Tag Archives: flower

Jinger Duggar in Pants: New Fashion Icon?

With each passing day, Duggar fans grow louder in demanding a Jinger Duggar pregnancy announcement . We don’t know when it will come. Some fans don’t know if it will come. In the mean time, Jinger still wears pants with her husband’s blessing, as you’ll see in two new photos below. This time, though, her fashion choices caused fans to ask some questions . And who better to talk women’s fashion than … Jeremy Vuolo? Jinger Duggar, as a family “rebel,” continues to be a little divisive among Duggar fans. Most conservative Christian families would be delighted at a woman who gets married right away to a conservative Christian man — without having premarital sex or any of the other, you know, things that most humans do. And sure, plenty of Duggar fans applaud Jinger for getting a husband who has a few theological differences with her father … (Of course, one of those differences is that Jeremy Vuolo thinks that the fundamentalist Duggars aren’t harsh enough against gay people, which … is a pretty extreme view) … and who allows her to wear pants. Other Duggar fans, however, continue to freak out whenever they see her wearing the devil’s leggings or whatever they think that pants are. Jeremy Vuolo shared this photo of Jinger — again wearing pants, and included the caption: “Standing outside Tenth Presbyterian Church where the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice pastored for 32 years. He was a remarkable gift to the church as a whole and is one of my and @jingervuolo’s favorite authors.” Boice was a conservative theologian noted for his devotion to the Christian concept of Biblical Inerrancy. Fans were less curious about dead religious thinkers and more about Jinger’s shoes. Fan comments were, though harmless compared to some of the hate that Duggars get on social media, definitely fashion-oriented. “Those shoes are giving me life! I need them in my life!” (Kind of weird to see phrasing by Duggar fans that you’d expect to hear on, like, RuPaul’s Drag Race ) “What kind of shoes does she have on?” It was Jeremy Vuolo who responded, lending his fashion expertise to identify the shoes as “Converse Chuck’s wedges.” (For those interested, the full name of the shoes is Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Lux Wedge Sneakers, which is a ridiculously long name for a line of sneakers) Odd to hear anyone looking to a Duggar daughter as a fashion icon or trendsetter though. Under this photo, Jeremy Vuolo used a quote for his caption: “‘A true wife is the husband’s better half, his flower of beauty, and his heart’s treasure. In her company he finds his earthly heaven; she is the light of his home, the comfort of his soul.’ ~ C.H. Spurgeon” Spurgeon was an 18th Century conservative theologian. He was a diehard Baptist who was also a noted abolitionist. Comments here were also less interested in religious doctrine or quotes about marriage, and instead commented on Jinger’s choice of clothing: “OMG they let her wear jeans.” (The “they” is literally just Jeremy Vuolo … we’ll get to that in a moment) “Omg Jinger you are STUNNING!” another fan wrote. “Those jeans look so nice on you!” That second compliment was a nice way of addressing the jeans-wearing without sounding ignorant. The first … well, if you keep up with the Duggar daughters on their adventures in adulthood, it can be frustrating to read comments from people who think that Jim Bob’s allowing this. Under the particular brand of Christian fundamentalism to which Jim Bob adheres, his daughters may not wear pants … until they are married off, at which point they are effectively the property of their husbands and their husbands can make those kinds of choices. Jeremy Vuolo has stated that he doesn’t believe that Jesus saves people to make them wear skirts, which sounds like sound theological reasoning to us. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar: Secrets & Scandals of the Family Rebel!

Jinger Duggar in Pants: New Fashion Icon?

Paris Jackson: Shows Off Tats, Sideboob in Flower Photos!

