Tag Archives: immigration

Kathleen Parker Falsely Claims Alexander Hamilton was an Illegal Immigrant

On Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, CNN's Kathleen Parker bizarrely and inaccurately claimed that Alexander Hamilton came to the United States illegally and drafted the Constitution: “Let's remember… a lot of Americans did come through the back door such as Alexander Hamilton. He got off the boat from the West Indies, and all he did was write the Constitution and become the first Secretary of the Treasury .” Parker raised this false history during a discussion of Pedro Ramirez, Fresno State University's student body president, who was outed as an illegal immigrant by a student newspaper . After playing clips from Ramirez and his opponent during the student election, who is also the president of the Fresno State College Republicans, the CNN host displayed sympathy for the college student: “This is kind of a classic though, isn't it, really? I mean, you've the college Republican versus the illegal immigrant, and it's kind of a classic clash, you know, that corresponds to this immigration debate we're having in this country. And clearly, when you put a human face on the illegal immigrant, it's a different story. I mean, nobody wants to punish this young 22-year-old .” [ Video embedded below the page break ] read more

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Kathleen Parker Falsely Claims Alexander Hamilton was an Illegal Immigrant

Mr. Colbert Goes To Washington

Scroll down for a live-blog of the hearing Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert testified before Congress today about immigration during a hearing called “Protecting America's Harvest.” Colbert appeared with United Farm Workers (UFW) President Arturo S. Rodriguez before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law. In August, the comedian spent a day working at a corn and vegetable farm in New York state after Rodriguez appeared on his show to discuss UFW's “Take Our Jobs” campaign. The effort is intended to debunk the theory that undocumented immigrants are taking jobs away from American citizens and highlight the fact the nation's food supply is dependent on these farm workers. Watch Colbert's opening testimony today: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/24/stephen-colbert-hearing-v_n_737813.html… added by: atomiclegion

Oksana’s Lawyer: She Leaked Nothing

Filed under: Daniel Horowitz , Mel Gibson , Oksana Grigorieva , Celebrity Justice Oksana Grigorieva went on the PR offensive today when one of her lawyers, Daniel Horowitz , went on ” Today ” and proclaimed his client didn’t sell the tapes or leak letters and emails … and says she’s simply a victim of domestic violence. Among the… Read more

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Oksana’s Lawyer: She Leaked Nothing

Japan to Paris Hilton: Sayonara

Filed under: Paris Hilton , Celebrity Justice , Paparazzi Photo Paris Hilton is officially persona non grata in Japan because of that whole cocaine thing. Japanese Immigration officials denied Paris entry into their county because of her guilty plea to cocaine possession this week. Japan frowns on people who get… Read more

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Japan to Paris Hilton: Sayonara

Stephen Colbert to Testify to Congress About Illegal Immigration

Comedy Central star Stephen Colbert will be testifying before Congress this Friday about, of all things, illegal immigration. No, this apparently isn’t a joke. According to the Daily Caller, the comedian “is slated to testify at a congressional hearing Friday on immigration titled ‘Protecting America’s Harvest.'” Jonathan Strong reported moments ago: In July, Colbert interviewed United Farm Workers (UFW) President Arturo Rodriguez on his show. UFW works to legalize the millions of illegal immigrants working in the agriculture sector, and Rodriguez promoted one of their projects, “Take Our Jobs” which offers Americans the chance to try working in the fields if they really think good jobs are being lost to illegals. Since then Colbert reportedly participated in Take Our Jobs, and Rep. Zoe Lofgren, chairman of the immigration subcommittee, was there for that day. Sources said the plan for Colbert to testify arose out of Colbert and Lofgren sharing that day together. For the record, CBS News has confirmed Strong’s report. So actor Kevin Costner testified to Congress in July about the BP oil spill, and now Colbert gets to give his views on illegal immigration. As comedian Yakov Smirnoff said years ago, “America – what a country!” For those interested, this was the “Colbert Report” in question: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Arturo Rodriguez www.colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News

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Stephen Colbert to Testify to Congress About Illegal Immigration

WaPo Warns of ‘Far Right’ Ken Cuccinelli, But Virginia’s Democrat Stars Are ‘Centrists’

