Tag Archives: credit-card

How? Just…How? George Zimmerman Is Walking Around Florida Calling People “Ni**er”

George Zimmerman Kicked Out Of Florida Bar For Calling Waitress N-Word Somehow, by some miracle of Satan, George Zimmerman is a free man, walking around Florida, calling black people “ni**er” and there are zero consequences . According to ABCNews , Trayvon Martin’s murderer was kicked out of a bar in Seminole County, Florida for accusing an innocent black man of punching him, berating a waitress, snatching a credit card out of her hand and droppin’ an n-bomb on her. Peep what actually happened in the case of the alleged “punching” When deputies arrived, Zimmerman demanded that a black man be arrested for hitting him. Authorities say bar video shows the man had given Zimmerman two friendly pats on the arm. Friendly pats on the arm, huh? Sounds a lot like when Trayvon Martin “bashed my head into the concrete sidewalk”… No arrests were made. Zimmerman walks off scot-free…again. How is this guy…? *sigh* So, nobody gonna…” *sigh* Image via AP

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How? Just…How? George Zimmerman Is Walking Around Florida Calling People “Ni**er”

21 Black-Owned Banks And Credit Unions In US

Considering Black Banking? Here Are 21 Black-Owned Banks Around The U.S. Like most Black-Americans right now, you’ve probably been asking yourself what you can do to effect change in in lieu of the recent racial tragedies . Well, that’s what we’re here for! One way to rebuild and protect African American communities is to invest in Black-owned business . That doesn’t just mean curly hair custards or skincare, that also includes necessities like banking. Here we’ve compiled a list of 21 Black-owned banks and credit unions that will help you put your money where your mouth is. Flip the script to find a location near you.

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21 Black-Owned Banks And Credit Unions In US

BOSSIP Exclusive: Ex-NBA Star DeShawn Stevenson’s Bank Account Seized Over $400K Credit Card Debt

Former Atlanta Hawks Baller Had Just $62 In Bank Account Former NBA player DeShawn Stevenson is refusing to cough up more than $384,000 to American Express for unpaid credit card bills – and now the company is on the hunt for his bank accounts. American Express Centurion Bank sued Stevenson back in March 2014 in Florida’s Orange County Circuil Court. The bank accused the ex-NBA star of breaching the agreement he had with them over his line of credit. The American Express Centurion card – aka the exclusive members only Black Card – is issued to cardholders who have a certain net worth and spend more than the average cardholder. DeShawn, 35, famously posted a photo of him on social media holding the exclusive Black Card back in 2008. However, it appears the free agent blew off his credit card bills with American Express, which then sued him for breaching their deal. The former Atlanta Hawks player also decided to blow off the lawsuit and never responded to the allegations he owed the credit card company money. As a result, the judge in the case granted a default judgment for $384,000.82 against DeShawn last May. Then last month, American Express headed back to court demanding the judge help them collect on the former NBA star’s six figure debt to them. Bank officials explained that that DeShawn hasn’t paid a dime on the judgment. American Express pleaded with the judge to allow it to issue a writ of garnishment against the NBA star’s bank account to collect on their money. The Florida judge signed off on the motion and allowed the company to subpoena Bank of America’s records for DeShawn’s account. The bank then responded by informing the court they only had $62.09 of his cash and plan on handing it over American Express to put a small dent in the $384,000 judgment. The credit card company will now be on the hunt for other banks or credit unions where DeShawn keeps his cash so they can get their money.

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BOSSIP Exclusive: Ex-NBA Star DeShawn Stevenson’s Bank Account Seized Over $400K Credit Card Debt

