Tag Archives: fundamental

Racist Fort Worth Cop Arrests Black Mother Who Called HIM For Help After Neighbor Assaulted Her 7-Year-Old

Fort Worth Officer Arrests Distraught Black Mother Who Called Him For Help A Fort Worth mother, disturbed by her neighbor’s actions toward her 7-year-old son, called an officer to help her properly confront the neighbor about his actions. Instead, she was spoken down to, antagonized, and ultimately arrested herself. The mother needed assistance as a white man allegedly choked her seven-year-old son after he supposedly littered. The man ordered him to pick up the paper he dropped, and assaulted the little boy when he wouldn’t comply. The child immediately told his mother what happened, at which point she called the police to confront the man. The cop’s response? “Well why didn’t you teach your son not to litter?” UNBELIEVABLE. The mother naturally got upset with the officer’s line of questioning and expressed as much, at which point the officer escalated the situation and ended up arresting the mother for getting too “Mouthy” with him. Meanwhile the grown man who chokes first-graders over trash hasn’t been asked a single thing. The Fort Worth Police Department addressed the issue , since it went viral on social media, and say that the clearly racist officer has been put on “restricted duty” while they continue the investigation into what happened. We guess the video clearly showing what happened isn’t quite clear enough… We doubt their “findings” will conclude much more than “officers get to do whatever they want.” SMH. At least no one was shot or killed this time… According to CBS , the executive director of the ACLU of Texas, Terri Burke released the following statement on the matter: “We regret that the FWPD is giving the officer 48 hours to prepare his report on the incident. That leaves us with only the video on which to rely for information. When the mother of a seven-year-old boy calls the police to report an assault on her son, the responding officer should expect to find her distraught. In this instance, the officer ignored basic community policing standards and his own responsibility to de-escalate the confrontation. This incident and countless others like them demonstrate that for people of color, showing anything less than absolute deference to police officers —regardless of the circumstances — can have unjust and often tragic consequences. This fundamental injustice is also a threat to public safety. If a Black woman in Fort Worth can’t call the cops after her son is allegedly choked by a neighbor without getting arrested, why would she ever call the cops again?” Ridiculous. SMH. Facebook

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Racist Fort Worth Cop Arrests Black Mother Who Called HIM For Help After Neighbor Assaulted Her 7-Year-Old

No Isht Sherlock: Forensic Science Reveals The Real Face Of Jesus Christ And Ain’t No Blonde Hair Or Blue Eyes Bih!

Forensic Science Reveals The Real Face Of Jesus Christ What does Jesus look like you to you? According to Esquire reports and forensic evidence Christ wasn’t rocking blonde locks and blue eyes… From the first time Christian children settle into Sunday school classrooms, an image of Jesus Christ is etched into their minds. In North America he is most often depicted as being taller than his disciples, lean, with long, flowing, light brown hair, fair skin and light-colored eyes. Familiar though this image may be, it is inherently flawed. A person with these features and physical bearing would have looked very different from everyone else in the region where Jesus lived and ministered. Surely the authors of the Bible would have mentioned so stark a contrast. On the contrary, according to the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane before the Crucifixion, Judas Iscariot had to indicate to the soldiers whom Jesus was because they could not tell him apart from his disciples. Further clouding the question of what Jesus looked like is the simple fact that nowhere in the New Testament is Jesus described, nor have any drawings of him ever been uncovered. There is the additional problem of having neither a skeleton nor other bodily remains to probe for DNA. In the absence of evidence, our images of Jesus have been left to the imagination of artists. The influences of the artists’ cultures and traditions can be profound, observes Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi, associate professor of world Christianity at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta. “While Western imagery is dominant, in other parts of the world he is often shown as black, Arab or Hispanic.” And so the fundamental question remains: What did Jesus look like? We all know Jesus didn’t look like Brad Pitt with a wig on….

Original post:
No Isht Sherlock: Forensic Science Reveals The Real Face Of Jesus Christ And Ain’t No Blonde Hair Or Blue Eyes Bih!

