Tag Archives: small-business

Uncle Luke Officially Joins Miami Mayoral Race

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Luther Campbell , aka Uncle Luke, has officially joined the race to become mayor of Miami-Dade County. Campbell recently filed the necessary paperwork to run for mayor. “I’m dead serious,” Luke told reporters in Miami who doubted the sincerity of his political aspirations. “That’s a question [they have] been asking me since I put in my first document: am I serious? I am serious, this is no joke.” Check out Uncle Luke’s campaign platform below, as obtained by BallerStatus.net ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT We will revitalize the small business environment that supports existing enterprise, recruits new business and creates incentives to help meet long-term economic objectives. We will accomplish this revitalization through: · Responsible Growth and Development · Small Business Expansion · Attract new businesses · Generating new revenue sources for our county · Job Creation Redevelopment – we will take the opportunity to enrich our landscape by refocusing, restructuring and rebuilding to achieve the ‘highest and best use’ of our commercial and residential resources to: · Stabilize neighborhoods · Stop blight · Attract new residents · Uphold the cultural values of our diverse community Beautification – Enhancing the “look and feel” of our neighborhoods is central to improving its economic outlook. We will seek to improve the quality of life by: · Improving the visual impression of our county · Instilling a sense of community and neighborhood pride · Fulfilling the vision of Miami-Dade County as a Tourist Destination PUBLIC SAFETY Every citizen has the right to expect a safe environment. We will work with the various stakeholders to implement results-oriented practices that provide protection, prevent loss at work and at home and enhance the well-being for our constituents. · Restore public trust · Build stronger bonds between law enforcement and community · Enhance current public safety and crime prevention programs · Increase patrolling to industrial and neighborhood areas · Support neighborhood watch and other preventative programming · Solicit feedback and suggestions, study trends, apply best practices AFFORDABLE HOUSING Thriving in property and housing opportunities, Miami-Dade County has a responsibility to ensure that every citizen has access to safe and affordable housing. We will work to: · Redesign the current public hosing model · Remove blight from areas such as Liberty City and Overtown without gentrifying the neighborhood COMMUNITY Community is the sum total of the cultural, social and economic make up of Miami-Dade County. It includes the cares of our citizens and stakeholders as much as it reflects a specific a neighborhood, leader or institution. Our community is about us, who we are and what we believe in. It also dictates what we must do to preserve our most precious values. We will improve the conditions of our communities by: · Engaging our youth · Caring for our seniors · Strengthening families · Support networks of community and faith-based resources to serve the needs of our communities Source: BallerStatus.net RELATED: Uncle Luke Running For Mayor Of Miami RELATED: Uncle Luke Lands Assistant Coach Job At Miami High School

Uncle Luke Officially Joins Miami Mayoral Race

Bolitics: Uncle Luke Comin’! To Miami-Dade’s Mayoral Race…

After decades of influencing Miami’s young to “pop that thang baby!” Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell is making good on previous comments that he’d consider running for Mayor of Miami. Campbell is one of nearly a dozen people who indicated they want to be Miami-Dade’s next mayor by filing the necessary paperwork to be placed on the May 24th special election ballot. The mayoral seat was left vacant after a March 15 recall election where 88 percent of voters said then Mayor Carlos Alvarez should be removed from office. The deadline to file was 5 p.m. Tuesday April 12th. According to CBS reports : Before filing his paperwork, Campbell addressed a group in Miami Beach. “My major hurdle is people taking me seriously, a lot of people think this is a joke,” Campbell told the crowd who swore he’s serious about the mayor’s job. “I call it a banana republic and I’m serious about it. You look at the commission and they make their own rules as they go, regardless of what the county attorney says, they make their own rules, just do what they want. They have no respect for the people.” Hmmm… “they make their own rules, just do what they want.” Sounds like someone else we know! Here’s an excerpt from a press release Campbell issued yesterday: Although many ask if he is serious, there is nothing funny about the issues that Miami-Dade County faces and Luther Campbell is extremely serious about the revitalization of Miami-Dade County. His platform focuses on four important issues: Economic Development, Public Safety, Community Revitalization and Affordable Housing. Campbell believes that Miami-Dade County government has a responsibility to ensure that every citizen has access to safe and affordable housing. He believes that it is important to restore public trust, build stronger bonds between law enforcement and community and enhance current public safety and crime prevention programs. Additionally, in order to promote economic development, Campbell supports responsible growth and development, small business expansion, attraction of new businesses, generating new revenue sources for our county and job creation. Finally, if elected, Campbell will take the opportunity to enrich our landscape by refocusing, restructuring and rebuilding to achieve the ‘highest and best use’ of our commercial and residential resources by enhancing the “look and feel” of our neighborhoods and improving the visual impression of our county and instilling a sense of community and neighborhood pride. If elected, will Luther Campbell be remembered for “Changin’ The Game”? Or will he leave the people of Miami-Dade “Scarred”??? Would you vote for Luke Skywalker?

