her Precious Pictures!

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Jackson and Ember Roloff: See the Cousins Holding Hands!

Paris Jackson Fingerbanging in Elle Magazine of the Day

Who gives a fuck about that pervert Michael Jackson, or the weird kid I’m not sure he even created with his own sperm, but rather adopted and left his fortune to… I don’t understand why Paris Jackson and her hustle is a thing….I get the whole King of Pop drug addict addicted to fucking anesthetics like a fucking tormented psycho touching the souls of many after he died…and they forgave him for allegedly touching the assholes of children near and far… I’ve heard inside scoop from people involved in the case, and it was more than just a pay off for insurance reasons to squash the child molesting case hard…it was a legit thing that he did…and the world knew it..the world hated him for it…but the world understood that a tormented soul, or a pervert child molestor shouldn’t be punished for his personal life when it comes to how good his music makes them feel because he’s Michael Jackson…but I still thought it was weird how his narrative totally shifted when he died, making me thing he may not be dead but rather hiding in a cave or another planet…because that ET went home.. POINT being..why is Paris Jackson a fucking thing, let her live off dad’s momey..and fuck off… Instead Elle Magazine is like “Ok now touch your pussy for us…yeah…hands in your pants..you like that don’t you…how wet are you…do you feel yourself getting wetter…ok now put those fingers in your mouth…yeah you taste nice don’t you…bullshit.. I don’t get it. The post Paris Jackson Fingerbanging in Elle Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Paris Jackson Fingerbanging in Elle Magazine of the Day

Abby Lee Miller: Back on Dance Moms! BLASTING Laurieann Gibson!

If people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, then what are the restrictions for people in prison? As we’re sure that you remember — because who could forget? —  Abby Lee Miller went to prison  for bankruptcy fraud. And yes, she’s still in the big house … if that’s still a euphemism for prison. But, through the magic of television, reality TV airs weeks or even months after being filmed. So Abby Miller is still on  Dance Moms  … sort of … and has a load of insults to share about the new dance teacher. Abby Lee Miller must have some nerve. We can’t honestly claim to be surprised, after all of her ridiculous aggression that she’s displayed on season after season of  Dance Moms . Dance Moms  is one of those reality shows that’s hard to watch sometimes. The moms and Abby are entertaining when they’re snipping at each other, sure. But it kind of just feels like  Toddlers and Tiaras , except that the girls whose lives are getting ruined right before your eyes aren’t just toddlers. Now, though,  Dance Moms  has a new dance instructor , since Abby is in prison. A-list choreographer Laurieann Gibson is there for the girls.  It’s a brand new day. We learned some details about the next episode of Dance Moms , and a familiar face will be appearing. Abby Lee Miller, with all of the calm and nuance of Nancy Grace and her general likability, too, had some issues with the choice that the various dance mothers had made. We’re guessing that Abby’s real issue was that they felt that the show could go on without her. Abby seemed to challenge Laurieann’s qualifications, because she had previously worked with older girls rather than starting with them when they were toddlers. Ashlee Allen, one of the moms of the series, defended their choice. “You put us all in a situation where we had to find somebody else, and when [Laurieann] came in, she was tons of energy and she was invested and she was here and she was working.” Abby decided to characterize Laurieann a little differently: “Well, she’s desperate for work. I’ve been working for six years non-stop … How good are you when you don’t win?” Abby’s priorities are more than a little nuts, but we knew that already. Mom Jill Vertes gave Abby what we can only describe as a taste of her own medicine. “It’s about creating workable dancers, not about doing the same eight-count and 52 turns to win a plastic trophy… [The girls] love Laurieann Gibson. They said they didn’t want you coming back.” First of all, that’s great because she’s acknowledging that there are priorities other than winning. Second of all, it’s great that the girls love Laurieann Gibson — something that we already knew — because these dance lessons are all supposed to be for the girls. (Not for their moms, not for the glorification of Abby, and  really  not even for the viewers) But third of all, that “they didn’t want you coming back” was something that Abby really needed to hear. Maybe, while Abby Lee Miller sits in her prison cell and processes everything that she’s done with her life and all of the choices that she’s made so far, she’ll come to understand why the girls she trained don’t seem to care for her. if she gets to see Laurieann’s teaching style, maybe Abby could even learn how to be a better person. She still maintains that she’s innocent of bankruptcy fraud, by the way, so we guess that she won’t learn any life lessons about crime. Abby has been sentenced to serve 366 days in prison, though, so there’s time for just about anything. No matter what Abby takes away from her experience, though, we’re glad that the girls are learning with Laurieann.