We’re always on the lookout for an update on Paris Jackson’s life. Maybe it’s a new photo, maybe it’s a meme. it’s actually usually a meme. This time, though, the 19-year-old model has shared two new  So, remember Paris Jackson’s new tattoo ? The one of the chakras that runs along her chest. She’s showing it off again, but this time she’s outdoors among some beautiful flowers. Plus, she’s flashing a little sideboob. That never hurts. Paris Jackson is full of life, love, and she’s so carefree! She’s also an intensely spiritual person . She has her detractors, because people love to hate celebrities — but also because some people can’t stand to see someone happy and want to try their best to ruin someone’s day. We’re not saying that we always agree with her on everything, though watching Paris Jackson bash white supremacy really warmed the cockles of our hearts. But given that her family’s tragedies (some of which are ongoing) create circumstances in which she could have been a miserable person who didn’t even make it to adulthood, we’re so happy that she’s found a life path that brings her a sense of fulfillment. Plus, she’s just a treat to follow. (We love memes!) Anyway, here’s the first of the two new pics that she shared: She tagged this photo and the next one: “I can feel the flower power.” Plus a flower emoji. She’s just precious. And, as we said, super spiritual with a New Agey vibe … but in a way that seems way more chill than, like, the way that some other folks can be. Like we said, she’s showing a little sideboob, there. Paris Jackson doesn’t shy away from sharing topless selfies , so some sideboob is nothing. She looks great, though! The next photo shows a much closer look at her latest tattoo. This tattoo has a powerful spiritual meaning, since it portrays the seven chakras. Paris recently posted to Instagram about the feelings of spiritual contentment that she achieves from really embracing the natural world. “I can honestly say that before this week, i have never been able to show my true form to more than one person at a time. being able to channel my higher self and just vibrate at a frequency where i am one with the fluidity of mama gaia as well as the beautiful souls i had the pleasure of creating with, has been a journey i will never forget.” There’s a lot of New Age spirituality that borrows from other faith traditions, like certain polytheistic faiths, and includes animistic beliefs. You can see a lot of that in Paris’ writing. “Embracing the gifts, facing my mortality, connecting with new and old friends. i thank everyone around me for this growth, the moon, mercury, my guides, and great spirit. i never want to lose this feeling.” Hey, for what it’s worth, we hope that she never loses this feeling, either. We’re happy to see her happy. If you still need a better look at that tattoo, here’s a glimpse with better lighting. Paris censored that herself, of course, per Instagram’s infamous hang-ups about women and their “scandalous” nip nops. Anyway, you don’t have to share Paris’ beliefs to admire her level of devotion to improving her life and maintaining her overall well-being. We think that it’s great that she continues to share so much of herself and personal journey with fans and followers. A lot of celebrity kids run from the spotlight, but Paris has found a powerful way to embrace it. And she can teach a lot of people about body positivity in the process.

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Paris Jackson: Shows Off Tats, Sideboob in Flower Photos!

Piece Water in a Booty with a Flower of the Day

Piece Water in a Booty with a Flower to celebrate what a lovely and beautiful product Piece Water is….for those of you who smoke weed in a water pipe / bong / etc….which should be all of you…because that’s what life is about…getting trippy…. I may not smoke weed, because I am a drunk, but the 22 year old girls I hang out with do, and they say that Piece Water solves every problem you would typically have smoking with a water pipe. Proof. It is an exclusive blend of safe-all- natural mineral, vegetable, and fruit extracts that work to prevent resin from forming within a bong, water pipe, or bubbler. It’s 100% All Natural and Absolutely Non-Toxic. Because who wants anything TOXIC…you’re smoking weed man, not Sythentic heroin….? So add Piece Water to a clean bong and the bong stay clean and clear from NO resin build up. When you are ready to change your bong’s piece water rinse the pipe with tap water and it will be clean! Piece Water acts as a filter of particulate matter and NO ONE wants PARTICULATE MATTER….which may make for a healthier smoke and HEALTHY is what you need. ? So don’t clean your bong, use your bong the right way, with an innovative product, because it will impress the ladies… ?I repeat because this is important the BENEFITS Are: ?1- Keeps Bongs and Rigs Clean While Smoking? 2- Eliminates Need To Clean Water Pipe With Harsh Chemicals (Just a quick rinse with tap water and the water pipe is clean!) ? 3- Acts as a filter of particulate matter, which makes for much cleaner and smoother hits! 4- Viscosity Produces Better Draw For A Deeper Pull? 5- Reduces Smell Between Water Changes ? 6- No Mixing Or Measuring Required? 7- Store in Refrigerator for Cool Hits 8- Much thicker than water, Piece Water is completely odorless, and tasteless. 9- NO MORE TOXIC CLEANERS! NO MORE SOAKING, SHAKING, AND SCRUBBING YOUR BONG 10- Looks good jammed up in a woman’s ass – but only if there’s a flower because it makes it more romantic… Piece Water comes in 12oz. bottles, and the best deal is 3 @ $25. SILKY SMOOTH HITS! CLEANER SMOKE! LESS SMELL! GOOD TIMES! MAGICAL! SO GET PIECE WATER HERE The post Piece Water in a Booty with a Flower of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Piece Water in a Booty with a Flower of the Day

