Tag Archives: united-nations

Elsewhere In The World: Nigerian Police Liberate Six Teenage Girls Under 17-Years-Old Found In Baby Factory

It’s sad young girls are forced to give birth. Could you imagine spitting out babies like a machine? Police Liberate Nigerian Baby Factory According to Raw Story Nigerian police on Wednesday said they had found six pregnant teenage girls in a raid on a house and arrested three people suspected of planning to sell their babies. It was the second so-called baby-factory uncovered in a week in the west African nation. “We acted on intelligence information and raided the house in Enugu (city) where we met six girls, under 17 and all pregnant, and freed them,” police spokesman Ebere Amaraizu in southeastern Enugu state told AFP. He said two men and a woman believed to be operating a child trafficking ring were arrested during the raid on Monday and were cooperating with police. Amaraizu said the girls had been “lured into the house with a promise of some money after” delivering a child. “Investigation will unravel the details. We have to know how they came about the pregnancy and where they came from,” he said. Monday’s raid came five days after police in nearby Imo State freed 17 pregnant girls and 11 small children from a home in the town of Umuaka. The girls, aged between 14 and 17, told police that they had been impregnated by a 23-year-old man who is currently in custody. The owner of the building is on the run. Nigerian police have uncovered a series of alleged baby factories in recent years, notably in the southeastern part of the country, but the intended buyers of the children have not been established. Human trafficking, including the selling of children, is the third most common crime in Nigeria behind fraud and drug trafficking, the United Nations cultural organization (UNESCO) has said. In May of 2011 in southeastern Abia state, police freed 32 pregnant girls who said they had been offered to sell their babies for between 25,000 and 30,000 naira ($191), depending on the sex of the baby. Another 17 pregnant girls were discovered in southern Anambra state in October 2011 under similar circumstances. Unfortunately, this type of thing happens in almost every country, even America. SMH.

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Elsewhere In The World: Nigerian Police Liberate Six Teenage Girls Under 17-Years-Old Found In Baby Factory

Barack Puts Senators McCain And Lindsey Graham On Blast For Throwing Shade At Susan Rice

Obama isn’t taking any isht from the GOP anymore! POTUS just nominated Susan Rice as his candidate for Secretary of State and, while she may be the current Ambassador to the United Nations, some shady azz Republicans like John McCain are already throwing false accusations her way. According to The Huffington Post : In a series of media appearances on Wednesday, Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) pledged they would do everything in their power to block the possible nomination of Susan Rice, the current ambassador to the United Nations, as secretary of state. The senators have based their objection on Rice’s role in disseminating the White House’s version of events in the days immediately after the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. At the time, Rice told several television stations that the attack, which left four Americans including the U.S. ambassador to Libya dead, was not believed to be related to terrorism. Administration officials later acknowledged that this was incorrect, and said the misleading information was the product of incomplete “talking points” from the intelligence community, although Republicans on Capitol Hill believe the White House knew the truth sooner. To McCain, Graham, and a small cadre of colleagues, this is enough to disqualify Rice from a cabinet-level job. “Susan Rice should have known better, and if she didn’t know better, she’s not qualified,” McCain said Wednesday during an appearance on Fox News. “I will do everything in my power to block her from being the United States secretary of state.” In his press conference Wednesday afternoon, Obama took umbrage with this line of attack. “If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and others want to go after someone, they should go after me,” he said. “And I’m happy to have that discussion with them. But for them to go after the United Nations ambassador, who had nothing to do with Benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intel she had received, and to besmirch her reputation, is outrageous.” Obama also said Rice never had a choice about whether to appear on the talk shows to discuss Benghazi. “She made an appearance at the request of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her,” he said. Some Democrats have said that the Benghazi-related attack on Rice brings to mind another secretary of state nominee, Condoleezza Rice: Her appointment by the Bush administration was opposed by those who felt her advancement of the mistaken notion that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq similarly disqualified her from the office. During a 2002 appearance on CNN, Condoleezza Rice had said that while “there will always be some uncertainty” about the intelligence, “we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.” When she was later nominated for secretary of state, by which point it had become clear that there were no WMD in Iraq, both McCain and Graham publicly defended her appointment despite the misstatements. Graham and his allies denounced this comparison, saying that Condoleezza Rice’s statements at the time reflected the widely agreed upon understanding of the intelligence community, while Susan Rice should have opted not to speak on the subject without more certainty.”When it comes to Condoleezza Rice, we’re not the only country that thought he was trying to get weapons of mass destruction,” Graham said. These guys just keep making themselves look more and more ridiculous! Images via Getty

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Barack Puts Senators McCain And Lindsey Graham On Blast For Throwing Shade At Susan Rice