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Abby Lee Miller: Back on Dance Moms! BLASTING Laurieann Gibson!

Jackson Roloff Turns 4 Months. Now He Can Do THIS!

This is an exciting time to be a member of the Roloff family. On Sunday, Audrey and Jeremy welcomed their first child, a precious girl named Ember Jean . She joins relatively new baby Jackson Kyle as the second grandchild in the Little People, Big World universe, as this adorable young fella was born to Tori and Zach back on May 12. That was four months ago exactly… and Tori has now provided Instagram followers with an update on her son. “And just like that our little man is 4 months old! Lots of milestones this month,” wrote Tori, following up on the same sort of post she penned on Jackson’s three-month birthday . Tori then proceeded to list Jackson’s latest accomplishments, which include the following: Baby J can hold his head up. We can roll over…sometimes. We want to put everything in our mouth. We went on our first airplane ride… to Catalina. We went to Disneyland. We love telling stories. We’re still not sleeping through the night. We weigh almost 16 pounds! And we got to meet our cousin Ember Jean! Tori concluded that “we are already so in love with” with Jeremy and Audrey’s daughter, while adding, of course, that she loves Jackson. And she included the hashtags “#babyjroloff #ZandTPartyofThree” toward the end of her caption. About a month ago, TLC resumed filming on Little People, Big World , with sources confirming Jackson will play a prominent role. Cameras followed around his parents throughout Tori’s pregnancy this spring and they are expected to document Audrey’s path to motherhood in detail this fall/winter. But expect to see plenty of shots of Jackson as well, with Tori and Zach taking him on multiple trips already. As mentioned above, he’s been to Disneyland… and he’s also cheered on the Seattle Seahawks in person… and he’s met his great grandmother and nearly all his other relatives as well. View Slideshow: Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG! He’s So Cute! With all due respect to all other babies on the Internet, it would be easy to argue that Jackson is the cutest celebrity baby of them all. Just look at the photos above, readers! Just look at this one below: Come on, right?!? Just… so…. adorable! We continue to send our best wishes to Tori and Zach and now to Audrey and Jeremy as well. Babies are a blessing and we just know these small human beings will be so well loved and cared for. We’re incredibly excited to watch them grow up.

Original post:
Jackson Roloff Turns 4 Months. Now He Can Do THIS!

Paris Jackson Posts Tribute to Michael Jackson on the Late Music Legend’s 59th Birthday

Today would have been Michael Jackson’s 59th birthday, in case you’ve forgotten how tragically young the music legend was when he passed away during the “Summer of Death” in 2009. He’s mourned by countless fans across all social media platforms today. But, obviously, no one could miss Michael Jackson more acutely than his own children. His daughter, Paris Jackson, posted a beautiful tribute to honor her late father on his birthday. Taking to Instagram, Paris Jackson posted a moving birthday message that both memorializes and celebrates who her father was — very specifically, to her. “Birthday wishes to the love of my life, the one person who showed me what passion truly was, the one that gave me solid morals to live by and how to dream.” Michael Jackson’s legacy in the public might be his music, accusations levied against him, and his distinctive image and brand. Though, mostly, music. To Paris, however, he was her father. Of course that’s how she remembers him. “i will never feel love again the way i did with you. you are always with me and i am always with you. though i am not you, and you are not me, i know with all of my being that we are one. and our souls will never change in that way. thank you for the magic, forever and always.” That is an extremely sweet, if lengthy, sentiment. Paris would certainly have made Michael Jackson proud on Sunday at the VMAs. While Katy Perry’s awkward VMAs hosting had network higher ups worried , Paris Jackson spoke out against the very alarming hate and violence that is increasingly popping up across the US. Remember back to a year ago, when people were warning that fringe right hate groups, neo-Nazis included, would feel emboldened by a Donald Trump victory? Well, since 2016 was a cursed year, Trump won … sort of … and those groups were very emboldened by a man who seemed to make it clear that he shares their values occupying the highest office in the land. Just a few weeks ago, torch-bearing Nazis descended upon Charlottesville , Virginia, to protest the removal of an enduring symbol of white supremacy. In separate attacks against counter-protesters, various white supremacists beat black men with planks of wood, menaced their opposition with firearms, and of course one of them plowed into a crowd in a terrorist assault, killing one and leaving dozens of others injured. A lot of celebrities spoke up “against the violence,” but nobody at the VMAs seemed willing to tell it like it is. Until Paris got her hands on a microphone, that is. Paris Jackson called out white supremacy for the evil that it is. “Lets leave here tonight knowing that… We must show these Nazi, white-supremacist jerks in Charlottesville and all over the country that as a nation with liberty as our slogan we have zero tolerance for their violence, their hatred, and their discrimination.” That’s not really a surprise coming from Paris Jackson. In addition to being a fairly woke young woman with strong spiritual leanings and a great deal of political awareness, like, she’s not exactly from an all-white family. For so many of us, the fight against Nazis is deeply personal. (It should be for all of us, really) To be fair, even though we love Paris Jackson, we should acknowledge that, in the days leading up to the VMAs, some of her tweets had us a little worried. She spoke about antifa as people who answer violence with violence. That’s often true — antifa are individuals who are “anti-fascist,” thus where the name originates. They show up where Nazis show up in order to make it clear that their evil views have no place in a good, just society. Paris, at the time, advocated responding to hatred with peace, in the fashion of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We would point out that MLK was murdered, so we wouldn’t recommend that anyone try to mirror his footsteps. But since she didn’t say anything about antifa or counterprotesters at the VMAs, which seems to indicate that she listened as people responded to her on Twitter. And maybe she learned and grew as a person. That’s what really defines wisdom more than anything else — a willingness to listen. Michael Jackson would be tremendously proud of her.