Heidi Mount – Floral Pussy of the Day

I am going to assume that Heidi Mount is some kind of model, I am not going to bother googling her, because I am in a rush to find as many posts as I can of girls I don’t know, that I will call whores, because they are all whores….in efforts to populate this site no one reads and no one advertises on – because they think it’s weird, unclear, porno, offensive, creepy…whatever… I will argue the real creeps are the photographers or magazine editors telling some unsuspecting bitch to get naked – but don’t worry no one will see it – just put this flower in your cunt – and call it art….they’ll even crop all of her out in case she wants to be President one day – not that that will make a difference…I have a feeling the next President will be a cam girl or some shit… That said, let’s start today, like every other day, only with this Heidi Mount character…..done. The post Heidi Mount – Floral Pussy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Heidi Mount – Floral Pussy of the Day

Braxton Family Issues: Traci Braxton Calls Birdman’s Relationship With Her Sister Toni ‘Weird’—But You Won’t Believe Why

Chitchatter… Traci Braxton Speaks On Birdman & Toni Braxton’s Relationship During the 2016 ESSENCE Fest Traci Braxton walked the red carpet at the 365 Black Awards and answered questions about her sister’s new romance. As previously reported Toni’s enjoying some bizarre Birdman love… and Traci thinks it couldn’t be weirder. Why? Because Birdman is “like family.” “It’s almost like incest, it’s like kissing your brother in the mouth,” said Traci. Hip Hollywood reports: Traci Braxton is a little weirded out by her sister, Toni Braxton and Birdman’s alleged budding romance. HipHollywood caught up with the Braxton sister during Essence Festival in New Orleans and when asked how she feels about Birdman getting a “bad wrap” by folks, Traci responded, “I think so.” She then proceeded to tell us, “He’s been in the family for such a long time, so it’s like almost incest. It’s like kissing your brother in the mouth or something.” Braxton then used the term “good friends” before suggesting he’s simply “another flower on the wall.” As for hoping her sisters eventually get married, Traci explained, “as long as he treats her right. As girls, we are going to dominate the whole relationship anyway.” Uhhhhh….what? What do YOU think about Traci Braxton calling Toni’s relationship with Birmdan almost incestuous???

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Braxton Family Issues: Traci Braxton Calls Birdman’s Relationship With Her Sister Toni ‘Weird’—But You Won’t Believe Why

Jessica Alba: Did She Really Refuse To Give Drew Barrymore Business Advice?

There’s nothing quite as riveting as a new celebrity feud, but is Jessica Alba really on the outs with Drew Barrymore? It sure seems like these reports are coming from thin air.  Both Jessica Alba and Drew Barrymore are successful women. They each have a string of hit movies, so this one was always a little odd and pretty unbelievable. According to Star, Jessica Alba was not about to let Drew Barrymore become competition, so she “flat-out refused to help.” It’s great to see celebrities branch out, but they don’t always have to be arguing to get further. There is such a thing as going too far and it seems that’s exactly what has happened here.  It all sounds pretty crazy. They’re probably the least likely celebrities to become embroiled in a feud, so these “reports” do come as quite the shock. “Drew has done really well with her Flower Beauty brand and wants to expand,” and “with her recent divorce, she’s more focused than ever on her kids, Olive and Frankie, so she figured baby products were the way to go,” the source continued.  It all sounds pretty innocent on Drew’s part. They can both be successful, so all of this is a bitter pill to swallow.  The claims got crazier.  “Jessica even scoffed at the idea that Drew’s company could hold a candle to hers.” “Drew was floored — she just wanted to pick Jessica’s brain about a few ideas and thought moms stick together.” That’s not a way to treat one of your best friends. There is such a thing as competition, but this just comes across as malicious.  Sources confirmed to Gossip Cop that this DID NOT happen .  There we have it. It never happened.  Will they announce a joint business venture next?  What do you think about all of this?  Hit the comments below! View Slideshow: 14 of the Craziest Celebrity Twitter Feuds EVER

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Jessica Alba: Did She Really Refuse To Give Drew Barrymore Business Advice?

