Tag Archives: immigration

Newsweek Insults Barack Obama As an ‘Anchor Baby’

In a list of famous Americans with a parent (or both) born in another country, the un-bylined last page “Back Story” of this week’s Newsweek listed “BARACK OBAMA (Kenyan Father)” on the page headlined: “What’s So Scary About an ‘Anchor Baby’?” The brief text below the headline, and on top of the diaper, made clear the magazine’s attempt to undermine those suggesting citizenship should no longer be automatically conferred on anyone born within the United States: There’s a movement afoot to alter the 14th amendment, the one that guarantees citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil. Combine this with anti-immigrant policies like Arizona’s and you begin to question the idea of America as a melting pot — as a nation of mothers and fathers welcomed here to seek better lives. But the country has benefited richly from their sons and daughters (right). An “anchor baby” is a child born to parents in the U.S. illegally, so is the magazine suggesting that Obama’s father, as well as parents of the 32 others in their list, were all illegal aliens at the time of the births of their famous offspring? Talk about flinging scurrilous allegations and encouraging the “birther” crowd. Larger jpg image of the page (50 Kb), full size jpg image (1 Mb). I scanned the page and the blotches/darkness within the white areas are from bleed through from the other side of the very thin paper Newsweek uses. Imagine the reaction of the left and Newsweek if a conservative figure had called Obama an “anchor baby.” They certainly would consider it one more insult to add to the right’s “lies” about Obama. The “anchor baby” list with Obama appeared in the very same Newsweek, the September 6 issue, featuring a cover story by Jonathan Alter on the “lies” told about Obama: The outlandish stories about Barack Hussein Obama are simply false: he wasn’t born outside the United States (the tabloid “proof” has been debunked as a crude forgery); he has never been a Muslim (he was raised by an atheist and became a practicing Christian in his 20s); his policies are not “socialist” (he explicitly rejected advice to nationalize the banks and wants the government out of General Motors and Chrysler as quickly as possible); he is not a “warmonger” (he promised in 2008 to withdraw from Iraq and escalate in Afghanistan and has done so); he is neither a coddler of terrorists (he has already ordered the killing of more “high value” Qaeda targets in 18 months than his predecessor did in eight years), nor a coddler of Wall Street (his financial-reform package, while watered down, was the most vigorous since the New Deal), nor an enemy of American business (he and the Chamber of Commerce favor tax credits for small business that were stymied by the GOP to deprive him of a victory). And that’s just the short list of lies. The 32 on the list (not online) in addition to Obama: Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Alex Rodriguez, Frank Sinatra, Joan River, Fred Astaire, Dean Martin, Vera Wang, Bobby Jindal, Colin Powell, Olympia Snowe, Frank Zappa, Henry Mancini, Eugene O’Neill, Henry Heinz, Groucho Marx, George Gershwin, Leonard Nimoy, Nikki Haley, Rene Zellweger, John Cassavetes, Ray Bradbury, Michelle Kwan, Spiro Agnew, Joan Baez, Oscar Hijuelos, Ralph Nader, Norah Jones, Larry King, Eric Holder, Benny Goodman and Narcisco Rodriguez. Spiro Agnew (“Greek Father”)? Not a name you’d think Newsweek would tout. Earlier, my post on Newsweek’s previous edition: “ Newsweek Ranks U.S. the 11th ‘Best Country’ – Bush’s Fault, But Obama Can Stem the Slide ”

See the original post:
Newsweek Insults Barack Obama As an ‘Anchor Baby’

We Don’t Want Carly Fiorina to bring racial profiling to California!

http://bit.ly/9yyQn2 We Don't Want Carly to bring racial profiling to California! Through Carly Fiorina's fierce support of SB 1070 and racial profiling in Arizona one thing is clear, Carly is no friend of Latinos in California and Latinos everywhere. Help spread the word about Carly Fiorina's REAL views on Immigration and together we can stop the potential spread of racial profiling to California. added by: bravenewfilms2

