When Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez got engaged , fans the world over rejoiced. Here was a romantic union between two of the great icons representing both the Bronx and Puerto Rico — members of the elite class of celebs so famous they can be referred to solely by a handful of letters and a dash. But rumors of trouble between J-Lo and A-Rod began soon after the couple announced their plans to get hitched. In a bizarre turn of events, fellow baseball legend Jose Canseco claimed that Rodruiguez was cheating on Lopez with Canseco’s ex-wife. A-Rod denied any wrongdoing , but given his reputation as a bit of a player (and we don’t mean on the diamond) many were skeptical of his claims. And it seems J-Lo may be among those harboring doubts about Rodriuguez’s ability ti remain faithful. According to The National Enquirer (We know — but they have broken a big story or two over the years.) Alex has a busy travel itinerary coming up, and Jen’s not taking any chances. “Jennifer has a detailed calendar with Alex’s every move mapped out — precisely where he’s got to be and when,” a source tells the tabloid. “She’s also insisted Alex has a ‘security team,’” the insider adds. “It’s four guys who watch over him 24/7, but they’re not professionals.” Not only are they not professionals, it seems the A(-Rod) Team was hand-selected by the former Yankee himself. “Alex recruited one of the guys from his gym,” says the source. “He’s just an ordinary schmuck who’s never been on tour before!” Well, we’re sure an ordinary schmuck is as capable as an experienced schmuck when it comes to the task of keeping A-Rod from getting to third base. And it’s not as though Jen’s suspicions are unfounded. In addition to the Canseco allegations, a British porn star who goes by the name Zoe Gregory recently came forward and claimed that Alex sent her a number of explicit texts, including — of course — a dick pic or two. “He seemed like a needy, horny bloke,” Gregory told The Enquirer . Add that to the tabloid’s previous claims about A-Rod’s infidelity , and it’s not hard to see why Jenny From the Block might be ready to kick her man to the curb.
Jennifer Lopez to Alex Rodriguez: Stop Being a Player and Keep Your Rod In Your Pants!