Candice Swanepoel’s Titty for Instagram of the Day

Candice Swanepoel posted a bare tit to instagram…and that’s not very christian Victoria’s Secret….your model’s a titty model now….Scandalous….. Interesting how this favoritism thing works..Candice Swanepoel…an angel sent from Victoria’s Secret….posts a pic of her tit on instagram and she gets 50,000 likes….I post a picture of a girl in a her bra and panties on my instagram ….and I get deleted….4 fucking times… I am not complaining….I mean I like looking at tit as much as the next guy…especially Candice Swanepoel’s tit…since she’s my soul mate and I write love songs for her…and I think instagram should be all tits…but the fundamental root of this evil is rich, famous, popular getting a way with breaking the rules…and me getting flagged as a fucking porn site…. I am not complaining…I just find it funny that for years, I am talking 9 years that I’ve been doing this….advertisers would blow me off and call me a porn site…while sites they were advertising on posted the same fucking content….making me the worst mainstream site and the worst porn site…all into one….. So those people are millionaires now….I am still a hurtbag…and it doesn’t all work out in the end….but at least I get to stare at titties in the process…in Arab countries bare tit is worth more than their black gold….Oil…. Here’s the ever lovely Candice Swanepoel breaking the rules in protest….for titties to be seen as art not smut…. TO SEE HUNDREDS OF AMAZING PICS OF HER MODELING HER BIKINI IN ST BARTS THE LAST TWO DAYS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the article here:
Candice Swanepoel’s Titty for Instagram of the Day

Step One: Abandon All Your Principles


See original here:

Andrew Klavan weighs in on Terry Jones, Koran-burning, and the surrender of our fundamental rights: Hat tip: CB3. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gates of Vienna Discovery Date : 21/04/2011 21:49 Number of articles : 4

Step One: Abandon All Your Principles

Angelina Jolie Makes Plea on Behalf of Libyan Refugees

With dangerous protests taking place in Libya, Angelina Jolie released a statement today that takes up the cause of refugees fleeing the troubled country, along with those in Africa’s Cote d’Ivoire. Said this UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador: “We don’t want to look back and find their deaths on our hands. As we witness these newest crises unfold in west and north Africa, it is critical that all parties respect the fundamental right of people in danger to flee to safety. All I’m asking is that civilians be protected, and not targeted or harmed.” Jolie has been in been in Kabul, Afghanistan this week, spending with with residents that are attempting to return home after a decade of exile. “We need to remember that if we don’t support these people in the long term to really get back on their feet, we will see a continued cycle of instability and new crises,” she said. Earlier this year, Jolie and Pitt donated $2 million to a Namibian wildlife refuge. As we often ask: how awesome is Angelina Jolie?!?

Read this article:
Angelina Jolie Makes Plea on Behalf of Libyan Refugees

Debate already aswirl for looming Civil War 150th anniversary

CHARLESTON, S.C. — At South Carolina's Secession Gala, men in frock coats and militia uniforms and women in hoopskirts will sip mint juleps as a band called Unreconstructed plays “Dixie.” In Georgia, they will re-enact the state's 1861 secession convention. And Alabama will hold a mock swearing-in of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Across the South, preparations are underway for the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. And although many organizations are working to incorporate both the black and the white experience, there are complaints that some events will glorify the Old South and the Lost Cause while overlooking the fundamental reason for the war: slavery. “It's almost like celebrating the Holocaust,” said Benard Simelton, president of the Alabama conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “Our rights were taken away and we were treated as less than human beings. To relive that in a celebratory way I don't think is right.” Mark Simpson, commander of the South Carolina Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, acknowledged that an event such as the Dec. 20 Secession Gala in Charleston is seen by some Americans as politically incorrect. But “to us it's part of our nature and our culture and our heritage.” “Slavery was a very big issue. Anyone who denies that has his head in a hole somewhere,” said Simpson, a Spartanburg businessman who counts 32 ancestors who fought for the South. “But slavery was not the single nor primary cause, and that's where the line gets drawn.” Read more: Debate already aswirl for looming Civil War 150th anniversary – The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/nationworld/ci_16836311?source=rss#ixzz17uJXuTMH Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: http://www.denverpost.com/termsofuse added by: Radical_Centrist