The Washington Post’s undisguised loathing for conservative Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is on display again Tuesday. Post reporter Anita Kumar put him on the “far right” and questioned the propriety (and even the constitutionality) of his working relationship with other Republicans in Richmond.  Kumar began by noting a list of Cuccinell’s “controversial” legal opinions, that “police could check the immigration status of those stopped by law-enforcement officers, that the state could impose stricter oversight of clinics that perform abortions and that local governments could allow religious holiday displays on public property.  In each instance, the request for the opinion came from the same person: Del. Robert G. Marshall (Prince William), a like-minded Republican who shares Cuccinelli’s far-right views .” Kumar obviously asked it this “symbiotic relationship” was unconstitutional legal activism that goes around the legislature: Observers say their relationship has become symbiotic — one that helps each promote themselves and advance their interests — but in a way no one envisioned before. “It’s not unconstitutional,” said A.E. Dick Howard, a law professor at the University of Virginia and one of the drafters of the modern Virginia Constitution. “It’s just not contemplated. It’s outside what the framers of the Constitution would have seen.” Democrats, who hold narrow control of the state Senate, accuse the pair of attempting to make an end run around a divided General Assembly, which had already considered — and rejected — similar proposals regarding abortion and immigration. “It circumvents the people’s elected representation,” Sen. R. Edward Houck (D-Spotsylvania) said. “It seems to me perfectly obvious what’s going on. They are now using this legal activism.” Notice the Post has no labels for the Democrats. Kumar ends with a liberal legislator (no label, just a Cuccinelli opponent): Sen. Mary Margaret Whipple (D-Arlington), who often opposed Cuccinelli in the Senate, said she predicts that the General Assembly will try to stop his actions through bills and amendments when the legislature returns in January. “It’s an element of checks and balances,” she said. The completely politicized Post is obviously nervous that Cuccinelli will seek the governor’s office or challenge their heartthrob Sen. Jim Webb in 2012. Kumar isn’t looking to put any Democrat on the “far left” in Virginia, or even describe them as liberal. On the American Conservative Union scale, Webb has an average score of 14. Sen. Mark Warner has a 24. But Kumar sold Warner as a “pro-business centrist” even while he raised taxes. Earlier, on Cuccinelli: WaPo Unfairly Paints Virginia AG As Working for ‘Erosion In Gay Rights’ WaPo Lashes Out Against ‘Militant,’ ‘Provocative,’ ‘Bizarre’ Conservative Candidate

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WaPo Warns of ‘Far Right’ Ken Cuccinelli, But Virginia’s Democrat Stars Are ‘Centrists’

What If Pastor Terry Jones Had Called His Koran Burning ‘Art’?