Jessica Alba: Did She Really Refuse To Give Drew Barrymore Business Advice?

There’s nothing quite as riveting as a new celebrity feud, but is Jessica Alba really on the outs with Drew Barrymore? It sure seems like these reports are coming from thin air.  Both Jessica Alba and Drew Barrymore are successful women. They each have a string of hit movies, so this one was always a little odd and pretty unbelievable. According to Star, Jessica Alba was not about to let Drew Barrymore become competition, so she “flat-out refused to help.” It’s great to see celebrities branch out, but they don’t always have to be arguing to get further. There is such a thing as going too far and it seems that’s exactly what has happened here.  It all sounds pretty crazy. They’re probably the least likely celebrities to become embroiled in a feud, so these “reports” do come as quite the shock. “Drew has done really well with her Flower Beauty brand and wants to expand,” and “with her recent divorce, she’s more focused than ever on her kids, Olive and Frankie, so she figured baby products were the way to go,” the source continued.  It all sounds pretty innocent on Drew’s part. They can both be successful, so all of this is a bitter pill to swallow.  The claims got crazier.  “Jessica even scoffed at the idea that Drew’s company could hold a candle to hers.” “Drew was floored — she just wanted to pick Jessica’s brain about a few ideas and thought moms stick together.” That’s not a way to treat one of your best friends. There is such a thing as competition, but this just comes across as malicious.  Sources confirmed to Gossip Cop that this DID NOT happen .  There we have it. It never happened.  Will they announce a joint business venture next?  What do you think about all of this?  Hit the comments below! View Slideshow: 14 of the Craziest Celebrity Twitter Feuds EVER

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Jessica Alba: Did She Really Refuse To Give Drew Barrymore Business Advice?

Preciousness: Cute And Cancer-Free Leah Still Serves As Flower Girl At Her Daddy Devon And Mother Asha’s Dream Wedding

Devon Still’s Daughter Leah Is Flower Girl At His Wedding After years of being too busy caring for their daughter Leah as she battled cancer to plan their perfect wedding, The Knot Dream Wedding stepped in to ensure that the Stills had a special day they’ll never forget. Well the big day finally came today, and the family finally got to solidify their union in a beautiful ceremony — with an excited Leah serving as her mother and father’s flower girl. Leah rocked a pretty pink gown and seemed like she couldn’t be happier for her parents: Too cute! This family has a lot to celebrate. Instagram

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Preciousness: Cute And Cancer-Free Leah Still Serves As Flower Girl At Her Daddy Devon And Mother Asha’s Dream Wedding

Sweet Black Love: MLK’s Granddaughter Serves As Flower Girl In Andrew Young’s Daughter’s Wedding

Congratulations! Andrew Young’s Daughter Married With MLK’s Daughter As Flower Girl Via AccessAtlanta Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s granddaughter, Yolanda Renee King, served as flower girl during the recent wedding of Andrea Idelle Young, daughter of former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, and art consultant Jerry Thomas Jr. The wedding was held March 8 at La Fontaine Bleue in Glen Burnie, Md. The bride, daughter of the former mayor and United Nations ambassador and the late Jean Childs Young, is an attorney and executive director of the Atlanta-based Andrew J. Young Foundation.The groom, also an attorney, is the founder of Jerry Thomas Arts, an art consulting and art brokerage firm that specializes in African and African American art.Both have family, business and educational ties to the Washington D.C. area. Andrea Young Thomas graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Law, and Jerry Thomas Jr., the son of Estell Thomas and the late Jerry Thomas Sr. of Washington, earned his law degree at George Washington University. Andrew Young, in attendance with his wife, Carolyn Young, escorted his daughter down the aisle. Olympic Gold Medalist Edwin Moses served as best man.The bride’s sisters, Paula Young Shelton and Lisa Young Alston, served as matrons of honor with Yolanda Renee King, the only grandchild of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, as flower girl.The groom’s brother, Rev. Nathaniel Thomas, conducted the ceremony. The couple met 2008 when Andrea Young visited Thomas’ in-home art gallery. Some 30 years before, while Thomas was serving as a Congressional aide, he met the man would be become his future father-in-law. It’s a beautiful thing to see black couples with such prestige and legacy joined to jump the broom. Flip it over to see more pics from the joyous occasion. Image via Erika Layne Photography