Ariz. Sheriff to Obama: Give Me Half Hour, I’ll Show You How to Secure Border

Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Ariz., is issuing an invitation to President Barack Obama: If the president will come and spend a half hour with Babeu in Arizona, the sheriff says, he will convince the president he can succeed in securing the border and thus make himself into a hero who transcends partisan politics.   Babeu’s southern Arizona county, while not contiguous with the border, has been designated by the Justice Department as part of a High Intensity Drug Trafficking region that is a major route for drug and alien smugglers bringing narcotics and illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico. Babeu has joined with Sheriff Larry Dever of neighboring Cochise County, Ariz.-which does sit on the border-as well as with Arizona’s two senators, John McCain and Jon Kyl, in endorsing a ten-point plan for securing the border.     Noting that President Obama has visited Afghanistan to assess the security situation there, CNSNews.com asked Babeu in a videotaped interview whether he would like the president visit with him in Arizona so he can have the opportunity to persuade the president that his plan to secure the border will work. “If the president gave me a half hour, I am confident that I could convince him and to show him the way that he can personally secure the border, and he would be the hero of everybody that truly transcends bipartisan politics and secures that border,” said Babeu. “I believe that if a leader truly wanted to do that we have the means and the resources necessary to secure our border and to protect America once and for all, and then we can get to the point in the future, only after the border is secure, that there is some type of discussion about what do we do with the approximate 13 million people who are here illegally.”     The  ten-point border security plan  backed by Sheriffs Babeu and Dever and Senators McCain and Kyl includes provisions to complete 700 miles of double- and triple-layered border fending, significantly increase the number of drone surveillance aircraft patrolling the border, and deploy 3,000 National Guardsmen to the Arizona section of the Mexico border alone until the governor of Arizona in consultation with local law enforcement officials certifies that the border is secure. Crossposted at NB sister site CNSNews.com  

Follow this link:
Ariz. Sheriff to Obama: Give Me Half Hour, I’ll Show You How to Secure Border

MSNBC’s Harris-Lacewell: 14th Amendment Debate about Eugenics, Xenophobia

Whenever Fox News host Glenn Beck raises the history of progressives and eugenics, or the possibility that eugenics is part of the motivation of a legitimate policy debate, the left-wing has a hissy fit . But when the left introduces it, we’re supposed to accept it as high-minded and scholarly, especially in the case Princeton University’s Melissa Harris-Lacewell.  On MSNBC’s Aug. 12 “Countdown,” liberal blowhard Keith Olbermann asked Harris-Lacewell, an MSNBC contributor, what the motivation was behind the proposition the 14th Amendment of the Constitution should be altered to close a loophole for illegal immigrants to achieve legal status in the United States. As expected, Harris-Lacewell suggested it was motivated racism, but took it even further to say there was some sort of desire for genetic purity pushing it. “It certainly is xenophobia, but it’s got a little eugenics mixed in with it,” Harris-Lacewell said. “Part of what I see going on here is, first, a deep misunderstanding about the 14th Amendment, and for whom the 14th Amendment provided citizenship. And although certainly part of it was about newly freed persons after the Civil War, it was also about all Americans.” Back in March, Harris-Lacewell demonstrated her ability to play the race card in a unique way – by likening the individual backlash to ObamaCare to the causes of the Civil War . This time she proposed this harebrained theory that altering the 14th Amendment would lead to a genetic purity test used to prove American citizenship. “In other words, I want Americans to pause for a moment and ask themselves on what basis would you determine citizenship, if not based on where a child is born?” Harris-Lacewell said. “So are we willing to go to a kind of genetic grandfather clause for American citizenship? Do you have to have two parents who are citizens? How about grandparents? How about great- grandparents? The notion becomes very quickly a racialized one, where the idea of who will count as American becomes genetic rather than location.” The latest left-wing meme has been that the anchor baby issue really isn’t a significant one based on data from the Pew Hispanic Center , so why worry about it? But the a closer look at the Pew study shows it’s based on U.S. Census data , which has historically been fuzzy on its numbers with undocumented immigrants. And rather than scrutinize the report, left-wingers have accepted it as indisputable fact since Pew, as Olbermann put it, is “nonpartisan.” And that’s allowed liberals like Harris-Lacewell to suggest there is a malicious intent to alter the 14th Amendment and try to de-legitimize a component of the illegal immigration. “And I think all of us, white Americans, black Americans, Latinos who are in the country as citizens, and people who are here illegally and without documentation, should all be worried about such a notion,” Harris-Lacewell said.