People have asked me my opinion of the Rev. Terry Jones’ threat to burn the Quran this past weekend. Personally I think the best thing to do with this story is to not give this insignificant media-hound with all of fifty parishioners avoice. But it’s way too late for that now. So, of course I find the action in poor taste – I would  never  burn any religion’s sacred parchment. That is just wrong and disrespectful to millions trying to practice their faith and go about their daily lives in peace. But (there’s always a “but” in such testy cases), when I juxtapose this one twisted symbolic gesture against the disregard-and I would argue  contempt -being shown by so-called “moderate” practitioners of Islam who insist on building their mosque almost on top of the ashes of 9/11 victims against the wishes of so many Americans, I can understand the frustration that creates a Jones and his ilk. And the fact is, as Mayor Bloomberg offered up, if there is freedom of speech for the fanatical Muslim goose, it must also be for the crackpot Christian gander. Still, as a matter of common decency I hope this guy tables forever his plans-and there are no copycats. And as a practical matter, I agree with General Petraeus in that the last thing our men and women in the field need is another faux propaganda storm putting them in greater harm’s way… although I do believe that fear of retaliation should not be a reason to quell free speech but rather to fight harder for it. (Easy for me to say as I am not humping a pack in Kandahar I freely admit!) However, something did occur to me this weekend. Jones is going about this all wrong. If he really wants to burn the Islamic holy book, I know a way that he could do it while at the same time have every left wing pundit and mainstream news outlet not decry his act but rather defend and even celebrate it. He should burn it on the steps of the Museum Of Modern Art up here in New York. And instead of calling it a protest, or a statement, he should just call his Quran torching “art.” In the interest of consistency, artistic integrity and fairness, maybe he can even do it in the building, right on the same spot where in 1989 the infamous “Piss Christ” photo was proudly exhibited. You remember that? The piece of “art” that showed a crucifix submerged in urine? As artist Andres Serrano explained his artistic vision in an open letter to the National Endowment for the Arts: The photograph, and the title itself, are ambiguously provocative but certainly not blasphemous. Over the years, I have addressed religion regularly in my art. My Catholic upbringing informs this work which helps me to redefine and personalize my relationship with God. My use of such bodily fluids as blood and urine in this context is parallel to Catholicism’s obsession with “the body and blood of Christ.” It is precisely in the exploration and juxtaposition of the symbols from which Christianity draws it strength. That seemed just fine and dandy to the free speech warriors and beret crowd back in the day. In fact, Serrano’s inspired piece won the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art’s “Awards in the Visual Arts” competition which was partially funded by that same NEA-your tax dollars at work. So then I submit Jones should just take Serrano’s explanation, re-arrange a few words, and present his action to the creative world this way: The act of immolation itself is ambiguously provocative but certainly not blasphemous. Over the years, I have addressed religion regularly in my sermons. My religious upbringing informs this act which helps me to redefine and personalize my relationship with Allah. My use of such symbolic tools as gasoline and match in this context is parallel to Islam’s obsession with pyrotechnics and flaming destruction. It is precisely in the exploration and juxtaposition of the symbols from which Islam draws it strength. There see? All better now. Sounds like we have ourselves next year’s NEA art contest winner too! At least Jones will have transformed himself from a provocateur into an “artist.” Someone all far lefties can gravitate towards. (Hey and as a bonus, maybe Larry David can pee on it to extinguish the flames like he did a picture of Jesus on an episode of  Curb Your Enthusiasm . What a hoot!) Of course, if MOMA declines the new exhibit, Jones could try the Brooklyn Museum which in 1999 exhibited Chris Olifi’s “artwork” that featured the Virgin Mary splattered in elephant dung. Back then the New York Times  rushed to the defense of the display: To be sure, many citizens of conscience find parts of the Brooklyn exhibition repugnant, and it is understandable that many Roman Catholics would find Chris Ofili’s image of the Virgin Mary offensive.”  But, it continued,  “A museum is obliged to challenge the public as well as to placate it, or else the museum becomes a chamber of attractive ghosts, an institution completely disconnected from art in our time. As an artist myself I grudgingly see the  Times’  point here. So then it would appear, given this take on what constitutes “art,” that what we have in the Quran burning is but the latest chapter in the long, chaotic, glorious march of artistic freedom in defiance of out-moded conventions, intellectually stifling religious dogma, and societal mores. Oh my! What’s a committed lefty to do? One can almost hear the whining robotic cries of  “Error…Error…Error….Does not compute!”  from the First Amendment crowd who until now so craftily hid behind the cover of the Constitution so they could insult the faithful while calling their crass provocations “art” with a straight face. But, why the confusion? Gee, I thought these were the guys who love to wax poetic about the joys of free speech, piously affirming to each other over their third latte: “We may not agree with what he says, but will defend to the death his right to say it!” So clearly then, by donning a black turtle-neck and moving the Quran burning venue from the parking lot of an obscure Florida church to the center of the modern art world, the Reverend Jones can count on some powerful liberal allies to shield him from the inevitable “fatwa” which the courageous Ofili and Serrano need never fear from Christians who have long ago learned to take sucker punches to their faith from the intelligentsia in stride. Don’t hold your breath. These guys only have the mettle to push their “craft” in the faces of those who will not slit their throats. It all depends on whose profit is being gored, and, more to the point, the propensity for violence of those offended. Christians, by the very nature of following Christ’s admonition to embrace thine enemy will always be easy prey for assault and insult… be it in the name of Muhammad or modern “art.” I reject Jones because he is showing the very contempt for another religion that repels me when I see it heaped upon my own in the name of self-promotion and the loosest possible definitions of “free speech” or “art.” The liberals will reject him too, but for a much baser reason… their double-standard is rooted in staying out of harm’s way. Period. The rest is just self-righteous smoke. It certainly prompts one to ask in this latest episode, who are the real cowards in this whole ludicrous non-event? Crossposted at Big Hollywood  

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What If Pastor Terry Jones Had Called His Koran Burning ‘Art’?