All That Positive Thinking You’re Doing Is Making You More Depressed

…For many, thinking positive is an optimistic mindset sustained by positive affirmations and the general attitude that everything happens for a reason, even if that thing isn’t particularly pleasant. For others, positive thinking is a fantasy land of unrealistic goals and desires, often not backed by any real action, and it’s that type of thinking that can make you even more depressed about your current state of affairs, so says research recently published in Psychological Science. In four different studies, researchers had participants from school-aged children to adults fantasize about some aspect of the future and measured their state of mind at the time of the thinking and in a later meeting. Immediately, positive thinking about some sort of fantasy in the future relieved symptoms of depression, but in follow-up sessions the participants were actually more depressed. Gabriele Oettingen, PhD, lead author of the study, said the reason is: “These positive fantasies relax us and de-energize us. We feel accomplished in the fantasized-about future, so we don’t actually put in the work needed to achieve that future….” [ MadameNoire ] Booking A Trip? Beware Of Fake Travel Sites …In recent years, the BBB has uncovered several fake booking websites, hidden fees and corrupt business transactions, reports WTNH. In order to avoid becoming a victim of fraud, the BBB gives three-pointers to help you successfully plan your next trip without the risk of being scammed. Do Your Research: Research the reviews of the booking company on their site, Yelp and Google. Also, be sure to investigate where they are located and if their contact information is listed on their site. This will inform you of their business etiquette and integrity. Call The Company: Before booking your illustrious getaway, call the company to verify that real people actually work there and get a play-by-play of what you’ll be paying for, especially when booking all-inclusive trips. Pay With A Credit Card: When you pay with a credit card, you’ll be able to dispute the charges if the site or booking company is fake. Also, be sure to check the fine print for hidden fees or surcharges… [ MadameNoire ] Beyoncé Launches Fund To Help The Children Of Flint After two almost years of going virtually unrecognized in the headlines, Flint, Mich. is getting the attention desperately needed to mend the city’s water crisis. Over the last couple months recordings artists like Big Sean, Diddy, The Game have stepped forward with donations, and Beyoncé’ is the most recent celebrity to attach herself to the cause. In connection with her Formation World Tour, Bey announced her very own fund to help the people of Flint, and she’s giving fans an opportunity to donate. The Texas native has partnered with the United Way for the latest #BeyGOOD initiative benefiting the Flint Child Health and Development Fund. [ HipHopWired ] Watch Teyana Taylor Heat Things Up In “Touch Me” Visual [ Vibe ] Ghostface Killah: Martin Shkreli ‘Bout to Catch a Big Mama Ass Whoopin’! [ TMZ Obama Wants To Get Rich And Poor Kids In The Same Classroom [ HuffingtonPost ] 5 Things We Know About ‘Deadpool,’ A Superhero Movie Unlike Any You’ll Ever See [ StarPulse ]

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All That Positive Thinking You’re Doing Is Making You More Depressed

18 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Convicted Felons

Who knew Christian Slater was a convicted felon? And what exactly did 50 Cent to to get himself in trouble with the law? From felony drug charges, weapons charges, and even assault, here's a surprising list of celebrities who are also convicted felons. 1. Christian Slater It’s hard to believe, but Christian Slater got into a LOT of trouble back in the day, including drunk driving, trying to board a plan with a concealed weapon in his luggage, and assaulting a police officer. 2. Stephen Fry Stephen Fry actually once spent three months in prison for credit card fraud. Who knew? He was only 17 at the time, but he made the bad decision of going on a spending spree with a family friend’s card. Whoops. 3. 50 Cent 50 Cent got into major trouble when he tried to sell drugs to an undercover police officer. That was one of two times he was charged with felony drug possession. 4. Yasmin Bleeth It’s true. The Baywatch babe was charged with felony drug possession in 2001. She was put on probation and sentenced to 100 hours of community service. 5. Mark Wahlberg Also known as “Marky Mark,” Mark Wahlberg was put in prison on charges of assault and attempted murder when he was younger. That all seems hard to believe now, doesn’t it? 6. Chris Brown Okay, so maybe you did know about this one, but we still needed to include it. Chris Brown was convicted of felony assault, but managed to get a plea deal to keep himself out of prison. View Slideshow

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18 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Convicted Felons

GOP Debate Bad Lip Reading: Don’t Go Around the Tuna!

You might think that the first Republican primary debate couldn't possibly get any funnier, but the folks at Bad Lip Reading are about to prove you wrong. Yes, they've given you bad lip reads of the NFL and the priceless comedy of the Redneck Avengers , but now the BLR crew is taking on its easiest target yet: Trump. Gone are the ridiculous attacks on Rosie O'Donnell . Instead, we get Trump's true feelings on tuna melts and more information than we'd like about what they do to his digestive tract. There's also talk of dead mice on crescent rolls, Chris Christie's views on potatoes (He likes 'em!) and Rand Paul's thoughts on frozen babies. Actually, that last one might be a topic the candidates actually touched on in the real debate. We're not sure; we tend to briefly lose consciousness after listening to the Donald speak.    

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Lindsay Lohan: Sued For Acting Like Lindsay Lohan!

Brace yourself for some news that’s sure to shock you to your very core: Lindsay Lohan is getting sued ! We kid, of course. LiLo gets sued all the time. What’s different about this case is that we can actually sympathize with the idiotic behavior that will soon once again land Lindsay in LA County Court. (Where she probably has her own coffee mug at this point.) According to TMZ, Lindsay is being sued by her former driver for stiffing him on his bill. All told, she owes close to $28,000. Not exactly chump change, and we can see why the dude is pissed, but it’s important to note that the bill is for services rendered between August 23, 2012 and October 21, 2012, a time when Linds really had a lot on her plate. It may not have been the absolute craziest period in Lindsay’s life, but here’s a rundown of what she had going on: Her father staged an “emergency intervention” and the police were called. She was arrested for a hit and run . She brought jewel thieves to a party and, as jewel thieves are wont to do, they robbed the place. You get the idea. All of this reminds us of the old days. Hell, we can sit here all day and reminisce about the crazy court cases Linds has been involved with. Remember the time she sued the makers Grand Theft Auto because she thought she had a license on wearing bikinis and being blonde?! Ah, memories. Anyway, the moral of this story is: Lindsay Lohan will always be in debt, her life will always be a mess, and she will always have an excuse for “forgetting” to pay you.  So just don’t provide her any services, ever. Except for you, taxi drivers. We can’t have this booze sponge out on the road after a night out.