Read more:
MSNBC’s Harris-Lacewell: 14th Amendment Debate about Eugenics, Xenophobia

Mark Levin Wishes NewsBusters a Happy 5th Anniversary

Best-selling author, syndicated conservative radio host and friend of NewsBusters Mark Levin has sent along his warm wishes for our fifth anniversary. We thought we’d let you hear The Great One for yourselves. Click here for the MP3 . Transcript included below the page break: Hi, this is Mark Levin. Congratulations to NewsBusters on its fifth anniversary. Frankly, I don’t know what I’d do without NewsBusters. I go there first thing every day to look for the most important, hottest information that’s out there, and I’m not alone. Hundreds of thousands, millions of Americans do exactly the same. I want to salute the folks at NewsBusters, you’re doing a tremendous job. Keep it up, now more than ever.

Read the original post:
Mark Levin Wishes NewsBusters a Happy 5th Anniversary

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Baffled by Wall Street’s Anti-Obama Sentiment: The President ‘Has Not Done’ Much to Business

During Morning Joe on Thursday, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd appeared baffled by a discussion of negative feelings directed towards Barack Obama from Wall Street. The confused journalist wondered, “Look, at the end of the day, he has not done that much when it comes to business stuff.”   Mad Money host, Jim Cramer relayed to Todd that Wall Street is upset because, “Most of the people on Wall Street are behind the scenes guys” and the President is demagoging the issue and demonizing them.  Todd became upset that, regardless of what the President does, “He is getting trapped and hit from both sides, but it isn’t just that, this is how sour the American public is.” To understand why Wall Street and the American public might be “sour,” one needs to look no further than the cap and trade energy proposal, health care, the financial reform bill, the stimulus, or the nationalization of the automobile and student loan sectors. Perhaps Todd could listen to what a colleague on CNBC said. Back in February, Maria Bartiromo asserted that “there are a lot of people on Wall Street and in business increasingly that have said to me actually, ‘I don’t know that I would vote the same today given the fact that we did not expect he was so much to the left, and we did not expect that there was going to be such a big bite in business.’ I mean, that’s a fact.” Recently the media have been expressing incredulity at Barack Obama’s falling poll numbers. This includes MSNBC’s news anchor Contessa Brewer lamenting that after everything President Obama has done, “What else do people want?” Sounding a similar note, Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos on Thursday touted, after all of Obama’s achievements, “What more could the President have done?”