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Bolitics: Uncle Luke Comin’! To Miami-Dade’s Mayoral Race…

David Beckham: Naming Daughter ‘Justine Bieber Beckham’?


Originally posted here:

David Beckham makes a dapper appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday (March 31) in Hollywood. The 35-year-old soccer star revealed he and pregnant wife Victoria Beckham have “a few” baby names in mind for their daughter. “But we’ve also said to the boys, ‘Give us some ideas,’” David told Jimmy. “When we got told [the baby] was Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Just Jared Discovery Date : 02/04/2011 06:20 Number of articles : 2

David Beckham: Naming Daughter ‘Justine Bieber Beckham’?

WI Small Business Owner Sees Business Quadruple After Standing Up to Union Goons (Video)


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Dawn Bobo, a Wisconsin grandmother and business owner, was threatened by the public unions. Dawn Bobo shows the sign that she put in the front window of herstore, Village Dollar, 1000 Main St. in Union Grove, Wednesday March 30, 2011. … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 02/04/2011 16:37 Number of articles : 2

WI Small Business Owner Sees Business Quadruple After Standing Up to Union Goons (Video)

Old Spice Spot of the Day: This week, Old Spice named…


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Old Spice Spot of the Day: This week, Old Spice named 16-year-old Chris Gatewood the winner of its Superfan contest , giving him full control over the fate of the latest Old Spice ad to feature The People’s Luke Cage, Isaiah Mustafa. Despite being allowed to sit on the 30-spot until Monday (when it is set to officially debut on TV), Chris has decided to share the ad with the world via his personal… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 04/02/2011 22:11 Number of articles : 3

Old Spice Spot of the Day: This week, Old Spice named…

Go Granny: Fighting Back With Social Media, Not Super Bowl Ads


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Take that, GoDaddy! With the Super Bowl coming up this weekend in the United States, many people will be glued to their televisions. Some of us couldn’t care less about the game — no, we’ll be watching this year’s Super Bowl ads. Because in true American fashion, it’s not just a sports game, it’s a business opportunity. But what if nearly $3,000,000 for 30 seconds of TV time isn’t in your budget?… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Small Business Trends Discovery Date : 04/02/2011 22:20 Number of articles : 2

Go Granny: Fighting Back With Social Media, Not Super Bowl Ads

Video: The Last Best Hope

A new video chronicling how Americans feel and what they should do about it in November is out today. However, this video doesn’t come from any large organization but, instead, it comes from a small business owner and conservative activist . For more information and some thoughts on this video check out this post at the Eyeblast blog .

See the rest here:
Video: The Last Best Hope

George Stephanopoulos Fawns Over Old Boss Bill Clinton: What New Project Excites You?

