Tag Archives: polls

Donald Trump: Racist Rant Caught on Video?!

Well, it’s official. Yesterday’s Electoral College vote confirmed that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States, to the delight of alt-righters and doomsday preppers alike. To most who followed the Hamilton Electors movement, the news didn’t come as a shock. It was more like an aftershock that followed the Richter-shattering Big One that happened back in November. Trump’s election was a stunner not only because every pundit and prognosticator led Dems to believe they should pick up a bottle of champagne on their way home from the polls, but also because Trump survived numerous scandals that would’ve sunk any other campaign in the history of American presidential politics. Trump voters didn’t seem bothered when he boasted about sexual assault or asked Russia to launch a cyber-attack against America, but how would they have reacted to video of Trump hurling out racial slurs? Well, thanks to Tom Arnold, we may never know. Arnold was a contestant on the Celebrity Apprentice, and like several others involved with the show , he claims to be in possession of shocking videotapes that show Trump exhibiting the kind of behavior that only Trump could get away with. “I have the outtakes to The Apprentice where he says every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever,” Arnold says. “It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children,”  Uhhhh … so why in the hell didn’t he share this footage with the general public? Arnold offers this baffling explanation: “I’ll tell you why. Because when people sent it to me, it was funny. Hundreds of people have seen these. It was sort of a Christmas video they put together.” “He wasn’t going to be President of the United States. “It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children.” Clearly, Tom has a different opinion of what’s funny than the rest of the world, which goes a long way toward explaining his comedy career. Sadly, the revelation that Trump casually drops racial slurs and is brutally mean to his own children probably wouldn’t have had much of an impact on the election. However, Arnold’s reasoning in not releasing the video is another example of the weird double standard that allowed Trump to get elected. There may be no candidate in history who spent as much time living as publicly as Donald Trump did. None of that time was devoted to public service of any find, but for nearly 40 years, Trump successfully sought out the spotlight, and he used his platform to put his misogyny and bigotry on display. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President And for the most part, it was laughed off because he was “Donald Trump, rich, radioactive doofus,” not “Donald Trump, President of the United States.” The problem is, presidents aren’t implanted with a microchip that makes them start “acting presidential” – to quote one of the Donald’s favorite phrases – on their inauguration day. Donald Trump spent 40 years showing the world his true self, and yet millions still believe that at the age of 70, with no political experience of any kind, he’ll become the consummate world leader on January 20. Good rule of thumb: if Tom freakin’ Arnold has the means to embarrass you on an international scale, the most important gig in the western world might not be a great fit for you. Just sayin’.

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Donald Trump: Racist Rant Caught on Video?!

She’s (Finally) With Her: Beyoncé Endorses Hillary Right In Time

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    https://twitter.com/TheBeyHiveTeam/status/794726726614052864   With less than 96 hours to go until Election Day, and the polls running frighteningly close, Beyoncé might have just won this race for Hillary. The pop icon performed at a rally in Cleveland — in a pant suit! — and finally offered the kind of full-throated endorsement for the Democratic […]

She’s (Finally) With Her: Beyoncé Endorses Hillary Right In Time

Looking For Student Voters In North Carolina

It’s not always easy to get from campus to the polls, especially at HBCUs

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Looking For Student Voters In North Carolina

“They” Real Bold These Days: Watch As Pompous White Boy Calls TV Reporter “N***er” [Video]

White Boy Calls Charlotte TV Reporter Steve Crump The N-Word Please believe that mayonnaise agitators like this will be at the polls voting for Donald Trump on November 8th. Make sure you and yours are there too! This is f**ked up, but this reporter is asking all the wrong questions. Never mind his “rights”, the only question that needs to be asked is “which hand would you like this fade start with?” Image via YouTube

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“They” Real Bold These Days: Watch As Pompous White Boy Calls TV Reporter “N***er” [Video]

John Legend To Campaign For Hillary Clinton With Concert In Ohio

  Celebs & Mothers Of The Movement To Campaign For Hillary Clinton In Last Month Before Election Soul singer John Legend will return to his native Ohio next week to campaign for Hillary Clinton two days before the state’s voter registration deadline. Legend will headline a concert at a college in the Cincinnati area and hold get out the vote events in southwest Ohio to urge millennials to go to the polls Nov. 8. Early voting begins Oct. 12 in Ohio, and Legend, who is married to model Chrissy Teigen and dad to baby Luna, will also ask young people to vote early and check their registration status at www.iwillvote.com. Other celebs, as well as the Mothers of the Movement, are set to campaign for the democrat in the last few weeks before the presidential election against republican Donald Trump. Wanna go? You can RSVP here for the Dayton area event and for for the Cincinnati concert here.