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Sweet Black Love: MLK’s Granddaughter Serves As Flower Girl In Andrew Young’s Daughter’s Wedding

Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici: Married!

Grammy Awards, schmammy awards. Reality TV lovebirds Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici were married in a live Bachelor TV wedding event Sunday night! His dad Jay officiated the ceremony and called the romance of the duo, who got engaged in late 2012, “an epic fairytale on display for the whole world to see.” Sean Lowe , 30, watched Giudici, 27, walk down the aisle in a Monique Lhuillier gown. Soon enough, the beautiful bride was tearing up as she read her vows. “The first time that I saw you, you were like a light to my bug. I had to find you. You mesmerize me with how brightly you shine,” Catherine told him at the altar. “Sometimes I feel like I’m going to explode by how much I love you … I’m completely consumed by you … I promise to love you after my heart bursts.” “You are my dream and my reality.” “From the moment I met you I wanted more. You had me hooked from the beginning and I didn’t want to let you go,” Sean Lowe then told Catherine Giudici . “We met in the strangest way possible … I know we met on The Bachelor so that I could fall in love with my best friend … Every day I am encouraged by your love and your selflessness.” “I’m going to love you for eternity.” The bridesmaids, including Giudici’s BFF from the season of The Bachelor where she met Sean, Lesley Murphy, also wore gowns designed by Monique Lhuillier. Sean Lowe’s niece and nephew, Kensington and Smith, served as the flower girl and ring bearer, and Cat’s nephew, Dylien, was a second ring bearer. In addition to the couple’s family and friends, there were several familiar faces from The Bachelor and Bachelorette worlds, including Trista and Ryan Sutter. Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum, Jason and Molly Mesnick, Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried, Arie Luyendyk, Jef Holm and others attended as well. Even Juan Pablo Galavis, the current star of the show (see The Bachelor spoilers to read how his journey for love turns out) was on hand for the event. Congratulations to the happy couple! Where are the rest of your Bachelor favorites these days, and are they still together with their final rose recipients? Scroll through the gallery below and find out … The Bachelor Couples: Are They Still Together? Open Slideshow 1. Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum are married. He won her heart on The Bachelorette. View As List 1. Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum are married. He won her heart on The Bachelorette. 2. Brad Womack and Emily Maynard Brad Womack and Emily Maynard did not last. He chose no one on his first stint on The Bachelor, making in 0-for-2. 3. Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi got engaged on The Bachelor. They broke up in epic fashion and did not last long, to the surprise of no one. 4. Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici got engaged on The Bachelor in 2013. They are set to wed in early 2014. 5. Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried got engaged on The Bachelorette in 2013. They are still a thing! 6. Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney got engaged, and married, and had a kid! After he dumped his final rose recipient Melissa Rycroft and chose Molly instead … close enough. 7. Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson got engaged on The Bachelor, and lasted for about a year. They broke up. 8. Emily Maynard and Jef Holm Emily Maynard and Jef Holm broke up really fast. She chose Jef with one F over Sean Lowe on The Bachelorette. Bad call. 9. Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez dated for a long while. They didn’t last, however. 10. Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski’s engagement was short-lived. She’s better off for it. 11. Jesse Csincsak and Deanna Pappas Jesse Csincsak and Deanna Pappas got engaged after The Bachelorette chose him over Jason Mesnick. Did not take. 12. Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter have been together so long, we forget that she was ever not Mrs. Ryan Sutter. They have been married for a decade and have two kids! 13. Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas These two lasted about four minutes.

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Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici: Married!