A “Lil Positivity”: Beyonce And The United Nations Come Together For A Global Campaign Initiative

Beyonce is going to work with The United Nations on a global scale and the new campaign is encouraging people all over the world to get involved : The international pop star and songwriter Diane Warren will donate a video of “I Was Here” that will be filmed in the UN General Assembly Hall in New York in front of a live audience. The video will premiere Aug. 19 on World Humanitarian Day and the UN hopes it will help the campaign reach 1 billion people. The campaign website launched today.  Bey says she’s excited to work on the project and that “this is our time to leave our mark on the world.” Aw how nice. Isn’t that special? Source

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A “Lil Positivity”: Beyonce And The United Nations Come Together For A Global Campaign Initiative

Jesus Take The Wheel: Florida Pastor Burns Copies Of Koran Outside Of Church…Again

Florida Pastor Burns Copies Of Koran This guy is at it again… An Islamophobic pastor in Florida is playing with fire once again. Terry Jones, who sparked international outrage in 2010 when he vowed to burn copies of the Koran, ignited copies of the Islamic holy book outside his Dove World Outreach Center Saturday night, according to the Gainsville Sun. The pastor — who once promised he would “not ever” burn a Koran — also burned an image depicting the prophet Muhammad, the newspaper reported. Jones carried out the incendiary act along with about 20 others to protest the imprisonment of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, a Christian jailed in Iran since 2009 for his religious beliefs, according to the Christian Post. “Our end result is we would like to have these things brought in front of the United Nations,” Jones told the newspaper. “We would like Islam-dominated countries to adapt at least some form of human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion rights; individual rights [and] civil rights. That would be the outcome that we would desire.” Jones has denied his actions were responsible for any violence. The Gainsville fire department and police quickly arrived after Saturday’s incident. Jones was fined nearly $300 when fire officials said he did not have the proper authorization to burn books, the Gainsville Sun reported. Jones, a former hotel manager turned preacher, first gained notoriety two years ago for placing “Islam is of the Devil” signs outside his church. He then sparked headlines, and condemnation, when he organized “International Burn-a-Koran Day.” Jones eventually called off that Koran burning event. “We feel that God has told us to stop,” he said at the time. However, in 2011, a member of his church burned a Koran and streamed it live via the Internet. That incident was blamed for fueling violent protests in Afghanistan and Indonesia. Source

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Florida Pastor Burns Copies Of Koran Outside Of Church…Again

50 Cent Recruits Pauly D, Joan Rivers For Street King Campaign

MC tells MTV News why he enlisted the ‘real oddball group’ to promote his new energy drink. By Jocelyn Vena 50 Cent Photo: MTV News NEW YORK — 50 Cent got some unusual help for his first Street King energy drink commercial. The mogul and rapper recruited “Jersey Shore” star Pauly D (who is signed to his G-Note record label ) and comedy legend Joan Rivers to help spread the gospel of the newest beverage on the block. The trio gathered at Planet Fitness in upper Manhattan to promote Street King, and MTV News was on hand as 50 and Rivers chewed scenery together. At one point, a caffeinated Rivers even used her feminine wiles to try to seduce the beefy MC. Did it work? Well, fans will have to see if he succumbs to her. Getting Rivers and Pauly onboard was all in the rapper’s master plan to get everyone interested in what he’s selling. “We[‘re] actually shooting the first commercial for my Street King project,” he dished in between takes. “It’s exciting, I got Joan Rivers here. I got Pauly D, a real oddball group. We felt like it would hit different targeted audiences.” However, it’s not just about selling drinks for profit. Fiddy is also using the product for a good cause. “When I developed the concept for this actual project, we thought about my experiences traveling in Africa,” he explained. “And I wanted to do something ’cause of how bad famine does in Africa. So we partnered with United Nations World Food Program in order to provide a meal with every actual energy drink. So I’m excited about that.” Related Artists 50 Cent

50 Cent Recruits Pauly D, Joan Rivers For Street King Campaign

Hi Hater: The Crypt Keeper Joan Rivers Talks Smack About Angelina Jolie’s Bulimic Betty Swag… “She Looked Like A Fool At The Oscars!”

