Tag Archives: incompetence

Stormy Daniels: Interviewed, Asked Directly About Alleged Trump Affair

You know how Donald Trump allegedly had a months-long affair with a porn star and then paid $130,000 for her silence with campaign money? That porn star is sitting down for an interview. Right now, we just have the teaser video (below). But based on her facial expression when she's asked if she ever banged Trump, we're in for a wild ride. “Did you have a sexual relationship with Donald Trump?” the Inside Edition interviewer asks. Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, tries to keep a straight face. Her face cracks, revealing a smirk. She doesn't say anything to that in this clip, but does acknowledge that it's common knowledge that the two of them at least met each other. You know, through their business relationship. They do, after all, appear in photographs together. According to a report from The Wall Street Journal , Donald Trump and the porn star who worked under the title, “Stormy Daniels,” had sex at least once back in 2006. This would have been shortly after the birth of his son, Barron, and not long at all after he married his wife, Melania. What was truly explosive about this was that it appeared that Trump, through one of his lawyers, paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 in exchange for her signing a non-disclosure agreement in 2016, just months before that fateful 2016 election that we all wish that we could somehow forget.   ” Saturday Night Live is my favorite show of all time,” she says. That's … quite something. Most people watch it (or at least clips of it), and though I have friends who've attended live shows and I've watched it since I was a kid, I never quite imagined it being a person's favorite show. “You were portrayed on [Weekend Update]. What was that like?” She says that being portrayed was “terrifying,” for one good reason: “Because I love SNL and I have a little crush on him. On Colin.” Doesn't everyone? (We're not getting into the is Colin Jost or Pete Davidson hotter debate here) She admits that it would make her feel bad if Colin Jost were to say something mean about her during Weekend Update. We imagine that she was relieved. Her portrayal did little to make fun of Stormy herself and mostly served as an indictment of people who elected Trump and of those who are more fascinated with salacious scandals than they are with actual issues like national security and treason. She admits that she “giggled” while watching. We'd hate to see people give Stormy Daniels a hard time over being a sex worker. if anything, though we may not share her political beliefs (she's a Sarah Palin fan, of all things), this woman deserves our sympathies. After all, she possesses unenviable knowledge of what Trump's penis looks like . The alleged affair between Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump featured “generic” sex , and reportedly lasted the better part of a year. Many are hopeful that this Inside Edition will reveal hints, even if Stormy Daniels is still bound by the NDA that she signed, about Trump's infidelities and personal opinions. (Beyond the fact that he's apparently terrified of sharks, and beyond the story about him wanting to be spanked with a Forbes … the world's worst product-placement for Forbes but actually a boon to shark preservation charities) But it's important that we not lose focus. This is a detail relevant to Trump's marriage and hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of his “family values” supporters. This is not relevant to Trump's total inability to govern or his incompetence or his monstrous personality. For that, see … everything else about him, ever. That said, it's still an entertaining story, and we hope that you enjoy this clip:

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Stormy Daniels: Interviewed, Asked Directly About Alleged Trump Affair

Rob Kardashian: Feeling Neglected by Blac Chyna!

This isn’t the first time he’s deleted his Instagrams, but it still doesn’t bode well for his relationship. Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are still together, despite the sock designer’s seemingly rash decision to wipe any trace of Chyna from his social media account. “ They didn’t break up , they had a fight,” a source told Us Weekly . “They fought and then started talking again yesterday. It was just a fight.” Kardashian is reportedly upset that Chyna isn’t paying as much attention to him, and something happened over the weekend that “really bothered” the once-reclusive reality star. “They were filming this weekend, and one of the people in her crew asked her to do something without him, and he snapped. He was pissed that she was neglecting him again,” the source said. “They started talking again yesterday though and made up today (July 25th).  He was just feeling neglected, and he always gets emotional and deletes things on social media when that happens. … But things are fine now.” Kris Jenner Reacts to Rob Kardashian’s Engagement It looks like Kardashian is still getting used to filming a reality show.  And since he is a main focus Rob & Chyna , it’s not as easy for him to walk in and out of scenes like he did on Keeping Up With The Kardashians .  Their argument, the source points out, “was from the pressure of filming the show and everything moving too fast.  “Rob is just not used to filming again, and it’s been hard on him.” Chyna runs her own business, Lashed by Blac Chyna and is a single mom to son, King Cairo.  On top of that, she books appearances all over the country.  “Everything with Chyna is moving so fast,” the source said. She’s a single parent and filming the show and all of her other work commitments, so Rob has been feeling neglected by her. She has also been doing things on her own a lot with her girlfriends.” Kardashian proposed to Chyna in April after just four months of dating.  A month later, the couple announced that they were expecting their first child together. So…yeah.  Everything is moving a little fast. View Slideshow: Kardashians React to Rob and Blac Chyna’s Engagement News

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Rob Kardashian: Feeling Neglected by Blac Chyna!