Interviewing Bill Clinton for Tuesday’s Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos’ nine minute segment mostly amounted to a strategy session that was devoid of tough questions. Stephanopoulos stuck to softball comments, such as inquiring of the Clinton Global Initiative: ” And I began by asking President Clinton, which new project most excites him? ” Some people, if they were interviewing their former boss, might feel an extra responsibility to ask probing, grueling questions. Instead, Stephanopoulos brought up Sarah Palin: “Is she qualified to be president?” He followed up, “What’s your gut on that?” The former Democratic operative turned journalist could have pressed the ex-President about the details of his charity, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Considering that the international group deals with several world leaders, he might have asked if there was any conflict of interest for Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State wife. Stephanopoulos could have queried as to the funding for CGI. He did not. The two did discuss how Barack Obama could win back his falling popularity: “You and President Obama get set up as polar opposites. Everybody used to hit you for ‘Mr. I feel your pain.’ And everybody says now, the conventional wisdom, he’s too remote. Too detached. How does he get that gut connection with the American people back?” This interview with Bill Clinton, broken over two parts, ran for nine minutes and 19 seconds. On September 9 , Stephanopoulos donated four segments and 16 minutes to Obama. That’s 25 minutes to two former Democratic presidents in less than two weeks. A transcript of the September 21 segment can be found below: 7:06 7:06:35 to 7:13:44 7 minutes and 9 seconds (Total: 9 minutes and 19 seconds ) ABC GRAPHIC: Bill Clinton One-on-One: His Mission to Help the World STEPHANOPOULOS: Now, to my exclusive interview with President Clinton. He understands exactly what President Obama is going through right now, after experiencing a midterm mine field of his own in 1994. When I sat down with him, he weighed in with some advice for President Obama and some praise for Sarah Palin. But, we begin with the Clinton Global Initiative. Now in its sixth year, the initiative has raised $60 billion to help more than 200 million people around the world. And I began by asking President Clinton, which new project most excites him? CLINTON: The new commitments I’m most excited about I’d say fall in two categories. I gotta say, first, the fact that these business people still want to invest money in Haiti and help Haiti come back. And this, we have what are called action networks, now that meet on subjects that people really care about all year long. The Haiti Action Network, they’re roaring back with a new set of business commitments. So, I’m very excited about that. The other things I’m excited about relate to ideas that will create jobs here in America and around the world. STEPHANOPOULOS: You may have seen the front page of The New York Times. Heartbreaking letters from the 1.3 million homeless. CLINTON: Yeah. STEPHANOPOULOS: In Haiti. And the letters all boil down to, when is the help going to get there? What are you going to do? Why isn’t it getting through? CLINTON: First, we had a meeting today of this Haiti reconstruction commission. And the United States has got their money through. So, their money will be coming forward. I pointed out to them that we approved $1.6 billion in investment. And $750 million of it is not funded. And that we’re going to be approving a lot more. And we’re going to have a huge housing expo in October, which will enable us to begin massive redevelopment. Moving people out of the camps into the homes. Housing always takes the longest. Secondly, there’s a lag in the aid that’s been promised and the aid that’s been released because of the economic problems in the donor countries. And, so, what I told them today, I said, Look. Just pick one of these things you want to do. And tell us when you’re going to give the money and all the Haitian members who came up from Haiti. And I said, look at them. They know what economic hardship is. They will be okay if you don’t give everything you promised. STEPHANOPOULOS: But, they have to know it’s coming. CLINTON: Just tell them what you’re going to give and when you’re going to give it. And then we can give some hope to the people in the camps and we’ll start building. STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me talk more broadly about the economy. President Obama did a whole town meeting today. And one woman got up and just said, simply, “I’m exhausted of defending you.” A lot of Democrats, a lot of supporters of the President, feel that way. What does he do about it? What does he say? CLINTON: I would say, I know a lot of people are mad. And a lot of people are tired, apathetic. And I respect that because we’re not yet out of the hole we got in. It’s okay to be mad. But make a choice based on what should we do now? And who is more likely to do it? They want to repeal the financial oversight bill, which is designed to keep this disaster from occurring again. I think our choice is better. We have plans to help small business, manufacturing and clean energy. We know they don’t believe in clean energy. And so far, they’re not for my small business plan. I think our choice is better. Do what’s best for you. That’s what I think he should say. STEPHANOPOULOS: You and President Obama get set up as polar opposites. Everybody used to hit you for “Mr. I feel your pain.” And everybody says now, the conventional wisdom, he’s too remote. Too detached. How does he get that gut connection with the American people back? CLINTON: First of all, I think he’s doing the right thing by going out here and explaining things by going out there and explaining things. I think the problem is not that he’s empathetic. I think the fact that he is out here taking this grief. You know, taking the grief of the country on himself. Letting people show they’re anger, show their disappointment. I think that’s a good way to do it. The truth is, that it’s the similarities between us that is getting him in trouble. I knew I had done the right things in ’94. I would like to see him do something I didn’t do. I would like to see him say, “Here’s what this election is about. The only thing that matters is what we do now. Here’s the three things I want to do now. Here’s why I think our side’s more likely to do it. And let me tell you something. We couldn’t get out of the $3 trillion hole in 21 months. Give us two more years. Don’t go back to the policies that dug the hole. But, if we don’t do better,” this is the last thing, “if we don’t do better, you can vote against us all and I’ll be on the ballot, too. Vote against us all if it’s not better.” STEPHANOPOULOS: So, give people permission to vote against you? CLINTON: Absolutely. In other words, I think people feel disempowered. They’re angry because they think they’re doing every, single thing they know to do. And nothing makes it better. STEPHANOPOULOS: There’s a big debate out there about Sarah Palin. I think a lot of Democrats believe she’s the best thing to happen to President Obama in 2012. But, Mark Halperin actually disagreed in Time magazine today. I want to see what you think about this. He wrote, “Most of all, she is much like Bill Clinton. What doesn’t kill Sarah Palin makes her stronger. Palin is very much alive and despite what you think, extraordinarily strong.” Is he right? CLINTON: Well, I do think she’s a resilient character. And we may be entering sort of a period in politics that is sort of fact-free, where experience in government is a negative. I mean, even though I was actually slightly younger than President Obama when I was elected, I was the longest-serving governor in the country. I thought it was important to do these jobs and show results and to be able to acknowledge that you made mistakes and learn from them. So, I don’t think we know what’s going to happen in 2012. But in the Republican primaries, she’s very popular with the conservative base. You know, she’s a compelling, attractive figure. STEPHANOPOULOS: Is she qualified to be president? CLINTON: Well, that’s up- The American people can elect whomever they want. But she served, you know, not a full-time term as governor. And she went out and did this. We don’t even know she’s going to run for president. STEPHANOPOULOS: What’s your gut on that? CLINTON: But, I think she’s clearly a public figure who is- who speaks well and persuasively to the people who listen to her. And she’s somebody to be reckoned with. And she’s tough. Look, I remember when people were making fun of her, I read that her husband broke his arm in the middle of the Idatarod race and finished a 500-mile race with a broken arm. Now, where I come from, people like that. They think that’s pretty good. So, I- My view is, it’s always a mistake to underestimate your opponent. And it’s also virtually always a mistake to attack them personally, as opposed to disagreeing with them on what they want to do. STEPHANOPOULOS: I also asked the President about walking Chelsea up the aisle. He reflected on that. We’ll have that our next hour. ROBIN ROBERTS: He is as passionate as ever. STEPHANOPOULOS: Oh, yeah.   8:01 8:01:19 to 8:03:29 2 minutes and 10 seconds STEPHANOPOULOS: But first, we have a little more of my interview with former President Clinton. Earlier, we were talked about his global initiative, Obama’s midterm funk and also on Sarah Palin. But what really lit him up was his daughter, Chelsea. I was looking at those pictures of you at Chelsea’s wedding. And the look on your face just said it all. I mean, it was the love and pride of a lifetime. And, you know, Chelsea seems to have avoided all of the traps that so many sons and daughters of politicians fall into. How did she do it? CLINTON: She’s a fine person. And I give her mother a lot of credit for it. But from the time she was, you know, a little girl, she knew her father was a governor. And then, she had her- the White House years. And then her mother was a senator. All I can say is that we always thought she was our most important job. And there’s lots of research which shows, even among kids that grow up without their parents, and miserable conditions, and wind up doing well, that the most important thing in a child’s life is that they have to believe in critical years that they’re the most important person in the world to somebody. And then, if you grow up in a famous home or you’re in a rich home, you also need to be reminded that, in all the ways that matter, you’re no different than anybody else. She believes that. So, yeah. I was happy that day. That’s a big passage in your life, you know, when you hand over your child in marriage. And for Hillary and me, it was a very special day. And one I suppose I’ll remember until the day I die. STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, congratulations. Thanks, Mr. President. CLINTON: Thank you. STEPHANOPOULOS: One proud father. Tomorrow, we’ll have a lot more on the Clinton Global Initiative. But, yeah. It’s just- He could have talked about that forever. ROBERTS: It’s evident that he could have. Just looking in his eyes, George, when he was talking about that. STEPHANOPOULOS: Big, big moment for his only daughter. And, tomorrow, as I said, we’re going to talk about the Clinton Global Initiative. They have a great program creating jobs to get small loans to get those businesses up and running. Important stuff in this economy.