Originally posted here:
Paris Jackson Posts Tribute to Michael Jackson on the Late Music Legend’s 59th Birthday

Rachel Lindsay to DeMario Jackson: STFU! You Don’t Know Me!

If you were to ask Rachel Lindsay, DeMario Jackson has a lot in common with Jon Snow. Because he came back from the dead? Because he may be the Prince That Was Promised? No. Because, according to Lindsay, Jackson knows nothing. Appearing on The E&G Podcast yesterday, Jackson touched on his brief stint as a suitor on The Bachelorette this past season, one in which Lindsay gave him the boot after learning DeMario had a girlfriend. “I was only there for the two weeks in the house,” Jackson said, prior to delving into controversial territory: “From the beginning you knew that she was attracted to white men. You knew that. No disrespect, you just knew. She had that vibe. “From night one, we all set down, all the guys and I said, ‘They’re going to have a black representative, either myself or Eric, and they’re going to have Dean, Peter, and Brian as the final four.’ “We all caught that.” In the end, Lindsay selected Bryan Abasolo over Peter Kraus on the show’s finale. Both men are white, but that’s nothing more than a coincidence, Lindsay says. Commenting on a photo from the podcast’s official Instagram page that was promoting Jackson’s appearance on E&G, she wrote the following on Tuesday: “Says the guy that dated Lexi [a white woman]. Demario never knew me and still doesn’t.” DeMario, of course, has become more famous for the controversy that engulfed him and Corinne Olympios on Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise than for his time on The Bachelorette. Production on that spinoff was halted for a couple weeks while Warner Bros. conducted an internal investigation that eventually cleared DeMario of all sexual misconduct charges. He appeared on the show last night, sat down opposite Chris Harrison and discussed all he’s been through. “I know who I am. I know I’m not that monster they’re trying to portray on TV,” Jackson said. “Like Michelle Obama said, ‘When they go low, you go high.’ It was hard to go high, but I had to do it because I train and mentor children, and I can’t tell them to be something that I’m not. “That’s what kept me going. And great family, friends, school teachers, people at the gym. It was crazy to see the response from them… There was just so much love. I was extremely humbled.”  Olympios will speak on air to Harrison next week. Asked about his one-time sexual partner turned quasi nemesis, DeMario had only kind things to say. “I felt bad for her ’cause she was being slut-shamed,” he said. “I love my mother and I love the women in my family more than anything in this world, and it hurt me knowing she was going through the same thing I was, but a little bit more aggressive and intense.” View Slideshow: 13 Most Despicable Bachelor Villains of All-Time

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Rachel Lindsay to DeMario Jackson: STFU! You Don’t Know Me!