Jennifer Aniston is somewhere laughing… hysterically. Angelina Jolie ’s bizarre leg thrust Sunday night at the 2012 Academy Awards almost stole the show, but it didn’t earn her any friends among the sharpest tongued ladies in town. Via Radaronline : “Angelina Jolie looked like a fool the way she posed,” Rivers exclusively told RadarOnline.com. “She took herself right out of that super star category because you now realize she stands in front of a mirror to figure out [what she looks like.]” Her daughter Melissa Rivers agreed: “She was demystified! She demystified herself and it’s unfortunate because it always looks so effortless, and you think how can one person be so glamorous? It’s because she practices!” “Have you ever seen anybody stand with their hand on a hip with a leg thrown out to open an envelope? No. and you want to say, you idiot! You brought us back to the fact we’ve all forgotten that you used to wear blood around your neck and French kiss your brother!” When asked about Angelina’s ever increasingly small frame and super skinny arms, Joan made a remark that many are likely to find offensive. “That looks like Auschwitz adjacent.” She mused that the curtain has been pulled back on the façade Angelina Jolie has created. “This is the first stupid move she’s made. She handles her own pr, career and it’s all been very thought out. She turned around from kissing her brother on the carpet to being a representative of the United Nations and she’s done it all. She turned herself around to be a super star and you go whoops! Maybe she had a drink?” Do you think Mommy Banger Angelina looked a hot mess Oscar night or is Joan and her melted candle face just mad??? GettyImages More On Bossip! Stand By Your Man: Rihanna Is In Full Support Of Chris “Gimme Dat” Brown While He Awaits Word On Cell-Phone-Stealing Charges, Sends Lyrical Sub-Tweets About Getting Him Back! Exhibitionists Pt. 1: The Most Revealing Celebrity Twitpics Of All Time Matrimony-dom: Evelyn Lozada Spills The Beans About Her Wedding Plans With Chad Ochocinco! Jesus Take The Men’s Wearhouse Card: The Funniest Photoshop Pictures Of Jaheim’s Blue Suit [Photos]

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Hi Hater: The Crypt Keeper Joan Rivers Talks Smack About Angelina Jolie’s Bulimic Betty Swag… “She Looked Like A Fool At The Oscars!”

Reality Check: 500,000 Haitian People Still Living In Tents On The Two Year Anniversary Of The January 12 Earthquake [PICS]

It doesn’t even seem like it’s been that long , does it? Sadly, Haitians have grown used to seeing earthquake rubble and the makeshift camps that sprang up after that fateful day in January 2010. The United Nations, Haitian officials and private aid agencies have said that Haiti has made strides in the two years since the quake. But few deny that recovery has been painfully slow. All you have to do is look at Leocal. And she might be considered one of the lucky ones. She has a “home,” however modest. The United Nations estimated the 7.0-magnitude earthquake affected nearly 3 million people and killed about 220,000. More than 1.5 million people were left homeless in a country that was already the poorest in the Western hemisphere and wracked by crisis. Consider that 70% of Haitians did not have stable jobs before the quake and there were only 5.9 doctors per 10,000 residents. Two years later, almost as many Haitians are still unemployed. Debris still clutters the capital and other places. About half the rubble, the equivalent of five football stadiums full, has been removed, according to the United Nations. About half a million people are still homeless. Many still live in tents in the shadows of the collapsed presidential palace, perhaps the most visible symbol of Haiti’s misery. “You can’t stay on the streets,” Leocal said. “If that’s what you have, you have to rebuild.” She is not alone in her frustration. Thousands of Haitians marched Wednesday through Port-au-Prince to the Parliament building to demand a reform of land laws so they can be freed to build homes, said Marjorie Bertrand Dumornay, coordinator of the grass-roots campaign funded by ActionAid Haiti. “The rebuilding process is mostly led by the foreigners,” she said. “There is no national plan. The Haitian state does not have the will.” Michel Martelly, the former pop star who was elected president last year partly because he presented a fresh face in Haitian politics, campaigned on a pledge to fix Haiti. But it took him months to even form a government and he recently said that motivating people to move in the nation’s “culture of immobilism” has been a challenge. Standing recently on a site where he said more than 600 families had been living in tents until just days ago, Martelly said the government was able to relocate them in housing. The project, he said, cost $9 million because damaged homes had to be either repaired or reconstructed. He acknowledged that many thousands are still waiting. “But it’s about sending the signal,” he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “It’s not about having the magic stick and making the problem disappear in one day. If you plant a tree today, in order to enjoy the shadow, you have to wait five years. So changing Haiti is going to take time and healing the wounds is going to take time.” Here’s wising the Haitian people continued progress in their healing and rebuilding. Take a look at pictures taken in Haiti over the past on the flip.