More here:
George Stephanopoulos Fawns Over Old Boss Bill Clinton: What New Project Excites You?

The Pathetic Promo for CNN’s Pathetic ‘Parker Spitzer’ Program

Just what you’ve all been waiting for – the pathetic promo for CNN’s pathetic “Parker Spitzer” program premiering October 4 (video follows with commentary): Our dear friend Ace of Spades comically wrote Tuesday this reminded him of the sexual tension between Sam and Diane on the hit ’80s sitcom “Cheers.” Hot Air’s Allahpundit noted :  This feels exactly like a trailer for a Nora Ephron comedy about two TV journalists bantering their way through life. Even the whimsical jazzy soundtrack is Ephron-esque. Is that what they’re going for? The coveted “When Harry Met Sally” demographic? I could be down with that, but if they’re going to try it, I want other conceits from the movie too. Like, they could have Kyra Phillips and John King on occasionally in the Carrie Fisher/Bruno Kirby quirky best-friend roles. Even worse, I see more of a “Sleepless in Seattle” or “You’ve Got Mail” dynamic. After all, despite oozing with saccharin, “When Harry Met Sally” was a darned good film. As for the silly giggling noises Parker was making during this promo, I don’t want to have what she’s having. Exit question: Do you care what either of these people has to say about anything?

