Tag Archives: tanning

Tanning Mom Is a Serious Turn On of the Day

This tanning bitch is porn to me….I don’t know why…maybe it is because I like clown looking bitches who put their daughter’s life in jeopardy all in the name of a good healthy complexion….one that makes a 30 year old look like a dried up leather boot….she’s just trying to instill important values into her girl…like that no one likes a pasty bitch…and really the tanning salon is to blame…becuase as far as I’m concerned, this dried up, leathery face, just looks experienced at well traveled…like she’s been lost at sea for a few months….an expert at a life we just don’t understand…and when looking at her and her white lipstick…I just can’t help but wonder what her pussy looks like…. Tanning mom is my new addiction. She needs her own reality show… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Tanning Mom Is a Serious Turn On of the Day

Dark And Not So Lovely: The Biggest Tanning Fails Of All Time

Worst Tans Of All Time It’s that time of year. School is almost out. Summertime is upon is. It’s time to hit the beach. This means it’s time to get those beach bodies ready. Which also means, for those people not blessed with extra melanin, it’s time to get tans! While this is generally harmless activity, it can get out of hand. Just take a look at some celebrities and regular people that took their tanning too far.

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Dark And Not So Lovely: The Biggest Tanning Fails Of All Time

Paris Hilton’s G-String Tan of the Day

Paris Hilton took advantage of a window of opportunity that her trashy exhibitionist ass saw in the form of paparazzi pointing cameras at her…She was probably like “shit it’s like old times, people actually care to see me, well I better give these pictures legs, so that websites post the shit, even if in a mocking way of my trashy stripper looking g-string tanline, one I got by strategically wearing the same underwear to the tanning Salon everyday, so that I’d look like those trashy whores that used to wear low rise jeans, with tan lines up and over their hips, you know cuz despite having billions of dollars, I’m a trashy whore too, I mean I even have a fucking sex tape”…..at least that’s what I assume went through her head, but maybe I’m giving her too much credit, maybe she’s more the kind of girl who is like “ass itchy thanks to herpes, scratch even if camera sees me” cuz she has no shame….and if she did you’d know that shitty blowjob she gave in her porn would never have seen the light of day…. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Paris Hilton’s G-String Tan of the Day

Not Exactly Haiti: A Shirtless Anderson Cooper Joins Snooki At The Tanning Salon


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Jersey Shore star Snooki took Anderson Cooper out to Beach Bum Tanning on Tuesday’s edition of Anderson , stripping the newsman down to his skivvies. “I had no idea that Mr. Anderstand (sic) had muscles,” Snooki remarked incredulously, “so when he took off his shirt, he had like a huge peanut muscle! Cool.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Mediaite Discovery Date : 14/09/2011 16:15 Number of articles : 3

Not Exactly Haiti: A Shirtless Anderson Cooper Joins Snooki At The Tanning Salon

Rosie Huntington-Whitely Naked for Burberry of the Day

I guess transformers projected this model who used to get naked for fashion to a whole other level of model….you know making the big money and not being forced to show actual nipple for some new burbery scent campaign…. It seems like just last year….I’m talking July 13th last year….bitch showed her nipple for fashion…I guess doing the ground work to be a household name knowing her movie star career was coming….you know getting the whore who gets paid to get topless out of her system….something I hope is part of her moral fabric….cuz I’m down for the tail-end of this career to hit when she’s forced to do everything naked just to pay for her mortgage…and least that’s what I’m hoping for, cuz I like desparation, even though I know she’ll easily find a billionaire man to lock herself into via marriage…and the only nudity we’ll get out of her is paparzzi shots of her tanning topless on a yacht… What a waste of a perfectly willing to get naked for money slut…..

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Rosie Huntington-Whitely Naked for Burberry of the Day

Crystal Lowe nude tanning

Crystal looks gorgeous fully nude in the tanning booth showing off her hot tits Continue reading

Paris Hilton’s Vacation is Better Than Yours

Paris Hilton is on vacation. What that entails when one has no job to go back to, we have no idea. But it involves arrests for pot and is a bit more lavish than your standard vacation. How different is Paris’ lifestyle than that of the average American family? Jimmy Kimmel decided to help clearly the subtle variations in a funny bit Friday. Who was diving off yachts and swilling $500 bottles of Cristal in Saint-Tropez and who was sweltering in the backseat of a non-descript sedan? Who was loving life in a bikini and designer shades on the beach and who was bundled up on the streets of (relatively) chilly San Francisco? Check out the vacation-snapshot comparison below and see … Paris Vacation

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Paris Hilton’s Vacation is Better Than Yours

Snooki to President Obama: You’re a Liar!