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John Legend To Campaign For Hillary Clinton With Concert In Ohio

Political Analyst Bae: A Gallery Of Epic Angela Rye Clapbacks And Side Eyes

Angela Rye’s Show-Stealing Moments If there’s one good thing to come out of this election, it’s the emergence of political analyst superstar and #bae Angela Rye. She’s been on CNN clapping back, giving side-eyes and putting old white guys in their places. It’s been beautiful to look at and enough to make us want to cry. Take a look. RT @Curtos07 : Trump economic advisor Stephen Moore gets OWNED by Angela Rye on #RealTime pic.twitter.com/IOecAnwIXR — Low (@LowKeyUHTN) October 2, 2016 #ExhibitA Whoosh. Now before we go on to more epic moments we want to reiterate a point she’s been trying to make this election season: VOTE. Sure it may seem like hope is lost but young people need to vote and they need to vote in droves to save this country from chaos. So go out to the polls and do it! Now, on to the regularly scheduled programming.

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Political Analyst Bae: A Gallery Of Epic Angela Rye Clapbacks And Side Eyes

Mary Carey Works Polls Good

In case you haven’t already realized from the non-stop media coverage today, it’s Super Tuesday. And to celebrate the opening of the polls, porn star-turned-political “commenter” Mary Carey hit the pole for a new photoshoot. And I have to say, I usually try to stay away from politics, but I think I’d follow them a lot more closely if CNN was 24 hours of stuff like this. So take a break from stocking your bomb shelter in case of a Trump win and enjoy. » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Mary Carey Works Polls Good

Carrie Underwood-Brad Paisley Monologue Rips Blake, Duggars & More

Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley opened up the 2015 CMA Awards with another humorous monologue at their fellow stars' expense. They began by musicially riffing on everything that's “Cray Cray” in Hollywood, including Caitlyn Jenner and Josh Duggar (seriously). “Things are cray crazy, this world has gone bat poop cray cray,” Paisley sang. “McDonald's breakfasts all day now, Bruce Jenner's a babe now.” And, bat poop cray cray-est of all, “Trump's leading in the polls.” “You know what else is cray cray,” Paisley then continued. “How many famous couples have broken up this year! From Ben Affleck to Jennifer Garner, to Halle Berry and what's his name.” “Of course, we can't ignore the breakup that really rocked our world, the one that's on everybody's mind, two people in this very room.” The camera panned to Kermit and Miss Piggy in the crowd. “We love you both and just want you to be happy,” Carrie Underwood interjected. “On a completely unrelated topic: Howdy Blake!” Blake Shelton then waved, laughed and grinned. “Have you heard that duet that Blake did with Ashley Madison,” he then joked, confusing the cheating site with singer Ashley Monroe. Monroe is a longtime friend of Miranda Lambert, Blake's ex-wife, and a singer-songwriter in her own right who has worked with both. Carrie and Brad then sang a song about Ashley Madison, ending the tune with the lyrics, “Your cheatin' site will tell on you, Josh Duggar!” LOL. Any Duggar family-related humor making its way into a national television awards show is an instant winner in our book. Notably, during the monologue, cameras never panned to Lambert, who went on to win Female Vocalist of the Year as usual.

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Carrie Underwood-Brad Paisley Monologue Rips Blake, Duggars & More

The Mr. Skin Survey Results Are In

Thank you to all who took last month’s survey featuring some of the beautiful women on mrskin.com. The results are… revealing . See how your preferences did in today’s blog post!

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The Mr. Skin Survey Results Are In

Donald Trump: Downgraded, Compared to the Kardashians by HuffPo

Donald Trump may be battling Scott Walker and Jeb Bush in the polls, but try telling that to The Huffington Post. The highly-trafficked website has taken a stand against the Republican hopeful, writing online today that it will no longer categories any of his speeches or action as falling with the ream of “Politics.” Instead, HuffPo editors see Trump more along the lines of Kim Kardashian and company. “After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage,” the site wrote. “Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump’s campaign is a sideshow. We won’t take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you’ll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette .” This, of course, is both true and false. Trump has said some inane, false, inflammatory things; most notably when he referred to most Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug users . But a recently Fox News poll also have him leading the Republican field for President. So, for the time being, at least some people are (astoundingly) taking the real state mogul seriously. How does Trump feel about this website slight? He responded in a surprisingly simple statement, saying in response to the decision: “The only clown show in this scenario is the Huffington Post pretending to be a legitimate news source.” Where do you stand on Donald Trump? Legitimate political candidate… or pure entertainment fodder? 

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Donald Trump: Downgraded, Compared to the Kardashians by HuffPo