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Reality Check: 500,000 Haitian People Still Living In Tents On The Two Year Anniversary Of The January 12 Earthquake [PICS]

People’s Choice Awards Face-Off: Demi Lovato vs. Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens introduced Demi Lovato at the People’s Choice Awards last night, prior to the singing coming out and underwhelming us with a performance of “Give Your Heart a Break.” So it’s only appropriate that these two are linked here, in the latest edition of a THG Fashion Face-Off. Both stars chose a dress for the event that highlighted a certain section of their bodies; for Demi it was the chest region; for Vanessa, the back. Do you prefer one style over another? Did Lovato go too far with her cleavage accentuation? Which look do you like best? Decide now.

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People’s Choice Awards Face-Off: Demi Lovato vs. Vanessa Hudgens

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt Discuss Plight of Refugees With President Obama

Angelina Jolie has spent plenty of time in Washington, D.C., as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador, but yesterday, she visited the White House with Brad Pitt. There, they enjoyed a private meeting with President Barack Obama! The leader of the free world and Hollywood’s most famous couple dissected the New Hampshire primary . Kidding. They discussed a cause dear to Angelina’s heart … The plight of women caught up in war zones – such as the one depicted in her film The Land of Blood and Honey – and how the U.S. can get involved combating mass violence against civilians in troubled areas was Brangelina’s reason for visiting. Pitt, who has consulted with Obama regarding his plans for the redevelopment of New Orleans’ hurricane-ravaged Lower Ninth Ward, talked about that as well. You have to respect the couple’s commitment to these causes. No word on whether Secret Service confiscated Brad Pitt’s cane before he met with Obama. [Photos: WENN.com]

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Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt Discuss Plight of Refugees With President Obama

‘In The Land Of Blood And Honey’: The Reviews Are In!

‘No one should be surprised that Angelina Jolie is as capable behind the camera as in front of it,’ one critic says of globetrotting Oscar winner. By Kara Warner Zana Marjanovic in “In the Land of Blood and Honey” Photo: GK Films For her directorial debut, “In the Land of Blood and Honey,” Angelina Jolie chose to helm a harrowing, unrelenting drama set against the backdrop of the Bosnian War that highlights the horrors of the ethnic conflict that ravaged the region in the 1990s. To say that it is not a feel-good film is an understatement. The critics are almost completely divided on whether Jolie’s effort, which scored a Golden Globe nomination for Best Foreign Film, is a success. Read on as we sift through the reviews of “In the Land of Blood and Honey.” The Story “Eight years ago Jolie starred in a film, ‘Beyond Borders,’ in which she sashayed around global hot spots in elegant outfits like a fashion model on a shoot. Almost as if in atonement, ‘Blood and Honey’ is nothing like that, quite the contrary, in fact, as it centers on the queasy relationship between a captor, a Serbian army officer responsible for rounding up Muslims or otherwise making them disappear in Bosnia, and a female prisoner, a woman he was interested in prior to the war and is now able to exploit, but also protect, as his ‘personal property.’ ” — Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter The Direction “Because Jolie is known for her very public passions, which have progressed from the relative simplicity of the carnal to a globally-oriented expression of the maternal, the relatively sedate tone of ‘In the Land of Blood and Honey’ is unexpected. The systematic use of rape as a weapon of war is depicted with discretion (the brutality was far more vivid in ‘The Whistleblower,’ another 2011 Bosnian war-themed release). Jolie might show a shrieking woman being carried away by a soldier in the background, but she keeps much of the horror offscreen, at a remove from Ajla. Meanwhile, her scenes with Danijel read as lovers taking pleasure in each other’s company, legs and limbs tangled languidly in the sheets. … No one should be surprised that Angelina Jolie is as capable behind the camera as in front of it; why wouldn’t she be? Here’s an Oscar winner who travels the world on behalf of the United Nations listening to horror stories from refugees; processing pain is a regular sideline for her.” — Mary Pols, Time The Performances “Jolie’s actors [Zana Marjanovic, Goran Kostic, Vanesa Glodjo], all from the former Yugoslavia and unknown in the West except for the superb veteran character actor Rade Serbedzija, give magnetic, raw performances. Their commitment helps us through a movie that is often harrowing, never less than intense but important, one unafraid of moments too many have chosen to forget.” — Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News The Final Word “Considering the historical, ethical and technical challenges in the mix — a first-time director recreating a war of ethnic cleansing on a bombs-and-bullets level, with charged issues or power and abuse, along with the challenge of shooting in a second language in a foreign land — it is not patronizing to suggest that Ms. Jolie’s first film is an ambitious step forward that promises more, and better, in the future. The film may have more in ambition than it does in execution, but it deserves to be taken seriously as a debut by someone who may yet be as natural and assured behind the camera as she seems to be in front of it.” — James Rocchi, MSN.com Check out everything we’ve got on “In the Land of Blood and Honey.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com .

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‘In The Land Of Blood And Honey’: The Reviews Are In!