Snooki is upset with President Obama, and not because of foreign policy, health care reform or even the tanning tax she whined about in the Jersey Shore premiere . She thinks he dissed her on TV. During Obama’s visit to The View , he said he didn’t know who Snooki was. We don’t blame him for trying to dodge that one, but in May, POTUS joked that the Jersey Shore star and her cohorts should be excluded from that very tanning tax. “I know he knows who I am,” Snooki told E! Online this weekend. “Why did he have to lie and say he didn’t know me? He did say Snooki and JWoww about the tanning stuff and now he doesn’t know who I am? He has to stop lying.” Looks like Barack’s down one voter in 2012. KISS OFF : Snooki wants the President to stop the lies . As for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie slamming the MTV series for tarnishing the Garden’s State’s image, Snooki, who is actually from N.Y. State, simply said, “He needs to come over and have a hot dog and a Corona and just chill.” But not too many Coronas. Otherwise he could end up arrested like Snooki on July 30. “I learned not to drink during the day and save it for the clubs. Have you ever been in jail? It’s not fun. I never want to go there again.” We have, and can vouch for her on that one. Better to wait until at least 4 p.m. before cracking open that first cold one. Maybe she’ll write this newfound wisdom down in one of her new books. Yes, that was books , plural. “One is the Snooktionary with all my sayings,” Snooki said . “The other is the story of somebody going to Seaside Heights and everything that could happen to them.” Could make a nice stocking stuffer, Barack.

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Snooki to President Obama: You’re a Liar!

Snooki And John McCain Bond On Twitter Over Tanning Taxes

‘I would never tax your tanning bed!’ onetime presidential candidate tweets at the ‘Jersey Shore’ starlet. By Terri Schwartz Snooki at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards Photo: Jason Merritt/ Getty Images A lot of things are changing on “Jersey Shore” this season, and the MTV Movie Awards ‘ 13-minute teaser clip let us in on the most important difference: Snooki is reverting to spray-tanning . Jersey tanning salons are sure to feel the repercussions of Snook’s admission, which she said was as a result of President Obama raising taxes on tanning beds. Turns out more than just “Jersey Shore” fans heard Snooki’s cry for help, and the self-identified guidette earned herself an unexpected ally against Obama’s tanning taxes: Arizona Senator John McCain. “@Sn00ki u r right,” the 2008 Republican presidential candidate tweeted on his verified account. “I would never tax your tanning bed! Pres Obama’s tax/spend policy is quite The Situation. but I do rec wearing sunscreen!” Snooki caught McCain’s shout-out and, though she didn’t respond to him directly, did tweet back , “Haha Yes!” Does this mean John McCain is coming out as a “Jersey Shore” fan? It seems like it, considering not only did he catch Snooki’s comment, he also threw in a Situation reference for good measure. Sure, there’s a good chance it was McCain’s social-network guru (who is most likely hip on the hot MTV show) who posted the tweet, but the first option is so much more enjoyable. Since Sarah Palin will likely be running for president herself in 2012, McCain should keep Snooki in mind as a vice-presidential candidate if he decides to take on Obama again. They already have the tanning-taxes platform in common! Season two of “Jersey Shore” premieres Thursday, July 29, at 10 p.m. ET/PT on MTV. Be there! Related Videos Jersey Shore Blow-Out At The Movie Awards Related Artists John Mccain

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Snooki And John McCain Bond On Twitter Over Tanning Taxes

Lady Gaga Bird Faced and Tanning of the Day

I love these stalker pictures because it makes me feel like I am in on the perverted peeping tom, only I don’t get the thousands of dollars for getting the picture, I just get to look at them….not that I like looking at pictures of Lady Gaga ever, especially when they pretty much show nothing but Gaga’s weird weak-chinned, big-nosed, bird face, but she is covered up in a fucking t-shirt so that her shitty pasty skin doesn’t get a fucking burn or some shit and that is something worth celebrating, because I don’t want to see Gaga naked, I find her a monster with no sex appeal and I hate that she already pollutes our lives with her disgusting half naked body, so it’s nice to see that in her downtime, she knows shit is really fucking inappropriate and that no one really wants to see her disgustingness, while I thought she was fame-hungry enough to be fisting her ass and playing with her balls while clamping her sloppy tits to get noticed….but I guess she’s finally getting broken down by all the attention and is tired of living her lie, so it’s just a matter of time before she is forgotten which will end with her suicide…cuz she’s cliche and thinks that’s poetic and I’m happy about that, cuz I’m ready for Gaga to end. Here are some pics of her getting off the boat I wish sank when she was on it – and she’s back in costume – living her lie – pantsless…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Lady Gaga Bird Faced and Tanning of the Day