CNN’s Sanchez: Reid’s Racist Gaffe Emblematic of Angle’s Incompetence

Discussing Harry Reid’s racially-charged comment about Hispanic Republicans, Rick Sanchez miraculously managed to turn the embattled senator’s gaffe into an example of his opponent Sharron Angle’s incompetence. On the prime time “Rick’s List” yesterday, the CNN host actually gave serious consideration to the Nevada Democrat’s claim while exploring the extent to which the Angle campaign is “blacking out” Hispanic media outlets. “Also, do you think a Hispanic-American can be a Republican?” teased Sanchez. “Harry Reid doesn’t think so. And I’m going to tell you what Hispanic groups are saying about his opponent as well.” Instead of interviewing a Hispanic Republican who is offended by Reid’s insensitive remarks, Sanchez brought on Miguel Barrientos, a liberal talk show host, to “drill down” on why Angle is allegedly ignoring Hispanic journalists. “These charges against Angle, are they real?” asked a bewildered Sanchez. “Is she really blocking out the Latin media? Or is this just a case of opportunism by her opponent, Harry Reid?” After Barrientos confirmed that Angle apparently does not feel the need to reach out to media personalities who describe themselves as “activists” who “get involved very heavily in the political area,” Sanchez wondered if the Republican Senate nominee is merely an incompetent campaigner: Well, look, maybe she’s just not good at this. Maybe she’s hired people who aren’t very savvy at reaching out to the media. Maybe they’re not very organized and they don’t return phone calls. You know, there’s a stretch between someone not being competent at dealing with the media and somebody blocking out a specific part of the media, simply because they don’t like them, because they’re Hispanic or black or Asian or whatever the accusation is. Reid drew fire when he claimed he doesn’t “know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.” Rather than criticize Reid for insulting the intelligence of every Hispanic Republican in America, Sanchez characterized the Senate majority leader’s statement as something that “some, possibly even what many, Americans think.” A transcript of the relevant segment can be found below: CNN Rick’s List August 11, 2010 Also, do you think a Hispanic-American can be a Republican? Harry Reid doesn’t think so. And I’m going to tell you what Hispanic groups are saying about his opponent as well. This is a hot political story, and I’m going to take you through it when we come back. This is RICK’S LIST. I’m glad that you’re here. RICK SANCHEZ: I am so excited about that. Can’t wait to share it with you. Welcome back. I’m Rick Sanchez. It may be what some, possibly even what many, Americans think. But should it be said by the Senate Majority Leader? What am I talking about? Should Harry Reid suggest that no self-respecting Hispanic-American can be or should be a Republican? Play it, Kel. Sen. HARRY REID (D-NV): I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK? Do I need to say more? SANCHEZ: No, you don’t need to say more. Now, as a South Floridian, I can tell you, senator, that there are many Hispanic Republicans. The question is whether Senator Reid is taking advantage of his opponent’s problems with Hispanics in Nevada. A problem that seems to have come to a head lately with the Latino reporters saying that Sharron Angle is blacking out the Latin media, blacking them out. They say they’re not invited to her press events, that they’re not set press releases, and their phone calls aren’t even being returned. Those are the accusations. Those are the charges. Now we asked both camps about this. Here’s what I got from Reid’s camp. Right? He sent me this tweet saying, look, Rick, “Angle’s anti-saving jobs, helping unemployed, social security, Medicare, and says immigration reform overriding our culture.” So he takes a shot at her. Well, here’s what Angle tweets, alright. “Harry Reid pulls out race card again, whacks himself in the head.” So you could see that they’re going at each other here. Now we asked Angle to join us tonight but she declined. I’ll read you her comment nonetheless. “We have brought on more communication staff,” she says, “in recent days, and we will be reaching out to all media outlets aggressively between now and Election Day.” “This attack,” she says, “is an attempt by Harry Reid to distract the voters from his record and his insensitive comments yesterday regarding Hispanic voters.” So here we go, tit-for-tat, right? Joining me now to wade through all this is Miguel Barrientos. He’s a community activist and radio host for KLAV-AM out in Las Vegas. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to roll the R’s while on American television. That was kind of neat. All right. Let’s start with this. These charges against Angle, are they real? Is she really blocking out the Latin media? Or is this just a case of opportunism by her opponent, Harry Reid? MIGUEL BARRIENTOS, KLAV-AM talk show host: First of all, hello, Rick. We have been working in the community through our radio show. We’re activists. We get involved very heavily in the political area. And we have contacted Sharron Angle’s office saying we want to hear what’s going on, we want to know what the tea party feels about, you know, opening the door to the Latinos, especially when you’re talking about immigration issues. And we have not gotten any phone calls returned. We don’t get support from their staff to say, “this is what we feel.” We always hear what they say on the local print media, but doesn’t come forward and talk to our community to our media. SANCHEZ: Well, look, maybe she’s just not good at this. Maybe she’s hired people who aren’t very savvy at reaching out to the media. Maybe they’re not very organized and they don’t return phone calls. You know, there’s a stretch between someone not being competent at dealing with the media and somebody blocking out a specific part of the media, simply because they don’t like them, because they’re Hispanic or black or Asian or whatever the accusation is. Are you sure when you make this accusation that you’re saying, “look, she’s got a problem with Hispanics?” BARRIENTOS: Well, I’m not – I don’t think she dislikes Hispanics. When you have potentially 100,000 voters that are going to be coming out to vote in the elections and she’s not paying attention to the segment of the community, maybe you’re right. Maybe she doesn’t understand, maybe she’s incompetent, maybe she’s not interested in the Latino vote at this point. SANCHEZ: She says that she’s going to try and hire some people to reach out to you. What’s your reaction to that? BARRIENTOS: Well, I think now that you brought it to her attention, maybe she’s going to get a little smarter on how she’s going to run the campaign and get some Latinos out there to maybe speak on her behalf, which I think is a good idea. SANCHEZ: There’s a possibility that someone in her camp would feel like you’re not going to give her a straight shot anyway. In other words, that much of your coverage is going to be directed towards the Democrat because the voting record there in Nevada tends to be from Hispanics, more of a Democratic vote than a Republican vote. How would you answer that charge? BARRIENTOS: Well, we have issues on the table, Rick. We have issues such as immigration reform. You know, this is something that we have been fighting since 2003 here in Nevada. We’ve been working with the politicians. The Republican Party has basically ignored our call. They don’t support anything that has to do with immigration reform. The DREAM Act is a big issue that our community is faced with, and we need to open up the doors for higher education for those who qualify. I mean, it’s always negative, negative, negative, when it comes down to our issues. So how are we supposed to feel when they’re not really taking care? We’re part of the constituency in her district. SANCHEZ: We’ll leave it at that, then. We understand your point of view and we’ll continue to drill down on this topic. Miguel Barrientos, thanks so much, sir. BARRIENTOS: Thank you, Rick.