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Lindsay Lohan: Sued For Acting Like Lindsay Lohan!

Josh Duggar: Revealed to Be Ashley Madison Client!

A new scandal appears ready to hit Josh Duggar and his family. According to data released by the hackers of Ashley Madison, Duggar (a married father of four) was a client of this controversial adult website. Last month, hackers announced that they had infiltrated Ashley Madison – an online property that arranges for spouses to cheat on their significant others – and were prepared to unveil the identities of all 37 million users. Then, earlier this week, the hackers went ahead and dropped 9.7 gigabytes worth of stolen user account and payment information on a very curious public. Based on this released information , per Gawker, someone using a credit card belonging to Joshua J. Duggar – with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas often shown on TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting – paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions. These subscriptions lasted from February of 2013 until May of 2015. Moreover, the person who signed up for them checked off the following categories for his desire extramarital partner: Experimenting with Sex Toys Likes to Give Oral Sex Likes to Receive Oral Sex Bubble Bath for 2 Good With Your Hands This same individual, strongly believed to be Josh Duggar, listed himself as someone who is “disease free,” “a good listener,” in possession of an “average sex drive” and “good personal hygiene,” among other traits. In May, Duggar admitted that he sexually molested five young girls when he was 14 years old. The victims included members of his own family. The fallout from this bombshell has included TLC canceling 19 Kids and Counting , along with Duggar resigning from the Family Research Council, a lobbying group in D.C. that seeks “to champion marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society.” Soon after Duggar’s sexual abuse admission, wife Anna Duggar released a statement that absolved her husband of his sins. She wrote that Josh “humbled himself before God,” that he told her about his mistakes as a teenager and added: “I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.” She made these comments, of course, in reference to an incident that took place long before she met Josh. How will she react now that Josh has seemingly committed adultery (or at least tried very hard to commit adultery)? We may soon find out. Oh, and  Josh and Anna welcomed a baby girl in July.

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Josh Duggar: Revealed to Be Ashley Madison Client!

Yung Berg: Fired From Love & Hip Hop Hollywood After Attack on Masika Tucker!

Yung Berg has been fired from VH1’s Love & Hip Hop Hollywood following his alleged attack on his co-star and girlfriend Masika Tucker, the network confirms. Due to the “severity of the allegations” stemming from Yung Berg’s arrest for domestic assault after a confrontation with Tucker, VH1 wants no more of him. The reality star (a.k.a. Christian Ward, a.k.a. Hitmaka) was arrested early Wednesday, and charged with criminal obstruction of breathing, a misdemeanor. If convicted, he would face a maximum punishment of one year in jail. Police responded to a 911 call from the Gershwin Hotel in Manhattan saying that the rapper’s girlfriend, who also goes by Masika Kalysha, got attacked. Witnesses say the 29-year-old Yung Berg grabbed Masika by her neck, threw her to the ground, dragged her by the hair and punched her in the face. The cable network said in a statement releasing the star: “Based on the severity of the allegations against Yung Berg, VH1 is terminating its relationship with him in connection with Love & Hip Hop Hollywood.” “Yung Berg was arrested on November 5th and charged with criminal obstruction of breathing in connection with an assault on fellow cast member Masika Tucker.” “The arrest took place in a New York hotel several hours after the taping of the reunion special for Love & Hip Hop Hollywood had wrapped.” Berg’s termination takes place “effective immediately.” Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Cast Photos 1. Yung Berg Yung Berg is a recurring player on Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood. Emphasis on player? Masika has reportedly come to her man’s defense, blaming it on alcohol and an incident in which his credit card was turned down after the reunion show. Whether she stays with him or not remains to be seen. Yung Berg, who hails from Chicago, is also a producer and has worked with artists like TLC, Fifth Harmony, Sean “Diddy” Combs and Nicki Minaj. You can watch Love & Hip Hop Hollywood online to more of Berg, Masika, Teairra, Ray J, Princess, Morgan, Soulja Boy, Omarion, Hazel E and Mally Mall. There’s a pretty good chance there will be fights when you catch up on past episodes, as stuff certainly gets heated … but nothing like this altercation.

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Katy Perry Is In Mexico City Fangirling At Frida Kahlo’s House

While on tour in Mexico City, Katy Perry took the time to visit the house of legendary Mexican painter Frida Kahlo and totally fangirled out.

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Katy Perry Is In Mexico City Fangirling At Frida Kahlo’s House