Tag Archives: widely-regarded

Tobe Hooper Dies: Legendary Horror Film Director Was 74

Sad news for horror fans today … Tobe Hooper has passed away. He was 74 years old. The coroner for Los Angeles County has reported that he died yesterday in Sherman Oaks. As of now, the cause of death has not been revealed. If you are a horror fan, you definitely know of all of his many, many contributions to the genre. But for those unaware, Hooper was responsible for bringing us two of the best, most influential scary movies of them all: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Poltergeist. In addition to directing 1974’s Texas Chain Saw Massacre, he also wrote the screenplay and created the soundtrack. Which means that he is, in fact, solely responsible for delivering that entire terrifying tale — and the franchise that followed. Interestingly enough, Hooper taught at a college before making the film, and he made documentaries on the side. He was out doing some holiday shopping in the early 70s, and he came across a rack of chainsaws for sale. He thought about how much he wanted to leave the store, and how starting up a chainsaw would definitely part the crowd. But instead of firing up a chainsaw in a busy department store, he later pulled together a group of his students and other teachers at the college. And that’s how the movie was created. Seriously. Though there wasn’t much blood at all in the film, Hooper had to fight repeatedly to get it down to a R rating, and it was still banned in several countries. Because, as he so impressively proved, you don’t need gore to completely and thoroughly horrify viewers. Twelve years after introducing the world to those wild Texan cannibals, Hooper directed the sequel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. This movie was very, very different from the first, but still just an absolute gem, proving Hooper’s incredible skill. Which honestly, at that point, didn’t really need proving: eight years after the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre and four years before the sequel, he directed Poltergeist. Which is, of course, also one of the greatest horror movies of all time. He’s directed many other things as well, including a miniseries based on Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot and even a Billy Idol music video. (“Dancing with Myself,” if you were curious.) Hooper is widely regarded to be one of the most influential people when it comes to horror films, and for good reason. And several members of the community are taking the time to pay tribute to him. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2017: In Memoriam James Wan, director of Saw and The Conjuring, tweeted “Sad to hear the passing of Tobe Hooper. One of the nicest people. A sweet, gentle soul of a man. Your legacy lives on.” Fellow legend John Carpenter wrote “Tobe Hooper directed THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, a seminal work in horror cinema. He was a kind, decent man and my friend. A sad day.” William Friedkin, director of The Exorcist, said “Tobe Hooper, a kind, warm-hearted man who made the most terrifying film ever. A good friend I will never forget.” RIP, Tobe.

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Tobe Hooper Dies: Legendary Horror Film Director Was 74

9 Celebs Who Are Just the Worst Human Beings

Some celebrities you know and love have done some awful things. We know. Haven't we all. But we are talking really awful, beyond youthful mistakes or things that aren't as bad as they sound in context. These are acts that venture into the territory where they defy comprehension, and you can arguably consider them horrible human beings. Are we being too judgmental? Maybe, but we didn't do any of this … 1. Sean Penn Sean Penn would be horrible enough for riding around self-righteously on his high horse or being a pretentious douche, but he was Chris Brown before Chris Brown was Chris Brown. That’s right. Back when he was married to Madonna, he tied her to a chair and beat the living crap out of her for hours. Madonna eventually escaped and had him arrested, but decided later to drop charges in order to avoid a media frenzy. She did get a divorce, too, at least. 2. Vince Neil Vince Neil, the lead singer of Motley Crue, was having a house party in 1984. He drove drunk, got into a crash and killed his best friend Razzle in the process; Vince later said “I wrote a $2.5 million check for vehicular manslaughter when Razzle died … I should have gone to prison. I definitely deserved to go to prison. But I did 30 days in jail and got laid and drank beer, because that’s the power of cash. That’s fucked up.” Hey, at least he’s honest. 3. Jimmy Page Jimmy of Led Zeppelin is one of the greatest guitarists of all time, and is widely regarded as one of the craziest rock stars … but that stops being cool after a line is crossed. In 1972, he effectively kidnapped a 14 year old, Lori Maddox, had sex with her and stashed her away to avoid prison. Allegedly, his roadie nabbed her for Page, telling her, “You f–king move and I’ll fucking have your head.” Lori actually stayed with him for years, saying the whole thing was “romantic.” Pretty incredible. 4. Tim Allen Tim Allen was one of the biggest stars of the 1990s and beyond with Home Improvement, the Santa Clause and the like. But in the late 1970s he was one of the biggest drug dealers you ever heard of. He got busted trying to smuggle 1.4 POUNDS of cocaine on a plane, enough to get sent away for life or close to it. Unless you snitch on every dealer you ever met, which he did; Allen got 3-7 years and only served 28 months before turning his career around in remarkable fashion. 5. Rick James Rick James is known for the hit song “Superfreak” and for Dave Chappelle’s hilarious portrayal of him. Good thing, too, because he could be known for assaulting Frances Alley and taking her hostage for stealing his drugs. He tied her up for days, burned her with his crack pipe, and raped her; Rick was convicted of two charges but not torture, which would’ve carried a life sentence. 6. Michael Jackson Many Michael Jackson fans believe the late King of Pop was simply misunderstood, and it’s true, he was never convicted in criminal court for any of his alleged crimes against minors. But ask yourself: Would you leave your own kids around MJ? Exactly. View Slideshow