See more here:
CNN’s Sanchez: Reid’s Racist Gaffe Emblematic of Angle’s Incompetence

‘Amnesty’ memo reflects ‘dictatorial’ attitude

The alarm continues to be a raised over a private internal memo from the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service that indicates President Obama has an amnesty plan in the works for many illegal immigrants. The memo was drafted by four officials at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service to the director of the department, Alejandro N. Mayorkas. Jan LaRue, senior legal analyst with the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU), believes the memo serves as evidence the Obama Administration intends to go around Congress in its attempt to acquire amnesty for illegal immigrants. “They'll be granting visas and work permits and green cards to people who have illegally entered this country,” she maintains. “They'll do it by a thousand here and a few million there, but they are clearly evidencing an attempt to do it.” In a column published earlier this month on Townhall.com, LaRue suggests that the proposed “registration program for individuals who are unlawfully present in the U.S.” includes registering those individuals as Democrats. While LaRue cautions that the memo does not prove the Obama White House will implement amnesty, she does believe it reveals clues to what many have thought to be true. “The memo indicates that they believe there are several ways that they can accomplish comprehensive immigration reform 'without legislation,'” the attorney explains. “And that's clearly a violation of the separation of power that is established in the United States Constitution.” Indeed, LaRue notes in her column, Article I of the Constitution calls it “legislating without a license.” She comments that “followers of the Constitution can see it as amnesty by a closed and dictatorial executive branch that treats the Constitution as an obsolete opinion.” After the memo was disclosed, the Immigration Service issued no comment concerning the leaked memo. http://www.onenewsnow.com/Politics/Default.aspx?id=1118670 added by: ReverandG

USA Today Reporter: ‘Do You Care About the Nationality’ of Drunk Driver Who Kills a Loved One?

On Sunday morning in northern Virginia, a drunk illegal immigrant — who had previously been convicted twice on DUI charges —  allegedly crashed head-on into a car full of nuns, killing one, Sister Denise Mosier, and injuring the rest. The Benedictine Sisters have since come out to say they are “dismayed and saddened” that the crime “has been politicized and become an apparent forum for the illegal immigration agenda.” USA Today religion writer Cathy Lynn Grossman picked up on that angle of the story yesterday, asking readers if they could forgive a drunk driver who killed a loved one of theirs, a perfectly legitimate query for a blog called “Faith & Reason.” But Grossman then gratuitously threw in a loaded question that confuses anger over lax federal enforcement of immigration laws with xenophobia, asking: Do you care about the nationality of the drunk who kills someone you love? Suspect Carlos A. Martinelly-Montano is an illegal immigrant from Bolivia and a repeat DUI offender — two convictions, one in 2007 and one in 2008 — with a revoked license. He doesn’t belong behind a wheel on Virginia roads and should either have been in jail or deported to Bolivia. There is plenty of blame to go around to both the Bush and Obama administrations and there’s also a legitimate concern by the Benedictine Sisters that this tragedy not be crassly politicized.  But isn’t it politicizing the tragedy for Grossman to suggest that it’s bigotry that informs the average person’s anger over the government’s failure to deport Martinelly-Montano? Isn’t it possible to grieve for Sister Mosier while simultaneously seeing her death as an event that would not have happened had Martinelly-Montano been deported two years ago? It’s entirely possible for a Christian to extend forgiveness and pray for Martinelly-Montano’s immortal soul while also expecting the government to do justice by enforcing immigration laws, particularly against illegal immigrants with two DUI convictions. Surely Grossman, a religion reporter, has to understand that.

