Tag Archives: filed

Cindy Crawford — What a Piece of Aft!

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Hot Bodies , Hot Mamas Looking at a supermodel in a bathing suit never gets old … just like Cindy Crawford.The ageless 43-year-old mother of two showed off her ridiculous body on a yacht in St

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Cindy Crawford — What a Piece of Aft!

Don’t Kiss Paula’s Ass Goodbye … Just Yet

Filed under: American Idol The door isn’t completely slammed on Paula Abdul …Multiple “American Idol” insiders are telling TMZ there is a chance Paula will come back to the show. Reality — better than a good chance. We’re told the conflict is ultimately all about money …

Go here to read the rest:
Don’t Kiss Paula’s Ass Goodbye … Just Yet

Tyler — Walk This Way … to the Hospital

Filed under: Nurse! Falling in love is so hard on the knees — but falling on stage, that’s hard for your head, shoulder and neck.Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler was airlifted to the hospital last night after falling from a stage in South Dakota midway through a …

Excerpt from:
Tyler — Walk This Way … to the Hospital

Tom Sizemore Popped for Domestic Violence

Filed under: Celebrity Justice It’s been 70 days since his last arrest — and actor Tom Sizemore is already back behind bars! TMZ has learned the former “Black Hawk Down” star was arrested in L.A. late last night after an argument with a woman allegedly became physical. Sizemore …

Excerpt from:
Tom Sizemore Popped for Domestic Violence

Abdul — Simon ‘Misses Me Already’

Filed under: American Idol , Ryan Seacrest It hasn’t even been 48 hours since she quit “American Idol” — but Paula Abdul claims Simon Cowell is already missing her like crazy! The ex-judge was at JFK yesterday, where she called the situation “overwhelming” — but insisted the drama wouldn’t … Permalink

Read more:
Abdul — Simon ‘Misses Me Already’

WoW! Sam Rami Directing Warcraft Movie

WoW! Sam Rami Directing Warcraft Movie . July 22nd, 2009 by Jay Tomio | Filed under Fantasy, Movie , News. Blizzard Entertainment has announced that Sami Raimi has been brought on to direct the film adaptation of the fabulously popular …

See the article here:
WoW! Sam Rami Directing Warcraft Movie

Wondertrash: Ryan & Scarlett adopt, Lindsey Lohan for real

The Bachelorette Finale Spoilers – The Bachelorette Finale Spoilers – Thespreadit * The Bachelorette Finale Spoilers * – The Bachelor Finale Spoilers have leaked ,so if you want the last episod… 35 minutes ago …

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Wondertrash: Ryan & Scarlett adopt, Lindsey Lohan for real

Reality TV Spoilers.net: "Bachelorette" Jillian Eliminates Reid

Next week is the “Men Tell All” special followed the week after by the big finale .

See the original post here:
Reality TV Spoilers.net: "Bachelorette" Jillian Eliminates Reid

Bachelorette 5 finale spoilers: Jillian will have 2 wedding …

The Bachelorette finale will air Monday, March 2 from 8-10 p.m., followed by the standard “After the Final Rose” special from 10-11. The Bachelorette finale spoilers come again.

Then, as Bachelor host-pimp Chris Harrison said on Monday night’s episode, there will be a second “After the Final Rose: Part 2″ special on Tuesday, March 3.

Why a second special in an “intimate” setting after a “shocking” finale?

The Bachelorette finale spoilers below may shock you. They may appall you. They may thrill you. In any case, people will be talking about this potentially epic conspiracy theory.

If you do not wish to read The Bachelorette finale spoilers, turn back now.

A dude who calls himself Reality Steve, and says he has inside information on good authority, claims the following events happen as The Bachelor season concludes:

The promo that supposedly shows Jason Mesnick proposing to Melissa Rycroft – “given away” by her pinky ring and freckles – was real (and released on purpose). Jason chose Melissa in New Zealand. No editing.

However, right now, Jason and Melissa are not together. Moreover …

At some point between the proposal in New Zealand and the taping of the first “After the Final Rose” special, Jason began secretly dating Molly Malaney.

the Bachelorette finale spoilers: 1st part

The first “After the Final Rose” special was filmed on January 18, rather than the week before the finale airs, as is the show’s custom. In that hour, Jason ends his engagement with Melissa, and announces his relationship with Molly.

the Bachelorette finale spoilers: 2nd part

The reason the second “After the Final Rose” special was added is to tell us Jason and Molly’s story. Whether there is a marriage proposal involved is still anyone’s guess, but the special will update us on their relationship.

Follow the jump for a nearly half-hour breakdown of this Bachelor insider’s theory, as well as some of the major unanswered questions that remain if this Bachelor spoiler / conspiracy theory is truly to be believed …

The man makes a compelling case, and his blog seems to back up his past claims. But if we are to believe this Bachelorette finale spoilers, then we have to ask …

the Bachelorettes finale spoilers theories

Did Melissa Rycroft know any of this was happening?

What role did Molly Malaney play in the whole charade?

Was DeAnna Pappas’ return merely a red herring to throw us off?

Did ABC come to Jason Mesnick with this scenario – and did he intentionally do this to Melissa knowing he was getting rid of her that whole time?

What about the seemingly great chemistry between Jason and Melissa?

How could Jason have dated Molly in secret since the show ended when he and the two finalists on The Bachelor have been under lock and key?

Jason said in interviews he was engaged and happy – was that a lie? Who was he talking about? Does it depend on when the interviews took place?

Fashion Spoiler: Jillian Harris' Nadri Necklace and Cennamo …

Fashion Spoiler : Jillian Harris’ Nadri Necklace and Cennamo Couture Dress from The Bachelorette Finale . FILED UNDER: Fashion Spoilers , Features, The Bachelorette . Posted: July 10, 2009 by catwalker | LEAVE A COMMENT …

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Fashion Spoiler: Jillian Harris' Nadri Necklace and Cennamo …