See the rest here:
The Pathetic Promo for CNN’s Pathetic ‘Parker Spitzer’ Program

ABC’s Diane Sawyer Promotes ‘Change Agent’ Arianna Huffington and Her ‘Innovative Solutions’

ABC’s Diane Sawyer gave Arianna Huffington a rare gift on Tuesday night: An entire World News segment devoted to promoting the left-winger’s new book, Third World America: How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the American Dream , and her Huffington Post site. Though a matching ABCNews.com posting described Huffington as a “liberal commentator,” no iteration of liberal passed Sawyer’s lips. As if Huffington’s book does any such thing, Sawyer wondered: “What if we pulled together in one place all the innovative ideas for creating jobs?” The generous on-screen heading beneath Huffington’s picture: “Change Agent.” After highlighting Huffington’s wish to absolve troubled mortgage-holders of much of their responsibility, Sawyer trumpeted: Arianna Huffington’s new book is called Third World America, and on her Web site, she’s been gathering innovative solutions to keep that Third World from happening. The articles posted on the Huffington Post page with “innovative solutions ,” a page the ABC segment displayed, sound more like the usual liberal carping: “Work Until You’re Dead? That May Be the Only Option for Many Americans,” “Thousands Crowd Atlanta Area Housing Authority for Section 8 WAITING LIST, Fights Break Out,” “The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off the Most Workers: Institute for Policy Studies” and “Income Inequality: ‘The Most Profound Change In American Society In Your Lifetime.’” Huffington hailed: “It’s one person’s idea, like, that’s what I love. It’s like, somebody imagined that, and is making it happen.” Sawyer then showcased an idea that’s failed: “One solution we heard about, Gene Epstein, a self-made millionaire who’s going door to door in Philadelphia, asking every small business to hire one more employee, just for six months. He says if ten percent of businesses do that, one half million people will be employed.” She had to acknowledge, however, he’s “got only one signature.” Not raised by Sawyer in her friendly session with Huffington – the title’s racial overtones. Imagine if a conservative had written a book warning President Obaam’s policies could turn the U.S. into a “Third World” nation? From the Tuesday, September 7 ABC World News: DIANE SAWYER: And finally tonight, what if we pulled together in one place all the innovative ideas for creating jobs? Arianna Huffington has just written a book which begins with some tough statistics about Americans faltering in this economy. SAWYER TO HUFFINGTON, IN MOCK DISBELIEF: Every 30 seconds, someone goes bankrupt in America. Every 30 seconds? ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: Every 30 seconds. And almost three million homes were lost in the last year and about three million or more are expected to be foreclosed in 2010. SAWYER: Foreclosures on mortgages. You think it should be required that every one be negotiated? HUFFINGTON: We need to help people in the middle class who are losing their homes. SAWYER: You don’t think there will be a wave of people shouting, “it’s just not fair, I scraped and saved to make my mortgage payment”? HUFFINGTON: There’s an awful lot that’s happening that’s not fair. But I feel that’s something that, in the end, is going to have a positive impact on every community in the whole country. SAWYER: Arianna Huffington’s new book is called Third World America, and on her Web site, she’s been gathering innovative solutions to keep that Third World from happening. HUFFINGTON: It’s one person’s idea, like, that’s what I love. It’s like, somebody imagined that, and is making it happen. SAWYER: One solution we heard about, Gene Epstein, a self-made millionaire who’s going door to door in Philadelphia, asking every small business to hire one more employee, just for six months. He says if ten percent of businesses do that, one half million people will be employed. GENE EPSTEIN, BUSINESSMAN: People will be buying, stocks will be moving, people will start spending the cash that they’ve had in hand, waiting to spend. SAWYER: So far, he’s undaunted, though he’s got only one signature, a carpet company. EPSTEIN: Businesses have created what we are in the United States. Why can’t they be the salvation for what we are in the United States? SAWYER: Just one person, six months. You think you can pay it forward that way? HUFFINGTON: Yes, I totally believe you can pay it forward. Truth is that democracy’s not a spectator sport. When people take action, it’s the greatest antidote to despair. SAWYER: The rest of the interview’s on ABCNews.com, and give us your innovative ideas.

Go here to see the original:
ABC’s Diane Sawyer Promotes ‘Change Agent’ Arianna Huffington and Her ‘Innovative Solutions’