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9 Celebs Who Are Just the Worst Human Beings

Rick Ross, T.I., Lil Wayne Relive Best Birthday Bash Moments

‘You saw the Birthday Bash stage set on fire,’ King of the South tells MTV News of the Atlanta’s 17th annual hip-hip festival. By Rob Markman, with additional reporting by FLX Lil Wayne performs at 107.9’s Birthday Bash on June 16, 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia Photo: The folks at Hot 107.9 in Atlanta sure know how to throw a party. For their 17th annual Birthday Bash , the southern radio staple celebrated with a who’s who of top rap talent like Lil Wayne , T.I., Usher, Rick Ross , Young Jeezy and about 20,000 hip-hop fanatics. “Every time I come it’s just a new energy,” Miami MC Rick Ross told MTV News immediately after he jumped off the Philips Arena stage. “ATL, for the South, is a very special place, and I feel like anybody from the South, they’re gonna recognize that and it’s a beautiful thing. It was a wonderful night.” The magnitude of the concert still isn’t lost on Lil Jon, a Birthday Bash veteran. “I can’t even believe there has been 17 Birthday Bashes, and I probably been to 10 of them, so it’s always good to be in the hometown where it all started from,” he said. Gucci Mane estimates that he’s performed at the annual throwdown four or five times already. In 2010, he brought out his prot

James “J Dilla/Jay Dee” Yancey: An Evolving Legacy

Another February 7th has come and gone. Some choose to call it “Dilla Day” while others choose to refer to February as “Dilla Month.” Jay Dee AKA J Dilla started out as a producer/MC that was mostly known in underground Hip-Hop circles. He later became a revered producer and musician amongst mainly music insiders and Hip-Hop cognoscenti. Now a full six years after his passing he is so widely regarded that if a Hip-Hop site, magazine or portal, no matter their size, doesn’t acknowledge him they look like ignorant jerks. How did this happen? Also, how is J Dilla and his extensive body of work viewed now versus when he was still among us? Click Here To Read The Rest At HipHopWired.com

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James “J Dilla/Jay Dee” Yancey: An Evolving Legacy