MSNBC Gives Liberal Filmmaker Rory Kennedy Platform to Pitch New Documentary, Bash Tea Party

Hours after being featured on this morning’s edition of “Morning Joe” program, liberal filmmaker Rory Kennedy sat down with MSNBC host Thomas Roberts for a softball interview shortly before 2:30 p.m. to promote her new documentary “The Fence.” Kennedy argued that the fence being built along the U.S. border with Mexico was a waste of money, both in its actual construction and in the money required for its maintenance and upkeep over its lifetime.  At no point did Roberts challenge Kennedy by pointing out the conservative argument that border security and national security are fundamental responsibilities of the federal government under the Constitution. Robert closed the interview by asking Kennedy about her views on “what the Tea Party is doing to American politics.”  The daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy painted the movement as borderline anarchistic and simplistically anti-government, as well as bigoted [MP3 audio available here ; WMV video for download here ]: Well, you know, I’m concerned about the Tea Party. I think a big part of their message is anti-government, and the role of government in society. And for me, government plays a huge role. Uh, it historically has done a great job creating an education system, creating a highway system, you know our trash is collected because of this, our kids are educated because of the role of the government. So I think when you say we don’t want government, then what’s going to take that’s place?  And I have a lot of concerns about the bigotry and the racism that comes out of a lot of, from a lot of the Tea Party leaders. I don’t think it’s the direction that this country needs to be going in right now.  Leaving aside her unsubstantiated charge of Tea Party bigotry, where are these anti-trash collection demands Kennedy’s seeing from the Tea Party movement? Roberts of course failed to call her out on these charges as he thanked Kennedy for the interview and reminded his viewers that “The Fence” airs tomorrow on HBO at 8 p.m. and to be sure to “check it out.”

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MSNBC Gives Liberal Filmmaker Rory Kennedy Platform to Pitch New Documentary, Bash Tea Party

Jon Voight Slams Time Magazine as Anti-Semitic for Its ‘Why Israel Doesn’t Care About Peace’ Cover