Scientists Say They Can Now Test String Theory

The idea of the “Theory of Everything” is enticing – that we could somehow explain all that is. String theory has been proposed since the 1960’s as a way to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity into such an explanation. However, the biggest criticism of String Theory is that it isn't testable. But now, a research team led by scientists from the Imperial College London unexpectedly discovered that that string theory also seems to predict the behavior of entangled quantum particles. As this prediction can be tested in the laboratory, the researchers say they can now test string theory. “If experiments prove that our predictions about quantum entanglement are correct, this will demonstrate that string theory 'works' to predict the behavior of entangled quantum systems,” said Professor Mike Duff, lead author of the study. String theory was originally developed to describe the fundamental particles and forces that make up our universe, and has a been a favorite contender among physicists to allow us to reconcile what we know about the incredibly small from particle physics with our understanding of the very large from our studies of cosmology. Using the theory to predict how entangled quantum particles behave provides the first opportunity to test string theory by experiment. But – at least for now – the scientists won’t be able to confirm that String Theory is actually the way to explain all that is, just if it actually works.” This will not be proof that string theory is the right 'theory of everything' that is being sought by cosmologists and particle physicists,” said Duff. “However, it will be very important to theoreticians because it will demonstrate whether or not string theory works, even if its application is in an unexpected and unrelated area of physics. “String theory is a theory of gravity, an extension of General Relativity, and the classical interpretation of strings and branes is that they are quantum mechanical vibrating, extended charged black holes.The theory hypothesizes that the electrons and quarks within an atom are not 0-dimensional objects, but 1-dimensional strings. These strings can move and vibrate, giving the observed particles their flavor, charge, mass and spin. The strings make closed loops unless they encounter surfaces, called D-branes, where they can open up into 1-dimensional lines. The endpoints of the string cannot break off the D-brane, but they can slide around on it. Duff said he was sitting in a conference in Tasmania where a colleague was presenting the mathematical formulae that describe quantum entanglement when he realized something. “I suddenly recognized his formulae as similar to some I had developed a few years earlier while using string theory to describe black holes. When I returned to the UK I checked my notebooks and confirmed that the maths from these very different areas was indeed identical. “Duff and his colleagues realized that the mathematical description of the pattern of entanglement between three qubits resembles the mathematical description, in string theory, of a particular class of black holes. Thus, by combining their knowledge of two of the strangest phenomena in the universe, black holes and quantum entanglement, they realized they could use string theory to produce a prediction that could be tested. Using the string theory mathematics that describes black holes, they predicted the pattern of entanglement that will occur when four qubits are entangled with one another. (The answer to this problem has not been calculated before.) Although it is technically difficult to do, the pattern of entanglement between four entangled qubits could be measured in the laboratory and the accuracy of this prediction tested. The discovery that string theory seems to make predictions about quantum entanglement is completely unexpected, but because quantum entanglement can be measured in the lab, it does mean that there is way – finally – researchers can test predictions based on string theory. But, Duff said, there is no obvious connection to explain why a theory that is being developed to describe the fundamental workings of our universe is useful for predicting the behavior of entangled quantum systems. “This may be telling us something very deep about the world we live in, or it may be no more than a quirky coincidence”, said Duff. “Either way, it's useful.” http://www.universetoday.com/72531/scientists-say-they-can-now-test-string-theor… added by: pjacobs51

Super Bowl ads show depressed men

Super Bowl advertisers know the aphorism: “I'm just watching it for the commercials” so they premiere their most entertaining commercials. Those ad slots are expensive, so every aspect is calculated. Research has gone into finding out what consumers will relate to. Jezebel catalogued some of those commercials that portray “pathetic men.”

Judge grants injunction against Congressional defunding of ACORN.

A US District Court judge has granted a preliminary injunction against last September's defunding of anti-poverty group ACORN by a vote of Congress. ACORN had filed a lawsuit claiming that Congress's action violated the explicit Constitutional prohibition against bills of attainder — punishments handed out to an isolated individual or group by legislative proceedings rather than through the courts.

See the original post:
Judge grants injunction against Congressional defunding of ACORN.

UK ISP cuts off alleged unauthorized file sharers

UK ISP Karoo has begun kicking alleged unauthorized file sharers off the Internet as part of the controversial “three strikes” policy designed to curb increased piracy.

See the original post here:
UK ISP cuts off alleged unauthorized file sharers