‘Breaking Dawn’ Photos Tease One Hot Honeymoon

‘Twilight’ couple, played by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, get steamy in a new batch of stills. By Terri Schwartz Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” Photo: Summit Fans were already invited to Bella and Edward’s “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” wedding , and now, new photos are giving a sneak peek at the hotly anticipated honeymoon. Chess game on the beach of Isle Esme? Check. Scantily clad swimming sessions under a waterfall? Check. Bella’s realization that she’s pregnant with a half-vampire, half-human baby? Absolutely. Summit certainly didn’t skimp with this round of stills, which includes some of the pics featured in last week’s Entertainment Weekly. Click here for steamy new photos of Bella and Edward. Judging by the photos, viewers can expect plenty of romancing during the “Breaking Dawn” honeymoon. First, there’s the moonlit naked rendezvous that was teased at Comic-Con, and these stills show off another sexy trip into the water. Kristen Stewart certainly appears to be enjoying herself in the first picture, but it looks like she and Robert Pattinson are being interrupted by an unwelcome visitor in the second. There are three other pictures of Bella and Edward being adorable, including one of the couple playing chess. It is a nod to the cover of the “Breaking Dawn” novel, which features a queen at the forefront of a chessboard. Spoiler: The queen represents Bella coming into her own in the final “Twilight Saga” installment. While one picture shows Stewart and Pattinson in their honeymoon bed, the presence of director Bill Condon spoils a bit of the excitement. Fortunately, there are other cute pictures showing them riding on a yacht to Isle Esme and then walking around the island together. The last image of the two of them shows that there’s some trouble in paradise, though, as Bella clutches her stomach after realizing she’s pregnant. Another photo shows Cullen siblings Alice and Rosalie — played by Ashley Greene and Nikki Reed — doing Bella’s hair in preparation of her wedding. It is one of the few wedding-related images that has been shown beyond the actual wedding sequence that was teased in the trailer . The only still released that doesn’t have anything to do with the couple at the center of “Breaking Dawn” is one of Reed and Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black. It’s a tease for the argumentative interactions that the two characters have in the final two “Twilight Saga” films, something that became a fan-favorite part of the last of Stephenie Meyer’s novels. Fingers crossed that this picture takes place while Jacob directs one of his many blond jokes at Rosalie. Check out everything we’ve got on “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1.” For young Hollywood news, fashion and “Twilight” updates around the clock, visit HollywoodCrush.MTV.com . Related Videos MTV Rough Cut: ‘Breaking Dawn’ Director Bill Condon Related Photos Twilight: Breaking Dawn

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‘Breaking Dawn’ Photos Tease One Hot Honeymoon

Lady Gaga’s ‘Yoü And I’ Video: A Pop-Culture Cheat Sheet

Gaga will discuss her inspirations in a live Q&A tonight, following the video’s TV premiere at 7:49 p.m. ET/PT on MTV and Logo. By Jocelyn Vena Lady Gaga Photo: Larry Busacca/ Getty Images After Lady Gaga toned things down for her “Edge of Glory” video , she returned to her usual decadent self for the “Yo

Scarborough Calls on Petraeus and Gates to Fire McChrystal to ‘Keep the President’s Hands Clean’

During Tuesday’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough called for the firing of General Stanley McChrystal. He boldly exclaimed that this discharge should not come from the Commander-in-Chief because “Democrats have to treat generals differently from Republicans.” He goes even further and states, “Were this a Republican, were it George W. Bush, McChrystal would have been fired yesterday,” and “the press would have understood it.” Of course, because during the last administration, the media was noted for giving former President George W. Bush the benefit of the doubt, especially with military decisions. Interestingly enough, a flashback to January 31, 2006, tells a different tale. During MSNBC’s three-hour post State of the Union coverage, Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough, denounced President Bush’s message about Iraq. Matthews thought that President Bush “cashiered” General Shinseki’s remarks about wanting more troops and believed the “idea that these guys are free to think out loud, I thought, has been yet to be proven.” Scarborough echoed Matthews and cited that, “For the most part, the Generals and the Admirals, 99 percent of them parrot what the Pentagon and what the President wants.” [Full article available here ] However, it is now 2010, and it is no longer cool to have the courage to stand up or to think out loud against this administration. There is a new president, so Scarborough insisted, because he is a Democrat, “Gates and Petraeus both have to come out, they need to fire McChrystal, and keep the president’s hands clean.” Since, Scarborough served on the Armed Services Committee he should be aware that the President is the top link in the chain of command and therefore is the ultimate authority, but he wants to make it easier for this Democrat to not do his duty as Commander-in-Chief. Apparently, Scarborough’s conservative viewpoint is synonymous with other MSNBC hosts who parrots White House talking points.