Appearing as a guest on Saturday’s Huckabee show on FNC, actor Jon Voight condemned Time magazine for the cover on its September 13 issue which provocatively displays the words “Why Israel Doesn’t Care About Peace” in the middle of a Star of David comprised of daisies. Voight charged that there must be anti-Semitism at Time magazine if such a cover could be devised. Voight: Listen, if Israel falls we all fall. Did you see the Time magazine, did you guys see the Time magazine cover? Cover? It was amazing. Here’s a cover with a Star of David on it, and it says Israel doesn’t care about peace. … But this is anti-Semitism. This is, who are the anti-Semites who are running Time magazine? And their prior cover, you know, they alluded to the Islamophobia, they’re calling America Islamophobic. As previously documented by NewsBusters, Time managing editor Richard Stengel bizarrely seemed to see a down side to fewer terrorist attacks against Israelis as he appeared on the Thursday, September 2, Morning Joe on MSNBC, as he suggested that it was a “sad truth” that the low level of recent violence from terrorists — including the “Hamas folks” — had made Israelis feel less urgency about negotiating with Palestinians. Stengel: But, you know, they haven’t had a, they haven’t had a car bombing in two and a half years, and the sad truth really is that the wall with the West Bank has actually worked. I mean, most Israelis in the course of their lives don’t’ come into contact with any Palestinians at all. The wall is functioning. And the Gaza Strip is so small and so isolated they feel that those folks, the Hamas folks, are actually not that big a threat. Back to Saturday’s Huckabee show, Voight also complained about the Obama administration’s lawsuit against Arizona seeking to block the state’s attempt to enforce federal immigration laws. Voight: Let me say that I’m really, really concerned about this lawsuit against Arizona taken out by our President. It’s very concerning to me. … We have, it’s our own homeland. We have had millions and millions of immigrants come into this country under the banner of patience and honor. And they have, you know, gone through all the steps, the necessary steps to become citizens. And now, our President allows murderers and criminals to have a safe haven under the banner of acceptance of illegals. This is, this is a real problem. And what is the purpose of it? I assume to get votes for his continuance. It’s a deep concern of mine. Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Saturday, September 11, Huckabee show on FNC: MIKE HUCKABEE: We’re back with Jon Voight – good friend, great actor and a great patriot, a great lover of this country and one who has, Jon, I think in many ways, taken a role as a public figure who has been very outspoken. You see some dangers to America that you’ve called attention to, unafraid to call attention to. What do you see as the things that we need to be worried about? JON VOIGHT: Well, I think, let me say that I’m really, really concerned about this lawsuit against Arizona taken out by our President. It’s very concerning to me. (AUDIENCE APPLAUSE) HUCKABEE: How do we sue our own states? VOIGHT: We have, it’s our own homeland. We have had millions and millions of immigrants come into this country under the banner of patience and honor. And they have, you know, gone through all the steps, the necessary steps to become citizens. And now, our President allows murderers and criminals to have a safe haven under the banner of acceptance of illegals. This is, this is a real problem. And what is the purpose of it? I assume to get votes for his continuance. It’s a deep concern of mine. HUCKABEE: The thought that the federal government would sue a state because the state is trying to enforce a law that is a federal law that the feds won’t enforce is hard for me to put all that together, Jon. I don’t know if I can quite figure out how the government says we’re going to hold you responsible and sue you because you’re enforcing a law that we don’t have the courage and the will to enforce. VOIGHT: Yeah. HUCKABEE: Somehow that doesn’t fit for me. VOIGHT: Yeah, I think that you’re, I think you’re such a wise fellow (AUDIENCE AND HUCKABEE LAUGH) to be able to figure that one out. HUCKABEE: You may be the only person in America who thinks that way. Jon, what are some of the other threats to the world? You know, America is not the only country in trouble. VOIGHT: Listen, if Israel falls we all fall. Did you see the Time magazine, did you guys see the Time magazine cover? Cover? It was amazing. Here’s a cover with a Star of David on it, and it says Israel doesn’t care about peace. HUCKABEE: And that’s absurd. Anyone who’s ever been to Israel, I’ve been 14 times, would know that no one wants it more but is under a greater level of assault than Israel- VOIGHT: You bet, you bet. HUCKABEE: -because they have so much to lose. VOIGHT: But this is anti-Semitism. This is, who are the anti-Semites who are running Time magazine? And their prior cover, you know, they alluded to the Islamophobia, they’re calling America Islamophobic. Well, this, this is exactly the way that we create wars between nations. Now, what are we going to do? Should we boycott Time magazine? I mean, maybe so (AUDIENCE APPLAUSE) because they shouldn’t have the right to create wars. HUCKABEE: Given their circulation numbers I think most of America already is. (AUDIENCE LAUGHTER) VOIGHT: I wanted to leave, you know, I was thinking is there a ray of hope out there? And I was saying yes, there is a ray of hope if Fidel Castro admits that all his years of presidency were a failure and socialism doesn’t work. And he says that Michael Moore’s movie Sicko is a work of garbage and he scolds Ahmadinejad – this is the truth – and he scolds Ahmadinejad saying, you know, you can’t be a Holocaust denier when everybody knows the Holocaust existed. So there’s a ray of hope. (AUDIENCE APPLAUSE) Thank you, Fidel!

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Jon Voight Slams Time Magazine as Anti-Semitic for Its ‘Why Israel Doesn’t Care About Peace’ Cover

Video: Jack Webb Schools Eric Holder On Arizona

Our friends at BulletPeople.com have come out with another awesome Jack Webb parody video. This time the famed “Dragnet” detective Sgt. Joe Friday is taking on President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder over his treatment of Arizona in their attempt to deal with illegal immigration: Make sure you check out more videos from Bullet People on Eyeblast.

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Video: Jack Webb Schools Eric Holder On Arizona