Continued here:
USA Today Reporter: ‘Do You Care About the Nationality’ of Drunk Driver Who Kills a Loved One?

Indignant Over List of Illegals in Utah, ABC Condemns ‘Campaign of Intimidation’ by ‘Vigilantes’

“Fear Factor,” Diane Sawyer teased at the top of Thursday’s World News in picking up a cause-celebre of the left, demanding: “Who leaked a list of people labeled illegal immigrants, naming children and pregnant women? Are these vigilantes at work?” She soon intoned that “an investigation is under way into what’s being called ‘The List’ – thirteen hundred names leaked in an apparent campaign of intimidation.” Reporter David Wright relayed how “we called at least fifty people on the list. Most of them declined to be interviewed,” but “one woman,” an apparent serial offender, “told us she’s pregnant with her second child. She’s scared she’ll be deported and separated from her two-year old, a U.S. citizen.” He proceeded to another supposed victim: “Alma is on the list, and afraid.” Wright reported “one common denominator — they all sought help from Utah’s Department of Workforce Services,” meaning they are illegals who sought pay-outs to which they are not entitled . “Plenty of Utah residents feel it’s high time authorities cracked down,” Wright acknowledged, but after a soundbite from an outraged leftist advocate the ABC correspondent ran stock footage of a man with a gun as he ominously concluded: The fear in Utah: the vigilantes may take action themselves, just as they did by circulating the list in the first place. ABC’s concern for liberal upset in Utah came two nights after the same newscast pushed the anti-conservative effort of another left-wing cause: “ ABC Hypes NAACP Indictment of Tea Party as Racist, a Smear the Network Stoked ” MRC study from early May: “ Elitist Networks Pile On Against Arizona Immigration Law : By 12 to 1, ABC, CBS, and NBC Stories Ripped State’s Move to Restrain Illegal Aliens.” From the Thursday, July 15 ABC World News: DIANE SAWYER: And the nation’s intense immigration debate took a new turn in two states today. The Arizona law, officially being debated in a federal courtroom. While in Utah, an investigation is under way into what’s being called “The List” – thirteen hundred names leaked in an apparent campaign of intimidation. Here’s David Wright. DAVID WRIGHT: In Utah’s Latino community, the list is causing a panic. The 29-page printout includes more than a thousand names and personal details. “Some of the women on the list are pregnant,” the cover letter warns, urging that “steps should be taken for immediate deportation.” WOMAN: My mother in law was almost in tears when she heard about it. WRIGHT: Guadalupe is here legally, but she has family members on the list. They’re terrified. WRIGHT, ON PHONE: Hello? Can I speak to Alphonso, please? WRIGHT: We called at least fifty people on the list. Most of them declined to be interviewed. One woman, named Nina, told us she’s pregnant with her second child. She’s scared she’ll be deported and separated from her two-year old, a U.S. citizen. Alma is on the list, and afraid. WOMAN: I’m afraid, even sometimes, even to go out. WRIGHT: One common denominator — they all sought help from Utah’s Department of Workforce Services. A disgruntled state employee there was recently caught on tape. AUDIO OF FEMALE VOICE: It’s not fair that this family gets food stamps, they get financials. WRIGHT: Venting her outrage about illegal immigrants. Indeed, plenty of Utah residents feel it’s high time authorities cracked down. ELI CAWLEY, UTAH MINUTEMEN: If I had my druthers, Immigration and Customs Enforcement would in fact going through line by line and picking these people up and sending them back where they came from. WRIGHT: But it is unlikely police will start rounding people up. But the concerned citizens of the United States are already vowing to come up with new lists on a continual basis. TONY YAPIAS, FOUNDER, UTAH LATINOS: The immigration debate has just reached a new level, and that new level is: We’re going to hunt you, we’re going to go after you, we know where you live. WRIGHT, OVER VIDEO OF MAN WITH GUN IN HOLSTER: The fear in Utah: the vigilantes may take action themselves, just as they did by circulating the list in the first place. David Wright, ABC News, Los Angeles.

Read more here:
Indignant Over List of Illegals in Utah, ABC Condemns ‘Campaign of Intimidation’ by ‘Vigilantes’