Newsweek Blogger: Tea Party Coverage Isn’t Harsh Enough

Newsweek blogger Ben Adler thinks the national media are giving the Tea Parties gentle treatment. “Unfortunately,” Adler wrote in a June 21 post , “what appear to be false notions of objectivity – or perhaps a lack of interest in policy – is preventing that coverage from illuminating what the movement actually represents and what it would do if empowered.” Adler complained that a recent Associated Press article, ” Enraged to Engaged: Tea partiers explain why ,” failed to examine the ideology of the demonstrators in the grassroots conservative movement. “The piece examines how and why a variety of individuals became involved in the Tea Party movement without once asking what precisely the platform consists of,” Adler said, leading one to wonder if he even read the article. The 2,300-word “stemwinder,” as Adler called it, written by reporter Pauline Arrillaga, presented various segments of Tea Party ideology on five separate occasions. In the third paragraph, Arrillaga notes that the purpose of the Tea Party-affiliated Lincoln Club in Yucca Valley, Calif., is “to promote educate and advance conservative principles of fiscal responsibility small limited government, free enterprise, the rule of law, private property rights, and the preservation and protection of individual liberty.” Eric Odom, widely regarded as a founder of the Tea Party movement, told Arrillaga said the group’s purpose was, “to make sure that we’re represented by people who are looking out for our rights and upholding the Constitution… And if they don’t, to make sure we have an infrastructure to really take them out rather than have these thugs that are in there for 30, 40 years.” As Adler put it, Tea Partiers are “vehemently opposed” to raising taxes. “But when it comes to specifics, suddenly every program seems worthier than when demonized in the collective abstract. Which politician wants to cut spending on Homeland Security? Education for students with special needs? (Surely not Sarah Palin!),” Adler said in a reference to Palin’s son, Trig, who was born with Down syndrome. Adler complained that the AP would dare characterized Tea Party demonstrators as “concerned Americans trying to find their voices, and a way to channel their disgust.” He suggested they aren’t motivated by love of country or concern for the future, but by ignorance. Arrillaga’s article refuted the notion that Tea Party activists are “ignorant,” however. Bill Warner, Lincoln Club member, ran his own engineering firm for three decades. Hildy Angius is currently running the Republican Woman’s Club, and is a staunch Tea Party Activist. She is an ex-PR agent with a degree from New York State Albany. Eric Odom started the Tea Party movement fresh out of college. Tea Partiers come from all walks of life and have diverse academic backgrounds. Adler also predictable recycled a tired media-drive stereotype that Tea Party members are racist. He suggested they are too dumb to realize they’re racist. “Might it be possible that the Tea Partiers who profess no racial motivation are, let’s say, not entirely aware of their own visceral motivations? I’m sure if you asked the Southern voters who switched to Republican voting habits why they did so, many would say race had nothing to do with it. But why should journalists take that at face value?” Adler said. Adler’s assertion that the media have been soft on the Tea Parties might come as a surprise to anyone who’s paid attention to media coverage of Tea Parties. From the very first demonstrations in April 2009, reporters have attacked Tea Party members . According to a Media Research Center study , the media at first tried to ignore the demonstrations, but quickly moved into attack mode, portraying Tea Party protestors as extremists. Just last week, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews aired a “documentary” about the Tea Party portraying its members as racists, terrorists and conspiracy theorists. 

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Newsweek Blogger: Tea Party Coverage Isn’t Harsh Enough

Texas textbook revision alarms California, nation

New social studies standards in Texas for textbooks and instruction are prompting the California legislature to consider a bill preventing Texas textbooks from getting into California classrooms. The planned changes in textbooks and instruction approved by the Texas State School Board are widely regarded as being historically inaccurate and dismissive of the contributions of minorities. In response to the approved changes in Texas curriculum, California State Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, has introduced a bill to prevent Texas textbooks dealing with topics in history, economics and other civics classes from getting into California classrooms. http://www.examiner.com/x-4383-Portland-Progressive-Examiner~y2010m5d23-Texas-te… added by: unimatrix0

Reon Kadena Height Bio

Biography for Reon Kadena * Born: February 19, 1986 * Birth Place: Osaka, Japan * Height: 5#39;5″ * Weight: 105 lbs * Measurements: 35C-23-34 * AKA: Kadena Leon, Minamo Kusano # Reon Kadena is a famous Japanese model and actress who has achieved internet celebrity for her popular nu-de photographs. In Japan, she is is transitioning from her glamor model status to a successful acting career. # Career Kadena is widely regarded in North America for her internet celebrity a

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