Chelsea Houska SLAMS Article Calling Her A Bad Mother

Chelsea Houska is not impressed with an article that paints her as a bad mother.  The whole thing stemmed from Houska using an at-home ultrasound device.  The article refers to her using the ultrasound as a “habit.”  It’s hardly a habit to want to check how your baby is doing. Actually, it shows that she wants to make sure everything is going smoothly.  Houska was understandably furious about the whole thing and took to Twitter to address the article.  “I honestly f***ing CANNOT with this crap. This whole article was made to sound like I’m harming my baby,” Houska explained.  If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you’ll know that Chelsea is a great mom.  View Slideshow: Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer: Cutest (Most Stable) Teen Mom Couple Ever! In fact, she’s probably the best mom out of the whole Teen Mom franchise.  It’s horrible that Houska has had to even publicly acknowledge the article, but it would be difficult for anyone to stay quiet after having their parenting questioned. The Teen Mom 2 star recently announced via Instagram that she and fiance Cole DeBoer are expecting their first child together. She revealed to fans on a Twitter Q&A that her due date is Valentine’s Day 2017.  Chelsea will also marry Cole in October and there’s word that she won’t be delaying the wedding.  Instead, there will adjustments to her dress to ensure that her wedding goes ahead.  Chelsea first met DeBoer at a gas station, but they didn’t speak to one another.  DeBoer then contacted Chelsea on social media and their relationship grew from there.  What do you think about all of this? Hit the comments! Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer Show Aubree Wedding Rings, Melt Our Hearts

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Chelsea Houska SLAMS Article Calling Her A Bad Mother

Leah Messer: SLAMMED By Fans For Latest Video of Daughter Addie

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you know that questionable parenting decisions are kinda Leah Messer’s thing. Whether she’s passing out while holding a child or rushing her daughters off to school without breakfast , raising kids often feels like a job that Leah’s not particularly well-suited for, but she’s kinda stuck with it now, ya know? Leah, has been very vocal about the fact that she believes she’s simply a victim of bad editing. But we’re not buying it, in large part because some of the most damning evidence about her incompetence as a parent comes straight from her own Instagram page. Check out her latest WTF?! moment: Leah Messer Records Video of Daughter While Driving Yes, despite the fact that she gets criticized every single time she records video with while driving, Leah persists in dong so – with her kids in the car, no less. “She is soo happy! Will post some pics of her swimming soon! She is the definition of PERFECTION! #MyBaby -FYI: My eyes stayed on the road the ENTIRE time, so try to be nice on the comments. Otherwise I will block you, k? thanks!” Sigh. That’s not how this works, Leah. You don’t get to post video of yourself doing something stupid and dangerous and make yourself magically immune to criticism by saying, “But don’t worry, I was totes safe about it!” And it’s not like she filmed herself exercising caution while sticking a fork in an electrical outlet. When you do dumb things behind the wheel, you’re not just endangering yourself, but also everyone around you, including the adorable little girl in the backseat.  “I’ve lost real people in my real life because of distraction while driving on the phone. I promise you it’s worth the wait until you’re not driving. Be safe, have fun with those babies,” one commenter wrote. Another added, “Please, if you love your children don’t text and drive/record and drive. It was a cute video but PULL OVER to record it. Your lives are precious, don’t put them at risk because you’re on your phone.” Believe it or not, there was a time not that long ago when no one carried a tiny computer in their pocket, and when they drove, they did so without sending messages to anyone or sharing videos with millions of people. There were fewer distracted driving accidents, but that was partially due to the fact that you just don’t go as fast when you’re propelling the car with your own feet, a la Fred Flinstone. Anyway, we’re rambling in our old age. The point is – stop shooting videos while you’re driving, Leah! View Slideshow: Leah Messer Bad Parenting Excuse Hall of Fame

Here is the original post:
Leah Messer: SLAMMED By Fans For Latest Video of Daughter Addie

Leah Messer: SLAMMED By Fans For Latest Video of Daughter Addie

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you know that questionable parenting decisions are kinda Leah Messer’s thing. Whether she’s passing out while holding a child or rushing her daughters off to school without breakfast , raising kids often feels like a job that Leah’s not particularly well-suited for, but she’s kinda stuck with it now, ya know? Leah, has been very vocal about the fact that she believes she’s simply a victim of bad editing. But we’re not buying it, in large part because some of the most damning evidence about her incompetence as a parent comes straight from her own Instagram page. Check out her latest WTF?! moment: Leah Messer Records Video of Daughter While Driving Yes, despite the fact that she gets criticized every single time she records video with while driving, Leah persists in dong so – with her kids in the car, no less. “She is soo happy! Will post some pics of her swimming soon! She is the definition of PERFECTION! #MyBaby -FYI: My eyes stayed on the road the ENTIRE time, so try to be nice on the comments. Otherwise I will block you, k? thanks!” Sigh. That’s not how this works, Leah. You don’t get to post video of yourself doing something stupid and dangerous and make yourself magically immune to criticism by saying, “But don’t worry, I was totes safe about it!” And it’s not like she filmed herself exercising caution while sticking a fork in an electrical outlet. When you do dumb things behind the wheel, you’re not just endangering yourself, but also everyone around you, including the adorable little girl in the backseat.  “I’ve lost real people in my real life because of distraction while driving on the phone. I promise you it’s worth the wait until you’re not driving. Be safe, have fun with those babies,” one commenter wrote. Another added, “Please, if you love your children don’t text and drive/record and drive. It was a cute video but PULL OVER to record it. Your lives are precious, don’t put them at risk because you’re on your phone.” Believe it or not, there was a time not that long ago when no one carried a tiny computer in their pocket, and when they drove, they did so without sending messages to anyone or sharing videos with millions of people. There were fewer distracted driving accidents, but that was partially due to the fact that you just don’t go as fast when you’re propelling the car with your own feet, a la Fred Flinstone. Anyway, we’re rambling in our old age. The point is – stop shooting videos while you’re driving, Leah! View Slideshow: Leah Messer Bad Parenting Excuse Hall of Fame

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Leah Messer: SLAMMED By Fans For Latest Video of Daughter Addie

Larry King Still Has a Job and Other Reasons Why CNN Sucks [Cnn]

Today’s New York Times takes on the problem of Larry King . Specifically, the problem that no one is watching him. But that’s not just Larry King’s problem! His whole network has that problem. Because it is awful. More

Gulf oil spill killing birds and sealife

Pictures of the extent of this ecocide as the oil continues to gush out of the well 31 days after the Deepwater Horizon blew… THIRTY ONE DAYS. Scientists estimate that it could well be 100,000 gallons not 5000 gallons per day escaping from this well, which surely explains how it has now created subsurface plumes and become a part of the current loop that will in time more than likely carry it up the East Coast to spread its cancer. You cannot look at the photos of these animals and not be emotionally struck by them. Our very biodiversity and the ecosystems they and we depend on to live are now in great danger. And yet, all we get from BP are lies, coverups, and one failed attempt after another to plug this well and aggressively seek to save the wildlife and sealife that inhabits this once beautiful part of our country. And all we get from this government is a reshuffling of the incompetence that aided in it and feigned outrage as BP's stock price actually rises. There is no way to recover the moral conscience lost in regards to this gash that now bleeds our planet. It is an open wound that reveals to all the price paid when what is less important is given a false value over those things whose value is immeasurable. I really don't know how much more I can watch of this unfolding. Water is what gives us life, and we are killing it… and my heart is aching. I do know this, however. I know that as someone like so many who cares for the sustainability of this planet and the future of our children, I will not rest until those responsible for this pay. added by: JanforGore

Adam Lambert Album Preview: Snippets of Every Song!

Have you listed to the first single off Adam Lambert’s debut album, For Your Entertainment ? Did you like it? If so, are you ready for even more from Adam Lambert

Originally posted here:
Adam Lambert Album Preview: Snippets of Every Song!

Fragrance Face-Off: Reese Witherspoon vs. 50 Cent

With the launch of her new perfume, Reese Witherspoon is definitely In Bloom … but can she complete with the great 50 Cent in the celebrity fragrance department?

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Fragrance Face-Off: Reese Witherspoon vs. 50 Cent

Nicolas Cage: Broke, Blaming Business Manager

If you thought commanding $20 million a movie would leave you set for life, or at least able to pay the mortgage, Nicolas Cage is broke and totally proving you wrong! Cage is rumored to have no more National Treasure … or something. Moreover, the guy actually owes $6.3 million in back taxes, which he blames on his manager

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Nicolas Cage: Broke, Blaming Business Manager